MTL - From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict’s Journey-Chapter 140 Female soldiers, come two at a time (please order, please support)

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  Chapter 140 Female soldiers, two at a time (please order, please support)

   Here comes the female soldier, a military doctor, and two at a time.

   This is something that all recruits only dream of at night.

  In fact, not only recruits, veterans must also dream about this kind of thing.


  Dreams are dreams after all.

  Not to mention the recruit company, there are no female soldiers in the health team of the Iron Bones Heroes.

  It’s all a group of old men, and even the nursing is done by male soldiers.

   Female soldiers?

  I can only think about it in my dreams, the Iron Bones Heroes don't have this organization at all.

  This is also why the squad leaders who were fierce before now are standing up straight now, and their facial expressions are trying their best to restrain themselves, trying to show their soft and handsome side while being serious.

   Compared with recruits, they want to show themselves urgently in front of female soldiers.

  The recruits, forty days ago, were still in their hometown, and if it was a little longer, they might all still be in school.

  Yingyingyanyan's female classmates next to her don't know the suffering of these old bachelors who are always hungry and thirsty.

   "Hello, my name is Ye Su."

   In front of Wu Jianfeng, after the two female soldiers and Wu Jianfeng saluted each other, one of the female captains first introduced herself with a smile.

  Wu Jianfeng also had a slight smile on his face, but he looked very serious.

  After returning the gift, the Kazuren girl took the initiative to shake the extended hand before speaking: "Hello, Wu Jianfeng, the commander of the fourth company of the Iron-Blooded Heroes, the commander of the recruit company!"

  The two female soldiers are both officers, a captain and a lieutenant.

   But they don't look very old.

   "Hello, Chief, my name is Ouyang Mingyue." The second female soldier was a lieutenant, and when she reached out her hand, she called Chief.

  Wu Jianfeng smiled and said: "Well, don't be so polite, just call me Wu Jianfeng or the fourth company commander!"

  Wu Jianfeng, no one called him Company Commander Wu, and he never let people call him that.

  Because of his surname, wouldn't you become the commander of the fifth company just by calling him like that?

  He is the company commander of the Iron Blood Fourth Company, how can anyone call him the Fifth Company Commander.


   This female lieutenant actually has dimples when she smiles, which is very sweet. In the recruit queue here, some people's eyes widened, and Wang Ye even heard the sound of LSP swallowing.

   At this time, Wu Jianfeng said again with a smile: "Welcome two comrades to my recruit company for work!"

   Immediately, without waiting for the two to speak, he turned his head and shouted at the recruits: "Everyone applauds to welcome the two military medical comrades!"

   "Papa Papa~"

   The applause was very loud. This time it may be the first time since a group of recruits joined the army, they applauded so hard and sincerely.

  A female soldier, or a female military doctor.

  Let’s not talk about small fantasies such as the story that the female military doctor had to tell.

   As far as the beauty of the female soldiers is concerned, it deserves everyone's applause.

  Now the entire recruit company can no longer say that Yin and Yang are unbalanced.

   Except for the female mosquitoes that **** everyone's blood at night, there are no other females.

  en service agency's aunt does not count, her recruit company is not counted.

   What's more, even if it counts, the aunt is not seductive, isn't she?

  Under such circumstances, two young and good-looking female military doctors have arrived, how can everyone not be excited.

   "I think I need to climb hard later."

   At this time, after the applause fell, Wang Ye heard a soft voice from the side.

   This guy Liang Fan.

  Wang Ye turned his head sideways.

  He chuckled.

  His smile fully exposed his heart.

   Obviously, this guy was afraid of being hung up before, but now he probably wants to be hung up on purpose.

  After all, in the infirmary of the recruit company before, there was an old non-commissioned officer health worker who was trained by soldiers selected from the army.

  Who wants to see him if he has nothing to do.

   Available now.

   "Believe it or not, the squad leader won't give you a chance." Wang Ye chuckled lightly and reminded him in a low voice.

