MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 98 When the Monster Starts Thinking About Philosophy (4000 words please read!

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  Chapter 98 When the Monster Starts Thinking About Philosophy (4000 words, please read more!)

  As the judge's voice fell, a golden light flew out from his mouth, flying towards Han Yu.

  The speed of the golden light was not fast, Han Yu tried to dodge, but the golden light was forced to follow, no matter how Han Yu dodged, the golden light would always catch up.

   "No heretic shall escape judgment!"

  The head floating in the air looked at Han Yu's hastily dodging, and the colleagues on the four faces showed sneering expressions.

   It seemed that the golden light didn't do any harm, so Han Yu simply stopped to see what the judging golden light would do.

   When Han Yu stopped, the golden light got into Han Yu's body, and flew out again after a while.

  Han Yu didn't feel the slightest change, he didn't even feel the warm current. If he couldn't see the golden light, Han Yu didn't even know that something had touched him.

   "Heretic, let me taste your sin!"

  The heretic inquisitor's eyes were full of greed, and he sucked in the golden light that flew back into his body.

   "Huh?" The golden light was inhaled into the body, and the four-faced inquisitor frowned, and looked under his head, it was still empty.

  According to common sense, after absorbing the first fruit of judgment, he can grow a quarter of his body.

   "Why didn't you react at all?" At this time, both the inquisitor and Han Yu had the same thought.

  Han Yu thought that this trial was so powerful, why didn't he react at all after taking a hard blow?

  Han Yu looked at the ugly face of the inquisitor, and his expression changed again and again, the face that originally looked terrifying became even more ferocious.

  Han Yu couldn't stand it anymore: "Ai Li, give him an arrow."


  The position of the heretic inquisitor is at the junction of the light of the four steel pillars, a four-faced head, just like this, is wrapped in golden light, floating in the air out of thin air.

  Ai Li shot out an arrow, but just touched the thin layer of golden light on the surface of the skull, the arrow instantly turned into a layer of fly ash, and the golden light just shook slightly, without any sign of breaking.

   "Can't attack? What is this, a birth protection mechanism?"

  Han Yu saw that Ellie's arrow didn't fluctuate at all, and gave up hope of continuing to try.

   Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the villain's talkativeness and directly attack. But I didn't expect that the villain would not let him attack until he finished speaking.

  Although there is no way to attack, the golden light is still gradually weakening as time goes by, but it is impossible to wait for it to dissipate naturally. Of course, Han Yu can't wait so long.

   Every time the Inquisitor uses Judgment, the golden light will weaken by one layer, just wait for him to use up Judgment.

   "Impossible..." The heretic judge lowered his head, looked at his empty lower body, and whispered softly, as if he couldn't believe that his trial had no effect.

   "Hey! Brother, hurry up and pass the plot, I have to pass the level if I kill you!" Han Yu looked at the heretic inquisitor above, completely helpless.

  This is a competition for freshmen, how can I have time for you to be in a daze, can't you just give me a good plot? !

   At this time, Zhong Rou looked at the inquisitor in the field who couldn't believe it, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, it's what I thought! The trial of this inquisitor is useless!"

   "What do you mean? Why does the final boss only have one head?" Someone immediately asked.

  Zhong Rou seemed a little proud of her guess, and continued to explain.

   "The most terrifying part of the boss's judgment skill is that it can add the player's attributes reduced by the debuff to himself, but the player's debuff state will not disappear. And grow a part of his body."

"It was originally a level 20 monster, plus 20% of all the player's attributes, and it's still a magic swordsman profession. Under the ups and downs, normal players can't stand it with one sword, and can only avoid grinding blood... Waiting for the opportunity to kill little by little."

   "But Han Yu, he has completed the hidden missions of four dungeons, and all the negative effects on his body have been removed. This so-called heretic judge still has no attributes to absorb."

   "It's just that I really didn't expect that under such circumstances, he doesn't even have a body! Really, Han Yu really brought me a big surprise!"

  If this is the case, the next land reclamation must adjust the team configuration, even if they can't complete all the tasks on the fourth floor like Han Yu. As long as the Inquisitor has one less hand, the efficiency of land reclamation can still be improved.

"It seems that Han Yu is stable and number one. The fastest of the other students has just entered the fourth floor." Zhang Yi glanced at the other small screens. There were more than a dozen teams that had just pushed past the fourth floor. door.

   Qi Ming and Jiang Ziqi also just started fighting on the fourth floor.

