MTL - Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game-Chapter 1316 batch

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Take the elevator to the sixth basement floor.

Fang Heng was blocked by the alloy metal gate of the laboratory at the end of the passage.

"Click, click..."

The grille of the ventilation device on the ceiling of the passageway behind was broken again.

"Pa-ta, pa-ta..."

One after another, a large number of vine zombie clones holding shovels and hammers fell from the air one after another.

They stood up slowly, scattered and stood in place.

A zombie staggered to Fang Heng's side, and handed over a blood-stained magnetic card.

The magnetic card was just found from a researcher on the fifth floor.

Fang Heng took the magnetic card and scanned it on the card reader.

"Dididi...Authentication successful."

"Welcome, Dr. Liu."

The alloy metal door opened in front of Fang Heng.

Fang Heng stepped into the laboratory.

"Oh, here we come, baby."

Fang Heng was in a good mood when he saw the tyrant's training cabins in the lab.

The players and NPCs on the sixth underground floor were introduced to the fifth underground floor before killing. On the one hand, it was to prevent the alarm on the sixth underground floor from being triggered. On the other hand, Fang Heng was more worried that the battle would cause damage to the training cabin.

These things can create tyrants!

If a Fang Heng is broken, he will feel distressed for a long time!

Fang Heng stepped forward and reached out to touch the tyrant body training cabin.

& nbs103 (mass production type) training cabin].

[Reminder: The cultivation cabin is currently being cultivated, the cultivation completion rate: 90%, and catalysts can be used to accelerate the cultivation].

Fang Heng walked to the experimental console beside him.

&nbs103 (mass-produced) training cabin operator Fang Heng had learned before when he was in Pinewood City.

Well, even practiced it myself.

The tyrant body in the training cabin has not yet fully formed. When Meteor was originally designed, for safety reasons, an emergency interruption device was installed in the training cabin.

These 'semi-finished products' can be easily and completely killed by injecting special anti-virus liquid.

Fang Heng input a series of commands on the test console very skillfully.

"Om... Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

42 tyrant body training cabins are used at the same time.

The light yellow liquid in the cultivation cabin was slowly drawn out.

Then, the green antiviral liquid was poured into the cultivation cabin.

"Gudong Gudong..."

A series of bubbles emerged from the tyrant's body soaked in the green solution.

The originally strong body of the Tyrant Physique dissolved in the green solution at an extremely fast speed.

& nbs103 (mass-produced) training cabin emergency termination device, the tyrant body in cultivation died].

Fang Heng reached out and pressed the red button.

The green liquid in the cultivation cabin was pumped out again.

"Bang! Bang bang!"

After the liquid was drained, the doors of the cultivation cabin opened automatically one after another.

"It's your turn."

As Fang Heng said, the vine zombies standing in Fang Heng stepped forward one by one, moved the deeply corrupted zombies out of the training cabin, and then walked into the hatch.

"I hope you will be lucky this time and get more tyrant zombies."

Fang Heng rubbed his hands nervously.

"Damn it, it would be great if Lao Mo was here."

Talking to himself, Fang Heng pressed the red button.


The hatch closed again.

Along with the injection of the yellow virus nutrient solution, rows of game prompts appeared on Fang Heng's retina.

[Hint: Your zombie body is in an abnormal state].

[Hint: Your zombie body is trying to undergo a higher-level transformation].

[Reminder: The judgment is complete. Currently, it can only be performed on zombie avatars, and the transformation cannot be used on proliferating bodies].

[Hint: The current transformation success rate: 31%].

[Hint: The time required for the current transformation: 300 hours].

[Hint: You can consume Survival Points to greatly shorten the transformation time].

[Hint: It is detected that the zombie avatar has been transformed into a vine. The current transformation can be merged with the original transformation at the same time. The degree of fusion judgment: low...].

[Tip: You can choose to overwrite the transformation (after covering, the original corpse vine transformation enhancement effect will disappear), you can also choose to perform fusion transformation (the corpse vine transformation effect will be retained at the same time after the fusion transformation is completed)].

(Note: The current success rate of coverage transformation: 31%; the current success rate of fusion transformation: 17%).

[Reminder: There is still a great risk after the transformation is completed, players need to spend extra survival points and evolution crystals to eliminate this risk].

&nbs103 (mass production type) The evolution solution of the training cabin has been specially improved, you can spend an additional 1000 survival points, a complete crystallization crystal*20, a first-order crystallization crystal*1 (per person), and get additional additional options:]

Option 1 (Efficient Coverage Evolution): The success rate of coverage transformation is increased to 45%, and it does not have the ability to integrate transformation.

Option 2 (Efficient Fusion Evolution): The success rate of fusion transformation is increased to 27%, and it does not have the ability to cover transformation.

Seeing the game prompt that popped up, Fang Heng was stunned.

Ye Xiao's people actually modified the solution of the tyrant's training cabin, and they can also choose one of the two to upgrade?


Fang Heng felt that Ye Xiao's people were very interesting, so he checked the description again.

The so-called overlay transformation is to transform the vine zombies into tyrant body zombies, and the fusion transformation is to transform the vine zombies into tyrant body + vine body zombies.

Of course, one step is in place, directly choose to fuse the transformation of the corpse vine body and the transformation of the tyrant body!

But here comes the problem, now there are 42 zombies that need to evolve.

Survival points are okay, but where do the evolutionary crystals come from?

The first transformation alone requires 420 complete crystallization crystals and 42 first-order crystallization crystals.

In addition, after the evolution of the fusion tyrant body is completed, it is necessary to consume the first-order evolution crystal to evolve the zombie clone and permanently solidify it!

The crystallization crystals on his body are all left in the eighth area, and there are only three high-energy crystallization crystals in the imprint on the back of his hand, and they are useless at all.

The crystal gap is extremely large.

Where can I find evolutionary crystals at this juncture?

Fang Heng scratched his hair a little irritably, and narrowed his eyes.

There is no other way right now, but to bite the bullet and go to Ye Xiao's friend to 'borrow' some.

Fang Heng thought for a moment before returning to the main control room on the third basement floor.

In the main control room, several Night Owl players stood firm at the entrance, but they couldn't help looking at the big monitoring screen, paying attention to the battle situation in the third-floor passage.

The three npc researchers are still concentrating on manipulating the main control platform and analyzing various data.

Fang Heng walked to the stabilizer, UU reading www.uukanshu. com looked around.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Fang Heng kicked a weak part of the lower plate of the stabilizer.


There was a faint crack.

In the next second, the piercing siren rang through the entire third floor again.

"Alert! The stabilizer of the space tearing device is damaged! The operating performance has declined, please repair it in time!"

Hearing the alarm, the players and npcs in the main control room were taken aback and turned to look at the stabilizer and Fang Heng.

Fang Heng's face was calm and he spoke loudly.

"Don't mess around, it's just a small problem, let me handle it, you all do your own thing!"

Although Fang Heng didn't have the slightest authority to command, several Ye Xiao players were not suspicious of Fang Heng's answer, and continued to stick to the entrance of the central control room.