MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 7 Inherited crystal

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After the climax, it will always be calm. Hanlang’s drug index business is also the same. After being blackened by the black night of the moderator night, Hanlang’s income has gradually stabilized and can be credited with 400 to 500 stars per day.

The tens of millions of battles can not afford to buy crystals. Fortunately, Hanlang has enough money to buy the cheapest random inheritance crystal. No matter how good or bad, the title of a superpower is not bad.

So Han Lang once again came to this website called the inheritance family, and paid a freight of 10,000 stars and 220 yuan for a random inheritance crystal.

For the dark site that inherits the grades of the family, Han Lang is just a small customer like a mosquito leg. He loves to answer the past, Han Lang asks how to use the crystal, and the customer is impatient to tell Han. Waves, absorption tools and instructions are shipped with the crystals, and the process is simple and nothing to worry about.

Unconsciously, five days passed. This night, Han Lang suddenly heard someone knocking at the door. When I opened the door, I saw a young man in a blue overalls and a small parcel under his arm.

The inheritance of the crystal is here! ?

Han Lang slammed and rushed to get the courier into the house.

After Han Lang signed the package, the courier handed a business card with both hands and smiled and said: "Mr. Han, I am the representative of Pegasus MRT in the world. You can contact me at any time in the future. At present, our company Newly open up the earth market, shipping costs are good to discuss."

Han Lang accepted the business card and thanked the little brother.

StarCraft, the spaceship was sent across the long Xinghai.

Han Lang’s first encounter with StarCraft was inevitably a little excitement. Open the package and see that it is a sub-metal sealed box that can shield all detection signals.

The inheritance of crystals is illegal in the Milky Way. After all, this thing is all stolen from the cemetery of the people. If you can't see it, you should use a sub-metal with a shielding function to disguise it. When the detector is inspected, it will be mistaken for a common ore.

There are many merchants who do black market trading on the dark network. There are always ways to send those illegal items to customers.

Open the sub-metal camouflage box, which is a black crystal, a few pages of instructions, and a set of special tools for absorbing crystals.

Han Lang first picked up the crystal view of the inheritance. This crystal black is very pure, but unfortunately according to the introduction of the family, the true quality of the inheritance crystal is not only the color is positive, but also transparent.

This crystal is too dark, like a piece of graphite worthless, it is not enough grade, and the person who uploads the family of the family does not know what is the inheritance, so it is treated to Han Lang at a low price.

As for the professional tool for transferring crystals, it is a metal headband. The two circular contact points are located in the temple. The temple is the most fragile and closest to the brain in the human brain. After the tool is connected, it absorbs the crystal energy and transmits the super power. Han Lang's brain.

After Han Lang got to know how to use this set of things, it was already midnight. Han Lang thought for a moment, put the black crystals and tools into the drawer, and it was not bad at all. talk later.


It took seven hours and fifty-two minutes. After Hanlang compiled the index update for the day, he looked up at the wall clock on the wall. As the work became more and more skilled, the efficiency of Han Lang improved every day.

Stretched a lazy waist, Han Lang went to the bathroom to wash a face, took out the black inheriting crystals and absorption tools from the drawer, and quietly lying on the bed.

The metal headband was slightly cold on the head, and Han wave docked the connector with the black crystal. In a moment, a warm current entered the brain of Han Lang, and the absorber began to absorb the energy of the black crystal and transport it to the brain of Han Lang.

After inheriting the energy carried by the crystal into the brain, it is natural to find a place to be placed. The superpower has a region called the zero-degree brain domain in the human brain. Because Han Lang is an ordinary person, his zero-degree brain domain does not open.

The energy has entered, but the zero-degree brain domain has not been turned on. How can this be good?

Can only be forced to open!

The energy transferred from other superpowers will automatically expand Han wave's zero-degree brain domain, and the time to use the crystal is just the time when a human brain field will be closed before it is closed. This is the most vulnerable time. When the brain is fixed, it will form a permanent zero-degree brain domain. Han Wave, which has no super power, will naturally open the super power!

It must be said that the opening of the brain domain by means of energy transfer is indeed a genius design. Thanks to the design of this genius, thanks to the dark network, Han Lang has the opportunity to fulfill his long-cherished wish and become a super-powerful person.

