MTL - Gentle to the Bone-Chapter 11

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In the end, nothing happened that night. The next morning, when Shen Yansheng woke up, Lu Jingce was no longer in the room. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up, changed her clothes and went downstairs.

The servants hadn't returned, and the living room was empty. She walked around the room, and finally found Lu Jingce feeding the fish by the pond in the backyard.

She walked over, probed into the pond, and found that there were many small goldfish in the pond, she couldn't help but ask, "You raised all these?"

Lu Jingce laughed lazily and said, "Where did I get this kind of patience. My grandma raised it during her lifetime, and she lives pretty well."

Shen Yansheng had never raised a small goldfish, so she was curiously lying on the edge of the pond and watching.

Lu Jingce handed her the food box, "Do you want to feed it?"

Shen Yansheng's eyes lit up, and quickly took the food box, "How do you feed it? How much?"

"Just feed him, it won't last forever." Lu Jingce leaned lazily on the edge of the pond, and the early spring sun shone on him, making him even more lazy.

Shen Yansheng held the food box and fed it carefully, because he heard Lu Jingce said that it was the fish that his grandmother raised during her lifetime, so she was extra careful and didn't dare to feed too much, and sprinkled it little by little.

Lu Jingce watched for a long time beside him, but he couldn't hold back his laughter, and joked, "This way of feeding you, they won't be full until noon."

Shen Yansheng pursed her lips and increased it a little.

Seeing the little goldfish crowd around to eat the food she fed her, her mood was also infected, and a smile appeared on her face unconsciously.

Lu Jingce didn't bother her, leaned on his pocket and looked at his phone, simply replying to a few emails.

After feeding the little goldfish, Shen Yansheng put the food box aside. She hesitated for a while, but she mustered up her courage, raised her head and said to Lu Jingce, "That... Lu Jingce, what happened last night..."

Lu Jingce looked down at her, as if listening to her patiently.

But Shen Yansheng's cheeks were red and red, and it took a long time before she finally said, "Can you give me some time? It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'm still not used to it."

Lu Jingce looked at her for a while, his tone was light, but his words were no longer as gentle as usual.

"Shen Yansheng, you have to recognize that you are mine now. I won't let you go. You will be mine for the rest of your life. If I don't touch you now, it doesn't mean I will never touch you."

When occasionally paranoid, Lu Jingce would also think that even if Shen Yansheng would never fall in love with him, she would never have a chance to leave him in her life.

Shen Yansheng understood what Lu Jingce meant. She nodded and said, "I know."

Two days later, Shen Yansheng and Zhou Wanying had dinner. The two are now in a relationship and often share their secrets in private.

For example, Zhou Wanying would tell Shen Yansheng about her relationship with Xie Rin, and Shen Yansheng would not shy away from telling her about her relationship with Lu Jingce.

That night, the two ate at Zhou Wanying's house. Zhou Wanying bought a lot of wine in advance, and the two drank and chatted while eating.

After Shen Yansheng drank too much, she talked about Lu Jingce's birthday night. She originally wanted to thank Lu Jingce that day, and was ready to go to bed with Lu Jingce, but at that time, she was still uncontrollably nervous.

Zhou Wanying pondered for a while after hearing this, and asked, "You haven't forgotten your ex-boyfriend, have you?"

Shen Yansheng shook his head, "How is it possible. He treated me like that, how stupid I was to never forget him."

"Then why did you reject Lu Jingce?" Zhou Wanying was a little puzzled and said, "Lu Jingce is really nice to you. Anyway, I have known him for so many years, and I have never seen him treat a woman as kind to you as he is to you. Besides, Lu Jingce looks good. How handsome and in good shape, how could you reject him?"

Shen Yansheng was a little confused after drinking. She herself doesn't know why. Anyway, she didn't plan to fall in love with anyone anymore. Lu Jingce treated her well and was handsome, so she didn't suffer from him at all.

Later, when she was drunk on the sofa, she thought that she was still too conservative. If she was a little more open, Lu Jingce's top quality was placed in front of her. Even if he didn't help her, it wouldn't hurt to sleep with him at all.

When Xie Rin came back, he smelled a lot of alcohol outside the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that both women in the family were drunk, one fell on the ground and the other fell on the sofa.

He couldn't help frowning, walked straight to Zhou Wanying, who was drunk on the floor, leaned over and hugged him horizontally.

Zhou Wanying was so drunk that she could still feel Xie Rin's breath, she wrapped her arms around his neck unconsciously, buried her face in his neck and sobbed unconsciously, "Xie Rin, don't leave me."

Xie Rin only took her back to the bedroom when she was drunk and talked nonsense, but when she was put on the bed, Zhou Wanying hooked her neck and refused to let go, he coaxed in a good-natured way: "Okay, be obedient, let me go first. , I'll come in with you later."

"do not leave me…"

"I won't leave you." Xie Rin was a little funny, took Zhou Wanying's hand around his neck and put it into the quilt, and said, "I'm not here."

After settling Zhou Wanying, he went outside to call Lu Jingce.

At that time, Lu Jingce was having a party outside, and when he heard Xie Rin say that Shen Yansheng was drunk, he couldn't help frowning and said, "I'll be over in a while."

