MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 49

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The whole person of Yi Jia is paralyzed.

He has a red and big apple in his hand, and he is surrounded by a sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorcerer. Looking at his horror, Ye Jingzhi thought about it and picked up a big, more red apple, and then stuffed it into the hands of Zhao Jia: "I don't know which of these two." Sweet. Jia Jia, which one do you want to eat?"

Yan Jia: "..."

Now it is really not a matter of eating apples at all! ! !

In an instant, Yi Jia was awake. His first reaction was to look at the jade, calmly asked: "Why do you say that I am the unmarried master Ye..." The word couldn't be said, and Yi Jia took a long time and changed his mind: "What do you rely on?" Say that I am the kind of relationship with Master Ye?"

Yan Yu is arrogant and arrogant: "I saw it on the ‘Ghost Know’.”

Suddenly, this news was overwhelmed, and Zhao Jia remembered this. At the beginning, Saitama said that "Ghost knows" published an article saying that he and Ye Master are the kind of relationship, and that the fake jade jade is fined ten. Million.

Zhao Jia said nothing, put two apples directly on the table, open the phone, click on the historical news, go forward one week, and directly found the article.

"Shock! Ye Hao Wang’s fiancee turned out to be TA! 》

Zhao Jia, who read the full article: "..."

After thinking for a long time, Yi Jia couldn't think of how he could have a marriage contract with a man, and he had a marriage contract with Master Ye. After puzzling, he looked up silently and looked at Ye Jingzhi. At this moment, Ye Jingzhi also found a trace of the wrong, he looked at Zhao Jia seriously, seems to want to find out from his expression what is wrong.


Yi Jia tried to calm down the mood and asked softly: "Master Ye, when did I have a marriage contract with you?"

Ye Jingzhi: "!!!"

Does the daughter-in-law actually not recognize the marriage contract? ! ! !

One of the mirrors stayed.

Next, in order to prove his marriage contract with Yi Jia, Ye Jingzhi immediately returned to the room and found out the half of the Taishan stone that was preserved and preserved.

The milky white Taishan stone line is sleek, with a hint of crystal light, like a beautiful little fish.

Saitama looked at it, unknown.

Zhao Jia directly straightened his eyes and rushed back to his room to take out a blood-red Taishan stone.

With a bang, the two pieces of Taishan stone were put together and immediately became a complete Taiji figure.

Ye Jingzhi said: "Look, this is a token."

Yi Jia still can't believe it: "No... impossible!"

One of the mirrors, look up and look at Zhaojia.

Saitama directly sprinkled on the side: "Gia Ge, you still don't admit it now, you still don't admit it! When I blamed you, why didn't you stop me, 100,000 points, I really want to lose 100,000 points. It’s better to sell me. I’m not worth 100,000 points when I sell it!”

Yi Jia did not pay attention to the jade jade. He picked up two pieces of Taishan stone and kept assembling and separating them. No matter how splicing, these two pieces of Taishan stone are perfectly matched and integrated. Yi Jia kept reading "Impossible", and he chanted while fighting. Beside his side, Ye Jingzhi looked at his wife quietly, and was a little embarrassed.

... Is the wife still not acknowledging the marriage contract?

Master Ye suddenly got a little hurt, and he was wronged for a long time.

After waiting for ten minutes, Yi Jia finally recovered from the state of perseverance. He first looked at Daiyu, and Saitama shouted "I can't lose 100,000 points!", then he slowly looked at Ye Jingzhi.

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "!"

The matter is here, the evidence is in front of you, and how can you not believe it, and you can only believe it.

When the sacred stick was just in the process of snoring, he secretly changed the small yellow apple in his hand to the big apple on the table. Zhao Jia did not look at it. He took the biggest apple in the hand of Daiyu and put it in the hands of Ye Jingzhi. He took the big apple left on the table, opened the chair and sat down. Look up at the mirror.

"So... Master Ye, I can know, what is going on here?"

In fact, everything is quite simple.

Nineteen years ago, Ye Jingzhi’s Master Yi Lingzi and Uncle Xing had once had a coincidence and got two pieces of Taishan Stone with excellent appearance. These two pieces of Taishan stone are called Yinyang Jiuhetai Mountain Stone, which is divided into two parts: Yinshi and Yangshi. When Yi Lingzi got the stone, he said goodbye to the master who did not wake up and went home to see the apprentice. However, Yi Lingzi has not returned to Fujian Province. When he passed through Sucheng, he discovered Yi Jia.

Yi Lingzi was kind enough to give him a half-stone of Taishan Stone to help him block the yin.

The above is the speculation of Qian Jia, but Ye Jingzhi frowned and whispered: "When Master came back that day, he really told me that he had found a daughter-in-law. He also said that the other half of Taishan Stone has already To the other party, this is our marriage contract."

