MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 277 There is absolutely no such thing in the heart of the eight circles that collapsed.

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This undoubtedly crushed the nervous nerves of Houqing.

He walked over in a blank expression and hugged the scarred Xie, all in pain.

It’s not Xie Wei, but him, as if he was hurt; it seems that the scar is not on Xie Zhen, but on his heart.

He cautiously held Xie Zhen, and the fear in his heart was like a giant root under the big tree, tangling his whole person.

Why... always hurt?

Why... can't protect him?

why why……

Questioning, self-blame, and incompetence are all glued together, and his spirit is almost collapsed.

He treated Xie Wei day and night without sleep. He didn't dare to blink. It seemed that he would lose him forever.

No, you must not lose Xie.

When Xie Tao woke up, she saw that she was pale and tired to the post-Qing who seemed to have not slept for days and nights.

Although he blames him for his troubles, he will also feel bad about him: "You..."

After Qing touched his hand, his forehead fell on the back of his hand and said in a voice almost pleading: "Please, don't leave."

Humble to the extreme, as if standing on the edge of the cliff, eager for the last way of life.

Xie Tao twisted his eyebrows and said with a weak voice: "Hey, what do you want?"

Hou Qingdao said: "I only want you."

Xie Xiao laughed out: "What you want is the throne under me."

After Qing suddenly looked up, he said: "No, everything I do is for you."

This is probably the best laughter that Xie Tao heard this time: "For me?"

Overhead him, put him under house arrest, let him suffer humiliation, and say it is for him?

Xie Wei’s heart was cold: “If you still care about the previous Ding’s feelings, let me go.”

After the twitching scorpion asked: "Where are you going?"

Xie Yan no expression: "A place without you."

After hearing this sentence, Hou Qing’s heart was completely smashed into mud at this moment.

Fear and uneasiness reached the extreme. He was a scarlet and his face was pale as a demon who could not see the sky. He said, "You don't want to go anywhere."

He imprisoned Xie Zhen.

No longer let him see anyone, no longer let him leave the room, or even give him a chain.

Xie Tao completely blown up: "You are crazy!"

Hou Qing nervously whispered: "You don't know how scared I have been these years. You don't know how frightened you are every time you go to the battlefield. You don't know every time you see a soldier who died, I will think of them as Your face, you don't know... you don't know..."

He said that he could not help but recall Xie Zhen’s memories. He said with a soft voice: "Those are gone."

After Qing looked at him, he smiled and made his back cool: "I thought it was past. I thought that you would become the most honorable person in the world, and you would not be in danger any more, but I was wrong... I am very wrong..."

Xie Tao tweeted: "No one will be completely safe."

"No..." After Qing moved his head, the white hair became an absolute cold color, which made him more pale and sick. "Too many people want to hurt you. I am more and more afraid, and the more I look weak, they are like There are as many ants, killing can't kill, why... why are they hurting you..."

The killing of these five words makes Xie Yan nervous: "What have you done!" The empire was just established, and everything was on the right track. If you use killing to suppress the rebels, it will only lead everything to the end!

The kingdom they have worked hard to build is to bring peace and happiness to the people, not to use dictatorship and dictatorship to exert terror and suffering!

After Qing did not hear his voice, he twitched and kissed on the back of his hand: "Be obedient, little brother, stay with me, you can do anything, I will support you."

Xie Wei was blown up: "After the Qing! What the **** are you doing!"

After Qing kissed his lips and kissed him, he couldn't speak. Xie Wei bite **** his tongue. After overflowing with blood, it seemed to be painless. He smiled and said: "You will rest, the wound is not yet. Complete recovery."

Xie Zhen smelled a scent of fragrance and then fell asleep.

Not only can't you thank this house, but the Qing did not go out, he left everything, no longer asked the political affairs, only staring at Xie Zhen.

He believes that no one, the guards are all waste, and can't protect Xie.

No one but him can protect him.

He will protect him and put his life on his own soul, and will not let him suffer a little bit of damage.

When Xie Wei’s injury healed, Xie Tao couldn’t stand it anymore.

He doesn't know the man in front of him. It is obviously the little white tiger he saved, but he is already a stranger.

Xie Tao began a hunger strike, and did not eat or drink to fight against Houqing.

Hou Qing asked him: "Is not appetizing? Tell me what you want to eat."

Xie Tao stared at him: "Let me."

Houqing’s thin lips tremble: “It’s dangerous, it’s really dangerous.”

Xie Wei sneered: "Enough after Qing, what the **** do you think of me? I am not a flower in the greenhouse, I live in the swamp, I am still a beast when I am coming along the way. Chasing and waiting to die!"

After Qing did not speak.

Xie Tao said: "The chain is solved, otherwise I will not eat a meal!"

Finally, Hou Qing solved the chain, but the doors and windows were still closed, and he himself did not leave him.

Xie Tao has been bored with him. He can't imagine how his closest person will become this look!

