MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 93 Anti-theft

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【Chapter 93】

After Qin Chuan hung up the phone, he did not return the mobile phone to Xue Chong, but slowly removed the mobile phone card. After the phone card was removed, Qin Chuan returned the phone to Xue Chong.

Xue Chong pressed a slightly swollen eyebrow and said lightly: "Give me the card."

Qin Chuan not only did not return the card to him, but put it directly into his pocket blatantly, and then asked: "Return the card to you, so you can continue to call her?"

Xue Chong said with a light voice, "It's normal to call his girlfriend."

Qin Chuan laughed sarcastically and suddenly asked slowly: "I heard that you have been together for a long time, how long? One year? Two years ... or five years?"

Xue Chong silently guessed that this was the lie that Chu Qianyi just called on the phone. So Xue Chongbian did not deny it anymore, but changed the subject and said: "If President Qin came here to ask these questions, you can ask me again tomorrow morning. Now President Qin, please go back."

Xue Chong's did not deny that, in Qin Chuan's eyes, it is tantamount to acquiescing the facts. He suddenly lowered his eyes and asked quietly, "When will you get married?"

Xue Chong remained silent for a few seconds, and Shen Sheng replied: "A year later."

The smile on Qin Chuan's face was completely gone. His throat moved, and he said with some difficulty: "When I asked you a few days ago, didn't you say you haven't decided yet ..."

Xue Chong looked away and didn't look at Qin Chuan again, said lightly: "... I suddenly changed my mind with her in these two days."

The scene fell silent.

Qin Chuan said nothing, and Xue Chong said nothing. He doesn't know what else to say to Qin Chuan now.

Now that Qin Chuan already has a girlfriend, his life is officially on the right track, and he threatens to never bother him again, but the current situation ... Xue Chong doesn't quite understand.

-This is not the scene he wants to see.

He thought that Qin Chuan might have just lost his consciousness because of drinking, so he came to him. When the wine wakes up, the mind is completely awake and will naturally leave.

So Xue Chong didn't continue to say a word, turned around and walked towards the kitchen, preparing to get a cup of **** tea and let Qin Chuan wake up.

But before he could take a step, his waist was suddenly hugged from behind. Immediately afterwards, Qin Chuan's head lay on his shoulder.

Xue Chong frowned, ready to push Qin Chuan away if he didn't want to. Now that Qin Chuan has decided to clear his relationship with him, he should not continue to struggle like this!

——Not only for Xue Chonghao, but also for Qinchuan.

However, when Xue Chong extended his hand to push Qin Chuan away, it seemed that he felt Xue Chong's intention, Qin Chuan suddenly hugged Xue Chong tightly.

Xue Chong frowned, and was about to say something to let Qin Chuan let go. But the next second, he was stunned.

Between Xue Chong's neck, a sudden ... moist feeling came.

Qin Chuan hugged Xue Chong tightly, buried his head deeply in Xue Chong's neck, with a slightly trembling voice with a crying cry, "... it doesn't matter if you like others, it's okay to be with other women, it's okay to get married. Just ... don't leave me behind. "

After hearing this, Xue Chong remained silent for two seconds. After half a noise, he slowly put Qin Chuan's hand away, and then quietly replied: "General Qin, you drink too much."

Xue Chong's indifferent attitude made Qin Chuan's tears more exuberant.

The cold tears slide down Xue Chong's neck and extend into the collar. At this time, Xue Chong's shoulders have been completely wet with Qin Chuan's tears.

Qin Chuan did not cry five years ago, nor did he cry when he broke off with his father. From a young age, Qin Chuan did not cry. But Xue Chong's indifferent attitude made Qin Chuan's tears fall all at once, and he couldn't stop it.

Qin Chuan said silently, "Master ... do you really don't want me anymore."

Hearing the word Master, Xue Chong felt sour and almost could not bear it. But in the end, he refrained.

——Qin Chuan lost his reason, he must have it.

He must always tell himself that men and men always have no future. Even if Qin Chuan likes it now, it is only a moment.

Feelings will only last for a while, and can fade down to disappear with the passage of time. Just like five years ago, Qin Chuan couldn't live without him. Five years later, he could walk past without a squint like a passerby. Xue Chong believes that five years from now, even if Qin Chuan sees him again, he may have forgotten his face and can no longer recognize him.

The only thing that lasts long is the family. Even if there is friction between the two, there are children who can run together to maintain their feelings. But when men and men are together, once they have no feelings, they are nothing.

Xue Chong has always been a person, so no matter whether he contacts or breaks up, he does not need to consider the consequences. But Qin Chuan is different.

Qin Chuan didn't want to think about it, so he came to consider it for him.

Xue Chong said in a cold voice, "Qin, we have broken up five years ago."

Qin Chuan immediately retorted: "That's Master's unilateral understanding. I didn't agree! And I would never agree! And ... Master didn't mention the word break up from beginning to end!"

