MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 584 War (4)

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United Army Temporary Prison.

A phantom is sitting proudly, muttering in his mouth, "The phantom never yields."

His body looks similar to a human race, except that his skin is full of color and the colors are constantly changing. If he squeezes his arms, he will find that his body is also very soft. This special constitution allows them to easily change into anyone, but The price is that they are inherently weak and have low combat power.

If the human race's natural rank is one to three, then the magic rank's natural rank is negative five.

Without the gods system, any human can easily hit three magical families.

However, special bodies also increase their ability to resist pain. No matter how you attack them, they can hardly feel the pain.

In this respect, the magic family is not strong, but just not afraid of pain. Perhaps it is for this reason that this fantasy clan needs to mumble constantly to strengthen its confidence.

Yuan Chenfei walked in at this time.

"You're the phantom?" He asked.

"Yuan Chenfei?" When he saw Yuan Chenfei, the phobias on his face clearly showed his fear: "Yuan Chenfei, the fangs don't want to oppose human race, this is just business."

"I know, but since you don't say it, it's not business."

"I'm willing to say, as long as you let me go!" Shouted the magic tribe.

Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "This sale is not a good deal. Since you have caused me to run back from the battlefield and waste so much of my time, then you still have to pay the price honestly."

He walked over and said, pressing his hand directly on the head of the phantom.

The phantom had realized what was about to happen and shouted: "No, no, don't read my memory, it will make me an idiot, I will say whatever you ask!"

"What price did the Goblins use the oracle?"

"I do not know!"

"I'll search it myself."

"No, don't. I can contact the Demons in the Goblin Empire and they will tell me."

"How to contact?"

"This is a secret and cannot be said!"

Yuan Chenfei put his hand on his forehead.

"Okay, I said, I said!" Shouted from the tribe.

Yuan Chenfei has smelled a stench.

Heck, this is a piss.

He was a little dissatisfied, and looked back at Fang Libo: "This is what you say is strong?"

Fang Libo shrugged: "Before he saw you, he was really strong. I said, didn't you open the aura?"

"I did nothing." Yuan Chen Fei spread his hands.

Ten minutes later, the coalition got the information they wanted.

Brennan's use of oracles comes at the cost of Cyclops-their curse has no effect on Cyclops.

This is the best goblin of all options, after all, Han Feiyu can lift the curse. In this case, we simply give up control in this area.

But because of this, the goblins have decided to clear all Cyclops.

"How to clear it?" Han Feiyu asked with concern, as a Cyclops rescuer, he really hoped to rescue these giants.

"Wuthering Valley," Fang Libo replied, "The goblins plan to transport them all to Wuthering Valley to clear them."

"Why don't those Cyclops resist? The curse has been lifted." Liu Li asked.

"Because they don't know." Yuan Chenfei replied.

The Cyclops didn't know that the curse had been lifted, they still thought the curse was on them, and those goblins who controlled them could kill them with just one thought.

The glory of hope appeared in Han Feiyu's eyes: "Will we just spread the news ..."

Fang Libo shook his head: "Impossible. The Cyclops are all isolated and have no news at all. It is also because they want to isolate the news that they have to send the Cyclops to the Valley for secret slaughter, otherwise those Cyclops found that the goblins were not a curse Kill, resist, and the news will come out. "

"Then let's go to the valley and rescue them!" Han Feiyu clenched his fists.

"Sorry, we still can't do this." Fang Libo still shook his head.

"Why?" Han Feiyu was puzzled.

"Because this is an opportunity," Yuan Chenfei replied, "the final plan is about to begin."

"Now?" Han Feiyu was shocked: "Your top 500 mission has not been completed yet, it's only thirty days!"

Yuan Chenfei nodded seriously.

Nearly half of the top 500 missions have been completed, but it does not matter.

Because the Terran did not plan to wait until the last few days to start planning, but intended to start immediately after entering the delay period. This is why Yuan Chenfei heard Fang Libo said that he started planning in the last three days and immediately realized that there was something wrong with the news.

The reason for this is actually to be caught by the Goblins.

When the war has passed the 30-day period, the Goblin instinct will think that the human race will continue to use the Goblin to consume the 30 days and eventually kill it. The previous wars also confirmed the human race's thinking.

But since the Terrans did not intend to consume the Goblins from the beginning, they adopted a plan to destroy the capital, how could they continue to waste time and manpower and lose their lives in vain?