Yi Jia still doesn't believe: "I haven't remembered very clearly. When I got this piece of Taishan Stone, I was only four years old. I don't remember what it was like for Taishan Stone. But my father always said that the master is kind. Generous, don't pay us a penny, and give us such a treasure in vain."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Yi Jia feels a bit wrong: "Master Ye?"

Although it is more difficult to talk about, it sounds like saying that his master is swearing, but Ye Hao Wang has always been fair and never lie, he seriously said: "Master has always been stingy, never giving away things. Every time with the Lushan predecessors, If they don’t wake up their seniors, they will lose money, and Master will secretly tie the villain behind them and tie them for three days and three nights."

Yan Jia: "..."

So let's talk about whether it is the same person!

In order to find out the truth of the matter, Ye Jingzhi contacted Masters and Lushan Taoist.

The master who did not wake up was the one who accompanied Yi Lingzi to the Yin and Yang Jiuhe Taishan Stone. He certainly knew the marriage contract. But the master did not wake up for a long time, and only gave an answer: "When I saw Yi Lingzi on the last side, he was very excited to tell me that he had found a good wife for his apprentice, they have nowhere to go. Powerful. That's it."

Lushan Taoist is the person who really saw the last side of Yi Lingzi. When I first went to explore the ancient tomb, there were five people in a row, but he escaped alone. The news given by Lushan Taoist is much more than that of the masters who are not awake: "Easy Ling said that he has had a way to completely solve the apprentice's three-legged body. He also said that he found a very weak girl and gave him Apprentice is a wife. Hey, wait, Ye Xiaoyou, your fiancée is not a Xiaoyou, when is Xiaoyou a little girl?"

Height is one meter eight, how to look like a little girl's Jia Ge: "..."

Zhai Jia and Ye Jingzhi also found a few friends from Yi Lingzi to ask about the situation. Without exception, the information they gave was not as good as the Master and the Lushan Taoist.

This is the end of the matter. Whether it is Yi Jia or Ye Jingzhi, it is impossible to get an answer. The truth has long been buried with Yi Lingzi, 19 years ago.

What is now in front of us is not the truth, but a marriage contract that has become a reality.

Ye Jingzhi fixedly looked at Zhao Jia, he did not speak, but Jia Jia always felt that Master Ye was looking at himself grievances.

But Jia Ge is also suffering in his heart.

Jia Ge still remembers that his father did not know how many times before his death, how selfless dedication to the master who sent the Taishan stone. He praised Yi Lingzi as a true hermit, and praised the noble character of Yi Lingzi's two sleeves. Since childhood, Yi Jia has been instilled with the idea that the true metaphysical celestial sect has no selfishness, a noble person, a pure person, and a moral person.

Just because his father had been chanting in his ear, when Jia Ge’s elementary school was back to Tai’s ancestors’ commemoration of Bethune, the eyebrows were not wrinkled, and the words were backed up with their eyes closed. That is the family too | the ancestors used to describe Bethune's words, used by the father to shape the easy to Lingzi, can imagine, how grateful the father is.

It is also because of his impression of the metaphysical circles from an early age that after the encounter with the mirror of the moral model, Yi Jia can accept this selfless dedication of the metaphysical world. After seeing Daiyu, his worldview completely collapsed.

And now suddenly told him that Yi Lingzi, who was originally sent to Taishan Stone, also bound him a marriage contract, which is not selfless dedication.

Yi Jia’s first reaction: Fortunately, my father didn’t know...

Three people sat in the living room, licking the apples and communicating the information they knew.

Ye Jingzhi also knew for the first time that the original Jia Jia did not know the marriage contract. In fact, this incident also had a great impact on Master Ye. At the beginning, he did not believe that Master would find a man to be a wife, but he thought that this person was a Jiajia, but he felt that it was not so unacceptable, even quite happy. of.

At that time, Ye Jingzhi thought so: It is a master, this wife is really good.

And when she thinks about it, it is something that her father had said to himself before. He himself really does not remember the master of Yi Lingzi, and can only understand the image of the other party from his father's narrative. But now it seems that the father’s image of the selfless dedication master is not related to Yi Lingzi.

However, Yi Jia thought: "Master Ye, according to this statement, I should have seen no youth in my childhood?"

Ye Jingzhi's hand was taken out of the Qing Dynasty: "19 years ago, Master has been fighting side by side with no youth. If you have seen Master, you will definitely see it."

The small bronze scorpion flew happily to the side of Qian Jia, and licked his face as if it was silent.

Seeing the happy scene of their family, they are not happy with the apple stick of the apple: "100,000 points, 100,000 points!"

Yan Jia got up and went to the kitchen: "Master Ye, what do you want to eat?"

Saitama is on the sidelines: "100,000 points, 100,000 points!"

One of the mirrors listened to the wife to cook, and nodded happily: "All right, I eat everything."

Daiyu is also on the sidelines: "100,000 points, 100,000 points!"

Zhai Jiashun gave a bowl of millet porridge to the sacred stick, leaving Yuyu to have a dinner at home. After eating, the master Ye of Huihui continued to clean up the dishes and prepare to wash the dishes. Yan Jia smiled and said: "I sent Yu Yu out."

