MTL - Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss-Chapter 6 Lin Wangfu 3

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Innocent and calm looking at the man full of dangerous atmosphere, Lin Wangfu simply has no medicine, no evil, no brother, sitting there, the man is clearly that she released the person from the cave, but now, The enchanting sable has disappeared without a trace, and it is replaced by a deep black scorpion.八?一中文?网?W(一)W?W. 81ZW. COM

"What have you done?" Jun stared at the mysterious man in front of him.

Jun has no medicine to support his chin with one hand, his eyes are slightly raised, with a sinister look, up and down to look at some of the excessively cool girls in front of her eyes.


"No need."

"Unfortunately, this is unilateral."

Jun is a frown, this man is very dangerous, she does not know what method this person used, actually let Junyi treat him as his grandson.

"What did you do to the people here?"

Jun no medicine like a smile, looking at Jun innocent, he raised his hand, a silky small snake coiled around his fingertips, "Don't be afraid, I just let these little things into their bodies, temporarily Made some minor changes to their memories. I won't hurt anyone here, you can rest assured."

The black cat was completely shocked.

The owner of the house saved a monster back! The black snake made the black cat instinctively feel very dangerous.

Being able to enter the human body can also change people's memories!

"This kitten, is your ring spirit?" Jun looked at the little black cat without medicine.

"It has nothing to do with you."

"It's really cold, my sister." Jun had no medicine to smack the lips.

"This is not the place where you should stay, you can go." Jun no evil frowned, this man is too dangerous, let him stay in Lin Wangfu is not a good thing.

Jun no medicine whispered, and the black coiled around his fingertips suddenly burst open. "Don't be so ruthless, you saved me, I just want to repay. If you can't satisfy me with such a humble request, then I can only ruin the things that live in the bodies of the people of Lin Wang. But if these little things are so ruined, I am afraid that they will cause great harm to the settlers.

"Are you threatening me?" Jun squinted.

"No, I am asking you." Jun has no medicine and still smiles.

request? If she does not agree, he will kill everyone in Lin Wangfu? Is this a request?

"Don't be so nervous, I just don't have a place to go. When I can leave, I will naturally leave. Before that, I hope that you can let me stay here to repay your kindness. I can guarantee that it will never Injury anyone here." Jun no medicine smiled.

"Then, when you are gone, still want to kill them?"

"No, when it's time to go, I promise that there will be no accidents for people here." Jun has no medicine.

"I have no choice." Jun no evil teeth.

Jun shrugged without medicine.

I know that I can't expel this dangerous man. If you don't feel evil, just close your eyes and rest, and ignore him.

The black kitten saw that there was no medicine and he did not intend to be unfavorable to his master. This only slightly converged the momentum. He walked on the small limbs and went to the edge of the innocent pillow. He lay down on the short legs and just lay down. The vigilant eyes have never been removed from the body without medicine.

This man is dangerous and dangerous to anyone he has ever encountered.