MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-v5 Chapter 2463 The emergence of a new civilization, the loyal dog of four-dimensional life!

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"and many more"

Boxing, "On the journey of human civilization to develop the Xinghai, there have been some star-space aliens. Many aliens have developed technology a long time ago, and even some aliens have the ability to make starships and travel the stars.

"The alien wreckage of the starship is very rare, but it is not particularly so. Why is the white boss particularly cautious about the wreckage of these alien stars, and does not call it 'starry aliens', but rather called them 'heterogeneous people' What is the difference between '?' aliens' and 'heterogeneous people'?"

"Because these extraterrestrial visitors from the other side of the universe are so much like us."

Bai Lao Avenue, "I didn't directly discover their corpses, but before their starships were annihilated, they saw their shadows from the stunned light and shadow. They are the ones of this extraterrestrial civilization, height and size. We are almost the same, even the same, the only difference is that their skin color is whiter and rougher, half of them are blond, and the other half of the hair and eyes are messy in all colors.

“No matter skin color, hair color or the color of the eyeball, from a genetic point of view, there are very small differences that ignore these small differences. They are like our replica, a ‘mirror version’ from the other side of the universe.”

"Is there such a thing?"

Boxing, "Whether the Pangu civilization or the human civilization, they are eager to jump out of the muddy world of three thousand worlds and explore the unknowns on the other side of the universe. But countless expeditions have left the world of tens of thousands of light years, and they have never found anything, even judged in three. Beyond the Thousands of Worlds, there is a 'ridiculous zone' where resources are extremely scarce and even stars are completely extinguished. It is like a huge, incomparably thick black high wall that firmly locks Pangu, humans and... future civilizations. .

"But the white boss said that there is already a different kind of starship on the other side of the universe. It has crossed the endless black wall and came to our world. It is also very similar to the human beings here."


White boss looked into the distance and sighed. "This matter has been deeply buried in my heart for a long time. Until today, the suffocating impact will still come to my heart. Even if these visitors are full of tentacles, they can I am not so surprised by the mud monsters that are freely deformed, but they are people, almost exactly the same people as us, except that the skin is white and blond."

"I don't know the white boss, have you ever heard of the concept of 'livable zone' and 'standard star'."

At this time, the boxing champion interrupted the words of the white boss. "The biologists and cosmologists of the real human empire studied the hundreds of large galaxies in which the world is located, and concluded that life is at least carbon-based. The environmental requirements of the birth are very demanding. Carbon-based life can only be born on a moderately-sized and well-structured planet. The planet is not too far from the star, neither cold nor hot, and the star is in the entire galaxy. In the relatively peripheral, relatively calm orbit, it is possible to reduce the interference of radiation at the core of the galaxy and the invasion of various star-sea storms, but it also absorbs the energy from the center of the galaxy, which is continuous and mysterious.

"Although the stars are vast, there are very few planets that meet the conditions for the birth of carbon-based life. The stars and orbits of these planets are called 'livable belts'.

"Subsequently, the scholars of the empire also in turn derived a 'standard star' based on the physiological characteristics of humans, Pangu and Nüwa. The standard star is not a real planet, but in theory, all aspects of the environment The imaginary planet that tends to perfection, temperature, atmosphere, gravity, air composition, light and heat conditions, the distribution of mountains and oceans, etc. are most conducive to the outbreak of carbon-based life and the rapid arrogance of civilization.

“The empire scholars have set tens of thousands of parameters to score the real world planets in order to evaluate the ranks of the worlds. In terms of parameters, the closer to the 'standard star' condition, the higher the level. It is easy to create a strong carbon-based civilization. The main stars of the three thousand worlds are often very similar to the 'standard star', and the parameter coincidence rate is over 90%, so the Pangu, the female Yi and the human civilization can be born.

"Although the Pangu and Nuwa civilizations have a height of ten or twenty meters, and there are three heads and six arms, the characteristics of the first snake body, but from the scale of the big universe, their form is almost the same as humans, even both sides. More than 95% of the gene pools overlap, so it is said that Pangu civilization is the 'father' of human civilization.