Xue Chong ruthlessly said, "Well, since you want to listen to--"

Qin Chuan reached out and quickly covered Xue Chong's mouth, preventing him from speaking. Then he closed his eyes and said in despair: "I don't want to listen."

Xue Chong is silent.

Then, Qin Chuan did not wait for Xue Chong to reply, and then said, "Just as if I was guilty, even if you like a woman, I want to be with you. You don't need to break up with her, and you don't need to do anything. , I will be obedient, as an underground lover, as long as you need it, a phone call, I will be on call. No matter what you want, I will give you. I will not like the previous, every day shouting to announce The relationship between us will not be jealous anytime and anywhere as before. I will be patient, I will suppress, I will try to become what you want ... Just let me be with you. Master, OK it is good?"

Xue Chong took a deep breath and said bitterly, "Qin Chuan, you are already a fiancé ..."

Qin Chuan grabbed Xue Chong as if he were holding a straw to save life, so he refused to let go. When I heard Xue Chong's words, I immediately thought back, "I don't have a fiancée, that's what I lied to you. I thought you would react a little, but I was wrong."

Xue Chong dumbly, "That Ruan ..."

Qin Chuan grabbed Xue Chong's hand tightly and whispered: "That's just a business marriage. If you are not happy, I will break up with her immediately."

Xue Chong stunned, looking at Qin Chuan for a while but he didn't know what to say.

What seemed to come to mind, Qin Chuan's voice unconsciously brought some crying tears, and the cold tears slipped down his handsome white face, "... If at that time, you showed a trace of displeasure, I will I will tell you the truth immediately. But I have been waiting and waiting, and I have not waited. Master ... It does n’t matter if you do n’t like me, it ’s enough to like you. ”

Xue Chong stared at Qin Chuan's crying face and covered his face with a headache. But in the end, he sighed helplessly, "You won."

Because the voice was too low, Qin Chuan did not hear it.

However, I haven't heard it. It's not important now.

Xue Chong lived in only one room, one room and one hall type. He looked up at the time on the wall clock in the living room and found that it was more than nine o'clock, so he reached out and pulled Qin Chuan's hand still pulling him, and then said lightly: "It's not early, go back . "

Qin Chuan thought that Xue Chong still didn't agree, and by virtue of his drink, he simply sat down on the ground with no image and refused to leave.

Qin Chuan dumbfounded: "... No, I won't leave without you agreeing."

Xue Chong pressed a somewhat swollen temple and felt a headache: "Qin Chuan-" is different from Qin Chuan, a boss who doesn't need to open. If Xue Chong is late for a minute, the whole month of a month will be gone in an instant.

Xue Chong's voice was a little unpleasant. I didn't know whether it was because of drinking or being too wronged. Xue Chong's simple words caused Qin Chuan to start crying again.

Qin Chuan's eyes were half drooping, and he stared blankly at the cold floor, whispering: "I don't want to be like this, but I can't help ... Even after five years, I still like you the same. I don't care, you give me You're responsible if you are insulted. "

At the end, Qin Chuan pouted childishly and looked at Xue Chong rather aggrievedly.

Xue Chong and Qin Chuan stared at each other for two seconds. Eventually, he lost the battle first, sighed helplessly in his heart, and then walked over to prepare to support Qin Chuan.

Xue Chong said indifferently: "Secretary Gao told me that you are not in good health and the ground is cold. Let me get up first."

Before Qin Chuan said no, Xue Chong stepped forward and touched Qin Chuan's arm, suddenly feeling that Qin Chuan's body temperature was somewhat abnormal.

Xue Chong's face flicked, and his hand immediately touched Qin Chuan's forehead. Then the next second, his face sank. Then Xue Chong asked with a black face: "When did it start?"

Qin Chuan stared at Xue Chongfa's black face, and wanted to be arrogant to say that we are not breaking up. What do you do with my life? But a glimpse of Xue Chong's rare and serious face, he couldn't say anything at all, and then obediently replied, "... morning."

Xue Chong pressed his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "So you have a fever in the morning, and you don't cure the disease in the afternoon. After going to the bar and drinking, do you plan to die with me at night?"

Qin Chuan weakly retorted, "I don't have ..."

Xue Chong asked, "When do you plan to treat the disease? Waiting for more than 40 degrees, when you are about to die?"

Facing Xue Chong's questioning, Qin Chuan only felt wronged, "It's just a fever, and then ... nobody cares about my life ..." When it comes to the latter sentence, Qin Chuan's voice is obviously murmured .

Listen, Xue Chong couldn't help but sighed helplessly, only thinking that Qin Chuan was hopeless.

Xue Chong carried Qin Chuan's collar and reached out to drag him up, said quietly: "Get up and go with me to cure the disease."

Qin Chuan didn't hear Xue Chong saying he would promise him, so he refused to get up on the ground and "will not ...

Xue Chong stared at Qin Chuanba on the ground, looking like a dead face, and unconsciously recalled these days. The mature and steady appearance of Qin Chuan he saw in the company was simply a comparison between heaven and earth.

