MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 655 Pittsburgh

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"So, this time we are going to fight behind enemy lines?"

Rouwa sat on the table, shaking a pair of light-colored calves, and said with two daggers in her hand.

Rouwa has a hundred levels.

Because of Han Feiyu's sake, he is still wearing a full body.

Similarly, Li Zhanjun and his whole body are pretending. Regarding their strength, regardless of the existence of the BUG-level existence of Yuan Chenfei, this wave of people in the Mutual Aid Society can also be called the backbone of the human race.

If it is said that Yuan Chenfei is sky-high and represents the height of the human race, then the other strong men are the foundation and the support of everywhere.

Especially in this state.

Xia Ning said: "There are three aliens infiltrating our cities. In addition to the Shadows, there are two races, the Rubber and the Void."

"Rubber?" Li Zhanjun was happy: "Is it made of rubber?"

"No." Fang Libo replied: "It's just that they are all soft and deformable. They are similar to the Phantom, but the Phantom is strong in deformation and weak in combat ability. On the contrary, the rubber tribe is generally in the shape of magic and not weak in combat . "

"But I ran out from under your hands." Rouwa didn't open any pot.

Fang Libo was a little embarrassed: "The opponent made a lot of equipment, relying on more than this."

"What about the Void?" Liu Li asked.

"The Void and Qingkong are relatively close, and they are also good at space. But they are not good at using space combat. Most of the Voids do not have the ability of space blades. They are good at space roaming and have extremely powerful space shuttle capabilities. Therefore, the ability to escape is unparalleled in the world. "This time Fang Libo understood how to shirk his responsibility when he spoke:" Because of this, the Void clan is also a typical frontal battle, a powerful race behind enemy lines. For example, each enemy will launch an attack behind enemy lines. This tactic of intervening enemies was first developed by them. "

"It's a bit interesting. So, this time it's our turn to become the defensive side. The tactics adopted by all clan races are now the clan's turn to feel it." Mu'anshan Road.

"Yes," Fang Libo answered honestly.

Xia Ning was the main team in the absence of Yuan Chenfei.

Still she said: "Fei Zi is not here, we will solve this matter. Don't let him down, everyone will do something. Over the shadow clan, Rouwa, you can get it. Liu Li, Sven, you cooperate . "

"Observe." Rouhua grinned. "Just exchange the assassination skills."

Liu Li's natural induction is extremely powerful, and he is good at detecting enemies, so he has a certain restraint against the Ying clan. And Li Siwen's half-dead spiritual body caused him to have a characteristic: that is, he is not affected by some special skills. This includes assassination skills with one hit.

In other words, even if the assassination skill works for him, he will not die, only injured.

Therefore, these three people have some restraint against Ying clan.

Xia Ning continued: "Li Zhanjun, Han Feiyu, Articles of Association, Yue Shuang, the four of you deal with the Void tribe."

Li Zhanjun shouted, "I fuck, why should we deal with this?"

Xia Ning replied: "Feiyu's Alchemy Array has strong adaptability, and the Nether Tribe cannot fight front-to-back, but its ability to escape is outstanding. To deal with them, it is necessary to quickly settle traps by setting traps. Yue Shuang's light of wisdom has already been A breakthrough can have an inducement effect. The ridicule of the charter has also been broken. The two of them are responsible for seducing the enemy, Feiyu is responsible for trapping the enemy, blocking the enemy, and you are responsible for killing the enemy. If you ca n’t quickly kill the Void, No need to mix. "

Li Zhanjun grinned, which explained that he liked to listen.

"Anshan, the sixth day with me, to deal with the rubber." Xia Ning continued.

Xia Ning's book of omniscient knowledge is wild. The rubber clan is the most common among the three clan. The three of them do not need to deliberately target, find a countermeasure, and crush the strength directly.


When Rouwa went to the new deer and other places, Yuan Chenfei was already standing on the land of Pittsburgh.

It only takes about three hours to drive from Pittsburgh to Washington, D.C., if you are a professional, you probably do n’t need half of the time. In other words, once the Necropolis has established a foothold here, the whole of Washington, D.C. will be shrouded in the Scourge of the Undead. From this perspective, you can understand why Hisa is so eager to solve the Necro world.

Imagine that the White House became a cemetery.

Unfortunately, I came here to stop it.

Necropolis is different from other realms. They don't care about the layout of the human race.

Although the day of freedom has not yet arrived, the gates of the dead have begun to infiltrate the corpses.

This corpse poison is actually a weakened version of the natural disaster cloud, making a large amount of land near the gate of the undead into a place of plague. Not only that, these corpses are also slowly changing the surrounding environment, and its biggest effect is to weaken the explosive power of all technological weapons.

