MTL - Global Job Change: Starting With The Hidden Job, Lord Of The Death-Chapter 241 The power of death plague effect!

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Listening to Li Moqing's words, the expressions of Heng Shanyue and others also became solemn.

Judging from the current situation, if it is true that as Li Moqing said, the members of the Dark Descendants Club are all over the top of the high-rise buildings in front of the school, then a strong attack is bound to be impossible.

It is easy for the other party to find them. The other party has little preparations at that time. If it hurts the teachers and students in the school, it will be bad.

Li Moqing looked at the school ahead, thinking about the way to deal with the current situation.

From the current situation, there is no good solution.

One of the female assassins in the team said: "I can sneak into the shadows, but I can quietly enter the school to act, but if it's just me, it probably won't work."

Several people around nodded, all three buildings had enemies, and it was obviously not enough for an assassin to enter them.

At this time, Lu Yan said, "I have a way, it should be feasible."

When the others heard Lu Yan's words, their eyes shifted.

Lu Yan looked at Li Moqing and said, "I disguised myself as a student, sneaked in, and then blocked the entrance to the roof of the undead. With the number of undead, before the other party found out, they were isolated from the teachers and students in the school. Come on."

"When the time comes, you can just rush to kill them directly."

The eyes of Heng Shanyue and the others lit up, this was a solution.

A member of the annihilation team said, "If that's the case, why don't we all disguise as students and go in?"

Lu Yan shook his head: "No, it's okay to go back by disguising as one or two students who skipped classes, but if there are too many, it will arouse the other side's vigilance."

"If I start a snake, it will outweigh the gains. My actions are just right."

Li Moqing nodded: "In this case, just do as Lu Yan said, let Lu Yan isolate the members of the Dark Descent on the roof, and then we will attack."

The female assassin said just now, "I can go in with Lu Yan and cooperate with him."

Lu Yan nodded, and then ordered a set of school uniforms from the school in front of him.

After getting the school uniform, Lu Yan didn't put it on directly, but tied the school uniform around his waist, then bought a sausage from the stall next to him, and headed towards the school in front.

And that female assassin had already used her abilities to hide in Lu Yan's shadow.

Lu Yan just walked towards the wall on the left side of the school.

Although it was possible to use ghouls to sneak in, Lu Yan was afraid that the other party would have any means of detection. If they were discovered, it would be troublesome.

It would be safer to go in that way.

At this time, on the roof of the school office building in front, a group of dark descendants in black robes are hiding.

A member of the Dark Descent Society saw Lu Yan and frowned at the back: "Elder Liu, there is a person approaching the school. It looks like a student."

A person came over from behind, and his eyes fell on Lu Yan, who was struggling to climb over the wall with the sausage hanging in his mouth.

Looking at the school uniform on Lu Yan's body, Elder Liu turned around and said, "Don't worry, it's just a student who skipped class, just stare at the outside carefully."

"Wait until the evening to start action, don't take it lightly."

After speaking, he went back and continued to rest.

At this time, Lu Yan had already climbed over the wall and entered the school, and was heading towards the office building in front of him.

When he came to the office building, Lu Yan entered under a table in the office building, and a large number of undead were released directly.

Ao Yun came out and started to touch the upstairs with the surrounding undead.

But Lu Yan didn't stop, crossed the platform, and headed towards a teaching building behind.

The observant member of the Dark Descent Society in the office building was very vigilant. When he watched Lu Yan go towards the teaching building, he turned his gaze back and continued to keep an eye on the surrounding of the school.

Lu Yan quickly came to a teaching building at the back, and a large number of undead were released again and quickly spread upwards.

And the female assassin also came out of Lu Yan's shadow and made an ok gesture towards Lu Yan, then dived directly into the surrounding shadows and touched the top silently.

Lu Yan let the undead here follow the female assassin.

Although the teachers and students were not able to be evacuated, it was still possible to send a message to the teachers inside and let them keep the students in the classroom.

Many students in the classroom felt a flash of black shadows outside the window, turned their heads to look, but saw nothing.

At this time, Lu Yan had come to the last teaching building.

Walking up the stairs, Lu Yan walked along the stairs unhurriedly and quickly headed towards the roof above.

Came to the last floor, it is convenient to go to the roof.

