MTL - Global Blessed Land: I Can Add Attributes On The Buildings-Chapter 15 Bone Tower and blueprints

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  Chapter 15 Spirit Bone Pagoda and Drawings

  As for Mei Changge, he walked and stopped all the way. This time he didn't meet any aliens, and he didn't know where those aliens went.

  On the road, Mei Changge checked his gains this time.

  A rare architectural treasure, a cloth bag, a jade slip, and a bone tower.

  Besides, those who were saved by him, he has already ordered Xu Changqing to arrange those people.

  As for Xu Chu, Mei Changge also knew that Xu Chu had already mastered the whole-hearted method of cultivation, and had successfully stepped into the realm of the acquired level.

  As for Lin Zifeng and the others, they also began to practice the exercises with Xu Chu, and they were close to getting started with the Quanzhen method.

  Including a hundred people selected from Xujiazhuang, they are all practicing the Quanzhen Fa.

   "In addition to rare treasures, a large number of people are also needed in the blessed land, and some exercises are also needed."

  Mei Changge looked at the changes in the blessed land, but she was thinking about it in her mind.

  Xu Chu and others are the seeds that he intends to cultivate into Taoist soldiers, and Mei Changge intends to let them survive in the blessed land.

  In the future, the blessed land will be promoted, and the area will be larger, until one day it will become a real small world.

  There are more people in the blessed land, so there will be an endless stream of seedlings for Dao soldiers.

  In addition to these people, Mei Changge looked at his attribute panel.

  Name: Mei Changge

   Race: Human

  Boundary: Nine Layers of Acquired Heaven

  Practice: Nine Suns Divine Art (0/30000)

  Building: Lotus Paradise (eight ranks) 0/10000

   Qingyun Temple (Ninth Grade) 0/1000

  Xujiazhuang (not popular)+

  Cicada Sound Buddha Statue (Nine Grades)

  Spiritual Bone Pagoda (Rank 9)

  Unknown Palace (Rank 9)

   Luck Points: 2450

  In addition to the addition of more than a thousand luck points, there are two more exotic treasure buildings, but because he has not recognized the owner, he cannot add points.

  Spiritual Bone Pagoda (Rank 9)

  Introduction: The bones of unknown creatures form a bone tower, and the absorption of bones can form bone armor and bone tools.

  Looking at the introduction of the Spirit Bone Pagoda, Mei Changge's eyes flashed suddenly, no wonder those monsters were covered with bone armor back then, it turned out to be the ability of the Spirit Bone Pagoda in front of him.

   With this bone tower, it means that as long as he has bones, he can continuously produce armor and weapons.

   It is equivalent to him having an extra arsenal!

   Moreover, this spiritual bone tower is still a basic treasure, and its potential will increase again after adding points.

   "Good stuff."

  Mei Changge's eyes flashed with joy, this thing is a very important thing for him, even for any owner of the blessed land.

   In the future, when cultivating Dao soldiers, there will be no shortage of weapons and armor.

  As for the unknown palace, it is a bit similar to Qingyun Palace, but it is not the same type as Qingyun Palace in terms of appearance.

   "Both the spiritual bone tower and the palace can be kept. This kind of basic treasure is indeed more suitable for me."

  Mei Changge looked at the two rare treasures with a satisfied expression on his face.

  As for the Buddha statue, you can exchange it with the Academy for the Moonwell later.

  An eighth-rank lotus blessed land can have four eighth-rank blessed lands with rare treasures.

   Qingyun Palace, Spirit Bone Pagoda, Unknown Palace, in addition to these three rare treasures of the blessed land, Xujiazhuang should also become one of the rare treasures if it is added.

  As for the Moon Well, you need to go back to the Blue Star Academy to get it. I don’t know if it will be chosen.

  However, Mei Changge did not tidy up the blessed land now, but took out a jade slip and a cloth bag from the blessed land.

  The cloth bag was gray, as if it was made of linen. After opening it, Mei Changge knew it. In this gray cloth bag is a piece of space equipment.

   There are a lot of lucky stones in the bag.

   "These lucky stones should be able to form a spiritual spring, right?"

  Looking at the large number of lucky stones in the cloth bag, I scanned them roughly, and there were about five hundred of them.

   Except for the ten coins handed over to the Academy, the rest belong to him.

   The blessing stones are the most basic treasures to enhance the aura of the blessed land, but these blessing stones in his hands are all low-grade.

  Five hundred low-grade blessing stones can form a tiny spiritual spring, which is not bad.

   After all, the number of blessing stones is still too small.

  Another jade slip has an ordinary surface, like a piece of white jade, and there is no trace of carving on it.

   Immersed in it, a special blueprint appeared in Mei Changge's mind.

   "Xuanyang Dao Bingchi?"

  In this jade slip, there is actually a construction pattern of a Dao Bing Pool.

   Dao soldiers are the strongest power in the hands of the Lord of the Blessed Land. If you want to train Dao soldiers, it doesn't mean that you can make your subordinates become Dao soldiers by giving them a piece of exercise.

  If you want to train Dao soldiers, you must build a Dao soldier pool. There are many types of Dao soldier pools. Mei Changge has heard of them among the students, and you need some special items to build a Dao soldier pool.

   It's just that Mei Changge doesn't know what items are needed, but Mei Changge also learned about the evil spirit from Wang Yao.

  In the Treasure Pavilion in the Academy, Mei Changge noticed the introduction of several Dao Bingchi.

  Yellow Turban Dao Soldiers, Iron Blood Dao Soldiers, etc. Unfortunately, Mei Changge didn't know what items were really needed.

   And the "Xuanyang Dao Bing Pool" he obtained is the method of constructing the Dao Bing Pool that he needs most.

  The materials and construction methods required for the Dao Bing Pool are listed above.

   "This is a good thing."

  Mei Changge had an excited expression on his face. He gained a lot from entering the star gate this time.

  The strange treasures, the construction method of the Daobing pool, and the tiger idiot in the Three Kingdoms period completely surpassed Mei Changge's imagination.

   These things have now become Mei Changge's background. When he fully digests it, his strength will definitely reach the first-class position in the Blue Star Academy, even stronger than those family children.

  After Mei Changge finished sorting out, she unknowingly came to an ancient city not far away.

  On the walls of the ancient city, some fresh blood flowed, as if it had just experienced a fierce battle.

  Under the ancient city, there are still some corpses of other races.

  At this time, in the city lord's mansion in the ancient city, groups of soldiers were guarding here, and the city lord's seat was actually sitting a young man, although young but with a calm face.

   "Xu Ding, those monsters have disappeared?"

  The man looked at a strong man at the head of the queue and asked.

  This strong man has a burly body, wearing armor, and there are bloodstains on the armor, as if he just came off the battlefield.

   And his appearance is six points similar to Xu Chu.

   "Those monsters have indeed left, but I don't know if they will appear again."

  Xu Ding took the towel brought to him by his soldiers and wiped the blood on his face and replied.

   "What's wrong with this world?"

  When the man heard Xu Ding's answer, the confusion in his heart was undoubtedly revealed. Regarding the changes in this world, he had no idea what was going on.

   "Sir, the people in Jincheng are already showing signs of panic, and Lin Zifeng and others should not be able to come back."

   "Mr. I don't know, what should we do next?"

  Xu Ding looked at the young man with a respectful expression on his face.

  (end of this chapter)