MTL - Global Blessed Land: I Can Add Attributes On The Buildings-Chapter 136 Joyoung Blacksmith Shop

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  Chapter 136 Jiuyang Blacksmith Shop

   This also led Xu Changqing to avoid suspicion, and it was also the reason why Xu Changqing didn't want to take care of things.

  But when there are more talents in the future, Xu Changqing doesn't need to be like this now.

  Mei Changge actually thought about establishing an educational institution in the city, but to establish such an institution, there are no corresponding talents. This is the reason why Mei Changge did not set up an education department.

  In the end, Mei Changge decided to build the five major departments first, and then build the rest of the departments.

  For example, the soldiers who manage the city, and the Ministry of Punishment, etc., all of which need to be carried out step by step.

   "My lord!"

   At this time, Lin Zifeng came to Mei Changge with Xuanyang Taoist soldiers, and said respectfully.

"came back!"

  Mei Changge smiled slightly, then nodded.

From Xu Changqing's mouth, Mei Changge also knew that the population of Lin Zifeng's entry into the star gate was good, a total of more than 20,000 people, plus the population that Mei Changge brought back from the Shanlin tribe, there were already more than 50,000 people up.

  As long as these people integrate in, Mei Changge will have at least 50,000 luck points, which does not include the subsequent increase in luck points.

   "Master, this is an item obtained in the Stargate world."

  Lin Zifeng took out the space bag from his waist and handed it to Mei Changge.

   This time they entered the first-level star gate, and did not meet aliens, but all of them were human beings.

  I also got four or five pieces of strange treasures, which is considered a good harvest.

   "That's right, let these people be handed over to Mr. Xu, as well as the military salary of the Taoist soldiers. You can go to Feng Xiao later."

   "In addition, your salary is also in Fengxiao's hands."

   "I will open a light gate connecting Qinglian City in Qingyun City, and you can go to Qinglian City through the light gate."

  After Mei Changge finished speaking, his consciousness moved, and a door of light appeared on the inner square of Qingyun City.

   It happens to be connected to Qinglian City outside.

   "Yes, my lord."

  Lin Zifeng clasped his hands and left here with the Xuanyang Taoist soldiers.

   "Mr. Xu, this is your salary. After you count the population, you can also go to Qinglian City to find Fengxiao."

   "Yes, my lord."

  Xu Changqing looked at the space bag that Mei Changge threw to him, and responded with a smile on his face, and then Mei Changge disappeared in place.

  Seeing Mei Changge leave, Xu Changqing began to count the remaining population, including those brought back by Lin Zifeng.

   These people will be temporarily arranged in Qingyun City, waiting for distribution.

  As for Mei Changge, he returned to Qingyun Hall.

"grown ups!"

  In the Palace of Qingyun, several maids saw Mei Changge appearing, with joyful expressions on their delicate faces, and even bowed to Mei Changge in a graceful figure.

  Mei Changge was also taken aback, almost forgot that Guo Jia arranged for a maid in Qingyun Palace.

   Then he waved to several maids, signaling them to leave on their own.

   "But these maids are more beautiful when they come out one by one in Qingyun Temple? Does Qingyun Temple have hidden characteristics?"

  Mei Changge sat in a high position with doubts on his face.

   Then he looked at the panel and found that Qinglian Temple did not show any special changes.

   Still the same.

   "Forgot, these maids stayed in the Qingyun Temple, and were blessed by the cultivation of the Qingyun Temple, their strength has reached the innate level, no wonder they all seem to have obvious changes."

  Mei Changge slapped his head, remembering the characteristics of Qingyun Palace.

  However, with three times the cultivation blessing, these maids are really promoted very quickly. Unfortunately, although there are several palaces in Qingyun Palace, it is not suitable for Taoist soldiers to come in and practice.

   What's more, Qingyun Palace is where he lives, and Guo Jia will not allow other people to enter Qingyun Palace rashly.

  In the eyes of common people, Qingyun Temple is even more mysterious, and it is the residence of immortals.

   "Should I exchange for a blueprint of a female Taoist soldier from the Blue Star Academy?"

  A thought flashed through Mei Changge's mind. Although these women are not needed to fight, they can indeed be cultivated.

   "Let's take a look at what we have gained from the Mountain Forest Tribe first."

  Mei Changge thought of this, and took out the items obtained in the treasure house of the Shanlin tribe.

   Among them, there are sixteen first-level star gates and one second-level star gate token. In addition, there are some strange treasures and exercises, etc.

  The exercises and so on are relatively general, and there is nothing special about them.

  However, Mei Changge found two items in the strange treasure.

  The first item is a spear, yes, it is a rare weapon that surprised Mei Changge.

  The name of this rare treasure is a gun. There is nothing special about it. The whole body is silver. There are no lines carved on the gun.

   "The bone gun can finally be replaced!"

  Mei Changge stretched out her hand and caressed the barrel of the spear. The whole body has a metallic texture, and it feels cold to the touch for the first time.

   "The original gun and bone gun can be retired, and this long gun can be used as my weapon in the future."

  Mei Changge stood up, recognized the spear directly, then stepped down from the Lotus Throne, and danced briefly in Qingyun Palace twice.

