MTL - Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins-Chapter 1043 Harvest returns

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  Chapter 1043 Return of the Harvest

  The Skrull coalition government is fully fired, relying on its strong strength to easily integrate the power of the entire planet.

  Blue Star is also working hard here, and both sides are actively preparing for the battle.

   In this tense atmosphere, 20 days passed slowly, and the time came to May 1st.

   Entering May, the prelude to the final battle is getting closer and closer, and there is only the last month left.

   In the past 20 days, two small things actually happened.

  The first thing is that Mona and Alice visit Blue Star.

  There is nothing to say about this matter.

  Link came to say hello to the Blue Star humans in advance, and didn't need the Blue Star humans to receive them.

  Blue Star humans did not go to meet the two holy silver people, but just kept an eye on their movements through satellites.

  Mona and Alice came to Blue Star purely for fun, without any other bad purpose.

  The two of them also know that the army against Dalark has arrived and is stationed in the low-earth orbit of Blue Star. So both of them were very cautious, and just flew around the blue star a few times outside the atmosphere, without disturbing the ordinary residents on the ground.

  After flying a few laps, they returned to Skrull planet contentedly and left from the spring of Mt. Fuji;

  The second thing is that Prime Minister Cao and Emperor Shi Huang once again went to Skrull.

  The two of them went to Skrull on the morning of April 24th and returned at noon on May 1st, which lasted only 7 days.

  Such a short period of time is also the shortest trip to Star Scruis by Blue Star humans.

   This time, when Prime Minister Cao and the other two passed, the most important thing was to trade equipment with the various clans, and bring back more armaments and weapons from Cindy Doppler and senior Zhu Yuanzhang.

  The equipment traded this time is a little different from the previous ones.

   This batch of sold equipment will more or less have some "back doors".

  These "backdoors" are carefully designed by the major monks and sub-professional players such as 【Sledgehammer 80】.

  They added a special [Energy Center] to the equipment.

  If the cultivator wearing this equipment appears in the sight of the blue star humans, the blue star humans can use the secret method to activate this [energy center], so that the entire equipment disintegrates and completely fails.

   The initiative is in their own hands, so that the Blue Star humans don't have to worry about selling the equipment and using it against themselves.

  During these 7 days, Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor traveled back and forth on the planet Skrull, completing transactions with groups of people.

  They have the [Chain of the Gorse Plane] provided by Su Yu in their hands, so they don't have to worry about the problem of insufficient storage space, and the transaction is extremely smooth.

  Because of the deterrence of King Zhou Di Xin, the gods of the Skrull race did not dare to harass them.

  So on May 1st, the two successfully completed all transactions and returned to Blue Star using the amulet.

   This time is about 3 days faster than planned!



   At 12:03 noon on May 1, spatial fluctuations appeared in the basement of Donna's residence.

   Immediately afterwards, Prime Minister Cao and Emperor Shihuang came out from the portal.

  The moment they appeared, another teleportation door opened in a relatively empty place in the basement. This is Su Yu's portal, he came to welcome the two seniors.

   "Welcome both of you to return to Blue Star!" After walking out of the portal, Su Yu smiled and bowed to the two of them.

  Looking at the majestic figures of Prime Minister Cao and Shi Huangdi, he felt a lot more at ease.

  At the same time, Su Yu hurriedly asked: "Seniors, is the trip to Skrull going well?"

"It went very well." Prime Minister Cao flicked his sleeves, and replied with a pleasant face: "This time, there was no obstacle from the Skrulls. We successfully completed the transaction with all ethnic groups, which saved a lot of time than planned. At the same time, we also successfully got Cindy Dorpe Le and fellow Daoist Zhu Yuanzhang brought back the armaments and weapons."

   After finishing speaking, Prime Minister Cao lightly threw an object.

   This item is Su Yu's [Chain of the Gorse Plane].

  Su Yu reached out to take it, and his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the plane space of the necklace.

   After spending more than ten seconds on simple investigation, Su Yu was pleasantly surprised!

  [Chain of the Gorse Plane], Prime Minister Cao and Emperor Shi Huang gained much more than expected this time!

  First of all, there are spiritual stones and various materials traded from various races.

  Spirit stones, gold, various rare ores, and high-level monster materials piled up hills and hills.

  Although it was just a quick glance, Su Yu also knew that there must be more than expected, at least 50% more in quantity, and better in quality!

  The second is the armament weapons brought back from Cindy Doppler and Zhu Yuanzhang's predecessors.

  These armaments and weapons are packed in boxes to calculate the total quantity.

  Su Yu can calculate it through simple mental arithmetic based on the number of boxes—there are at least 100,000 "small three-piece suits" and at least 1,000 "big three-piece suits" brought back this time!

   This is much more than he expected!

  According to Su Yu's original expectation, the "small three-piece set" can bring back 50,000 sets, and the "big three-piece set" can bring back 500 sets, which is already very good.

  The actual quantity is twice as much as expected! How could this surprise him?

   "Seniors, why did you bring back so many things this time? It's twice as much as we expected. Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?" Su Yu asked in surprise.

  Emperor Shi Huang smiled slightly and replied: "That's because our predictions are too conservative, and the actual situation is very different from the predictions.

  Our trading volume with various ethnic groups has increased by half, mainly because the Skrull race **** level did not come to trouble us, and other ethnic groups dare to trade with us with confidence. "

  Prime Minister Cao interjected with a smile: "There is another reason, and that is that the Skrulls fulfilled their promise to convert Cecilia's family property into spiritual energy and distribute it equally to the 22 clans.

   These 22 clans have received a large amount of spiritual energy, which coincides with the current world, and they must all want to spend all their spiritual energy and convert it into strength. As a result, our trade volume with the 22 families has increased significantly.

  The increase is about 50%, and the next equipment order will be even more than this time, at least 80% more than we expected! "

   "So that's how it is." Su Yu said happily.

  Some time ago, they asked the AI ​​​​Blue Whale to estimate the transaction volume with the Skrull Star Clan, but they did not include the variable "Cecilia's family property", which caused a lot of errors in the data.

  It seems that in the next month, [Sledge Hammer 80] and other sub-professional players will have to worry a lot and work overtime to complete the orders and earn a lot of money!

  The First Emperor continued: "As for the armament weapons this time, that is, the three-piece suit brought back twice as much as expected, 70% of which is the credit of Cindy Doppler.

  The alliance between Cindy Doppler, Prince Morgan, and Haydn Lieyang has begun to take shape. They stole a large number of armaments and weapons from the Imperial Warehouse, and sold some of them to us at a low price.

  The other 30% is the efforts of Fellow Daoist Zhu Yuanzhang. Fellow Daoist Zhu also spent a lot of effort for Blue Star's victory! "

  (end of this chapter)