Ye Jingzhi nodded and carefully washed the dishes.

Zhai Jia took out the door of the jade that was still chanting "100,000 points". When the two left the house, the relaxed smile on the face of Yan Jia suddenly disappeared. Daiyu is still reading the phrase "100,000 points". When Zhao Jia took him, he entered the elevator until he walked to the community garden. He then sighed heavily and wiped his sweat: "I am nervous."

Yu Yu lived: "Gia Ge, what are you nervous about?"

Yan Jia took a few deep breaths: "What do you feel when you suddenly know that you have a fiancé?"

Saitama stunned: "I am a man, where is my fiancé, I can only have a fiancee! No, Jia Ge, you don't seem to have been in love with Ye Hao Wang for a long time, then now you know that he is your fiance. This doesn't make sense."

"This is not the same." Yan Jia looked up and looked at the window of the kitchen. There are individuals there, who are seriously washing dishes, and being peaceful and beautiful, not at all like the Ye Hao Wang who can make the younger generation of the metaphysical circles talk. He explained: "My original idea is to fall in love. Huaxia is now not allowed to have same-sex marriage. We just have to be together. But now there is a marriage contract..."

Daiyu still doesn't understand: "Is there a marriage contract?"

Jia Ge’s face is red: "I can’t help you!"

Saitama was shocked: "Gago, you will still blush!"

Yan Jia: "..." You have a cat disease, why not make people blush!

In fact, it is really impossible for Yi Jia to accept this marriage contract at once, not because she does not want to have a marriage contract with Master Ye, nor does she say that she does not want to be with Ye Master forever, but... Suddenly, she is too shy!

Their relationship is all closer.

After talking about a week of love, I changed from a love relationship to a fiancé relationship...

This is this... This is too horrible! ! !

Jia Ge blushes and sends a sacred stick out of the door, no longer talking. Looking at his appearance, Saitama slowly began to hesitate, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "I did not expect that Jia Ge, you know the marriage contract today, but Ye Hao Wang seems to have known this marriage contract."

Yan Jia brows a wrinkle: "What's wrong?"

When Yu Yu thought about it, he whispered: "Gia Ge, although I am very jealous of Ye Hao, I dare not talk to him, but I have to tell the truth. Ye Hao’s moral literacy is far superior to all of us, even Nanyi. It’s all a big cut. So Jia Ge, Ye Hao Wang already knows your marriage contract, you don’t worry... No, I just made a possibility, don’t think about it. Really, I’m worried about you later. I am not happy when I think of this kind of thing myself."

Yi Jia certainly understands the meaning of Yu Yu.

When he learned that there was a marriage contract and knew that Ye Jing had already known the marriage contract, he thought of this question.

However, at this moment, the pink that his cheeks had shy and shivered had not completely retreated. He turned to look at Yuyu. The warm glow of the setting sun shines on his face, quiet and beautiful. He calmly and calmly asks: "How can I doubt him?"

Saitama didn’t react at all: "Ah?"

Jia Jiadao: "In my life, I will never doubt him, whether it is anything or any feelings. Because he is Ye Jingzhi."

Master Ye, who is washing the dishes in the kitchen, suddenly went straight into the ear and said something like this.

Master Ye, who is praised by his wife, is full of blush: "!"

What did the wife say suddenly and praise him! So happy! ! !

Zhai Jia sent Yu Yu to leave. Before he left, he solemnly apologized to Saitama and said that he would definitely find a way to return the 100,000 points. Saitama immediately said that he just talked casually, did not really want to let Yi Jia also score points. But Jia Ge said seriously: "Although I don't know, but it is my fault in nature, misleading you, can't blame you. So, let me at least 90,000, can you?"

The sacred sticks are full of cows: "Gago!"

Such a derogatory Jia Ge must be blown for a lifetime!

Yi Jia slowly walked back to the community and slowly walked upstairs. This time he did not take the elevator, but walked up one by one. When I walked to the door, Jia Ge’s face was a little hot. He tried to calm down and raised his hand to press the doorbell, but the hand was just placed on the doorbell and he couldn’t help but let it go.

In this way, Yi Jia has not been mentally prepared, how to see his fiancé.

When he hesitated to the tenth time, the door brush was pulled open.

Also immersed in the mirror of the emotions exaggerated by the wife: "Jia Jia, why not come in?"

Yan Jia: "This... this is coming in."

In fact, there is this marriage contract, he really... um, very happy.

The author has something to say: Mirror: My wife praises me every day, happy (/≧▽≦/)

C+: Suddenly a fiancé is completely unprepared! ! !


Today, my body is not very good, a little bit hot, I can't hold it, the number of words is less, sorry for the little angels.

In addition, we will sprinkle a wave of sugar today, we must continue to catch up with the drama tomorrow! What? 啾=3=Thank you for your support.


Thank you

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