   Immediately, Liang Fan's blushing smile froze.

  At this time, he noticed the veteran squad leaders on both sides standing upright, although they kept silent, with their heads held high.

  Even looking carefully at this moment, you can find that Ye Sanshi has obviously padded his feet a little to increase his height.


  Liang Fan let out a low voice.

  He just gritted his teeth and prepared to intentionally injure him later.

  Exchange the pain of flesh and blood for the opportunity to contact the beautiful military doctor.

   But now look at this group of veteran squad leaders.

  He was speechless for a moment, and the thought just now was extinguished.

   This group of old guys are obviously eyeing these two female military doctors.

  He now feels that he is really injured later, and he will definitely be sent to two female military doctors.

  Even Ye Sanshi would be overjoyed to send him there.

  But the rule is the rule, I want to say something flirty, and even tease others.

  Not to mention how the female military doctor reacted, Ye Sanshi would definitely hold him down and beat him up.

   Even in the future, I will give myself small shoes to wear.

   Under such circumstances, it is obviously not worthwhile to take the initiative to get injured!

   Isn’t this a tool man?

  He was injured, and then let Ye Sanshi have the opportunity to contact the female military doctor?

  Wang Ye saw the change in his expression, smiled and said nothing.

  Anyway, Wang Ye is not going to have any boyfriend and girlfriend now.

  Women will only affect the speed at which Lao Tzu becomes a general.

  If you have the heart to talk about love, you might as well read more.

   There is no rush to talk about when you will become an officer, or when you really have free time.

   "Okay, don't be dumbfounded.

see it? The military doctors in the regiment are ready for you.

  You can rest assured.

  Go, get up, but I warn you, whoever hurt you on purpose, after you come out, I'll let the hygienist from our company come over and help you bandage! "

  Wu Jianfeng yelled loudly, which made the two female military doctors with medical kits on their backs laugh.

   Afterwards, all the monitors began to play.

  Originally, one platoon leader on duty for the whole team is actually enough.

  But now all the squad leaders have taken the initiative to help.

   "Stand still, pay attention when climbing down, the movements must be in place for me!"

   "Remember all the sports postures. If you don't remember, I will show you again. Watch it!"

  For Class 5, Wang Ye looked at Ye Sanshi speechlessly.

  He really wanted to say, doesn't it really hurt when you fall down like this?

  Of course, now Ye Sanshi obviously doesn't care about whether it hurts or not.

   Being handsome is a lifetime thing.

   Not to mention playing handsome in front of a female military doctor.

   Each squad leader showed their abilities, and the training that was about to start was delayed by them for another two minutes.

   "Hurry up, why are your **** up so high, come on. Get a little lower!"

  The recruits, one squad after another, all began to climb under the tactical barbed wire with an interval of two or three meters.

   When climbing tactics, the old squad leaders showed a different kind of enthusiasm than before, and it’s okay to be active today, and they are so civilized.

   Some squad leaders scolded "Damn", but they immediately saved it.

   When the recruits climbed one by one, they all held back their laughter.

  Of course this laugh, only held back at the beginning.

   Soon everyone will lose this mood.

  Under the barbed wire fence, there is no flat land at all, let alone grass, but a lot of stones scattered on the yellow mud.

  When I was climbing, there were monitors beside me who wanted to show off and kept urging me.

   Speed ​​up a bit, hands and feet hurt, and occasionally recruits make "ouch" sounds.

  This is someone hanging by a thorn on a wire.

  Of course, whenever this happens, their squad leader pretends to be angry, but the moment they step out of the barbed wire, he quickly comes over to help the recruits.

   En went to bed early, scared, scared, another author passed away

   I feel the need to resume my work and rest, get up early to code, and end at twelve o'clock every day.

   en In addition, book lovers who keep books, can you order an automatic subscription.

   Don't worry, I will definitely not lower the quality. You can watch it anytime, and you can cancel it if you don't like it, but don't keep all the books now. No one will chase after this, and I will be raised to death.



  (end of this chapter)