And now the goblin empire has not realized that there is a risk of extinction. Once they really feel the threat, they will definitely pay a greater price. It will be hard to say whether different races can cooperate in this way.

So immediately after entering the delay period, you can launch an attack on the city of the goblin nations to pay respect to the city. Not only can they be caught by surprise, but also all the goblin's layout is wasted. It can also prevent them from jumping off the wall and ultimately avoiding revealing more cards. risk.

This invasion battle is to make a quick decision!

"That's the way ..." Han Feiyu realized that he was a little upset: "So, those Cyclops, are we going to watch them die?"

General Gao comforted him: "I know that you sympathize with them, and I sympathize. But this is no way. Cyclops are scattered all over the place and transported in different ways. When they arrive at different times, it will take too much time to rescue them. "We can't save them ... war always requires sacrifice, all we can do is reduce it."

"And let other sacrifice." Han Feiyu's tone was not very good, but Fang Libo understood his mood and didn't count.

Fortunately, Han Feiyu is also sensible, after all, he didn't say anything: "So ... okay."

Yuan Chenfei suddenly said: "In fact, there may not be a chance to save them."

"Huh?" Let's watch Yuan Chenfei together.

Han Feiyu was excited: "Do you have a way?"

Yuan Chenfei nodded: "Simple, as long as they can let them kill the Cyclops, from Wuthering Valley to worship the Golden City."

After hearing this, the senior commanders looked at each other and suddenly cried out at the same time: "This is a good idea."

Zhang Tiejun was even more excited: "If we can concentrate the Cyclops in worshipping the city of gold and let them know that the curse will be lifted when launching the total attack, we will have an extra batch of answers!"

"But the question is how do we do it?"

"Hit the grass and frighten the snake, and simply attack Wuthering Valley." Liu Li said.

"No, that will only allow them to shift their targets, but it does not mean that they will be sent to worship the city." General Gao nodded again and again.

"So there must be a reason for the Cyclops to be concentrated in the Golden City." Yuanchen Fei muttered to himself: "Is there any reason why Brennan must be concentrated in the past?"

Everyone meditated.

This thinking is that for a long time, all the battles outside have been fought, and the headquarters is still in a meeting to discuss, but it is still unable to find any suitable solution.

Yuan Chenfei paced repeatedly, and murmured, "In order for the Cyclops to concentrate there, we must make their death there valuable and meaningful ..."

"What value can a group of giant corpses have?" Xia Ning also had a headache.

"It may not be that way," Qu Wei suddenly said, "Isn't all aliens valuable? It's just the value."

After hearing this, Yuan Chenfei's eyes suddenly lighted up: "Qu Wei, how about the alchemy level of worshipping Jincheng?"

"You still need to ask, of course, all the goblin nations are the best." Qu Wei replied: "There are high-end versions of the artisan hammer, there are at least ten or more alchemists, and even a special alchemy tower ... Wouldn't want to ... "

Yuan Chenfei nodded: "If the body of the Cyclops can be used to make some kind of weapons and equipment for my tribe, do you say that Brennan will concentrate the Cyclops?"

"Of course I do," everyone said together.

But then he shook his head: "The problem is that there is no such technology."

"There is no technology, you can study." Yuan Chen flying.

All eyes fell on Han Feiyu at the same time.

"Me?" Han Feiyu noticed something and pointed himself in surprise.

Yuan Chenfei nodded: "Yes. You! Don't you want to rescue the Cyclops? To rescue them, you have to fall on you. You must develop a firepower that can fight our side in the shortest time ... … No, it's the way to fight me, provided the giant bones are used. "

Han Feiyu swallowed: "This is not easy."

"That's why your efforts are needed."

"Actually I think this is very simple." Xia Ning suddenly said.


"Aren't you a goblin immune?" Xia Ning said: "You only need to combine the giant bones with ordinary alchemy fire bream ~ ~ to make weapons that can effectively attack you."

Han Feiyu's mouth wide open in surprise: "Attack me ... effectively!"

"Yes." Yuan Chenfei nodded: "This is indeed the easiest way. Once the goblins know that weapons made from the bones of Cyclops can kill you, they will definitely do so."

Han Feiyu swallowed hard: "Even so, it takes a lot of research."

"No. You are a goblin immunity. If you voluntarily give up your defense against bone weapons, the gods will be happy to allow it. Am I right? Mystra."

Mystra responded suddenly: "It's always easier to give up than to get. It only takes a little courage. Now, it's time to test whether you really love Cyclops ... hehe hehe."

The goods laughed so evil.