MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 282 The collapse of the seven worlds 02 ┃ this is what is going on!

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Jiang leaned away and sneered: "I don't know how many times I have dreamed of you, every time I will be smashing you!"

Xie Tao was pale, and there was something in his eyes that was extinguished. His voice was lower: "When I am dead, you will not have such a dream again."

In a sentence, it seems that all his strength is hollowed out. His embarrassing appearance evokes the long-distance memory of the river, letting him recite the simple cave, and the weak man who is so gentle and smiling.

The sharp tingling covered the whole heart, and the river loosened him and turned away.

It’s awkward and it’s more awkward.

Xie Wei fell to the ground, the chain hit the ground, and the crisp sound echoed the entire dungeon.

In the meantime, Jiang Ti thought that this was in the cave, and Xie Yi accidentally broke the plate bowl...

It seems that when he turns back, he can see the beautiful black eyes. The two are mourning him, full of love as if there is only one eye in the world.

False, all fake!

He was tempted by the eyes full of love!

Anger swallowed up his reason. When he returned to God, he found that he had broken the chain bound with Xie Tao.

Xie looked at him with amazement: "Small oblique?"

Jiang squinted into his eyes, black, flashing, like a summer night, bringing infinite coolness and comfort to those who have been hot for a day.

He only used a pair of eyes, just like he kept telling him - Jiang Ti, I love you.

How ridiculous.

To this day, his heart is still beating for this hypocritical man.

Jiang slanted and smiled, and his eyes were cold and cold. He grabbed Xie's chin and stared at him and asked: "Do you only seduce men?"

Xie Wei slammed his eyes wide, his eyes dimmed, and all were gray.

The river retaliates and kisses his lips, rough and arrogant, without any gentleness.

Xie Wei began to struggle and desperately wanted to push him away.

Jiang obliquely put him on the wall and said: "Do you believe that I am here for you?"

Xie Zhen did not move, the whole person was greatly scared, pale as a dead man who stopped breathing: "Small oblique... Kill me... Kill me?"

It’s even more ridiculous to see the blood in the heart of the river. He looked at him like this. He was even more stinging than when he was sent to kill him.

Despair of betrayal is more than a pain to him.

Realizing that he is so mean and weak, Jiang is hateful.

Hate Xie, more hateful, he opened his mouth and said with no expression: "Just pick up a kiss, I want to die?"

Xie Tao's face is more ugly.

Jiang leaned and smiled: "Is it shameful, is it really bad? I just want you to **** taste!"

He picked up Xie Yu and took him out of the dungeon.

Xie Tao, the whole person is shaking, but my heart is... I can finally go to eat spicy and spicy!

He is very steady throughout the whole process, and every expression is a turn-around.

The little lion can do it. When the "truth" is white, there is your crematorium!

Jiang slant took people out of the dungeon, and the guards were all stunned. They wanted to come up and talk, and because the lion's pressure was too low, they couldn't move.

There was his personal servant outside the dungeon, and he saw this scene also collapsed.

Jiang slanted low: "Go to the bath."

The servant did not dare to ask a word, but only said: "Yes."

Xie Tao can take a shower. Although there is a clean ball to keep himself clean, it is a comfortable thing to have a hot bath.

The heart is beautiful, and the face is still nervous. He shakes his throat and asks the river: "What are you doing..."

The river slanted and took him back to the palace. Before going to the bath, he took a bottle of medicine and poured it directly into the mouth of Xie Tao.

Xie Tao was shocked, but she could not get rid of it.

The river **** was extremely fierce, but there was not much force on the hand, and the medicine spilled half a bottle.

However, a few drops of this medicine are enough to make Xie Zhen exhausted.

After taking the medicine, he took him to the bed of the temple. The river was full of expressions without expression. He tore his clothes and threw them directly into the water.

Xie Tao has no strength. He is facing away from the river, and his black hair is scattered on the back. After being stained with water, he is more black and bright, and the contrast is very clear.

The river slanted into the water and went deep into the water. He kissed him when he approached.

Xie Wei couldn't move at all, plus the position was narrow and there was no room to move.

The river slant did not say anything, under the water...

With such a dream, the heart of Jiang’s heart can’t feel the slightest happiness.

Huge sorrow and despair captured him. He retaliated and tortured this vengeance, but his heart seemed to be placed on the cutting board, and it was smashed into mud.

In the past nine years, Jiang has done countless dreams related to Xie Tao.

The dreams have nothing to do with the Rose Royal Palace. They are in the cave, in the village, in the wilderness of the infinite...

Xie Tao occasionally slept under the sun, occasionally holding the trunk waiting for him to collect honey, and sometimes seeing in the village, he would only look at him if he noticed his sight, and as long as he saw him, Xie Tao would It is a smile that only belongs to the river.

Jiang Tien felt that he was not tempted by those dreams. He was the smile of him.

Jiang slanted to observe, Xie Tao never looked at others with such a line of sight, and never gave such a smile to others.

This is his own, and Xie Tao only gave him the gentleness and embarrassment.

Full of endless indulgence and bones of love.

The river slant was captured by this love, and it was indulged in Xie Zhen’s deep feelings.

But... this love is fake.

Every time I wake up, the river thinks of Xie Tao’s last cold expression, saying cruel words: "Since you know it, you can't let you go."

He wants to kill him...

Xie Tao wants to kill him...

His thank you want to kill him...

The desperation that came up at that moment was more than the death of his family.

For that family, Jiang’s memory is limited to the father of one side and the sister who has taken him. Others have no impression.

