MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1717 The first time in my life

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The morning sun poured over Qinghui and fell on him, as if covered with a layer of fluffy light balls. His hair, shoulders, sleeves bounced, and the light was a bit dazzling, and he was integrated into the whole person. In the aperture, he couldn't see his appearance, but after so many years of dealing with each other, he didn't need to look at it, and knew that his face was filled with an under-flat smile.

I didn't expect that he didn't leave, and he is still here.

But why didn't she want to dig deeper and not know.

Tao Tao looked back. The bamboo forest was the only way out of the valley. She continued to move forward.

Slowly approached, even if she didn't go to see him, but Yu Guang would inevitably see him. As he approached, the halo slowly faded away, and she also saw his look clearly.

A gentleman is like a jade, his hair is like ink, and his smile is like a spring breeze.

But she knows better than anyone that the owner of this pack is an outrageous evil!

The moment she appeared in the bamboo forest, he saw her and came to the light. She was still the same as half a year ago, but she patronized and talked to her yesterday, but she didn't notice that she had lost a lot of weight. When the flesh of the cheeks is reduced, the eyes appear larger and moist, making people more pity.

He prefers the way she used to be. Her cheeks are beeping and her hands are soft. If you think about it, he will be a little fascinated, and he won't return until someone comes to him.


His enthusiastic greetings, in exchange for the other side passed by indifferently, as if he was just a ball of air.

He retracted his hand and touched his chin. There was no loss on his face. Instead, he followed her steps and looked at the basket on her shoulder and continued, "Have you eaten? Are you going out to collect medicine?" "

Tao Tao ignored him and moved on.

Did not have to respond, Dongting Wangyu was not angry, reached out to get her back basket, "I help you carry it!"

Tao Tao took a step to the side, pulled away from him, and continued walking with his lips.

Looking at the falling hand, he shrugged and continued to follow her.

When I was out of the bamboo forest, I saw that the people behind were still persevering. Tao Tao's patience was close to the edge. People who thought he was so proud were already angry and jumped away. .

She stopped, turned to look at him, and said impatiently, "What are you doing with me?"

Seeing that her mood had changed, she no longer regarded him as a stranger or air. Dongting Wangyu was pleased, but she did not dare to reveal her face, and she banged the fan in his hands. Her face was still cynical. With a smile, "I didn't follow you, I was just admiring the scenery. Coincidentally we all went the same way."

Tao Tao narrowed his eyes. This person has been looking around from the beginning to the present. It seems that she is really enjoying the scenery. She didn't stand to say anything. After thinking about it, "In this case, please also ask the son of Dongting to go first. I want Take a break. "

After speaking, she stood aside, waited for him to go first, and then chose a direction opposite to him.

However, there are policies and countermeasures. She does n’t leave, he does n’t leave, she fanned, looked around, people who did n’t know, really thought they were rich sons in the mountains.

The scene continued for a while, Tao Tao's eyes became a little cold, and he didn't want to consume them anymore. He tightened the back basket on his shoulders, raised the internal force, and flew forward with light work.

However, there was a sound of broken clothes in the back. She turned back and saw that evil spirits were following you in a leisurely manner. She secretly gritted her teeth. This person's martial arts was much higher than her. If she wanted to escape lightly, she simply impossible.

She fluttered and turned to look at him coolly, "What the **** are you doing?"

"I don't do anything."

"Then don't follow me!"

Maybe it was the coldness in her eyes that resisted the tremor of the atrium. Dongting Wangyu closed the folding fan and looked at her with a negative hand.

He said this with no other meaning, but it was piercing in her ears, as if to remind her of the past of stubbornness and shamelessness. Her face turned red, and she became angry, "Okay, follow you Just as if I paid you back! "

After that, she never cared whether he was still following him or not, striding forward and not turning back.

He could hear her gritting teeth and couldn't help touching her nose. He didn't want to make her angry, so how could he be clumsy again?

Remembering that he was determined to return to the capital, she was afraid that he would not recover from the injury, so she followed him, he could not hold back, scolded or cursed. Thinking about himself like this, why was he doing what she did then? ?

She was as impatient and irritable as he was now!

Dongting Wangyu, who touched his gray nose, couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it really was retribution!

But even so, he was reluctant to stop and continue following the person in front.

Because he knew that if he just left like this, I'm afraid he would never have to forgive her again in this life.

At this time, he was able to realize that she was chasing him like this, how much grievance she had endured, and she was still a girl.

He could not help cursing himself.

A rogue followed, and although she wanted to ignore it, she couldn't ignore it.

After she arrived in a high mountain that used to be picked, she picked one or two herbs, and the people behind her didn't know what to do. The sound of scratching clothes across the leaves came from far and near.


She didn't want to look back, but her long, white fingers reached in front of her, and a few grasses lay on her palm.

She frowned at him, not understanding what he was about to do.

When facing her eyes, Dongting Wangyu coughed uncomfortably, "I saw these plants just now, it's like you just picked them."

It was said that Tao Tao carefully looked at the grass in his hands, which should be weeds, "You are wrong. Yours is not a seven-star grass or a herb."

Dongting Wangyu heard a word of silence, and looked at the Qixing grass in her basket. Although it looks very similar, there are still different places when you take a closer look. For example, the leaves of Qixing grass are jagged, and his circle is round Polygonal.

Suddenly, to the omnipotent Master of the Moon Palace Gate, wished to be transparent under the sun.

Never in my life has I been so embarrassed!

Looking at his face flushed slightly, his eyes fluttered. Although she had decided to let go of his feelings for him, she couldn't help but laugh.

In March, the tail of winter, the beginning of spring, everything recovers, hibernation is lifted.

Under the grass, a dark green snake was disturbed by the dream, and slowly approached them.

She pressed down her smile and said coldly again, "You go, don't follow me anymore ..."

Just then, the person still holding the unknown weed suddenly rushed at her.

"Be careful!"