MTL - Fourth Hospital Patient Exchange Forum-Chapter 15 St. Elizabeth 8

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Yu Xiao just watched George face to face in front of her, eating a brain like eating pudding gracefully.

"Not bad." George took out a well-made handkerchief and wiped his mouth slowly, "It's very fresh."

Yu Xiao was about to say something, when suddenly there was a loud roar from outside, even through the door, she could hear the owner's anger, pain, unwillingness and hatred.

Calculating the time, the fat pig should return to the operating room, when he found that the brain he had cut out with his own hands had disappeared...

Yu Xiao blinked, and said very modestly: "It is an honor for this brain to be loved by you."

George was very satisfied with her attitude. He had already forgotten all the unpleasantness during the day, and his cold face became more pleasant at this moment, and he smiled gently at Yu: "You are very good, but as the attending doctor, I must abide by According to the rules of the game, I cannot provide patients with any help beyond the scope of my duties."

"It's okay, I won't make things difficult for you." Yu Xiao looked at him beggingly, "If it's okay, can you let me stay here until dawn?"

Of course George knew why she did it, just as he knew where Yu Xiao stole that brain from. But he doesn't care, he is the doctor in charge of this level, which is different from those lowly NPCs. So he didn't care what Yu Xiao did to those medical staff. On the contrary, Yu Xiao gave him a fresh mind very sensibly, and he had a good impression of Yu Xiao.

"Under normal circumstances, the attending doctor does not have the right to forcibly drive away the patient." George said with a smile: "Madam, please feel free."

So Yu Xiao was really casual. She first looked at George gratefully, "You are really a gentleman of high moral character."

Then she put three chairs together in front of George and lay down on them. After lying down, she found that the temperature in the office was just right, and she wouldn't feel cold even without a quilt. The only drawback was that the lights were too bright.

Looking at Yu Xiao's actions like no one else, George suddenly regretted what he just said.

Then he saw the woman lying on the chair sit up, just when he thought the woman finally realized how rude he was, Yu smiled and said: "Doctor George, do you mind if I turn off the light?"

George's expression of relief froze on his face, followed by a minute-long silence.


The lights turned off automatically, and darkness enveloped the entire office.

Yu Xiao said gratefully, "Thank you, you are such a kind gentleman."

After the huge figure in the ward left, Zhou Xiaozhen sobbed softly and began to cry. Zhao Lan breathed a sigh of relief, and asked softly, "Xiaozhen, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Zhou Xiaozhen sniffed and said, "I'm just scared. I was so scared just now."

"Don't be afraid, it's over." Zhao Lan adjusted her sleeping position, "You are very brave, I admire you."

After being praised, Zhou Xiaozhen felt much better. She laughed, rubbed her back and said, "It hurts so much from the fall just now. Sister Lan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks to Xiaoxiao who gave me the physical card, otherwise I might not be able to hold on." Zhao Lan knocked his head and was rubbing his head.

"I don't know how Sister Xiao is doing." Zhou Xiaozhen was so worried, "That fat pig is so scary."

Suddenly there was a roar from outside, and Doctor Fat Pig went crazy!

Zhao Lan's expression changed, and he said, "Stop talking!"

All night long they could hear heavy footsteps wandering up and down the hallway, and the sound of the hatchet being dragged.

They stayed up all night, and woke up at eight o'clock the next morning to the sound of soft music with other patients.

Qiaoqiao woke up and saw Yu Xiao's empty hospital bed, as if she understood something, she gloated and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhou Xiaozhen, who had dark circles under her eyes, glared at her fiercely, "I tell you, if there is anything wrong with Sister Xiao, I will never end with you!"

Facing her threats, Qiaoqiao didn't show any fear at all, she even rolled her eyes at Zhou Xiaozhen, the way she couldn't turn her eyes back for a long time.

"She dares to provoke me!" Zhou Xiaozhen's fists were itchy.

"Don't cause trouble." Zhao Lan stood beside her with dark circles under her eyes, "The most important thing now is to make sure Xiaoxiao is safe."

In the morning, the patients walked out of the ward in a line and walked towards the place where the medicine was distributed.

Zhao Lan was second to last in line. As soon as he walked out of the ward, he saw a very tall, fat and fleshy doctor standing by the wall, staring suspiciously at the patients who came out with a pair of small eyes. The long tongue sticks out from time to time to lick around the mouth, greed and cruelty seem to be written on the face.

