MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 85 Everyone has unique skills!

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  Chapter 85 Everyone has unique skills!

"? Ah, what happened, this mutant is actually a muscle weakness?" The audience, who were still worried, now saw that the mutant's full blow just split the skin of the vine, and the reaction on his face was almost the same as hating the plague rat — incomprehensible, suspicious eyes.

  He looks so terrifying, and looks no weaker than the dungeon boss, why is his attack so weak?

   "Well, I'm not mistaken, that mutant—is it a mutant, right? Level 2, not level 12, right?" The teachers watching the battle were a little suspicious of the identity of this mutant.

   "It looks like it's attacking with all its strength, why did it become limp after touching the vine?! This is a 2nd-level mutant, why is it just this, just this?!"

  A summoner skill of a level 15 summoner can resist a full blow from a level 2 mutant mutant? Does this still make sense?

   "I guess it looks like this, each of Han Yu's summons has special skills." The headmaster looked at the stunned and astonished expression on the face of the huge mutant that just appeared in the field, and said quietly.

  At first they only thought that the archer's output exploded, and it was a one-point kill.

   Unexpectedly, the big lizard went in and chased the monster to bite, and the broad sword could only splash sparks when it cut on it. Even the blood volume of the monster being reversed is more than the blood volume of the lava lizard.

   Finally broke the shield, the ground fire with a range of two meters directly cleared the field, and it erupted twice in a row, and the parasitic plague rats fled wildly. This damage is not lower than that of a serious fifteenth-level elemental mage.

  A cheetah, no monster can catch up with it when it runs, and it leads Han Yu to scurry wildly on the battlefield, roaring, out of range group control.

   And they watched Hu Yun's previous battle recordings, and they knew that the cheetah could resist, fight and run, and now it's just a bit inferior to be a mount.

  The only little skeleton that looks weak, carrying a hoe, walking staggeringly, a small skill can resist the full blow of the 22nd level mutant.

"This Han Yu is too strong." Zhu Xun, the dean of Elemental Academy, couldn't hide the smile on his lips: "Don't say anything about Han Yu changing his sub-profession and going to Battlefield Academy. What a waste of talents! You say that, the principal is not willing!"

   "A summoner with this kind of talent is a big killer on the real battlefield!"

  Zhu Xun is now very satisfied with Han Yu, wishing that the freshman competition is over now, and register Han Yu as a student of the Element Academy.

  The dean of Zhanzheng College, Qiu Huaqing, didn't speak. He was still wondering when Han Yu would take out his dagger and charge forward, so that he would have a chance to speak.

  Zhang Yi paused for a moment and said, "Actually, sub-professions don't waste much time."

  With Xu Lan's jewels in front, he believes that highly talented summoners have the same high talent to understand the high probability of enchanting formations, so he always wants Han Yu to change his job as an enchanter after fighting.

  In the arena, the abominable plague rat has already reacted from the stupefaction. Although it is puzzled, it does not prevent it from making a second attack.

  Its whole body began to tense up. The muscles of the human body parasitized by the plague rat swelled up, like a balloon about to explode, preparing for the next stronger attack.

   But before he raised his broad sword, the ground fire under his feet began to erupt for the first time. A circular pillar of fire with a diameter of two meters sprang out from the ground, wrapping the whole body of the plague-hating rat in it.

   "Hiss~squeak!" The plague-hating rat let out a piercing cry.

  The stench of burnt fat came from his body surface, and all the plague rats drilled deep into the parasite again, trying to avoid being attacked by the flames.

  After the roar of the abominable plague rat, a layer of earthy shell was covered on its body surface. It is derived from the skill of the Plague Heavy Armored Warrior: Armor.

   I didn't expect to be able to use the original skills after becoming like this.

  The armor covered the whole body of the abominable plague rat, and quickly isolated the flames, but the second round of ground fire spewed out again.

  Unfortunately, due to the blockage of the earthen shell, it failed to cause substantial damage, but the armor that just appeared can only resist this attack.

  When the flames were extinguished, the earthy shell that had just been covered broke into layers and turned into dry and cracked loess, which fell off piece by piece from the abominable plague rat.

"Just right! So as not to hurt my vines." In order not to collide with Fenghuo's ground fire just now, the Yumeng vines just blocked the first attack of the abominable plague rat and retreated, not in the same way as usual , entangled tightly.

   Now even the last ground fire was extinguished by the armor, Finn no longer had any scruples, and the desire dream vines that were already surrounding the Abominable Plague quickly wrapped around it, tightly binding the Abominable Plague that had just reacted.

  If it is a heavy armored warrior wearing heavy armor, the Dreaming Vine may still be difficult to handle, but in the eyes of the Dreaming Vine, the current abomination plague rat is just a huge piece of meat, and the tentacles can drill wherever they want.

  The tentacles of the Desire Vine quickly protruded from the crack, and the tentacles, like small human hands, penetrated into the body of the abominable plague rat, nourished by flesh and blood, and the Desire Vine began to grow stronger.

  The body that hated the plague rat struggled violently and kept trying to get out of control, but it was difficult for him to cut off the vines with a weapon in his hand, so how could he get away with only his physical strength now.

  At the same time, Han Yu and Ellie were not idle, they kept drawing their bows and shooting arrows.

  Especially Han Yu, the talent sharing time is about to pass, and now he doesn't cherish his physical strength at all, he frantically pulls his bow, and shoots an arrow at the back of the head that hates the plague rat.

  The plague-hating rat that couldn't get rid of it let out a low squeaking sound again, and a thick black smoke floated from its body surface, which condensed on the body surface, and at the same time, some of it drifted towards the surroundings.

  It's a pity that Han Yu and the others are far away, and the black mist can't affect them at all.

   "Still have skills?" Because of the level restriction, Han Yu couldn't see what kind of skill the plague-hating rat was.

  But the desire dream vines wrapped around it began to become weak, and small black spots appeared on the vines, which seemed to be affected by the black mist.

   "Master, the Dreaming Vine is affected by the state of weakness and disease." Finn could sense the state of the vine and said immediately.

   "An enhanced version of the disease transmission? You don't need to bite people, but the smoke is enough?" From the previous skills of the plague rat, it is not difficult to guess the impact of this black mist. Han Yu watched the black smoke spread, and took another two steps back.

   Fortunately, there are vines controlling him, otherwise it would be troublesome for him to be affected by the smoke if he rushed over.

  But even though the vines continued to draw flesh and blood that hated plague rats to supplement themselves, they still began to wilt uncontrollably.

  Right now, the growth rate of the Desire Vine is still not as fast as its weakness. It is estimated that it can only control the Abominable Plague for another 30 seconds before it will escape.

   But now, will Han Yu give him thirty seconds?

  Taking a deep breath, Han Yu drew the longbow in his hand into a full moon, and recharged the long bow that had not been used for a long time.

   "See through the weaknesses!"

  The falcon, which has been soaring in the sky, discovered the weakness that hates the plague at the back of its neck.

   Come back late, the update is a bit late, sorry (._.) I’msorry~

   Thanks for the reward in book friend Z, thank you big brother!



  (end of this chapter)