Even the white hair that I like very much on weekdays has become a disgusting existence.

Xie Tao can't imagine what the outside looks like. He is not there. After Qing is not there, I am afraid that the entire Rose Dynasty is torn apart.

He is increasingly unable to understand Houqing, and really does not know what he wants.

I can't find a way to escape. Xie Tao is going crazy. He asks Hou Qing: "When are you going to torture me? Where did I get you, let you hate me so much!"

Hou Qing said: "You are very good to me, no one has been so good to me, little brother, how can I hate you, I... love you so much."

This is the so-called confession of Hou Qing.

In such a situation, after these things happened, Xie Tao heard the irony and absurdity of this sentence I love you.

Xie Xiao smiled very satirically: "Love me? Do you love me?"

Hou Qing seems to be a little nervous, he said: "I have been ... always ..."

"Don't be kidding!" Xie Yan yelled. "You call it love? Let this love go to hell!"

After the Qing stunned.

Xie said: "I don't want to entangle with you, let me go."

After Qing’s throat was moved: “Don’t say that...”

Xie Wei looked at him coldly: "If you love me, sorry, I don't love you."

This made Hou Qing fall into the ice cave. He smiled and said: "How, maybe? You are so good to me, how can you..."

"You make me sick," Xie said. "How can I fall in love with someone like you!"

After the Qing stunned, there was no luster in the eyes.

Xie Tao’s spirit is on the verge of collapse. He has been strong all his life. Why have he suffered such humiliation? What's more, the humiliation given to him by his dear ones.

He was extremely angry and complained that he blinked and gave all his trust to such a madman!

Hou Qing said sadly: "No, impossible, you will not hate me, you said, you only have me in my heart..." This is what Xie Tao said to him when they were dependent on each other.

Without warning, Xie Yu’s fingers turned into claws and stabbed in his chest.

Hou Qing was stunned.

Xie took out his **** heart and said to Hou Qing: "There is absolutely no you in this heart."

Hou Qing only felt a **** face in front of him, and this still beating heart became a nightmare of his life.

Xie Tao said to him wickedly: "Either let me go, or I will crush it." Because of his physical condition, as long as the heart is still very difficult to die, but once the heart is injured, it will be difficult to recover.

After Qing’s pupil shrinks: “No, don’t!”

Xie Tao is pale, but black is dark as a deep abyss: "Let me go, or I will die in you..."

Awakened from this dream, Xie Yu sweated.

This is too exciting!

Both of them are neurotic!

Xie Wei can know how this injury is going on...

It’s not made by anyone, it’s caused by him, and it’s really a “hand”.

The heart was dug out and didn't die. I am not a normal beast!

However, this obviously left a huge hidden danger, which led to his body's decline. It took so many medicines to use it. The heart that was originally on the chest was "stunned."

Xie Tao has been taking a medicated bath, and the scar on the chest has faded a lot. After knowing the situation, look at the contour of the scar, or you can see the traces.

Xie Xiao shook, very worried about the virginity of the virgin.

How can it collapse so badly?

The souls of other worlds are at most disheartened, and the virgins are already paranoid to the point of madness.

But think about it... The soul of the river is not lacking in nervousness.

Like love is the three in a dead end, all are morbid, and it is not good to continue to Atlantis. The resurrection of the housekeeper Randy is also scared of him. After that, the quasi-world may have The body of the river slanted, so the souls are sound a lot...

Is this in the world of hodgepodge, the river slant is only slanted with the lion, and there is no chance to "make up" the virgin slant, so let him be black to the end?

From the perspective of bystanders, Xie Zhen can understand the experience of virginity.

The war did leave him with too much psychological trauma. He could not be relieved, and he became more and more fierce. He slowly changed from over-protection to Xie Tao to house arrest. Finally, Xie Zhen’s sudden death completely maddened him. Do not open the glue.

After all, Xie Tao’s setting is a founding emperor who fought in the Quartet. Where can I understand the feelings of Hou Qing? Where can I feel the tension and anxiety of Houqing? His blind desire to leave also completely intensified the contradiction, and finally the act of suicide almost awakened Hou Qing.

But this behavior is too fierce, and after the release of him, he will not let go of himself.

He stayed at the Rose Royal Palace, thinking of Xie Tao, who was far away from the sky, and he was a walking dead of pain, guilt, despair and restlessness day and night.

Xie Zhen sat down on the bed for a while, until the heart did not hurt, then sighed.

But soon he was nervous.

It’s broken... I’m in the state of mind, watching him and the lion slanting day and night, will the old disease recur?

Xie Tao knows that there is such a predecessor, and he will not dare to anger him again, but the lion is inclined...

The souls can always be sly and accurate to their own hands, and they will never be merciless.

The author has something to say: cough, cool and cool, please always remember that the old evil and Xie Zhen in reality are already a pair of mature lovers.

Where, the old evil is not appearing in this small world. [It seems to be spoiled again, 哎]