The two hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to look any further, feeling even more anxious in their hearts. It seems that this fat pig is not going to let it go. I don't know where Yu Xiao is hiding. I just hope she won't come out at this time.

Yu Xiao slept soundly last night, but she rarely slept badly, especially after she was diagnosed with brain cancer.

She was awakened by the music, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a strange ceiling. George looked at her indifferently, still sitting behind the desk.

Yu Xiao looked in admiration. Is it his job to sit here? Curious how long he can sit here.

"Good morning~Doctor George~" Yu Xiao greeted George with his messy hair.

George looked at her, the good impression of her from last night had completely disappeared, at this moment he only wanted Yu Xiao to disappear from here immediately.

"You should go." George reminded: "Otherwise you will miss today's medicine."

How could Yu Xiao take medicine? What's more, she still has one more important thing to do.

"Okay, I'll leave now." Yu Xiao asked tentatively, "Doctor George, can you take me back?"

George looked at her indifferently, his eyes seemed to say what nonsense are you talking about?

"Doctor George, I need you to take me back." Yu Xiao became serious, "I hope you can promise me."

What answered her was George's mocking sneer, "What if I don't agree?"

Yu Xiao was not affected by his attitude, she just took out her mobile phone calmly, and then entered the phone number of the Medical Dispute Office of the Sixth Hospital, and finally winked innocently at George, "Then I can only report you for taking bribes .”


There was a deadly silence in the doctor's office, and George's originally gentle and handsome face became eerie. He was laughed at by Yu Xiaoqi, "Are you threatening me?"

Yu Xiao lowered his head and said sadly, "I have no choice."

George finally left his seat and approached Yu Xiao step by step, "Do you know the consequences of reporting? After all, you are the one who bribed."

"I'm not sure, but..." Yu Xiao looked up at George, and suddenly pursed his lips into a smile, "We're going to die together!"

Zhao Lan and Zhou Xiaozhen lined up, and there were fewer and fewer people in front of them. Unfortunately, today they might not be able to avoid taking medicine. In fact, Zhao Lan thought about imitating Qiaoqiao once, but Qiaoqiao learned to be smart today. She was at the front of the line and had already taken the medicine.

Zhao Lan sighed wearily, but fortunately Yu Xiao never showed up, which was a blessing in misfortune.

Just when the two were anxiously scratching their heads, the atmosphere of the audience suddenly changed. The nurse who was distributing the medicine shook her hand, and the cup filled with water fell down with a pop.

Zhao Lan and Zhou Xiaozhen were taken aback for a moment, and found that they were all looking in the direction of the corridor, so they also looked in the direction, and then they were dumbfounded on the spot.

On the right side of the corridor, Yu Xiao appeared, and George appeared with her. They walked side by side, Yu Xiao's hand still wrapped around George's arm.


This scene is so powerful that Dr. Fat Pig forgot how fierce he was, and the ax in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

All the patients and medical staff present stared blankly at them. Under the gaze of many pairs of eyes, Yu Xiao let go of George's arm.

She stood facing George, with sweetness and reluctance on her face, as if saying goodbye.

"Thank you George, I slept well last night." Yu Xiao said.

"Let's send it here." Yu Xiao turned around and gave Zhao Lan and Zhou Xiaozhen a look, then lowered her head shyly, "I really made things difficult for you last night, you should go back and rest quickly. Don't worry about me, there is something between us. I won't tell anyone what happened."

"Goodbye, George." Yu Xiao waved.

George turned and left indifferently, but his steps were no longer as elegant and calm as before.

Yu Xiao stood there watching George leave. After a while, she turned around and asked strangely, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

All the medical staff and patients trembled, and then hurriedly looked away, only sneaking a glance at her from time to time.

Doctor Fat Pig finally came to his senses. He stared suspiciously and smiled for a long time, finally picked up the chopping axe, and walked away with heavy steps.

Yu Xiao walked to Zhao Lan with a smile in his eyes, "Thank you for helping me to hold a seat."

Zhao Lan looked at her excitedly, "You're welcome."

Yu Xiao stood in front of Zhao Lan, looking for a small figure with his eyes sweeping around. Then she found a figure stuck to the corner, "Qiaoqiao!"

Qiaoqiao's sneaky body froze in place, she heard that devilish voice, "Wait for me to go together~"