"An environment that is very different from a 'standard star', such as a purely gaseous and liquid planet, or a cold planet far from a star, or a gravel belt that is not even in the atmosphere, certainly has a chance to create carbon-based life and even produce carbon. Base civilization, but such a carbon-based civilization often has a variety of fatal flaws, not a 'standard civilization' opponent born in the 'standard star' environment, then, after the rise of 'standard civilization' such as Pangu and humans Other carbon-based life and even carbon-based civilizations are often conquered and destroyed. In the end, only one winner of a carbon-based civilization exists, that is, what human beings are now.

"I have so many things about 'livable belts' and 'standard stars', I want to tell the white boss, if there is another powerful civilization that can cross the Xinghai in the vast sea of ​​the other side of the universe, as long as they are Carbon-based life, it is very likely that it is also human. This is not a coincidence, but the inevitability of survival, so the white boss does not have to be so worried."

The white boss nodded and said: "Yeah, I also took the initiative to study the concept of 'livable zone' and 'standard star', as well as the concept of 'standard civilization' derived from the standard star, to be slightly relieved. It is the so-called 'victors are a look, the losers are in a variety of ways.'

"But at the time, I was really shocked by these blond heterogeneous civilizations because they were not only very similar in appearance to our Pangu people, but even the language and culture seemed to have great similarities.

"Hey, the chip I just gave you, it should be their language, this is a very weird language system, it is actually the integration of the temperament into the text, as long as you master some simple rules, see the text At the same time, you can know its pronunciation, and even extract some kind of energy in the virtual air according to the pronunciation. Unlike the pronunciation of the hard-back text, we have to change the meaning of the tonal change. It is very amazing."

The boxing eyes of the boxing champion shimmered and said: "So, can the white boss understand this...the language of the blond people, and even figure out their cultural and social systems?"

"not at all."

White boss smiled and shook his head. "I just said, I only found a wreck of a star and a half, and after these wrecks fell on my hands, they quickly decayed and annihilated, and instantly turned into nothingness, except for some information that I scanned in time. There is nothing left behind.

"I even suspect that it is not normal weathering and decay, but a kind of security measure. It is the defense mechanism of these blond people. After sensing the existence of our cultivation civilization, we have actively erased our traces. In the end, Only this almost melted wafer is left!"


In the eyes of the boxing champion, the electric mans flashed. "But the white boss still found something, otherwise you won't know the name "Gao Shi Tezu"."

"I found that it was indeed discovered."

White boss cautiously said, "But in all likelihood, it is my own deduction. I can even say that I only found 1% of the blind people and then I made 99% of them. Even 1% is not necessarily reliable. May be my misunderstanding..."

"No problem."

Boxing, "Bai Boss is better to listen to it. According to your ‘indiscriminate deduction,’ what are these blond people, what are they doing in the world of self-cultivation, why can they relate to me?”

"Then I said, you should be a nonsense story."

The white boss has been indulging for a long time, saying, "Although the appearance is almost the same as ours, the social form of these blond people, especially the way of using energy, is completely different from our Pangu people.

"We live in the world of comprehension, including the current human civilization and the Pangu civilization in the era of the ruins. Everyone is a three-dimensional carbon-based life. They all pay attention to people's victory. They rely on their own strength to extract energy from the universe to survive and develop. It can be said that , we are on our own!"

The boxing champion nodded: "Yes, from Pangu to humanity, it can be said that it is a different stage of civilization. It really depends on the strength of its own three-dimensional carbon-based life to cultivate and evolve."

Bai Lao Avenue: "But these come from the other side of the universe. The blond people are different. Although they are three-dimensional carbon-based civilizations, they even live in peace with another four-dimensional or higher-dimensional life, forming a symbiotic relationship."


Boxing Road: "Is there really a four-dimensional life? Three-dimensional life and four-dimensional life can also communicate with each other to form a symbiotic relationship? The universe is full of incredible mysteries!"

"This is just my speculation. I have said that there are still hundreds of thousands of miles with the truth. Anyway, you should be a story."

White boss paused, quite disdainful. "It is symbiosis, but in my opinion, it is slavery and rule. These blond people seem to worship four-dimensional life, and it seems that four-dimensional life has given them a lot of energy. The method has led the evolution of their civilization, so they worship the four-dimensional life as a god, and the four-dimensional life is their god, their god, their master!

"Their civilization is built on the 'will of the devil'. In all social activities and even the most intense wars, we must follow the 'law of the devil' to use powerful power. They even put their own starships. The power is defined as some kind of 'mana's mana', so I gave them a name for these four-dimensional life loyal dogs, and called them, oh, 'magic civilization'."