This is why the Necropolis is so determined.

When Yuan Chen flew to Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh had become an empty city.

Walking lonely on the streets of Pittsburgh, Qi followed behind him. This time, Qi Qi has grown up a lot, and already has the shape of a dog. The two of them walk on a deserted street, and they feel like one person and one dog in "I Am a Legend".

The only difference is that dogs can talk.

There is still a lot to say.

Qi shook his nose and sniffed a few times: "The disgusting stench of the dead spirit is permeating everywhere, and the corpse poison has penetrated so badly that it has begun to form a preliminary natural disaster cloud. Are they out of bounds? Invaded. "

"Is this not allowed before?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

Qi shook his head: "I don't know. But I only know that no one can break through the limits of the gods except the demons. As now, the day of freedom has not yet arrived, and the natural disaster clouds have penetrated. . "

Yuan Chenfei said, "If it wasn't for the rise of the 10,000 peoples brought about by the demise of the omniscient people, it would be that the gods have moved their hands and feet."

Qi immediately said: "It will definitely not be a problem of rise. This is a question of authority, not a question of strength."

"I think so. The gods have always done it, haven't they? They love to do everything, even the tasks they desire, like the hands and feet. It's no surprise."

The eighteen-day buffer period of Freedom Day is not important for leveling, but because the Terrans are fully prepared. When this preparation is done, the disaster caused by the Freedom Day will be greatly reduced, and to some extent, it is unfair to other races.

Therefore, the gods are likely to secretly release some of their powers, allowing the various ethnic groups to increase the power of infiltration during the deferral period to cope with this weakening.

For the time being, the necromancy world is able to increase the penetration of natural disaster clouds.

"It must be confirmed how much the natural disaster cloud has brought to the technology equipment."

While talking, a Mi Army officer has come over.

When he saw Yuan Chenfei, he saluted, "Mr. Yuan?"

"it's me."

"My name is Miller, and I am here to meet you, please come with me." The officer named Miller answered with respect.

In fact, to be honest, although there are some differences between Miguo and Huaxia, in terms of culture, they are two countries that are highly close. Regardless of the different systems, many aspects of the values ​​are actually very close, such as the importance of family, such as the understanding of eclecticism, such as the importance of taxation ...

Well, it ’s far away. The main meaning of this is that the world has changed a lot. Many nations and countries are still holding old morals and values ​​to face problems. The strongest. The Mi people therefore put down the big country shelf early and began to understand how to greet them. Yuan Chenfei's current Xeon status is the first batch recognized abroad. Of course, this may also be the same as Yuan Chenfei's original killing in the country related.

Because of this, the so-called arrogant treatment does not exist.

At this moment Yuan Chenfei walked along all the way. Every Mi soldier who saw along the way gave him military salute. When he came to the barracks outside the city, all the soldiers were in a good position.

Subsequently, military music sounded, and a general came along the red carpet and shook hands with Yuan Chenfei enthusiastically. Yuan Chenfei felt like being received when the head of state visited.

Well, it's not surprising, after all, it's a strongman world. If there weren't some mysterious extraterrestrial factors, then it would not have been Fang Libo's level to contact him.

It is not possible to enjoy the treatment of heads of states at home, and it is really enjoyed abroad.

At this moment is a white-haired veteran with a standard Huaxia accent: "Welcome to the rice country, Mr. Yuan."

Miller next to him said: "This is General Hancher."

"The Balkan Eagle? I have heard of you." Yuan Chenfei shook hands with Hanche.

"It's just dealing with some small bandits who can't get on the table. Unlike you, you will always challenge the strong." Han Che and Yuan Chenfei walked side by side into the barracks.

"The legendary hawk general ~ ~ I didn't expect to be so humble when talking." Yuan Chenfei laughed.

Hancher quickly waved his hand: "Oh no, no, don't mention hawks. There are no doves and hawks, only survival. We are all fighting for survival. As for me, I admit that I was a hawk, but I must Show that my goal has never been your country. "

"I believe that, Hesa ​​is not stupid enough to send people like Lighthizer and Navarro over."

The two names that Yuan Chenfei said are well-known hawks to China, but with the change of the times, these hawks have already finished. In order to please Huaxia, they were even kicked out of the entire rice power system.

After hearing Yuan Chenfei's words, Hanche laughed: "Why do I think you are hoping that they are coming?"

"Idle is idle," Yuan Chenfei said casually.

Hancher was speechless: "Although the day of the **** battle has not yet arrived, it is not idle here."

The country of the United States prefers to call the day of freedom the day of **** battle. After all, freedom is the freedom of the Xingluowan people, but it is the day of the **** survival of the human race.