Lu Yan still did not summon the undead.

Feeling that the undead of the two buildings in front had come to the penultimate floor and were sticking to the wall, Lu Yan directly used the ghoul to sneak.

The surrounding vision changed, and Lu Yan passed directly through the wall and came to the roof above.

More than a dozen members of the Dark Descent Society appeared in Lu Yan's eyes. There was an unfinished large formation on the ground, and two members of the Dark Descent Society were continuing to complete it.

Lu Yan's eyes were slightly cold, and sure enough, these members of the Dark Descent Society chose the school as a hiding place with bad intentions.

If I want to do what I did in Lin'an No. 4 High School, I want to open a space crack here!

At this time, a man in a black robe not far away seemed to have sensed something, and looked towards Lu Yan's direction.

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, this member of the Dark Descent Society has a strong aura, and he should be around forty.

The other party's brows furrowed, obviously feeling something, he got up and came towards Lu Yan's direction.

The Nether Soul Scythe appeared in Lu Yan's hand, and he came directly to a member of the Dark Descent Society who portrayed the great formation, raised the Nether Soul Scythe in his hand, and slashed it directly towards the opponent.

The moment the Nether Soul Scythe landed on the opponent, Lu Yan's figure emerged.

At the same time, a large number of undead began to emerge around, wrapping all the surrounding members of the Darkin Society.

"Be careful!"

The dark-born elder, who was around forty, looked at Lu Yan's figure, his eyes narrowed and he said loudly.

However, at this time, the ghost scythe in Lu Yan's hand had already fallen, and the member of the Dark Descent Society was directly cut in half.

The Dark Descent Society elder was furious, roared, and charged directly towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, and two bone dragons appeared, directly blocking the elder of the Dark Descent Society in front.

Afterwards, Lu Yan raised the Nether Soul Scythe in his hand, and the Nether Soul Flame covered it, and began the massacre of the surrounding members of the Dark Descent Society!

Except for the Dark Din Guild Elder, there are only five or six 30-level members of the remaining dozen or so Dark Din Guild members, and all the rest are around 20-level.

Lu Yan's goal first fell on the members of the Dark Descent Society around the twentieth level, and the ghost scythe in his hand kept slashing out, killing these Dark Descent Society members one by one!

At this time, outside the school, Li Moqing and others saw a large number of undead appearing on the roof of the school in front of them, and without hesitation, they rushed towards it.

Li Moqing stepped on it, and his figure jumped out. With the blessing of his armor, he quickly rushed to the top of the office building.

The undead have already surrounded several roofs, and the members of the Dark Descent Society above the roof can only deal with the undead around, and it is impossible to go down.

Li Moqing came to the office building and walked directly towards the elders of the Dark Descent Society.

There are three roofs, and each roof has an elder of the Dark Origin Society. Li Moqing deals with the elders of the Dark Origin Society on the roof of the office building.

As for Heng Shanyue and the others, they went to the roof of the teaching building where the female assassin was. They did not seek to kill the elder of the Dark Descent on the roof of the teaching building, they only needed to stop him.

On the roof of the teaching building where Lu Yan was located, Li Moqing believed that he could stop the elders of the Dark Descent Society above.

Taking advantage of this time, the person who responded also notified the school and asked the teachers and students to evacuate.

Until this time, the students inside also knew what was going on. Under the guidance of the teacher, they rushed out of the classroom in a panic, and quickly went downstairs towards the outside of the school.

At this time, some students raised their heads and saw the battle on the roof.

"A lot of undead, are these monsters?"

"No, these undead are fighting against the members of the Darkborn Society in black robes. They should be summoned by people from our side. Is it a necromancer?"

"Look, I see Lu Yan! It's Lu Yan! These are Lu Yan's undead!"

The students who raised their heads and looked at the fighting above the roof soon discovered Lu Yan, because Lu Yan was so recognizable.

That black sickle is simply a symbol of Lu Yan's identity.

Now Lu Yan can be said to be well-known all over the country, especially these junior high school and high school students, many of them have already regarded Lu Yan as an idol, and they are very excited to see Lu Yan.

At this time, on the roof of the last teaching building, after Lu Yan killed two members of the Dark Descent Society, five or six members of the Dark Descent Society around level 30 surrounded Lu Yan.

