MTL - Global Job Change: Starting With The Hidden Job, Lord Of The Death-Chapter 308 Make a sacrifice!

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Looking at Lu Yan on the arena, the audience fell silent.

Everyone expected many kinds of results, but they didn't expect the result to be like this.

Lu Yan won!

Although it is said that Charles conceded defeat because he was ordered to step down by the King of the Eagle Kingdom, but if he loses, he loses.

Lu Yan still won the competition and entered the top three!

Besides, Lu Yan's performance just now is obvious to all, and this Lu Yan's combat effectiveness is still very strong.

Moreover, in the battle between Lu Yan and Charles, Lu Yan has been in the dominant position, and Charles can only resist.

Later, Charles may have other means to win the game, but Lu Yan may not necessarily lose.

After all, Lu Yan brought them too many surprises.

So, for Charles to admit defeat and Lu Yan to win the game, the surrounding audience didn't say anything, but felt that Lu Yan's performance was very exaggerated.

After all, no matter what, Lu Yan is still just a freshman!

It is already very good for a freshman to be able to do this.

Standing on the arena, Lu Yan was also slightly taken aback.

He was ready to use Pluto to come, but he didn't expect the King of Eagle Kingdom to let Charles admit defeat directly.

This saved him a lot of energy, and he was able to spare some energy for the next competition for the first place.

Thinking this way, Lu Yan put away the Nether Soul Flame, and after accepting the recovery of the high-ranking priest not far away, he headed towards the Dragon Kingdom team.

Above the head of the spectator seats, the face of the King of Eagle Kingdom became extremely ugly.

He never expected that Charles' performance would be so rubbish, and he would be like this with a freshman.

Stop now, and you can still save some face.

If you continue to fight, if you are said to be won by the opponent, then there is really nothing in it.

If it was someone else, the King of the Eagle Kingdom would not think so, but this Lu Yan is a person whom the Pope pays close attention to.

The king of the Eagle Kingdom didn't pay attention to it just now, but now it seems that the guy the Pope pays attention to still needs to pay attention.

Thinking in this way, the King of Eagle Kingdom's eyes fell on the Pope at the side, and found that the eyes of the other party were on Lu Yan's body, and he did not move away.

The King of the Eagle Kingdom frowned. He really couldn't figure it out. This Lu Yan was just a freshman. Why did the Pope pay so much attention to this guy?

Ellis' eyes were also on Lu Yan's body, and the splendor in his eyes became more and more intense.

This guy brought her too many surprises. She didn't expect to be able to do this to such an extent. It was simply too exaggerated.

No wonder the instructor paid so much attention to this guy, there was a reason for it.

Thinking of this, Elis looked at Lu Yan with more curiosity in his eyes.

I can't wait to get to know this guy.

On the side of the elemental elves not far away, Avril Lavigne breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense expression eased.

She was very nervous just now, even if Lu Yan failed to defeat Charles, it would be fine, but she didn't want anything to happen to Lu Yan.

Charles conceded, for Avril Lavigne, it was naturally considered the best result.

Here, Lu Yan came to the Dragon Country team, and was warmly welcomed by the Dragon Country team. Everyone cheered when they saw Lu Yan.

A freshman entered the top three finals, which no one expected,

Regardless of whether Charles admits defeat or not, this is already a very high honor, and the faces of everyone in the Dragon Kingdom are naturally bright.

As for the criticism against Lu Yan before, it has been left behind by everyone.

At this time, Lu Yan's eyes fell on the arena in front of him, and the battle of the others also began.

Lu Yan's priority was naturally Zhao Yuheng.

Zhao Yuheng's combat power is also very strong among all the participants, and his combat power is also very strong.

She was fighting against a No. 1 seed from the Tiger Kingdom, and her combat effectiveness was very strong.

The battle between the two sides was very fierce, and it was obvious that they both used their ability to suppress the bottom of the box.

After all, as long as you enter the top three, the reward will almost double.

Everyone naturally squeezed their heads and wanted to enter the top three.

