MTL - Global Job Change: Starting With The Hidden Job, Lord Of The Death-Chapter 221 New achievement mission

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Jiangbei Province!

It's not very far from here, but when Lu Yan saw Jiangbei Province, he thought of his sister Luo Liuli.

That Jiangbei Luojia is located in Hu'an City, Jiangbei Province.

I don't know what's going on with Sister Liuli and Jiangbei Luo's family now, so Lu Yan is going to ask when he goes back this time.

Now is a special period. As long as you go out to complete the task, the teleportation circle can be used casually. Lu Yan is also rude, and he directly takes the teleportation circle to Hu'an City, Jiangbei Province.

After coming out of the teleportation formation, Lu Yan felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not quite right.

What came out was the teleportation circle of the military region. The entire military region was in a state of alert. There were a lot of flying machines and flying monsters passing by, going back and forth in the wild, very frequently.

"Lu Yan."

Looking at the surrounding environment, Li Meier's voice came from the front.

Lu Yan looked up and saw that Li Meier and Bai Yueze were approaching him.

It seems that Li Meier and Bai Yueze are doing the task here.

Lu Yan greeted the two of them and asked directly, "What's the situation here? Do you need me to come to support?"

Listening to Lu Yan's words, Li Meier and Bai Yueze both smiled bitterly.

Afterwards, Li Meier looked at Lu Yandao; "Let's talk while walking, I'll take you to the accommodation first and arrange your accommodation."

Lu Yan nodded, then followed Li Meier towards the accommodation area not far away.

"Are there many monsters here?" On the way, Lu Yan looked at Li Meier and asked.

Li Meier nodded and said solemnly: "Before we came, the number of monsters in the wild around Hu'an City was not too many, and they were basically within the control range."

"When we come here, it is basically equivalent to doing a quest. It is relatively easy to kill some monsters in exchange for quest rewards."

"But just yesterday, there were more than a dozen spatial cracks in the wild in Hu'an City, and a large number of monsters surged out of them, causing a lot of chaos, and the task suddenly increased a lot."

Bai Yueze on the side also said, "Yes, it was originally a relatively easy task, because there are more than a dozen space cracks, which directly increases our task."

"Moreover, there are too many monsters, and the danger has also increased a lot, but our task is to clear the monsters in the wild in Hu'an City. We have already accepted it, and we cannot cancel it yet."

"When beheading monsters today, Li Meier almost encountered danger. We saw that you have completed the task of Lin'an City, so I asked you to come and help."

Li Mei'er looked at Lu Yan and said, "Lu Yan can also accept Hu'an City's quests. Now, because of the robbery of monsters, Hu'an City's quest rewards have increased a lot."

"Moreover, most of the monsters that appear now are not too strong in combat. They are all about 20 levels. They are very suitable for you, Lu Yan."

Listening to Li Mei'er's words, Lu Yan nodded lightly and gained a general understanding of the situation in Hu'an City.

If it's really like what Li Meier said, then Hu'an City is really more suitable for him.

After arranging Lu Yan's residence, Li Meier and Bai Yueze took Lu Yan to the field.

Right now, the situation in Huan City is more critical. If there is time, it is better to go to the wild to kill more monsters.

Li Meier and Bai Yueze both summoned their mounts and headed towards the wild.

Lu Yan directly summoned the little undead Minglong and rode on it.

The current little undead Minglong hasn't fully grown yet, but there is no problem in supporting Lu Yan alone.

The little undead Minglong fluttered its wings and led Lu Yan towards the wild of Hu'an City.

Soon, Lu Yan and the others came to the wild area.

Lu Yan saw the lively scene in front of the little undead Minglong.

A large number of combat professionals are fighting monsters in front. As expected, as Li Meier and Bai Yueze said, the number of monsters here is very large.

If it weren't for the constant fighting of combat professionals, I am afraid that so many monsters could directly break through the defense line of the military region and charge towards Huan City.

However, although there are more monsters here, there is no magic tide. Relatively speaking, the situation is better.

Li Meier and Bai Yueze came directly to the front, entered a place where monsters were concentrated, and launched an attack directly.

Lu Yan didn't hesitate, just jumped down from the little undead Nether Dragon, holding the Nether Soul Scythe, and rushed into the group of monsters in front of him.

At this moment, a voice came from Lu Yan's mind.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for opening the achievement mission: Famous Zhen Huan."

"Mission goal: Kill 10,000 monsters before counting the results today."

"Task reward: 20 free attribute points, 20 skill attribute points, 200 achievement points."

Lu Yan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect a new achievement mission to start at this time.

Kill 10,000 monsters before counting the results?

This is quite a challenge, but looking at the large number of monsters in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yan's mouth.

It's a bit of a challenge, but it's not difficult!

The rewards of 20 free attribute points and 20 skill attribute points are not bad. Lu Yan rushed into the group of monsters in front of him, waved the ghost sickle in his hand, and the surrounding monsters were instantly beheaded.

Waving the ghost sickle in his hand, a large number of undead emerged from the surroundings, and under the order of Lu Yan, they rushed towards the monster in front of him.

Two bone dragons also emerged, rushed into the group of monsters in front, and began to slaughter.

The monsters on Lu Yan's side were instantly empty, and the undead put on the free position and began to continue to kill the monsters forward.

The surrounding combat professionals are basically trying their best to block the attack of the monsters in front, and they are even losing ground.

But here Lu Yan is constantly beheading the surrounding monsters, constantly charging past the group of monsters in front.

The styles of both sides have become somewhat different.

When Li Meier and Bai Yueze were around Lu Yan, the pressure was relieved a lot.

The surrounding combat professionals were also amazed. They didn't expect such a tyrannical guy to appear.

But immediately someone recognized Lu Yan. After all, Lu Yan's logo is too obvious.

Whether it is the large number of undead under his control or the pitch-black sickle in his hand, they are all unique symbols of Lu Yan.

Moreover, the two skull dragons are more conspicuous signs, and Lu Yan has summoned them many times.

Therefore, some combat professionals around went crazy and shouted at Lu Yan to express their excitement.

There are also some female combat professionals who went directly to Lu want to get close contact with Lu Yan.

The girl who ran at the front should also be a student, and her face was full of excitement, and her face turned red with excitement.

She ran very fast, as if she couldn't wait to come to Lu Yan's side.

"Lu Yan, I really like you so much, can we take a picture together?"

The girl ran to Lu Yan's side, took out her phone and smiled at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan frowned, he didn't have time to take pictures.

Just as he was about to refuse, Lu Yan suddenly saw that the girl seemed to be a little too excited, and staggered and fell to Lu Yan's side.

Lu Yan's frown deepened, but he still stepped forward to support her.

However, at this moment, a cold light appeared from the girl's arms, and stabbed towards Lu Yan.

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