He is only one month old, his mother is difficult to die and he can die. What can he remember?

There is only the blasphemy of the fire and fear of the sky, and the revenge that breeds because of the desire for life.

To survive, it is for revenge.

He fled the lion country with embarrassment and met Xie Tao.

This is the real beginning of his life, and Xie Tao is the person who gave him life.

But in the end, this recognizes his existence, but he must be erased.

The lion did not shed a tear, but his chest was always cold, and there was blood and tears.

After the end, Xie Wei went to sleep.

The strong collapse of the river, he clung to Xie Wei, as if he was to be embedded in his body: "Why..."

Why on earth...

If time can go back, he wants to stay in that small village forever, and is willing to indulge in an unreal dream.

Xie Tao actually experienced what it is called to be unable to get out of bed.


In fact, it is quite smooth.

Anyway, the river slant does not dare to be really, he pretends to be a faint, this guy seconds, but also holding him a pair of crying and not crying.

Xie Tao is not afraid of waking up and then being ... is very happy to marry him.

Three or four days later, Xie Zhen was not afraid that the young Lion King would die. He was afraid that he would ruin his heart and lungs into a hole.

After estimating that the fire was almost the same, Xie Tao manipulated the robot to "dead."

Jiang is not allowed to be close to the palace, and all the servants are driven out. He looks at Xie Tao alone.

Xie Tao was used in a similar way to the work of dissipating power. Anyway, the strength of the whole body could not be made, and it was even more difficult to "stay in bed."

The river slanted a little good face and did not give it to him. It was hard to hear the words, but the behavior was gentle and prepared, and he was not allowed to have any discomfort.

Xie Yi first asked him what he wanted.

The river slopes are expressionless: "Tear you."

Xie Tao will not ask any more.

In some ways, such a high frequency is quite torturous.

The robot came to the temple with the risk of mortality.

The guards naturally did not dare to stop him. He was the savior of the Lion King and the teacher who was respected by the Lion King.

At this time, the river is looking at the memorial, and Xie Wei sleeps on the soft couch inside, where he can see. He arranged this way, and his explanation for himself was that he was afraid of Xie Tao’s tricks. As for the depths of his heart... Anyway, thank you.

The robot slammed into the ground: "Your Majesty!"

The river slanted down the fold and looked cold: "What is the teacher doing?"

"My Majesty is careful, the Rose Beastmaster has broken his name, but he is a **** of war. You will be the leader of the world. You can humiliate him. It is, really..."

The river slanted to see all the things in the fold, he threw it down and got up and said: "He is a lonely feud, how to be alone to him, you can't talk about it!"

Robot said: "You can take him out of the dungeon and place it in the palace. This...this..."

Jiang is sullen and angry: "Okay, if the teacher only has this thing, then please come back!"

The robot squatted on the ground: "Your Majesty, you are getting married soon, but with a man... there is a wounded national transport!"

Xie Tao just woke up just right, just right to hear this sentence, just right to cast a shocking sight to the river.

The river is swaying, but he can't turn his head.

Xie Wei whispered, "You want to be a relative?"

The hall was so quiet that even the breathing was clear and audible.

Jiang turned his head and looked at him. "Why, do you think I still remember you, don't you stand up?"

Xie Tao’s **** colors that have been raised in these days are all gone: "No... I... I am happy for you."

Jiang’s slanting heart suddenly became a group, and he sneered: “You are not qualified to be happy for me.”

Xie Tao coveted, his fingers clinged to the bed.

The robot spoke again: "Your majesty, the rosters handed over are the daughters of the ministers, you can't cold their hearts!"

The tide of the river is unstoppable: "Lonely things, you don't need to point your finger!"

The robot didn't say anything, and he looked up inexplicably and looked at Xie.

Xie Tao lowered his eyes.

Jiang was aware of it, and his heart was inexplicable, but he didn't think too much. He only thought that the teacher had killed the Xie.

In the evening, Jiang Xie did not know how to thank Xie, Xie Wei sat in bed and dazed.

Jiang looked at him like this. He only felt that his chest was suffocating. He knew that he should kill him and knew that he should not be ridiculous.

But if reason can control emotions, there are so many helpless things in life!

He really couldn't stay any longer, got out of the house and stood in the breath of the moon.

Jiang Yi knows that Xie Wei can't run, his state of weakness in his hands and feet, and the palace can not escape the palace wall.

Just then a black shadow flashed.

The five senses of the sharpness of the river are instantly discovered.

He mentioned that he quickly rushed back to the palace, and he saw a black man kneeling in front of Xie Tao.

The black man whispered: "Your Majesty, please go with the old slave!"

Xie Tao did not say anything, Jiang slant has been stunned by anger, immediately shot to the black man.

Ok! He really has a back hand, and he really wants to escape!

After a few rounds of confrontation with the black man, Jiang Yan felt a strong sense of familiarity.

He is even better, and he has torn off the masked man’s disguise.

After a face of the old man came out, the river slanted: "Teacher?!"

How could this be?

He rescued him from the fierce forest and taught him a kung fu. He helped him to be the teacher of the Lion King. How could he be a thank you?

Xie Tao has been paving the way for so long, but it can be regarded as a trick.

The robot fell to the ground and slammed three heads: "Sorry, kneel down, sorry for the small hall, the old slaves are not good, only..."

Seeing that he was going to commit suicide, the river slanted a short knife and flew his weapon.

Jiang’s brain was in chaos and approached and asked: “Tell me, what the **** is going on!”