Twenty minutes later, Lu Jingce stood outside Xie Rin's house and rang the doorbell.

Xie Rin opened the door and smelled the faint smell of alcohol on Lu Jingce's body, and asked, "Come over to the dinner party?"

Lu Jingce said, "En", and when he entered the room, he saw Shen Yansheng who was drunk on the sofa. He couldn't help but have a headache.

Shen Yansheng was groggy. The fear and vigilance that had been buried deep in her heart for the past six months made her open her eyes in an instant. When she saw that it was Lu Jingce, the tight string in her heart was loosened and closed again. Eye.

When she was in a drowsy state, her mind was not clear, but she instinctively regarded Lu Jingce as someone she depended on. Knowing that as long as he's here, she'll be fine.

On the way home, Shen Yansheng was fairly quiet, lying on Lu Jingce's lap all the way, without making any noise or making a fuss, and the wine was surprisingly good.

When he got home, Lu Jingce took someone upstairs and explained, "Make a bowl of hangover soup."

The first time Aunt Ping saw Shen Yansheng drunk, she was so frightened that she responded quickly, turned around and went to the kitchen to make sober soup.

Shen Yansheng was so drunk that he drank a small part of a large bowl of sober soup, spilled a large part, and most of it was spilled on the bed.

Lu Jingce disliked it to the point of death, so he took the person out of the bed and carried him to the next room.

When he put the person on the bed, Shen Yansheng grabbed his neck and refused to let go.

Lu Jingce frowned slightly, and freed up a hand to pull Shen Yansheng's arm away, but Shen Yansheng seemed to be hugging a life-saving driftwood and would not let go.

Lu Jingce originally wanted to forcibly pull Shen Yansheng's hand away, but just as he moved, he suddenly saw tears overflowing from the corner of the little girl's eyes.

Shen Yansheng had a dream, dreaming that she was tied to the edge of a cliff, surrounded by her former friend and lover, everyone stood far away from her, they were laughing, but no one came to save her.

She cried aloud in her sleep. She cried for an unknown amount of time, as if she heard someone calling her name.

"Sheng Sheng, Sheng Sheng—"

who is it?

Who is calling her?

It was this voice that woke her up from her nightmare. She opened her eyes with tears in her eyes. What she saw was Lu Jingce's handsome face.

The moment she saw Lu Jingce, Shen Yansheng suddenly felt an unprecedented peace of mind. She raised her arms around him and buried her face in the side of his neck. She couldn't stop the tears, and her body trembled slightly because she cried.

Lu Jingce let Shen Yansheng hug him like this, stroked her hair gently, and said softly, "It's alright, with me here, nothing will happen."

Shen Yansheng hugged Lu Jingce and cried for a long time, and the tears slowly stopped.

After crying till now, the wine was more than half awake, she slowly let go of Lu Jingce and looked at him with red eyes.

Lu Jingce was hugged by Shen Yansheng and cried for a long time. The shirt on his shoulders was soaked with tears. Shen Yansheng saw it too. He reached out and touched it.

Lu Jingce teased her and said, "You just know?"

He pinched Shen Yansheng's face and said, "I don't know where so many tears come from."

Shen Yansheng pursed her lower lip lightly and said, "I had a nightmare just now, dreaming that I was tied to Heifeng Cliff, my friends and relatives in the past all stood far away from me, and no one came to save me. "

Lu Jingce paused as he unbuttoned the cuff buttons of his shirt, then turned his head to look at Shen Yansheng, seeing that her face was so pale that there was no blood in her, and her heart suddenly felt distressed.

He reached out and rubbed her head and said, "What are you afraid of? Didn't I come to save you?"

Shen Yansheng looked at Lu Jingce and suddenly wanted to cry.


When she was most desperate, only Lu Jingce came to save her.

Lu Jingce untied his cufflinks, took off his watch, and got up to go to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, she saw Shen Yansheng still lying on his bed, and teased her, "You haven't returned to the room yet? I've already asked Aunt Ping to change the quilt for you."

He sat down on the sofa, as usual, wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Shen Yansheng sat up from the bed hugging the quilt, she stared at Lu Jingce for a while, and suddenly said, "Lu Jingce, I'll sleep with you later."

Lu Jingce was looking at his phone, and when he heard Shen Yansheng's words, he couldn't help but pause, and the soot between his fingers suddenly fell on the carpet.

He raised his head and looked into Shen Yansheng's eyes, suspecting that she was still awake, raised his eyebrows indiscernibly, and asked, "What did you just say? Say it again."

Shen Yansheng said seriously: "I said, I want to sleep with you, I sleep alone, and I always have nightmares recently."

Hearing this reason, Lu Jingce was almost not angry with her, and said, "Dare you use me as a tool to help you sleep?"

Shen Yansheng pursed his lips and said nothing. She did rely a little on Lu Jingce.

Lu Jingce smoked half a cigarette, put the cigarette **** into the ashtray, got up and walked to the bed, leaned over and pinched Shen Yansheng's face, looked at her a little condescendingly, and said, "You can sleep with me, but I can It's not Liu Xiahui, don't cry again then."