MTL - Fox in the Penalty Area-Chapter 37 new knowledge

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It was late at night, and there were fewer people entering and leaving the community at this time.

Hu Lixin sat behind the table outside the security room, facing the road outside the community gate.

Both sides of the road were full of cars. Occasionally, only one or two people who ran at night ran past the group of cars, and their feet rustled.

Behind him, the lights in the community went out halfway.

The children who ran wild in the community were called back to their homes by their parents and the elderly. The cries of unknown bugs became the main theme in the community at this time.

Hu Lixin entered the night shift, he will stay here all night, keeping an eye on the situation near the gate. If there are food delivery people to register for them, ask them the building number they want to go to before they can enter the community.

Also check vehicles with license plate numbers that are not in the access control system, and also make a good registration to remind the other party to stay only for a short time before using the remote control to lift the railing of the garage entrance.

In addition, we must cooperate with the patrol security team.

Is really boring. You can talk to the car keeper outside on the roadside to get rid of the problems. They have to stay up all night.

If there is nothing unexpected this evening, it will pass by these trivial things.

Now this season, the outdoor wind is neither cold nor hot. It is the best time of the year and this night can be a little bit better.

But if it rains, it will not be so beautiful.

The weather is too hot and there are many mosquitoes.

While the weather is too cold, wearing thick clothes and shoes, even if there is a "little sun" on the feet to keep warm, only a quarter of the body can feel warm. The place where the "little sun" can't radiate is still cold, the real "ice and fire".

This kind of work is not easy, but for his own family, Hu Lixin is willing to bear such difficulty.

Even he felt that he, a man with no skill at this age, was still able to find such a well-paid job, and he was already very happy.

If you have any other ideas, that is, you do n’t want your child to go his own way, study is not good, education is not high, and it is not easy to find a job after coming out. Although this security guard's salary is okay, he doesn't want his son to be a security guard later.

This requires him to study hard now, otherwise he would borrow so much money to send him to Dongchuan Middle School, isn't it toss?

It's just ... Hu Lixin was a little irritated when he thought about the results of the examination at the beginning of school.

He didn't believe his son was a fool. It must have been because he didn't study hard, which led to the final test.

I just arrived in a strange new environment, and it's normal to be uncomfortable. Wait, wait until he slowly adapts to this environment ...

Think of Hu Lixin here, looking back at the Wanjia lights behind him.

To be honest, this community is very good in terms of environment and property management. Hu Lixin also wants to be the owner of this community. When he goes out to work and returns home every day, a security guard will salute himself at the door.

But it is obvious that the high housing prices here are beyond his affordability.

But he hopes that one day his son can afford a house like this, so that his wife and children can live a better life.


Hu Lai has finished washing, lay down on the bed, the lamp in the bedroom room has been turned off, and now in addition to the moonlight coming from the window, his house is dark.

He did not draw at the time of homework at night, but waited patiently for this time.

For this moment, he took a special and serious bath before going to bed.

He knew that before the ancients did a very important and sacred thing, they would burn incense to bathe and change clothes.

Incense is now unconditional, but bathing and dressing can still be done.

In order to bring some good luck to what he will do next, he took a very ritual bath with a pious heart.

Even the shower gel used twice as much as usual.

Now, Hu Lai, who was so scented, knelt down on the bed, folded her hands together, and prayed to the West: "Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Rulai Buddha, Guan Shiyin Bodhisattva ... Everyone walked by the great gods passing by, and do my best. Something you want! "

After finishing this set of rituals, he closed his eyes and entered the system.

In the system store, Hu Lai is going to exchange all the points in his hands into raffle tickets.

But he was stunned for a while-some changes have taken place in the mall that he was familiar with.

The original empty shelf was still empty, but it was slightly better than before, because there was one more product beside the only product of the raffle ticket: a small green glass tube was lying quietly on the shelf .

When Hu Lai glanced over, it was found that it was ... [Physical Elixir].

Yes, it was the tube [Physical Elixir] that he used this morning.

Did not expect to appear in the mall, and the following is also marked with the price of the lottery ticket: 1000.

It takes five hundred points to buy a lottery ticket, and one thousand points to buy [Physical Pharmacy].

Considering that before [Physical Elixir] can only be obtained by drawing a lottery, and a lottery draw requires 500 points, I do n’t know how many times you can draw a bottle of [Physical Elixir]. It's too expensive, it is only equivalent to two lottery tickets, which equals to a bottle of [Physical Elixir] if you draw twice.

This mall can actually buy things other than lottery tickets ...

Let me just say, the official mall that is plugged into the hall system cannot be so shabby!

Hu Lai was happy to discover the new features of the mall, but he did not focus on it. He also knew what he was doing to enter the system.

After all the points in the system mall were converted into four lottery tickets, Hu Lai entered the lottery interface, and the big carousel with a marquee flashing in front of him.

There is still no bunny girl.

The simple interface makes people sad.

He used his first raffle ticket with a pious heart.

Then got a bottle ... [Physical Elixir].

Hu Lai in the system looked at the small bottle of [Physical Elixir] floating in front of her, and was speechless.

Although it is better than a direct "Thank you for participating".

Hu Lai so comforted himself.

Then I used up another lottery ticket.

All kinds of giants and giants bless ...


Ten minutes later, Hu Lai stared at the four bottles of [Physical Elixir] floating in the system space in front of him.

Actually, he has been doing this for almost three minutes.

The remaining two thousand points he exchanged for four raffle tickets, for which he also specially bathed and changed clothes to make himself fragrant.

As a result, his four lottery tickets were exchanged for such four things? !

Hurley, who had been in a daze for a long time, finally got a move, and he flicked the pillow suddenly. As if he didn't feel relieved then, he turned the quilt aside and thumped the bed board hard, making a thumping noise.

Four bottles of [Physical Potion] What a ghost!

I know that this thing seems to have a high drop rate, but I never expected it to be so high! Is this thing so good? !

And this thing sells 1,000 bottles in the official mall, UU reading www. At the time, even thought it was cheaper to sell. Four bottles of four lottery tickets are drawn out. Co-authoring this thing is worth a bottle of 500 points?


I was so heartbroken that I wasted a bottle of [Physical Elixir] in the morning, and at night you took out four bottles of [Physical Elixir]! Are you making up for me in this way?

That really thank you eighteen generations of ancestors!

But I want [Smart Potion]! It is the "smart potion" that can improve my training effect!

Hu Lai growled at the system in his heart.

The system as usual has no response, like a dumb, or deaf.

But looking at the four bottles of the same potion in front of me, and thinking about the price of this thing in the official mall, Hu Lai can feel some kind of maliciousness from the system ...

Is the same as when he first saw that he could still draw out "Thank you for participating".

Isn't the system of those protagonists all scrambling to serve the master comfortably? How do you change it to yourself, this system will give yourself a backstab from time to time?

Is this system to help me achieve the peak of my life, or come to see me?

Hu Lai was very sad and indignant. The bedboard he struck made a continuous muffled sound, as if he were beating the drum.

Until his mother's high voice sounded outside the door: "Still sleep? !!!"

Then Hu Lai grabbed the quilt and wrapped himself in it, lying back on the bed, quiet as a chicken.

Tonight, he learned a new knowledge-[physical potions], which are currently useless eggs, are easy to extract, and the powerful [smart potions] may be difficult to extract ...

This is really expensive knowledge, costing him two thousand points, and twice as much shower gel and shampoo as usual.