However, Zhao Yuheng was able to win the opponent in the end, and after more than half an hour of fighting power, he was still defeated.

But the other party didn't feel well either, with injuries all over his body, and he looked very embarrassed.

He has already reached his limit. If it happens again, I really don't know who will win and who will lose.

Feeling the pain in his body, the No. 1 seed shook his head.

"This year's Dragon Country contestants are simply terrifying. It's an exaggeration for a freshman to be so strong and a girl like this to be so strong!"

Dragging his tired body, he quickly headed towards the edge of the ring, looking for a senior priest to recover.

The subsequent battle also ended very quickly, and the whole battle process did not last too long.

The battle for the top ten to enter the top three ended soon, and all the players began to go down to rest.

The referee and the organizer also began to discuss the ranking after this competition.

The audience in the surrounding auditorium also started to discuss, and they also had their own opinions on this ranking.

"I think Gilbert from Tiger Kingdom will definitely be able to enter the top three. He has the power of the blood of the Titans, and he uses it very powerfully. He has no counterattack power to hammer the opponent. His score will definitely be very high. of."

"I agree with this very much. Gilbert should definitely be in the top three. For the rest, I think Te Yusen from Xiongguo should also be able to enter. His performance is also very good."

"Te Yusen? It's not bad, but it's still a bit difficult to enter the top three. After all, his combat performance was not that impressive, and he won in the end just because he overwhelmed his opponent."

"Te Yusen must be dying. I think that guy from Longguo is not bad. He seems to be the No. 1 seed of Qingbei University. I forgot his name."

Everyone started discussing one after another, and each of them began to talk about the people they thought could enter the top three.

And at this moment, a voice sounded: "Where is Lu Yan? I think there is a chance for Lu Yan to enter the top three, right?"

Hearing this voice, the people around were stunned for a moment, and then someone hesitated and said: "It seems that there is a chance, this Lu Yan's performance is still very small, and he defeated Brady and Charles."

"Aren't you mistaken? Charles conceded in the end because of the King of the Eagle Kingdom. If the competition continues, Charles must be able to beat Lu Yan, right?"

"Having said that, Lu Yan's performance is not bad, not to mention he is only a freshman, this is enough to add a lot of points, right?"

"Don't talk about it, the ranking is about to come out, let's see how the professionals judge it. Anyway, I think Gilbert will definitely be able to enter the top three."

As everyone was talking, a list appeared on the projection light curtain on the arena ahead.

The ranking is out!

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on the arena in front of them, wanting to see who could enter the top three.

As everyone's eyes fell on the projection screen, the list was also reflected in the crowd.

The first three are the first to catch your eye.


Mu Yiheng!

Lu Yan!

This is the list of the top three, but it is not a ranking. It is just to enter the top three and need to compete for the top three rankings.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then there was an instant commotion.

"Damn it! Two of the Dragon Kingdom entered the top three, one is Lu Yan, and the other is Mu Yiheng!"

"It is still possible for Lu Yan to enter the top three, but what happened to that Mu Yiheng? How did he enter the top three?"

"I didn't pay much attention to it. This guy seems to have used a secret technique in the last round and easily crushed his opponent. It should be because of this that he was able to enter the top three?"

Everyone looked at the list on the arena ahead, with different expressions on their faces.

Gilbert and Lu Yan, they all had guesses, but they didn't expect Mu Yiheng to be able to go in.

Moreover, there are two of the top three in the Dragon Kingdom, which also surprised the personnel of other countries.

On the Longguo team, everyone had smiles on their faces.

It is a great honor for two of them to enter the top three. This has never happened before in the Global University Exchange Competition.

Lu Yan also raised his eyebrows, he was a little surprised that he was able to enter the top three.

After all, Charles finally surrendered. In the eyes of most people, Charles should be stronger than himself.

But if you enter the top three, then fight for the first place.

"Congratulations, Lu Yan."

Zhao Yuheng looked at the ranking on the projected light screen, first there was a trace of regret in his eyes, and then a smile appeared on Lu Yan's face.