   Qi Ming stood in a corner of the city, away from the attacking range of the other two witches, using his long sword with one mind and two purposes. Fight Pyro Witch and Elemental Witch Summon at the same time.

   "One mind and two tasks, this control is really amazing." Qiu Huaqing sighed again.

  As for Jiang Ziqi, because it is in the normal mode, there are only two elemental witches on the round platform, so it is much easier to deal with it.

   "Well, with this speed, and his boss is weaker than other dungeons, it's strange that Han Yu isn't number one." After Zhang Yi finished speaking, a teacher responded immediately.

  The current situation is that Han Yu is ahead of almost all other students in the content of the first-level copy, which belongs to the only progress.

   And others may not know it yet, what they are striving for with all their strength is only the second place.

  If he knew that he was doomed to lose, he wondered if Qi Ming would fight as hard as he is now.

  In Han Yu's dungeon, after waiting for a few more seconds, the inquisitor finally turned his head again.

   "Impossible! You are a sinner!" The inquisitor looked at Han Yu with an expression of choosing and devouring.

  The head of the heretic judge rotated, revealing a side face, and at the same time changed the broadsword to another mouth to bite.

   "Heretical! The war is rampant, and you should be punished if you refuse to save yourself." He said again, and a golden light flew across.

   Passed through Han Yu's body again, but still nothing happened.

  The heretic judge looked at his crippled body with a hideous face, and turned his head again, revealing another face.

   "Walking corpses are everywhere, you allow them to harm you, you should be punished!" Another golden light flew out, but there was still no response.

  The heretic judge is still just a head, except for a golden light flying around, there is no change at all.

  And Han Yu was already ready to go. When the heretic judge spoke again and again, Han Yu could feel the golden light wrapped around his head getting thinner, and if he said it again, this great head was about to fall from the sky.

   But at this time, the heretic judge stopped, and he also knew that he, who had not received any bonuses, was even physically incomplete.

   There is no way to fight at all, falling is the end of death.

   " are not guilty, I misjudged it, or let's just forget it?"

  The heretic inquisitor who had a grim expression just now gave up so suddenly, Han Yu almost missed the dagger in his hand.

   "I am the judge, so naturally I cannot judge innocent people. You have no crime, please leave."

  Han Yu has done so many dungeons, this is the first time he met a boss who admits to love.

   "Hurry up and say something! I'm still waiting to clear the level!"

  Han Yu didn't know what to say when he saw this whining boss. You have a blood strip on your head, and it's still red, so follow the plot, why are you still being cowardly?

  Besides, this is the first dungeon, and the return scroll can't be used. If you don't kill him, you won't be able to get out, so there's nothing to say.

   Unexpectedly, the inquisitor saw that Han Yu had no intention of quitting, so he raised his head to the sky and opened his hand directly.

   Act like I'm in the sky anyway, and you can't beat me.


  Han Yu didn't expect that the first time he got stuck in the level was due to such a nonsensical reason.

   There are such monsters, Han Yu really opened his eyes.

  If it is a normal dungeon, Han Yu can afford it. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the big head of Jinguangshatter will naturally come down.

   But this is a competition for freshmen, dungeon racing, he dragged it by ten minutes, I don't know how many people have to catch up.

   "What's going on here? Why didn't the inquisitor not move?" Zhang Yi watched Han Yu's stalemate in the dungeon, and Han Yu was talking loudly below.

  Zhong Rou also frowned, she had never encountered such a situation before.

   "Could it be that the judge is scared because he can't absorb the blessing?" Zhong Rou guessed: "Indeed, the judge has no body and no attribute blessings. If he goes down, he will die."

   "And under the protection of the golden light, the player cannot cause damage to the monsters inside at all. If the judge hadn't used up the golden light, it would have to be delayed until the duration disappeared."

   "But a level 20 boss, shouldn't have such an idea? Unless, this copy is a 'real' copy, and the IQ of the monster is higher than that of the normal copy."

   "This... can't be so unlucky, the freshman Dabi met such a monster who doesn't fight." Zhang Yi still has some understanding of the real and the virtual.

  After the game was invaded, countless dungeons appeared all over the world. Among them, the lower the dungeon, the larger the base and the fewer the number of real copies. Most of the homogeneous virtual copies are copied from the real copies.

  At a high level, many unique dungeons are all real copies, and the biological IQ in them is even the same as that of humans.

