MTL - Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game-Chapter 16 Alienized Zombie

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"Cut! Poor ghost!"

Seeing that the other party didn't follow up after making an offer, Fang Heng was a little disappointed to close the private chat.

Fang Heng was also bored.

He didn't pay much attention to the mere 100 survival points.

But no matter what, prostitution is always the best.

In-game, private chat is also limited.

Players can have a word-limited private chat every half hour through Survival Radio.

However, this number of times can be accumulated up to five times.

[Hint: Your Skill: Strength Training LV+1].

[Hint: Your zombie clone is attacked].

[Hint: Your zombie clone is attacked].

[Hint: Your zombie clone is attacked].

[Hint: Your zombie clone dies].

[Hint: Your zombie clone will respawn after 24 hours].

"What the hell!"

Fang Heng, who was lying on the grass in a panic, glanced at the game prompt, and suddenly sat up straight like an electric shock.

Zombie clone dead? !

Fang Heng looked towards the Prison Square through the barbed wire.

The zombies wandering in the square have just been cleaned up a little.

what is that? !

Among the many zombie groups, one zombie was extremely conspicuous. There was a faint red under his blue-gray skin, and a strange red glow appeared in his eyes.

It's an alienated zombie!

Fang Heng squinted his eyes, and immediately controlled the remaining zombies to split their bodies to stop attacking, and backed away.

Alienized zombies are the product of the mutation of ordinary zombies.

Compared with ordinary zombies, all of their attributes have been greatly improved, and they even have some special abilities.

Elementary zombies have special abilities such as strength enhancement, agility enhancement, etc.

In addition, the IQ of alienated zombies may be higher than that of ordinary zombies.

At least after being attacked they will choose to fight back.

Most of the zombie clones that died before were dealt with by provoking it.

"The troublesome thing, fortunately I didn't go back and hang up just now."

Fang Heng was a little fortunate, otherwise his zombie clones would all be wiped out here.

Waiting for the resurrection of the zombie clone will waste 24 hours.

You must know that the game just launched the server is racing against time, and the 24-hour resurrection time is too long!

The good news is that this alienated zombie is still relatively quiet at present. As long as no one provokes it, it still stands quietly in place.

You need to find a way to deal with it, otherwise, there is no way to continue 'hanging up'.

Calm down, Fang Heng opened the game log before the zombies died.

[Hint: Your zombie clone attacks the alienated zombies; if the attack is evaded by the alienated zombies, your skill-basic Swiftness EXP +1].

[Hint: Your zombie clone is attacked].

[Hint: Your zombie clone is attacked].

[Hint: Your zombie clone launches an attack on ordinary zombies, and if the attack hits, your basic training-strength experience value +3].

[Hint: Your Skill: Strength Training LV+1].

[Hint: Your zombie clone is attacked].

[Hint: Your zombie clone is attacked].

[Hint: Your zombie clone is attacked].

[Hint: Your zombie clone dies].

On average, a zombie clone makes 1 attack, and the opponent's alienated zombie can attack 3 times.

Moreover, the attack of the zombie clone has a high probability of being evaded by the enemy.

In addition to this, the zombie clone had to endure a total of 24 attacks from the opponent before falling.

Estimated according to the attack efficiency, the damage output of the opponent is not high, it can only be said that it is stronger than ordinary zombies.

In summary.

It is a zombie in the evolution direction of agile form!

Several years of gaming experience allowed Fang Heng to make a quick judgment.

The alienated zombies in agile form are actually the most troublesome, because their movement speed will also be greatly improved compared to ordinary zombies.

When the survivors encounter ordinary zombies, they can also use the method of 'flying kites' to slowly die, or just turn their heads and run away.

But if you replace it with a fast-moving alienated zombie, flying a kite is purely courting death. Only by running without looking back can you have a chance to survive.

"It's not difficult to deal with."

Fang Heng touched his chin and immediately came up with a plan.

He controlled his zombie clones to avoid the alienated zombies, and first selected the surrounding ordinary zombies as the target to start.

Similar to the idea of ​​playing games in the past, first clear the surrounding 'miscellaneous soldiers', and finally solve the biggest elite monster.

It's a pity that Fang Heng's zombie clones don't have too high IQ, they don't understand the difference between alienated zombies and ordinary zombies.

So the trouble comes again.

Fang Heng had no way to hang up at all. He could only control it remotely from a distance and control the zombie clones to kill monsters one by one.

It took half an hour, and an open space was cleared around the alienated zombies.

Then, Fang Heng summoned the zombie clones back to his side.

In the morning, he brought out a total of five crossbow arrows from the cabin.

Now, Fang Heng has allocated all five crossbow arrows to the zombies.

From the very beginning, Fang Heng never thought of provoking alienated zombies by taking risks.

After all, the attack power of alienated zombies is not high, and it is only for zombies.

It's a zombie!

The player is infected with the virus after being scratched and 100% dead.

One hit kill! Unlimited attack power!

Just kidding, everyone has only three chances to be reborn, and then they will die completely. Fang Heng is very shy.

The zombie clones accepted Fang Heng's instructions, and five of the zombies picked up the bows and crossbows on the ground and loaded them with great effort.

Fang Heng has done several similar experiments before.

In addition to sticks and machetes, zombie clones can also use some more complex weapons.

Such as crossbows, firearms, etc.

However, the use of such weapons has great limitations.

They can only be used under Fang Heng's control where Fang Heng can see them.

Once they leave the line of sight and let the zombies perform the "hanging up" operation, these zombies cannot accept complex messages such as "if you encounter an enemy, aim at your enemy with a crossbow, press the trigger, and reload".

At most, it's 'pick up what's in his hand and smash the opponent'.

Fang Heng understands that zombies are single-threaded creatures, and can only receive one more complex command at the same time during the hang-up phase. UU reading

Five zombie clones with crossbow bolts staggered towards the prison.

They stopped three meters outside the barbed wire outside the prison.

about there.

Fang Heng estimated the distance and ordered the zombies to split their bodies and pull the arrows.


"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

The five zombie clones pulled their crossbow arrows at the same time.

The crossbow shot out and nailed it to the concrete floor not far from the alienated zombie, making a soft sound.

The alienated zombie raised his head.

It noticed the division of the zombies in the distance, and then continued to lower its head and meditate.

"Anyway, it's all my avatar, you're too inaccurate..."

Fang Heng complained silently and asked the clones to reload.


"Chi Chi!"

This time, a crossbow arrow hit the shoulder of the alienated zombie.


The alienated zombie let out a cry, and infuriated it quickly rushed towards Fang Heng's zombie clone.

What a fast moving speed!

It's just a little slower than an ordinary person's running speed!

Fang Heng's eyelids jumped.


"Crack la la la..."

The alienated zombie in the rush slammed into the barbed wire fence outside the prison and was firmly stopped.

"Roar! Hiss!"

The alienated zombie made a strange sound, and kept struggling, trying to attack the zombies outside the barbed wire.

However, it is a pity that, lacking long-range attacks, it has nothing to do with the zombie clones on the other side of the barbed wire.

"Hey, no way."

Fang Heng, who was hiding in the dark, laughed and controlled the zombie clones outside the barbed wire to continue loading the crossbow.