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, raised the Nether Soul Scythe in his hand, and slashed towards a member of the Dark Descent Society in front of him.

The ghost sickle landed on the opponent's body, made a crisp sound, and was blocked by the opponent's weapon.

Several other people took advantage of the situation to attack Lu Yan, but the next moment, a large number of ghost flames surged from Lu Yan, and instantly disappeared into the bodies of the surrounding members of the Dark Descent Society.

Their attack also fell on Lu Yan's body, but even the defense of the undead ghost armor could not be broken.

The Nether Soul Scythe in Lu Yan's hand turned over and slid across the body of a member of the Dark Descent Society, directly breaking the opponent's armor, leaving a wound on the opponent's body.

A shrill scream came from the mouth of this Dark Descent Society member in an instant, his eyes suddenly widened, and the severe pain made him twitch a little.

The hurt in the depths of his soul still made him a little unbearable.

Several other members of the surrounding Darkspawn Society were also forced to retreat by the ghostly flames, and their bodies quickly retreated.

Seeing this, Lu Yan didn't hesitate, he directly bullied himself up, chopped out the ghost scythe in his hand, and quickly left wounds on the surrounding members of the Dark Descent Society around the thirtieth level.

With Lu Yan's current four-dimensional attributes, plus the blessing of the Netherworld Soul Scythe and the Scarlet Flame Dragon Armor suit in his hand, the members of the Dark Descent Society around level 30 in front of him are no match for Lu Yan at all.

The remaining members of the Darkspawn Society around level 20 were also quickly overwhelmed by the surrounding undead.

Afterwards, these undead directly wrapped around five or six members of the Dark Descent Society around the thirtieth level, and together with Lu Yan, they quickly killed these Dark Descent Society members around the thirty-level.

The whole process took less than five minutes, and there was only one Dark Descent Society elder of about forty level left on the roof of the building where Lu Yan was.

This Darkborn Society elder is also quite sluggish. At this time, he killed a bone dragon abruptly.

The remaining bone dragon was also crippled, and the bones were scattered a lot. It is estimated that it will be directly smashed in two minutes.

Seeing that all the members of the surrounding Dark Descent Association were dead, the dark Descent Association elder of about forty level was directly angry, and he charged towards Lu Yan with a weapon in his hand.

Lu Yan raised the Nether Soul Scythe in his hand and directly blocked the opponent's attack.

The opponent's strength is still very strong.

Above the sky, the little undead ghost dragon spit out ghostly flames from time to time at this forty-level Dark Descent Guild elder.

A large number of ghost flames were blocked by the opponent's dodging, but some still fell directly on the opponent's body.

The soul burning of Nether Soul Flame made the darkborn elder of about forty level frown.

He directly mobilized the strongest strength in his body, prepared to fight quickly, and then went to support other rooftops.

At this time, Lu Yan felt something in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Holding the Nether Soul Scythe, the Nether Soul Flame surged, covering the Nether Soul Scythe, and it burned roaringly.

Afterwards, Lu Yan charged directly towards the Dark Descent Society elder in front of him.

When the Dark Descent Society elder faced Lu Yan, his body froze, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

He felt that the power in his body was passing quickly, as if it was being suppressed by something.

Lu Yan looked at the other party, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

The power of the deadly plague is in effect!

In the past, UU reading Lu Yan used the power of the deadly plague on the elder of the Dark Descent Society, trying to weaken the opponent's power.

[The power of the deadly plague (epic level): Use the power of the undead to form the power of the deadly plague, covering the front, which can weaken all aspects of the enemy's attributes within the range. According to the opponent's strength, it can be weakened by up to 50%. 】

[Note: The power of the deadly plague is colorless, odorless, and invisible, and it is difficult to find. Special skills cannot be upgraded. 】

In the introduction of the power of death plague, there is no effective time. Now it seems that the effective time should be different according to the strength of the opponent.

The elder of the Darkborn Society in front of him is quite powerful, so the effective time is also relatively slow.

But it works.

Lu Yan directly used a soul crystal, and the gain of the Nether Soul Scythe instantly doubled. A cold light flashed from the Nether Soul Scythe in his hand, and it fell directly towards the Dark Descent Guild elder in front of him!

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