MTL - Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game-Chapter 33 Basement 2

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"What's wrong?"

Fang Heng took out the prison map from the 1st floor from his backpack and compared the topography of the scene.

"Look, our location on the map is here. This is the marked warehouse. There is no problem. It's on our right."

"There's no problem here. The passage after the left turn is connected to the basement of Building 2."

Liao Bufan leaned over to take a look.

It is exactly as Fang Heng said.

He quickly discovered the problem.

"Huh? The passage ahead isn't marked on the map?"

"Yes, and there is no indication on the map that the prison has a second basement."

Fang Heng put away the map after comparing and confirming it again and again.

He broke the railing of the iron gate with his hands again to check.

The iron gate is unusually heavy and sturdy.

There is also an electronic identification device that can be inserted into the wall of the iron gate.

The three iron gates should all be controlled by magnetic cards.


Fang Heng pondered. He took out a small hammer from his backpack and smashed it towards the iron gate.



The iron gate has about 75W of HP.

Fang Heng made a rough estimate in his heart.

There are tireless zombie clones, but it is not completely impossible to break.

It's just that it took too long, and the gains outweighed the losses.

[Tips: The currently selected dismantling target is a special item, which is triggered by the mission. Forcibly destroying it may cause the mission item to be destroyed, the mission disappears or fails, please be careful].


"It seems that it can't be opened by brute force."

Fang Heng shrugged and put away the small stone hammer, completely dispelling the idea of ​​violent entry.

"Let's go, go to another place first."

Returning to the fork, Fang Heng walked into the fork on the right to investigate.

It is still an iron gate.

But this iron gate is open.

The iron gate hangs high.

As long as the electronic lock is triggered, the iron gate will be lowered, completely cutting off the passage between Building 2 and Building 3.

Liao Bufan stuck his head out and looked inside the passage.

It was pitch black inside.

"The power supply in Building 2 is broken. Would you like to go in and have a look?"

"No, I'm not interested."

Liao Bufan quickly retracted his head.

Exploring in the dark is basically like courting death, and any alienated zombie can kill him.

"I guess most of the spider zombies I encountered before ran out of here."

"I also think that there may be more alienated zombies in it. It's best to find a way to seal this place."

After the two discussed it, they returned to the warehouse room in front of the fork.

Fang Heng tried to turn the warehouse handle of the revolving door.

The door was locked.



A bunch of keys left by the pig teammate police officer.

Fang Heng tried it.

Soon, he found the key to the warehouse door in the keychain.

Carefully pushed open the warehouse door.

In the warehouse, a total of six corpses fell to the ground.

They have been dead for a while.

Five of them were wearing prison guard uniforms, but the middle-aged man in the middle was wearing a suit.

He is a little fat, and holds a pistol in his hand.

Suicide by gunshot.

Is it the warden?

Fang Heng had seen the picture of the warden in his impression.

Similar to this middle-aged man who committed suicide.

It's too abrupt for the warden to appear here. Is there a clue hidden on him?

Fang Heng tried to step forward, pulled out the pistol from the warden's hand, and tried to touch his pocket again.

Sure enough, there is something!

[Hint: You have obtained the Prison Management Magnetic Card-C].

Item - Prison Management Magnetic Card - C.

Description: A special task item that can open the iron gate of the prison basement passage.

Fang Heng immediately thought of the iron gate he had just seen.

Needless to say, this magnetic card can definitely control the iron gate.

Then, Fang Heng took out the pockets of several guards, and confiscated all their firearms by the way.

[Hint: You have obtained a prison guard's pistol*5, ordinary pistol bullets*243].

"Fang Heng, come and see!"

Liao Bufan, who was searching in the room, shouted, and his tone was full of surprise.

"Look! Good stuff!"

Liao Bufan pointed to the locked weapon box.

"Do you have the key on hand?"

Fang Heng suddenly took out the keychain.

The lock on the weapon box is obviously very different from the door lock.

Fang Heng quickly found the corresponding lock and opened the weapon box with a click.

[Hint: You get a sniper rifle*3, you get a sniper rifle bullet*120].

"Fuck! It's a sniper rifle!"

Liao Bufan couldn't help shouting loudly.

"It's posted!"

In the game, the sniper rifle is a big killer.

This is true both before and after.

After hitting the player, almost 100% of it will be disabled.

If you rub it on your arm, one arm will be blown off, if you rub on your scalp, your head will bloom.

Fang Heng couldn't help but reach out and touch the muzzle of the gun.

It is indeed a good thing.

In my memory, sniper rifles only appeared later in the game.

After replacing the armor-piercing bullet, it is one of the few dumps that can cause damage to the corpse king.

The Federation has given firearms data. Generally, players want to fully control this big killer, they need at least LV: 10 firearms proficiency and 10 points of strength.

[Hint: You have completed the second stage of the task - explore the basement].

[Hint: You have obtained survival points: 540].

[Hint: The third stage mission is triggered].

[Mission: Explore the second underground floor of the prison].

Mission name: Explore the second underground floor of the prison.

Mission description: You found a hidden snow area not marked on the map in the prison basement, which leads to the second underground floor; please try to enter the second underground floor to explore without damaging the main building of the prison.

Mission Reward: Survival Points.

After receiving the task, Fang Heng lowered his head and thought for a while.

"Come on, let's try the magnetic card first."

Fang Heng patted Liao Bufan on the shoulder.

The two returned to the iron gate again, and Fang Heng tried to insert the magnetic card into the card slot on the wall.

"Di Di Di Di..."

"Verification passed!"


The iron gate connecting Building 2 and Building 3 slowly lowered.

Liao Bufan looked at the dark area behind the iron gate and couldn't help swallowing.

"I always feel that there is something terrifying hidden in it. Closing the door is a lot more reassuring."

Fang Heng felt the same way. He vaguely felt that something was staring at them in the dark, which made people feel uneasy.

After closing the iron gate, this feeling of peeping has weakened a lot.

"Well, Building No. 2 will be solved later. In short, we can build a shelter with peace of mind."

When Liao Bufan heard the words, he nodded frequently.

Finally, I can fish for a few days.

Before leaving, Fang Heng ran to another channel to test.

After testing, this magnetic card found from the prison director can also open one of the three iron gates leading to the second underground floor.

As for the remaining two iron gates, they are still According to Fang Heng's years of experience in playing games, he thinks that most of the remaining two magnetic cards need to enter Buildings 1 and 2 to find them.

"It's really troublesome!"

What kind of secrets does this prison hide?

Just in the second stage of the task, you have to face a large number of alienated zombies, not to mention the difficulty of the third stage!

Fang Heng scratched his hair irritably.

At present, it is too dangerous to forcibly explore Buildings 1 and 2.

We can only wait until the shelter is built and completed after a while.

Fang Heng decided to put the prison hidden task aside for a while.

At least after cutting off the passage between Buildings 2 and 3, they can get some peace for a while.

Next, the building of the shelter program is only the last step.


The number of furnaces needed to make nails is not enough, you have to buy some more.

After spending a day with the spider zombies, the survival points are more than 10,000 points, which is enough to buy all the remaining furnaces from the doomsday merchants!

Fang Heng thought so, and left the basement with Liao Bufan.


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