MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1668 If you don't agree, just turn the window

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Gongsun Xue reacted when his hand reached into the air and was about to fall on his face.

Just seeing the gloom in his eyes flashed, her decision was slightly shaken, and she was a little soft-hearted.

Fortunately found in time.

But seeing his eyes light up in anticipation instantly, she relentlessly retracted her hand, and finally raised it up and landed on his head.

Although she was very tall compared to ordinary women, she was still short in front of him and could only stand on his head.

She touched it twice and said softly, "Don't think too much about it, I don't mean anything else, not to guard you."

Xiao Yao snorted softly and regarded him as a sticky rice ball!

However, the fire in my heart just "snapped" twice, so it was extinguished, and it was successfully smoothed.

It's just that someone is still holding it proudly, so that no one can tell that his little tail has risen.

Distracted thinking, Bingmei's hands are so soft, I really want her to feel like this for a long time.

However, fantasy is full and reality is skinny.

Gongsun Xue quickly withdrew his hand. Seeing that he was no longer nagging and not so depressed, she was relieved, took a step back, and reached out to close the door again. "Go back to rest early!"

After closing the door, he closed it in front of Xiao Yao.

Gongsun Xue faced the closed door, exhaling a long breath, hoping that these two goods do not think about it, there are not many days left, she does not want the two of them to waste on these tangles.

However, when she turned around, the second product that she was worried about was sitting in a chair with her arms wide and hitting a fan with her legs crossed, and she looked as if she was in her room, and she knew that she was worried. Already.

She glanced at the open window and raised her eyebrows slightly. The habit of turning the window without saying a word must be changed!

She walked over and shut it, the cold wind was shut out, the stove was burning, and a little warmth was restored in the room.

Xiao Yao felt the cold eyes of Bingmei and immediately smiled and said, "Rest assured, I will leave after asking the last question, and will not disturb your rest!"

What is called reaching out and not laughing at the face, this is a typical example in front of you.

Gongsun Xue smiled coldly, "You have so many questions today!"

Xiao Yao laughed, as if he couldn't hear the ridicule in her words, leaning on the back of the chair, how comfortable it was, and then slowly said, "I don't understand one thing."


"Since your people have already arrived in Luocheng, I can deal directly with Gongsun Ao as soon as I display the token. Why wait three days later?" This is where he was puzzled in the hall today.

Gongsun Xue's gaze flickered a little, but soon she returned to peace. She walked to the chair opposite him and sat down with a natural expression, "Because I need to do some deployment."

Xiao Yao heard her look at her, and wanted to see the flaws in her expression, but returned without success.

He straightened his back, the smile under his eyes faded, and said authentically, "Ice beauty, I hope we can be honest. At least, we are friends, and the most important among friends is honesty and trust."

Gongsun Xue clenched his hands subconsciously, barely maintaining normality on the face, "That's natural."

After getting her answer, Xiao Yao's face faded instantly, and he resumed his usual joke. "Well, then I won't bother you to rest, see you tomorrow!"

He stood up, ready to walk towards the door of the room, half way, and suddenly remembered something, he patted his head and said to her, "I'll go through the window. Nobody saw it just now. Just go out now, and it will probably take you. People are scared. "

Then he jumped out of the window.

The cold wind blew in, sobering her hot head, she turned to look at the wide window, and somehow she was soaked in bitterness.

Why doesn't she want to be frank?

It was just that Heaven had too few options for her.

That's it, that's it!

Xiao Yao did not leave soon after he went out. He saw her stand up and close the window, watching her thin figure reflected on the window paper. At this time, his face was not as relaxed as before, but was covered with a touch of light. Shadow.

After leaving the capital, he began to notice where she had become different, but she didn't say, and he couldn't ask.

Bingmei, what are you thinking in your heart?

Leaving aside a lot of things for the Yue tribe, and ignoring the tense situation now, Qianliyu came to Luocheng just to help his emperor find someone?

There is no excuse for that!

Can't blame him for being overwhelmed. In this troubled autumn, she chose to choose it after three days, as if a storm was brewing!

He didn't worry that she was bad for them, but there was a faint feeling in his heart, and it was still about her.

He wanted to go to the emperor for analysis, but it was too late to look at the sky, so he could only give up.

With a clear plan of action and a strong backing, everyone is waiting for the day of action.

Three days passed in a flash.

Although it was flying fast, many things happened during this period.

For example, the army sent by Xu Yu defeated the Japanese clan, abandoned the two cities, and then the inexplicable disappearance of the grass, leading to low morale, and lost the largest city in a few days. When the soldiers retired from the river, they happened to break the bridge Tens of thousands of people were captured by the Japanese, but they were defeated.

Therefore, Xu Yu and Gongsun Yu are so anxious that they intend to abandon Luocheng to run.

At this time, Gongsun Xue and Xiao Xu Xiaoyao and others appeared in Gongsun's mansion.

Gongsun Yun was ordering people to pack their luggage, and he was going to flee to the north. When he heard that his house was surrounded, he immediately fell off his tea cup. "What's going on? Is it a Japanese person?" So fast?"

"Not a Japanese person, the coming person is wearing our Yue nationality uniform." The reporting person was scared and scared. He didn't see the person headed clearly, but the shiny sharp knife had let He was frightened.

"Is it our people?" This idea flashed down and was immediately rejected by Gongsun Yu. If it was reinforcements, how could she be surrounded by her mansion, it must be the enemy, her deadly opponent.

Since everyone is here, she will meet them to see who has eaten the bear heart and leopard gall, and dare to come down at this time!

Xiao Yao stood in the yard and looked at the surrounding buildings, and found that Gongsun Yun would enjoy it. The mansion was built to be more luxurious and expensive than Bingmei's palace. It can be seen that this wolf's ambition is already known by everyone in Sima Zhao's heart!

He wanted to see what the Gongsun Dai had three heads and six arms. He actually did a terrible job of robbing the people and forcing him to do better!

"The lord is here!" Sang loudly.

Xiao Yao looked at it smoothly, and saw a fat plump ball moving towards them, he drew a corner, my god!