MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1726 Never distress you again

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Although there are many doubts, she is confident that her medicine is okay, but everything is not absolute. In addition, she has a lot of energy at the moment, and she has a lot of energy and power, so she didn't follow up.

And Dongting Wang Yuzhen would not believe in herself, and did not find her face pale at the moment.

"This is Baidu Dan. Common poisons can be solved. Yesterday's snake venom was no problem. You ate it. I'll take a look tomorrow. It should be possible to clean up the remaining poison!"

Tao Tao poured out a medicine from a porcelain bottle and handed it to him. Fortunately, she took the medicine with her in response to the test and hurriedly forgot to put it back in the cabinet. Otherwise, she would go back to get it again and again. Her body didn't have that much energy.

In order not to let her doubt, Dongting Wangyu picked it up and swallowed directly in front of her without any hesitation.

Seeing him so refreshing, Tao Tao was very satisfied. It was too late to see the sky, and he was about to stand up, but he just got together, his head was a little dizzy, and his steps fell.

Dongting Wangyu, who was on the side, immediately stepped forward to support her, only to find that she looked a bit wrong, cursing herself for carelessness, and asked nervously, "What's wrong with you? Where is it?"

In fact, when he supported himself, she was already much better. The body reacted subconsciously and wanted to shake off his hand, but when she worried about his eyebrows, she did n’t give up, but shook her head. It's too busy and I don't have enough rest. I'll just go back and get a good night's sleep. "

Hearing her say, although he was still uneasy, but compared to herself, she was a healer, how could she understand medicine better than herself, she only nodded, and then thought of something. She opened her eyes and wanted to speak, but she refused in advance. Already.

"I still have some herbs in my yard to go back to collect. You can't stay here. Your body is not complete and you should take a good rest. I won't disturb you."

Then she pulled her hand back from him, then left without looking back.

He didn't react until there were no people in the hole, looking down at his empty hands, like his empty heart at the moment.

Really uncomfortable.

Xuanxi Zimo walked in and saw his own palace master who lost some souls, and suddenly stomped his feet lightly, "Master, are you all right?"

Dongting Wangyu didn't look up at him, "Tao Tao just left, you escorted her behind, don't let her find out."

The voice of the palace master was so low, obviously something was wrong.

But as a loyal subordinate, Xuanxi Zimo did not dare to disobey his order and immediately ran out to **** the person on the apex of the palace master.

Tao Tao left the cave and was blown by the cold wind. The whole person was much more awake. She smiled secretly. Although she detoxified her sister, she hurt her body because she took a little time. .

However, she was more concerned about Dong Ting's look at her just now. She was so nervous and worried that she had never gotten from him. And when she finally left, he looked hurt.

She shook her head. How could there be such a proud man in heaven like him, it would be good to not hurt others, so she quickly left this thing behind because it was not important.

The next day, Dongting Wangyu did not wait too long, and arrived early in the morning.

He greeted her as usual, and ate breakfast, and it seemed that he had not taken the matter of last night to heart.

Tao Tao thought, it should be her eyes last night.

This time Dongting Wangyu still took the medicine given by Zimo as usual, the poison still remained in the body, but she was still guilty when facing her examination.

The little witch is very smart.

When Tao Tao took the pulse, she found that the poison was not solved. She suddenly sank. Is there a problem with the medicine? She immediately took out the pill bottle for inspection last night.

There was no problem with the medicine, and she did watch him swallow the medicine last night.

These are all fine, then the problem lies elsewhere.

Tao Tao looked up, staring at him calmly and coldly.

"Did you move your hands secretly?"

Dongting Wangyu didn't expect to be spotted by her so soon, she still wanted to dying and struggle, but her eyes were so determined, he could not help but smile slightly, maybe he could be confused in other places. He cannot be her opponent.

"Tao Tao--"

He interrupted her with anger as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Dongting Wangyu, don't you die? You know that some medicines can't be taken indiscriminately, especially related to poison! What exactly do you want to do!"

The girl in front of her eyes was flushed with red eyes, her eyes stared at him deadly, her hands clasped as if she could not wait to throw him on the ground, and punched her hard.

Rarely she was so angry. Although she was scolded, he knew it was because she was worried that he would practice his own body, warmed up, and smiled earnestly, "I just want to see you."

Tao Tao was on the brink of anger. At this moment, his words seemed to be pouring rain from the sky, and she poured all her anger, her hands and feet, her head empty.

She looked at the person in front of him in disbelief. This person was still the Dongting Wangyu who didn't care about anything at all. Can it be faked?

"who are you?"

Dongting Wangyu did not expect to be confessed for the first time in his life, but he would be questioned. However, he thought deeper. Tao Tao ’s first reaction was not to believe him, but to doubt whether that was in her heart. ? Or really do not believe that you will like her?

No matter what kind of possibility, he did not want to see it.

"Who else can I be, Tao Tao, are you frightened? I want to see you, isn't it enough to make you believe? Why have I ever lied to Dongting Wangyu?"

Just a hundred rounds and thousands of times ago, the dust settled in my heart, Tao Tao looked at him, and raised the corner of his mouth, "Yeah, the thing you disdain most is to lie, but what has it to do with me? Dongting, whatever you think in your heart What I want to do has nothing to do with me. "

Dongting Wangyu looked at her stunnedly, unable to speak for a while.

She reached out and put another bottle of medicine in his hand. "This is to detoxify your body. Don't hurt your body at will. Many people will feel bad for you."

"What about you?" He looked at her, his eyes rising from his eyes.

Tao Tao lowered his eyes, stepped back, and distanced him from his eyes. He looked at him quietly, "No more."

You have never cared. I traveled for thousands of miles and devoted myself to you, but I never changed your look.

Hearts that have been broken time and time again can no longer be cured.

Tao Tao turned and left after speaking, this time, her back was absolutely decided.

Dongting Wangyu watched her go away, slowly clenched her hands, and turned and hit the mountain wall heavily.

There was blood on the back of his hands, but he didn't care at all, and finally slid on the ground in disgrace.