MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1691 The person in front of you is a sweetheart

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Convicting people should also give people a chance to defend themselves!

However, the person in front of her had no chance but to stop her.

Gongsun Xue felt angry and funny!

She couldn't move or struggle, and she became a fish on a cutting board, leaving him to do whatever he wanted.

Xiao Yao didn't feel her struggle, she gradually reduced her strength from the beginning of the domineering, and slowly turned into a gentle offensive from the beginning of the rampage.

He left her lips during this time, and she wanted to explain while she was sane, but she was covered again. Every time she wanted to speak, he couldn't stop blocking her until she finally indulged in his successive offensives. in.

At the beginning, he took the initiative, and in the end, he couldn't distinguish who took the initiative.

I don't know how long this lasted, and the two finally gasped apart.

Gongsun Xue didn't expect that he would let him do this. It was the first time that she had a skin date.

At this moment he stared at her like a wolf, as if he was going to tear her apart and eat it.

She felt her face burning, she reached out and shoved him, her voice low and dumb, "Let me go."

They can't go on like this, otherwise it will be difficult to end.

"Don't let it go!" He stared at her stubbornly. "I won't let it go!"

In front of his eyes, as long as the scene of Wei Yu's departure was replayed, he was jealous of burning, yes, he admitted that he was jealous, and he was jealous!

He couldn't help but want to occupy her heart, and he didn't want anyone to see her such a shameful side.

She rarely saw such a childish side of him. Was she motivated by drinking?

But thinking of what she and he did just now, where is she like a child!

Gongsun Xue tried to calm the heartbeat of her chest, but the breath in front of her couldn't be ignored.

After the deep kiss just now, the clothes of both men were messed up, his placket was open, a little messy, his forehead shattered, but he couldn't cover his darker eyes, the peach eyes seemed to speak. Similarly, the affection emanates from shallow to strong from the inside to the outside, just like the scent of wine on his body, which can't help but intoxicate.

His lips were red as if stained with rouge, lining his increasingly red eyes, charm, evil spirits, chic, completely different feelings coexisted on him, but the meeting became the most fascinating appearance, enough to upset all beings.

In front of Xiao Yao, her snow skin was flushed, and the coldness of the past swept away, revealing the coquettishness, Haoxue Rongguang, and hibiscus tenderness, which made people feel itchy, and the clear eyes appeared because of the emotions just before them. Layers of water rippled, and the lights from the outside came in, lighting up the glory of her eyes, all of a sudden, bright and colorful.

He thought of the place where his finger had been just now, and his skin was like gel, and it could be broken, as smooth as silk.

His arms were on both sides of her, pressing her sleeves, while her body was pressing his hem, his ink hair and her black hair were intertwined, and it was no longer clear who was who.

It is obviously deep winter, but the temperature in the room keeps rising and the atmosphere is getting more ambiguous.

She pursed her lips and pushed him again. "We have something to say. I can explain what you just said."

Just when she was just in the air, she finally understood what he was angry at, and explained it intentionally, not wanting him to misunderstand, but she had to let him go first.

However, at this time, Xiao Yao had already tasted the sweetness. Where would she let her go so easily, and it was obvious that I didn't listen and I didn't listen, let me eat what you said first.

As he moved, his hand had touched her belt.

Gongsun Xue froze, reached out and held his restless hand, his face flushed, "You are drunk!"

"I'm not drunk!" He whispered.

It's just that alcohol is not intoxicating.

"You first get up and let's talk!" Going on like this, she must wipe the gun and go away, she could not help coaxing him softly.

If usual, he would have been moved by her, but Xiao Yao would not eat her tonight.

In order to prove that he was not drunk, he leaned down again, but in order to punish her, he bit her lip, and his hand broke free of her hand and swam around her.

Gongsun Xue, from a young age, perfected his body, worked hard, and did not do anything about men and women, so when he ignited to ignite on her, the whole person was in a state of ignorance.

It may also be because the person in front of her is a sweetheart, and she has no rebellion.

Sometimes, when the mind can't react, the subconscious behavior is renewed.

Just when Xiao Yao had untied her belt, Qiu Feng's anxious voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Master, haven't you slept yet? Your subordinates heard the sound and felt it."

Both people on the couch were taken aback by this sudden sound. Xiao Yao's movements on his hands froze, his eyes meant to look at the half-blown person on the couch.

Gongsun Xue couldn't take a look at his expression, and looked a little nervously at the door. The outside lights reflected Qiu Feng's figure on the window, and she bent down slightly. You can see that she was really anxious and was about to reach out. Go knock on the door.

"I'm fine, go ahead and rest!"

This waveless voice reassured the people outside the door, but made the people around them look at her unbelievably wide eyes.

Listening to Qiu Feng's distant footsteps, Gongsun Xue's tight string relaxed, and she breathed a sigh of relief, but turned back to Xiao Yaoman's unexpected sight. She froze, and then avoided her eyes and didn't go Looking at him, a little annoyed and a little shy.

Suddenly, feeling that his hand touched her face, she couldn't help looking back at him.

"Just now, why did you do this?" Xiao Yao asked softly.

If she spoke to someone, Qiu Feng would bring someone in, and there would be no room for manoeuvre between him and her.

Gongsun Xue was surprised by what he said. In fact, she didn't know why she did it. Maybe he couldn't bear the blame!

"I won't tell you." She rarely regained her temper.

The episode just now has dispelled Xiao Yao's alcohol and awakened him from drunkenness. In fact, his drinking volume is not bad. This time, it is a bit of alcohol, and I will do these things on the spur of the moment.

He silently arranged her clothes, fastened the belt, and then smashed himself on the quilt on the other side, raising his hand to cover his face, and the whole man blame himself.

Gongsun Xue was stunned by this series of actions, and turned to look at him, "Are you all right?"

He took down his hand and looked at her sideways. Her eyes were slightly stinging from her swollen lips. Just now he didn't control the strength and hurt her. He felt like he was a man.

He stretched out his fingers and touched her lips with pity, his eyes were tender as water.

Gongsun Xue froze. In front of him, he had faded his arrogance and he was not as cynical as usual. At this time, he was serious and affectionate. She seemed to be the most treasured treasure in his hands.

Suddenly, he reached out and hugged her tightly, his voice as low as a stream, "Sorry."