MTL - Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment-Chapter 19 Xia Qiu blushed!

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"Miss Wang..."

Xia Qiu guessed that Ye Feng would not be able to help him, and she didn't want to cause him any trouble, so she wanted to stop Sister Wang from continuing.

But before she finished speaking, Sister Wang continued to talk to Ye Feng: "Mr. Ye, the thing is like this..."

It turned out that this matter was related to Xia Qiu's new movie.

Now that Xia Qiu has reached the top of the music scene, there is not much room for improvement, so she wants to go to the movie market.

With Xia Qiu's reputation, as long as she said something, someone would rush to send script resources, but Xia Qiu was very demanding and didn't want to make a bad movie.

This time it was hard to find a good script, but it was a bit sensitive to scale, and it might not pass the review, but Xia Qiu didn't want to give up such a good script, so he wanted to find a relationship to work with.

And after they inquired about it, they realized that Tan Bohong's way of life is relatively wild, and he has a lot of energy in this regard.

However, the two of them naturally couldn't see such a powerful businessman like Tan Bohong.

Therefore, Xia Qiu found a middleman, and wanted the middleman to help match the bridge, but the middleman felt that Xia Qiu was not enough, and was unwilling to help.

"So that's what happened."

After understanding the whole story, Ye Feng suddenly laughed.

If Xia Qiu was looking for someone else, he might really be helpless, but if it was Tan Bohong, it would be a trivial matter.

Sister Wang has been observing Ye Feng's expression, and seeing this, hope suddenly ignited in her heart.

"Mr. Ye, do you know Mr. Tan?"


Xia Qiu and Sister Wang were a little surprised when they heard this.

Really know!

Immediately, Sister Wang quickly asked, "Then...Mr. Ye, can you help me set up a line?"

After finishing speaking, she realized that she was still not sure about the relationship between Ye Feng and Tan Bohong. If Ye Feng didn't hold enough weight in Tan Bohong's heart, she might not be able to help them.

So, she quickly added: "It doesn't matter if you can't, you don't have to make things difficult..."

"No embarrassment!" Ye Feng waved his hand, interrupting Sister Wang's words.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Tan Bohong's number.

Soon, a suspicious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello?"

"Hello Tan, I'm Ye Feng!"

Ye Feng hurriedly reported his family name.

When Tan Bohong heard that the call was from Ye Feng, his tone immediately became friendly: "So it's Mr. Xiaoye."

"Old Tan, I took the liberty to call you, didn't I bother you?"

"No no."


After exchanging pleasantries, let's get down to business.

"Old Tan, I want to ask you for a favor." Ye Feng said.

"you say."

"Is such that…"

Ye Feng told Tan Bohong the ins and outs of the matter.

There was a quick reply from the other end of the phone: "Okay, Mr. Xiaoye, let them come to see me at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Xia Qiu is just a celebrity, so he really doesn't have the qualifications to let him appear in person, but he has to sell Ye Feng to save face.

"Thank you Tan Lao!" Ye Feng thanked quickly.

"You're welcome."


After chatting for a few more words, the call ended.

Ye Feng looked at Xia Qiu and Sister Wang: "Miss Xia, Mr. Tan promised to see you, tomorrow morning..."

After telling the second daughter the time and address arranged by Tan Bohong, Ye Feng stuffed the phone back into his pocket.

When Ye Feng talked with Tan Bohong, the voice was not too low, and the private room was very quiet, Xia Qiu and Sister Wang also heard the content of the phone call.

Seeing that Tan Bohong's attitude towards Ye Feng was very unusual, the two girls felt a little complicated.

Especially Miss Wang.

Thinking about how I looked down on Ye Feng before...

In addition to being grateful, she was also more embarrassed and apologetic.

"Ye Feng, thank you!" Xia Qiu quickly came back to his senses, and excitedly grabbed Ye Feng's hand to thank him.

"Haha, it's just a matter of raising your hands, Miss Xia doesn't need to take it to heart."

Ye Feng didn't care, just stared at Xia Qiu's hand.


Unfortunately, within a few seconds, Xia Qiu realized that he had lost his composure, blushed, and quickly withdrew his hand.

"It's just a little effort for you, but for us, it has helped us a lot."

"When the negotiation with Tan Dong is completed, I must thank you well."

While speaking, Xia Qiu was full of gratitude and curiosity.

Seeing that Xia Qiu persisted and did not refuse, Ye Feng smiled and said: "Okay, then I will wait for Miss Xia's thank you."

Xia Qiu smiled slightly, and said again: "Ye Feng, let's add a WeChat, and we will keep in touch in the future."

She said this after thinking twice.

Originally, she planned to use five million and a meal to pay off Ye Feng's kindness for saving her, but now Ye Feng helped her again, and she also developed some curiosity about Ye Feng, so she planned to add WeChat to get to know him slowly.

The National Goddess took the initiative to add WeChat, and Ye Feng naturally would not refuse.

After adding friends, Ye Feng put away his phone and got up to say goodbye.

"Thank you, Miss Xia, for your hospitality. It's getting late, so I'm leaving first."

"Okay." Xia Qiu nodded, suddenly thought of something, and quickly stuffed two cards into Ye Feng's hands.

"If you have time the day after tomorrow, remember to come to my concert."

Ye Feng didn't look carefully, guessing that what Xia Qiu gave him should be a concert ticket, so he nodded: "Okay!"