MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 589 War (9)

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After setting up the bomb, Yuan Chenfei directly contacted Du Huaijun: "Commander Du?"

In the previous thirty days, Du Huaijun had secretly visited the Goblin Realm and had contact with Yuan Chenfei, so he said directly, "It's me, Yuan Chenfei, how is your situation?"

"Good news, bad news."


"The good news is that the pod communications center was destroyed and the alchemy tower was dropped with a super bomb."

"Great, what about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that I haven't exposed all of this. I don't know if I should continue to lurk now, or just rush out and kill them now because my cruel BUFF will not be wasted."

Du Huaijun was happy: "Of course it is important to lurk, don't always put that attack bonus in your eyes."

"A 25,000 attack bonus. Are you sure you don't care?"

"... Okay, it's very distressing." Du Huaijun was speechless when he heard this figure.

Cruelty is just a normal skill, so you can develop it into a magic skill.

"How are you there?"

"There is still half an hour for the army to fully pass through the gates of the other world."

Just as the teleportation area of ​​Jincheng City can only pass 200,000 people a day, the gate of the outer world also has its own upper limit of entry and exit, but because this gate is large enough, the aircraft carrier can enter if it can land the boat. Relatively high.

Even so, eight million troops would be enough for one day.

This is why the coalition forces are obviously bait, but they have to operate one day later. There is really no way. The main force must be allowed to "cross the bridge".

Fortunately, the goblins can also be considered as dedicated as possible, banish the goblins everywhere, and build defenses, not to give the goblins a chance to peep. From beginning to end, the goblins thought that this was a counterattack by the goblins themselves.

"Okay, I know. Tell me when I'm coming, I will cooperate with you." Yuanchen fly.

"Wait, you said just now that you have super bombs in the Alchemy Tower?" Du Huaijun asked.

"Well, why?"

Du Huaijun thought for a while and thought: "I was wondering if we could use this opportunity to give them a surprise attack."

"You mean ..."

"Space fighters!" Du Huaijun replied: "Before the army arrived, send a few space fighters over and use storm bombs in turn."

Yuan Chenfei immediately shook his head: "This is simply not realistic. The goblin has a special sky screen defense, which is specifically aimed at space fighters."

Sky screen defense is an air defense facility that many aliens have, and it is space fighters.

As long as a space fighter appears under their surveillance, the neutralization bomb will be ready to launch. Once a storm bomb appears, it will be continuously fired at a rate of seven seconds. Although it is a bit wasteful, it effectively prevents the space fighter from sneaking in. may.

The three rounds of the neutralization rounds in the Battle of Purple Rock City are the function of this sky screen system.

"I know this," Du Huaijun said, "but do you know that this sky screen system is connected to the alchemy tower?"

"Eh? That's the case?" Yuan Chenfei was also confused.

He really didn't know this.

"You mean if you blow up the alchemy towers, you can destroy their canopy defense system?"

"The odds are so."

"What does high probability mean?" Yuan Chen flew for a moment, can you not talk about probability in such a thing?

Du Huaijun replied: "It is a matter of confirmation that the sky screen system is connected to the alchemy tower. Not only that, the alchemy tower is also connected to the entire energy system, which is extremely important. But even if the sky screen is destroyed, they can also manually operate the neutral bomb. The effect is just to prevent surprise attacks. "

Yuan Chenfei understood: "Aren't you going to let me go and kill their air defenses?"

"I'm just telling you, if you want to do something, there is indeed an opportunity." Du Huaijun laughed.

Destroying the canopy can only guarantee a surprise attack, but it is difficult for a storm bomb to cover the entire city, and it is even more difficult to kill full-level goblins. If two or three consecutive bombs work, the effect will be very good.

"Don't forget the hood." Yuan Chen flying.

"Yeah." Du Huaijun sighed.

Even if the neutralization bomb is solved, there is also a defensive hood system. Baijin City has a comprehensive defensive system. It just destroys a little and it is difficult to play a decisive role.

But because of this, it is even harder to do it.

Yuanchen flying: "I'll do my best."

Ending the call, Yuan Chenfei was preparing to leave the alchemy tower, and suddenly an old goblin came over.

The old goblin wore a white robe, a crown high above his head, and knew at first sight that he was extraordinary.

Yuan Chenfei didn't want to talk to him and walked down, only when he didn't see it.

The old goblin looked at him like this and sighed: "Bunk, are you still angry with me? You guys, don't play with your temper at this time. Your Majesty doesn't care about people, but his method has his reason. "

Yuan Chenfei said aloud, following the tone of the old goblin: "I can understand, but I always feel that these people are not easy to deal with. Since they dare to come, I am afraid they will rely on it."

"Of course. The gods gave them a chance. As long as the city of worship is destroyed, the goblin empire will fail. Without the professional bonus, we can no longer fight against the human race ..." The old goblin nodded.

Was this the original standard for destroying the Goblin Empire? As long as the mission is completed, the Goblin Empire will be canceled as a player, which can indeed be regarded as perishing.

However, listening to the tone of the old goblin, it seems to have some understanding of the human race plan.