She is ranked fifth, although she lost, but entering the top five is considered pretty good.

Lu Yan listened to Zhao Yuheng's words, nodded towards her, and then began to prepare for the next game.

The following is the rest time, and soon the order of the top three games will come out directly.

"You say, who can win the first place in this single competition?"

"I think it must be Gilbert. The fighting power shown by this guy is really too strong. The power of the Titan blood is still very strong. It is estimated that he can be defeated."

"Yeah, that Mu Yiheng seems pretty good, but he seems to have used secret techniques to defeat his opponent, so there should be no hope."

"As for that Lu Yan, let alone, if Charles hadn't conceded just now, he doesn't know if he has a chance to enter the top three."

Everyone started to discuss, talking about who they think is the number one candidate for this singles competition.

Most people think that Gilbert must be able to win, after all, Gilbert's combat effectiveness is still very strong.

So far, no one can defeat him.

At this time, everyone in Longguo is discussing the next moment of the game.

"I hope that the first match will be between Lu Yan or Mu Yiheng and Gilbert. Don't fight civil war."

"Yeah, if one of Lu Yan and Mu Yiheng fights Gilbert in the first match, it will be the best if they can force the other side to come back."

"If Lu Yan and Mu Yiheng fight first, it will be over, and the chance of winning the first place in the singles competition will be much smaller."

The next top three competition is a draw, with one bye, and the winner and the remaining one will fight for the first place.

Therefore, the result of the lottery is still more important.

If there is a civil war, the chances of winning are relatively small.

Everyone in Longguo naturally hoped that there would be someone who would fight Mu Yiheng first.

However, soon after the results of the game sequence came out, everyone in the Dragon Country team froze and became a little ugly.


The worst came out.

Lu Yan fights Mu Yiheng first!

civil war!

Looking at the result of the lottery, a smile appeared on Gilbert's face.

Although he despises these two people very much, it is naturally very good for them to fight first and take a look at them first.

At this time, the people in the Dragon Kingdom team started discussing again.

"I didn't expect the worst result to come out. If it's a civil war, can the two discuss it so that one person doesn't take the fight too seriously, and don't print things for that Gilbert to see."

"That's right, there's not much difference between the second and third rewards. It would be nice if we could keep one to fight Gilbert."

"I think Mu Yiheng should go up. After all, Lu Yan is only a freshman. He probably was too good at facing Charles just now. It's just because of luck that he got into the top three. It's best for him to sacrifice himself."

Everyone felt that since there was already a civil war, they couldn't take it too seriously, otherwise it would be bad for Gilbert to see all the unique skills.

And in their opinion, Lu Yan should be sacrificed, after all, he is only a freshman, and his strength is definitely not as strong as Mu Yiheng.

Just as they were discussing heatedly, the sound of Lei Shuo's explosion came.

"What are you talking about? What sacrifice? Why should Lu Yan sacrifice? Why don't you let that Mu Yiheng sacrifice himself?"

"Fucking nonsense again, believe it or not, I will let you sacrifice directly?"

Hearing Lei Shuo's irritable words, everyone's expressions changed, and then they dared not say anything more.

They are naturally aware of Lei Shuo's violent temper in their hearts, UU Reading Lu Yan is Lei Shuo's apprentice, so naturally he can't provoke this violent temper.

Otherwise, if a thunderstorm comes over at that time, they may be electrocuted.

And at this moment, Mu Yiheng came in front of Lu Yan, raised his chin and looked at Lu Yan with a very arrogant expression.

"Lu Yan, you must have heard what other people said. Your strength is definitely not able to deal with Gilbert. You should let me play directly. You can just fight as you like. Just think about it."

"After all, you are very lucky to be able to enter the top three, so you should be content, right?"

Lei Shuo raised his eyebrows, just as he was about to speak, Lu Yan had already spoken.

Looking at Mu Yiheng, Lu Yan smiled contemptuously: "The pen."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yan went directly to the arena!

(end of this chapter)