   Outside the gate of Qingyun Hall, a few pairs of beautiful eyes looked at Mei Changge, who was wielding a spear in the hall.

   "My lord is so handsome!"

   "Yes, but the lord is not often in Qingyun Palace, and I don't know which of us sisters can get the favor of the lord?"

   "Bah, you guys think so much!"

   Several women hid behind Qingyun Temple, the look in their eyes seemed to melt anyone.

   "But sisters, have you noticed that our strength has improved so fast in this Qingyun Palace, and look at Yinger, her skin seems to be getting fairer and fairer."

   "Yes, yes, but I guess it's because of adults."

   "If you can talk to adults..."

   Several women whispered, but Mei Changge in Qingyun Palace stopped.

   "Good gun."

  Mei Changge's eyes were full of joy. After the gun recognized its owner, it fully met his requirements in terms of weight and feel.

   What's more, it can be improved through luck points, so you can grow up with him.

   As for the conversation between the maids outside the hall, he naturally heard it too, but he didn't care, and looked outside the hall.

   Several maids ran away blushing.

   "It was definitely Guo Jia who taught them!"

  Mei Changge shook her head lightly, then looked at other items again.

  In addition to this gun, among the mountain forest tribe, there is another rare treasure that interests him.

   This rare treasure looks like a small three-story attic, but the middle part of the attic is hollow.

   "Spiritfire blacksmith shop?"

  Seeing the name, Mei Changge was curious.

  Spiritfire Blacksmith Shop

   Grade: Ninth Grade

  Introduction: The center contains the spiritual fire, which connects every space and can be used to create various tools, weapons, etc. (Regardless of building any item success rate +10%)

  This is the first time Mei Changge has seen the Spirit Fire Blacksmith Shop.

   "It seems that the people in the creation camp are blessed!"

  Mei Changge showed a smile on his face. The most important thing is that this spiritual fire blacksmith shop can actually increase the success rate by 10%.

  Mei Changge saw this, and then directly transferred 1,000 luck points from the panel, trying to upgrade this spiritual fire blacksmith to the eighth rank.

  The result made him frown.

   Unable to upgrade.


   To be precise, there is one thing missing.

  This spiritual fire smithy needs a special spiritual fire if it wants to upgrade.

   Only by putting the spiritual fire into the blacksmith shop can it be successfully upgraded to the eighth rank.


  Mei Changge's eyes lit up, and then a flaming lotus appeared in his hand.


  The flame lotus was thrown directly into the spiritual fire blacksmith shop.

  A white light flashed, and the Spirit Fire Blacksmith Shop was successfully upgraded to the eighth rank.

  Joyang Blacksmith Shop

   Grade: Eighth Grade

  Introduction: Contains Nine Suns Spirit Fire, refining success rate increased by 20%

   "Didn't expect to change the name?"

  Mei Changge smiled, but the name is just the same, but the success rate has increased by another 10%, which makes him very satisfied.

   I want to come to the Creation Camp to obtain the Jiuyang blacksmith shop, which will be of great help to the entire Qinglian territory.

  Mei Changge then put away the Jiuyang Blacksmith Shop and handed it over to the Creation Camp later.

   Except for these two rare treasures that surprised him, some of the others were pills and some were skills.

   There are a few more drawings.

   There are Daobing blueprints and some other blueprints.

   These blueprints were thrown into the Zangxing Building by Mei Changge, turning into stars in the building.

  Maybe when these things will be available.

  In addition to the treasure house of the Shanlin tribe, there are also items that Lin Zifeng obtained from the star gate world, which are nothing special, and they were also thrown into the Zangxing Tower by Mei Changge.

  Only one item was left by him.

  Earth evil spirit!

  That's right, because Lin Zifeng didn't meet any aliens in the Stargate world this time, he brought back twenty-two wisps of earthly evil spirit.

   "Adding the Earth Sha Qi brought back by Xu Chu and the others, I already have one hundred and thirteen Earth Sha Qi in my hand!"

  Mei Changge frowned slightly, thinking about where to use the evil spirit of the earth.

  Earth evil air is a kind of hard currency, and it is equivalent to currency in the no man's land section of the star network.

   Some transactions are sometimes basically settled using the evil spirit of the earth.

   "I can also use the evil spirit of the earth. At the beginning, because the evil spirit of the earth was scarce in my hand, I used luck points to increase the level of the blessed land. Next, I can increase the direction of adding luck points to various architectural treasures."

   "The next step is not only myself, but Xu Chu and others will take turns to enter the first-level star gate to obtain resources, and the evil spirit of the earth can also get a lot."

  Mei Changge thought of this, and had an obvious idea about the usefulness of the earth evil spirit.

   One is to increase the grade of the blessed land, and the other is to use it for some transactions.

  Thinking of this, Mei Changge thought that he had wasted several days in order to deal with the Shanlin tribe, and there were still 100 rare treasures he wanted waiting for him to trade in the Daxia Bazaar.

   "Let's go and have a look at the strange treasures purchased in the Great Xia Market, and when we come back, we can enter the second-level star gate after the major departments are established and officially on the right track!"

  Mei Changge's eyes fixed, and then his figure disappeared from Qingyun Palace.

  However, he did not go directly to Daxia Market, but came to Qinglian City and found Guo Jia.

  (end of this chapter)