Yuan Chenfei's heart moved and said, "Since you know this, why should you focus on other aliens?"

The old goblin shook his head: "This is the top secret, I can't tell you. In short, don't worry about worshipping the Golden City. The goblin empire will not be defeated by a weak human race after thousands of years of wind and frost. Put your energy on acid rain potion As long as the problem of the light rain tribe is solved, you will make a huge contribution to the worship of the Golden City. Your burden is heavy, so don't contradict it! "

Worship Golden City Defense?

Hearing this, Yuan Chenfei's heart was so tight that he immediately felt an unpleasant feeling.

Goblin races ready for defensive battles in Jincheng?

He took a deep breath and said, "You can't tell me about Her Majesty's plan for the human race, but what about Yuan Chenfei? His Majesty will not forget that this threat exists? Even with weapons made of giant skeletons, It's just restraining Han Feiyu, but not restraining Yuan Chenfei. I don't need to say more about the damage caused by this person, right? "

The old goblin said: "The question of Yuan Chenfei, your Majesty has already made arrangements. You need not worry."

Yuan Chenfei immediately said: "Your Majesty's arrangement should be directed at **** Yuan Chenfei? But how can I guarantee to find him in the first place? Stop him? Under the gods, countless special abilities, if he uses some kind of We entered the city of worship by unprepared means, and then suddenly attacked our vital departments, such as ... "

The old goblin trembled. "You mean, he has other ways to sneak in besides the illusion?"

"Who knows? Although Yuan Chenfei has been fighting hard to kill these past days, who can guarantee that he will not have a hole card? You have also watched Yuan Chenfei's past record. He always has something we can't think of. means."

The old goblin awakened like a dream: "You are right, this may exist. I must immediately remind His Majesty to strengthen the defense of the Heavenly Fortress and the Demon Fortress."

Take the talker as you speak.

What Tiangong Fortress is, Yuan Chenfei, I do n’t know, but when I heard the demon turret, Yuan Chenfei was confused.

Isn't the Demon Fortress borrowed because of the core crystal, and is no longer available?


If it isn't for the ghosts, then the goblins will have the means to activate the magic artillery.

Yuan Chenfei's instinct is not considered to be the former, because the Magic and Goblin races only trade with each other, there is no alliance relationship, and they will not offend the human race and offend Yuan Chenfei without understanding the specific plans of the human race and affecting the war situation. Risk to pit them. But if the goblins can think of defensive battles against the Golden City, then I'm afraid they will see the problems of the phantoms. Then they pretended to lend the core crystals to trick their opponents ...

Thinking of this, Yuan Chenfei was also a cold sweat.

If it was n’t for the old goblin now, everyone would probably not take the demon turret seriously. When the total attack is launched, the demon cannon will fire ...

Yuan Chenfei shuddered at the thought of the consequences.

No, it's more than that.

According to the tone of the old Goblin, the demon turret may have other secrets-yes, they think that the phantoms betrayed themselves, so if Yuan Chenfei came over, he would definitely not try to destroy the demon turret, so it is important to transfer some parts. The facility got there.

This is exactly the best protection method.

What would it be

Whatever it is, it must be the kind that moves the whole body!

At this moment, it seemed that the old goblin had taken out the communicator and contacted Brennan directly: "Your Majesty, it's me, Ato. We just realized a problem. Yuan Chenfei is likely to have some way to enter the city of worship without going through the portal. ... Yes ... I suggest that immediately let the dark blues take calcite to guard the Heavenly Fortress and the Demon Cannon ... Yes, well, here I am ... "


It turned out that these guys didn't even leave.

What is calcite?

Yuan Chenfei wrote down these names.

After finishing talking with Brennan Tong, the old goblin patted Yuan Chenfei: "I'm going to meet Your Majesty and discuss the problem about Yuan Chenfei. I'll leave it to you here to study the acid rain potion."

Said to leave in a hurry.

Seeing the old goblin gone, Yuan Chenfei was not in a hurry to leave. He hypnotized a goblin with hypnosis and asked Banker's room.

When I came to Bank's room, I found a mess here, the room was full of various alchemy drawings.

Yuan Chenfei picked up a flip and contacted Qu Wei by the way.

"Qu Wei, it's me."

"Well, I'm in a meeting. Is there anything wrong?" Qu Wei asked in a low voice.

"Do you know what calcite is?"

Qu Wei answered without hesitation: "The calcite is a very special kind of stone ~ ~ only exists in the world of Buddha, it can restore all the state of the target and return to the original."

Yuan Chenfei's heart moved: "Is it effective against the cruel BUFF?"

"I didn't say that, but I think ... it should work."

Yuan Chenfei understood.

Cruel BUFF has a high priority, and ordinary purification methods are difficult to dispel, but the calcite seems to be the nemesis of this kind of BUFF. It can even be said to be all the subsidiary and enhanced nemesis. It may even be the state of death circus and the disintegration of the demon Can be lifted.

This thing is the nemesis that strengthens skills!

If Yuan Chenfei did not know the dark blue and other aliens holding calcite, he would definitely suffer a lot. At that time, it will be accompanied by a shrine blockade, fearing that he will die on the spot.