He thought that after five years, Qin Chuan became mature and stable, and he was calm and treated rationally in the face of everything. However, he only found out now ... It was so in front of others. In front of him, it seemed to be the same as it was five years ago.

While Xue Chong was complicated, he couldn't help but ridicule.

Qin Chuan refused to get up, so Xue Chong did n’t even bother. In this posture, he asked quietly: "Okay, then suppose, if we are together, what will the company do? Men and men ca n’t do it. Have children, but the company must have an heir. "

Qin Chuan almost didn't think much, and immediately blurted out and said: "It can be a surrogate. I have consulted before. If it is surrogate, it only costs hundreds of thousands. The more expensive one is only more than one million, which is very cheap."

Qin Chuan's very cheap words couldn't help Xue Chong silent for a few seconds.

After a few seconds, Xue Chong then said lightly: "No one can say such things as emotions. Now we are talking about likes, but two months later? What about half a year? Or maybe a year?"

Qin Chuan thought for a while, and then quite aggrievedly said, "But after five years, I still only like you ..." It's like getting a drug / addiction, and I can't stop it.

Xue Chong looked indifferent, "Maybe you just didn't run into a favorite."

Qin Chuan's disapproval of seeing Xue Chong's face suddenly became more aggrieved, and then whispered back: "But I don't think anyone is better than Master ..." Yuluo, Qin Chuan said again, "If Master is not at ease, then I will transfer the property to your name tomorrow. If we break up, I will be cleaned up immediately. Master, you see that I spend a lot of money every day. If I do n’t have money, I ca n’t survive. ”

Qin Chuan's innocent Chong Xuehong blinked, and Xue Chong could not refute Qin Chuan.

So there was only the last one left, Xue Chong said lightly: "Your father will never agree to you being with a man."

Speaking of his father, Qin Chuan's face was obviously cold. Qin Chuan lightly replied: "Now I am in power at home, without my father talking. The only thing I need to ask for permission is my grandmother. But my grandmother said that as long as I like it, it doesn't matter what sex. Five I graduated two years ago, and I originally planned to take you to meet my grandmother, but you left without saying a word ... "

Qin Chuan's tears fell again when he was wronged.

Xue Chong: "..."

In the past five years, he was so worried.

Although everything has been explained, there is still a problem that needs to be solved by Xue Chong.

Xue Chong grabbed Qin Chuan and pulled him up, "Follow me to see a doctor."

Qin Chuan looked at Xue Chong with a blank expression, reached out and hugged the leg of the table beside him, and dropped the words, "... no."

Xue Chong looked at Qin Chuan's extravagant and expensive suit and sat on the ground. He hugged the table beside him in a hurry to avoid being dragged by him. His eyes twitched fiercely. If Qin Chuan's current appearance is seen by others in the company, his eyes will probably be stunned.

He slowly let go of Qin Chuan's collar and said nothing more. He picked up the key on the coffee table and walked towards the door, preparing to go out.

Sure enough, Qin Chuan in the living room was immediately anxious, stood up, and followed quickly. Without talking, he stared at Xue Chong.

Xue Chong changed his shoes and looked back at Qin Chuan. Ben was not going to say anything, but looking at Qin Chuan's uneasy look, he said, "I'm going to buy medicine and I will be back soon."

Qin Chuan froze for a moment, obviously not responding. By the time he responded, Xue Chong had opened the door and was ready to go out.

Qin Chuan was anxious, and was about to go out with Xue Chong, and he hurriedly called: "Master waits for me, and I am going to--

Before Qin Chuan stepped out, he was pushed back by Xue Chong outside. Then, Xue Chong said expressionlessly: "You are not ill, and you are resting at home."

Qin Chuan still didn't give up, and immediately refuted himself: "I just have a little fever, not very serious, let me go with me, Master ..."

Xue Chong replied immediately that he didn't want to. After all, just turn around and leave.

Behind him, Qin Chuan dropped his head in frustration.

Xue Chong outside the door took two steps. It seemed that he suddenly thought of something. He suddenly turned back and explained to Qin Chuan: "I am not a relationship between Chu Qianyi and my boyfriend."

Having finished speaking, before waiting for Qin Chuan's reaction, he reached out and closed the door.

Qin Chuan stood at the door of the living room and stayed completely. What did that sentence ... mean? ... not a boyfriend or girlfriend?

—Wait, not a boyfriend or a girlfriend? !

So marriage is also fake, and dating for a long time is also fake? !

Qin Chuan stood on the spot, looked around the living room, and found that there was indeed no trace of a woman's life. There is even a pair of slippers at the door, and there are no spare slippers specially worn by guests.

It can be seen that Xue Chong doesn't come here very much.

If it was really like that woman's mouth that had been in contact for a long time, how could Xue Chong's house not even have a pair of spare slippers?

Qin Chuan slowly clarified his thoughts, thinking about it, then he couldn't help smiling.

... Master, this little liar.

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your penitent pen.