After a minute and a second, Han Lang began to feel a bit puzzled. It means that the energy transfer will be completed in ten to fifteen minutes. At this moment, it has been more than half an hour. The energy transfer device is still working, and the working speed is still working. There is a trend of getting faster and faster, let Han Lang's brain swell, as if being forced into something.

Every day, Han Lang is like a precision-running machine. He only sleeps for two hours. When he opens his eyes, he works hard. His body is actually very tired. Now he is relaxing in bed and receiving nourishment of energy. Fell asleep…



"Work, no, I have to start working." Han Lang struggled to sit up from the bed and sweated.

There was no light in the room, and the window was dark. Han Lang slammed into the room and found his own phone under the pillow. The phone was found. Unfortunately, it was turned off. Han Lang was obsessed with compiling the drug index, which has not been touched for a long time.

Turning on the light, Han Lang looked at the wall clock and found it was 9 o'clock in the evening. He did not miss the data collection time. Then he let go and went to the kitchen to cook two packets of instant noodles.

The phone was turned on again, and countless pieces of information swarmed. Most of them were sent by Li Qi. Asked if Han Lang is out of order, why is it always turned off? In addition, there are several information about familiar students. Wang Hao was admitted to the university. He was excited to show off to Han Lang. Jiang Xiaoyan was on the list. It is said that he would go back to his hometown to see his grandmother.

Han Lang checked the phone records and found that he had just shut down the dark network three months ago. No wonder he had never received a phone call or a text message. Han Lang thought he was forgotten by the world.

As for the black heritage crystal, it has disappeared under the action of the energy transfer device and turned into energy in the brain of Han Lang.

How long does it take to complete the transfer? This problem Han Lang is really unclear, because he fell asleep during the transfer process. According to the instructions, the longer the advanced crystal transfer time, the more advanced the crystal can take up to six hours to transfer.

"The cheapest garbage crystals, six hours should not be possible, maybe forty or fifty minutes?" Han Lang recalled what happened before he fell asleep.

Sitting at the desk, Han Lang began to think about the problem of super power. He could feel that there was a strong warm current in the brain, and he could feel the power and the state of mind, but he didn't know how to get his super power. Guide it out.

What superpowers do I have now? Han Lang is puzzling.

辗 Going to midnight, Han Lang decided to work first. I will go to the Super Capability Authority to register tomorrow morning. There is a special evaluation machine, which is imported from the developed countries and can test the level and zero force index of the superpower.


The Super Capability Authority in Pudong alone occupies a forty-story building. When the pedestrians pass by here, they are not fearful. After all, it is not the staff of the Authority who are superpowers. They belong to the most typical privileged class of this era.

Early the next morning, Han Lang took the subway to come here and stopped for a moment outside the door. Then he stepped onto the steps and the guard at the door asked coldly: "Who are you looking for?"

"Oh, I want to do a super-capacity registration." Han Langdao.

"This way, please go to the front desk to pick up the form. After filling out, the staff will take you to the registration." The guard immediately changed a smile and pointed to a few pretty girls at the front desk.

The guards of the Superpower Authority are not security guards, but the policemen who are up to 800. When they listen to Han Lang, they are too enthusiastic to register for super powers. The same is true for several small girls at the front desk. There is always a smile, and Han Lang only needs to sit on a comfortable sofa and have a coffee.

"Sure enough, the treatment of super-powerful people is different." Han Lang has been so valued in this life, and his heart is beautiful.

"Sir, please take the form to the 17th floor to find Director Li." The beautiful girl at the front desk handed a form with both hands and said with a smile.

Han Lang nodded and took the form in his hand and went to the elevator.

"wait for me."

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, suddenly a thick hand was coming in from the outside, and then a young man with a big fat body squeezed in.

Han Lang has seen many fat people in this life, but he has never seen anyone who can get fat to this extent. He is more than two meters tall and weighs no more than four hundred pounds. This is still a person, it is just a meat mountain!

PS: What is the super power of Han Lang?

See the next chapter for a breakdown, continue to ask everyone to recommend ticket support!