   The monsters in the real version have higher intelligence, but when the real version is completely destroyed, it will not be refreshed, and the virtual version corresponding to the copy will also disappear permanently after the last batch of players end the battle.

   This is also the way to permanently destroy monsters after the game is invaded so that they will not refresh again.

   As for the so-called complete destruction, the destruction method varies depending on the dungeon, and Shan Hai has not been able to sum up any usable rules so far.

  In other words, now that the monsters in the dungeon are stable, Shanhai can no longer pursue permanent destruction. With more and more players, controllable dungeons have become a resource.

  Now in the dungeon, Han Yu is expressing affection to the judge floating in the air, moving him with reason, and convincing him with reason, in a panic.

  But the judge just looked up at the sky, without a single touch.

  Han Yu took a deep breath: "I can't use the return scroll in this dungeon, and I can't quit even if you don't die. What do you want me to do!"

   "Let me live for a few more minutes, I want to see this city again." The judge, who was so vicious just now, suddenly became compassionate.

   "You will refresh after you die. If you die early, you will be reincarnated early." Han Yu couldn't figure out why this monster could start thinking about life.

   "The resurrected me is not the real me, the dead me is the real me, life is not the body, but the soul. Do you understand, you don't understand!"

   The four faces floating in the air turned to talk to Han Yu in this direction, and separated two faces to look up at the sky and look at the city.


  If it weren't for the golden mask, Han Yu would have gone up and beat him to death. Now he still shares the talent of the lava lizard, and he has a very bad temper.

  Han Yu took a look at the time for his shared talent—the Lava Lizard, and there was only a minute left.

   It is necessary to make the best use of everything. When Han Yu re-formed the rock armor, he had already controlled not to cover his face, pretending to be an ordinary summoner.

  After calming down his emotions, Han Yu tried his best to keep his tone calm and said, "How about a one-on-one fight."

   "You know me. I'm a summoner. I don't need summoned objects to fight you one-on-one. How about it?"

   "Huh?" The inquisitor who had just looked indifferent suddenly regained his spirits and looked at Han Yu excitedly.

   "You remove the golden light, I don't need to summon things, we are one-on-one, whoever dies depends on our own strength."

   "I don't believe it." The inquisitor who had been aroused at first looked at the menacing summons behind Han Yu: "As soon as I remove the golden light, your summons will come and beat me up."

  Han Yu took out his staff, raised his hand to cancel the summoning, and all the summoned objects disappeared on the spot.

   "Now it's time to..."

   "Knowing the mistake and still committing the crime, refusing to judge, should be punished!" The heretic inquisitor saw Han Yu's summoned object disappear, his face froze, and he spoke the final judgment words at a very fast speed.

  The golden light on his body disappeared, and at the same time he began to swing the broadsword in his mouth.

   "Enchant Light Strike!"

   "Enchanting and Purifying!"

  When there is golden light on his body, Han Yu can't attack him, but he can't attack Han Yu either.

  So seeing that Han Yu really lifted the summon, he immediately gave up the golden light, enchanted it, and prepared to attack!

  He doesn't believe that Han Yu won't summon again, and he just wants to kill the summoner with a single sword before Han Yu's summoned object walks out of the summoning circle, and he will still be the final winner at that time.

  Heretic judge, I can't figure it out, what does this summoner think, he wants to fight a monster with a magic swordsman class, and he doesn't need a summoner.

  But Han Yu was also on guard. As soon as the judge opened his mouth, he restarted the summoning array, and the summoned objects were about to be summoned again.

   But before that, the Inquisitor had already slashed at Han Yu with his three-meter-long broadsword.

  The summoning formation was formed, Han Yu's scepter was replaced by a dagger, and he rushed towards the landing point of his big head facing the sword light.

   "You don't think that with your summoned body, you can withstand my sword." The heretic judge seemed to have regained the pride of the judge.

   Sneered at Han Yu's way of rushing towards him.

  Han Yu continued to charge forward without changing his expression.

   Jian Guang swept across Han Yu in a cone shape, there was no way he could dodge it, but he wasn't going to dodge it, so why not take this sword forcefully?

  The three-meter-long sword light slashed at Han Yu's body, and a blood-red wound opened on Han Yu's stomach, blood spurted out, and at the same time, there was a constant burning sensation on the wound.

   Along with the blood dripping, there are also fine rock shells all over the ground.

   The third chapter has been updated together, a chapter of 4,000 words, the last day, ask for tickets to follow up!



  (end of this chapter)