MTL - Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss-Chapter 3098 :弑神(4)

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The glare of the light is constantly expanding from within the temple and spreading throughout the entire city. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≈8≠1≥Z≥W≈. ≤C≥OM

It’s only a few days before the trials of the top ten masters. Among the holy cities, the masters from the seventy-two cities have not completely left, and the top-ranking strongmen who are feared by the world are under the golden light. However, it feels like being suppressed from the beginning by an invisible sense of oppression. No matter what kind of power is strong, it is vulnerable to such a powerful force.

The spiritual power in their bodies seems to be motivated by some kind of power, and they are constantly boiling!

Bai Mo and Nan Gong Lie walked up the street and looked at the strange scene in front of them. Both of them were completely stupid.

"What the **** is going on?" Bai Mo squinted and looked at the expanding aperture, the light is expanding rapidly, and it will not take long before it will cover the entire holy city.

"I don't know..." Nan Gonglie's face was a little white. He had received news before, knowing that Jun No Evil and Jun had no medicine suddenly entered the temple, leaving a **** sea outside the temple. The news was told to Qiao Chu and others. Qiao Chu, who would have entrusted him to Bai Mo and him, rushed to the temple.

He and Bai Moben intend to go together, but they were rejected by Qiao Chu. They died in this battle for nine lives. If they were unable to fight against the destruction of God, then even if Bai Mo and Nan Gong Lie rushed, it would only increase their death.

They only told Nangong Lie and Bai Mo. If they were defeated, Nangong Lie and Bai Mo would have to leave the holy city immediately, and let Rong Ruo rush to the next three circles, where there may be survival.

"Vanzhuo them... will there be something?" Bai Mo looked flustered, but his heart was floating with an inexplicable fear. He thought he was strong enough, but under the golden light, his There is only a feeling of powerlessness in the heart that is almost collapsed.

The powerful power above all else is enough for all the strong to bow down, and the power that the strong are proud of, under the golden light, is so ridiculous.

They have a certain distance from the scope of the golden light, but even so, they have already felt the power of the golden light, the power that makes people unable to produce the courage to fight with it!

That kind of fear can't be portrayed in any language, as if it comes from the trembling of the soul and cannot be controlled.

"I don't know, no matter what, we have to be prepared. If there is any accident, we must leave with it." Nan Gonglie's brow wrinkled, but his heart has already made the worst plan. .

"I hope they are okay." White ink bite his teeth. At this moment, he hates his own weakness, but he knows very well that even if his strength is doubled, he will not be able to resist the fear from the soul. .

The golden light is still expanding, and the area covered by the golden light, those who are called the strong by the world, suddenly have an accident that makes them incredible!

Among the golden light, it seems that there is such a strange power, so that the spiritual power in their body boils in a very short time, and is born to the peak!

This sudden change made everyone unbelievable, and what surprised them even more was that under the golden light, their power had grown like a fly!