MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 19

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"You are the king of the human race? What's the matter with this seat?"

Ancestor Ming He said impatiently.

"I want to ask the ancestors of Ming He to release the people of my human race."

Chu Feng said directly.

"Let the people of your human race be released?"

Ancestor Ming He seemed to have heard some big joke.

"It's really funny."

"You are a mere golden immortal, what qualifications do you have to let this seat be released?"

"Even if you can talk to this seat, it's only because of the grace of Empress Nuwa!"

"Let this seat be released, what kind of thing are you, you are also worthy?!"

Ancestor Ming He's remarks can be said to be rude, as if he didn't care about Chu Feng at all.

This made Chu Feng's face very ugly.

But the situation is stronger than people, Chu Feng can only endure this breath first.

"If this is the case, our human race and you will never die. If the human race is wiped out, Mother Nuwa will be furious. Your ancestor of the Ming River and the entire sea of ​​blood will be uneasy!"

At this time, Chu Feng naturally raised the banner of Empress Nuwa.

However, Old Ancestor Ming He didn't care.

"Are you threatening this seat?"

"The prehistoric and the weak eat the strong, this is the destiny!"

"As long as I don't destroy the human race, Saint Nuwa won't blame it!"

"However, you are a little golden immortal, dare to threaten this seat and seek death!"

After all, this ancestor Ming He actually did it directly!

Chu Feng was also taken aback.

He also did not expect that this ancestor Ming He would actually do it directly.

How can you say that you are a quasi-sage boss, and you actually take the first shot at me, a little Jinxian?

This is really not skinny!

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[ps: Ask for flowers! ! Ask for a monthly pass! ! Ask for more! ! Ask for a reward! ! The author keeps updating more than seven chapters every day, and has prepared twenty chapters today. As long as the data is still rising, it will continue to explode! ! 】


Chapter 22 Save the human race and take back the human race from the quasi-sage!

However, Chu Feng did not dare to take the holy blow!

Immediately, the Kongtong seal was put out to resist.

I saw that this Kongtong seal exudes a dazzling divine light with infinite power.

The luck of the human race is condensed at this moment.

Tian Xingjian, the human race is constantly striving for self-improvement!

With the blessing of the human race's luck and the protection of Kongtong's seal, Chu Feng was able to take a casual blow from the ancestor of Ming He.


Ancestor Ming He also snorted.

Although it was a casual blow just now, it was also a quasi-holy attack.

How did you, a little golden fairy, follow?

Soon the ancestor of Ming He discovered the reason.

It turned out to be the case, with the power of the magic weapon and the luck of the human race to block this blow?

I didn't expect that the weak race of the human race would have such luck, it's really strange!

In the Great Desolation, the luck of the race is often related to the strength of the race.

With the strength of the human race, there shouldn't be such a condensed luck, this human race is weird!

Perhaps this is the opportunity for Nu Wa to take this opportunity to be sanctified!

For a time, Ancestor Ming He became more interested in human race research.


A sword energy shot up into the sky!

That's right, Chu Feng did not hesitate to use the Four Spirit Sword Formation Diagram!

It can be said that there are not many digits in Chu Feng's hands that can hurt the treasure of the ancestors of Ming He. I hope it will give some strength!

Accompanied by the terrifying sword qi, four immortal swords with very murderous aura were suspended in front of Chu Feng.

At the same time, a scroll of images appeared at Chu Feng's feet.

"Four Spirit Sword Formation, now!"

Accompanied by Chu Feng's snort.

The Four Spirit Sword Formation is composed of four sword formations, which are connected in a circle, echoing each other, and their power is amazing.

To a certain extent, it is a weakened version of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

With the rise of the four sword formations, for a time, the four great formations blended together, filled with suffocating energy, exuding a terrifying power.

However, the ancestor Ming He did not seem to have any influence in the formation. He wandered around in the formation like a walk, with the red lotus on his head protecting his body.

The suffocation of this sword formation may be useful to others, but it is not so useful to the ancestor of Ming He, who was the first creature born in the sea of ​​blood.

In the sword array, fierce light overflowed, and countless sword lights turned into fierce aura and wandered in the array.


In an instant, in this Immortal Slaughtering Sword Formation, countless fierce auras seemed to be activated, and they all attacked the ancestors of Ming He.

Ancestor Ming He was not flustered, the karmic fire lotus platform appeared under him, and a dense curtain of light rose up around Ancestor Ming He.

The countless fierce auras fell on the light curtain of the chaotic lotus platform, and there was no wave at all.

"This sword formation is also interesting, but it is Jinxian, who can actually mobilize such a powerful sword formation!"

Ancestor Ming He pointed out as he spoke, and there was a rhythm of loneliness on his fingers. Wherever he crossed, even the time and space were instantly withered and returned to the ruins.

It contains an extremely terrifying law power.


Naturally, Chu Feng would not let him do this, and directly urged the sword formation to attack.

This slash contains all the power in the entire Four Spirit Sword Formation!


A dark red blade of light collided with Old Ancestor Ming He's finger. The collision between the two exuded astonishing power. The aftermath of the explosion ripped apart the surrounding space.

"Cough cough."

After the aftermath dissipated, Old Ancestor Ming He coughed twice, and a few strands of golden blood slowly dripped from the corner of his mouth. It was obviously the collision just now that injured him a little.


An angry expression appeared on the face of Ancestor Ming He.

He didn't expect that the power of this sword formation was so huge that he actually got it without even noticing it for a while!

"If this is your trump card, then you must die today!"

Old Ancestor Ming He said sensibly.

Although Old Ancestor Ming He did not expect Chu Feng to have such a treasure, he was accidentally trapped in the sword formation.

But this formation is only a big Luo-level formation after all, and it is still too difficult to face the saint.

It is only a matter of time before it is broken!

Sure enough, as the ancestor Ming He sacrificed the Yuantu Abi double swords, the entire formation space began to shake and tremble.

I really don't want to cry to death, the leader of the Stygian River, really powerful!

Outside the formation, Chu Feng couldn't help sighing.

This formation that can instantly kill Daluo Jinxian, in front of the Sect Master Styx, can't stop it for long!

Taking advantage of this time, Chu Feng turned into a stream of light and entered the sea of ​​blood.

Kongtong printed Ye Ye Shenguang in his hand, looking for the breath of the human race.

According to the guidance of Kongtong Yin, Chu Feng came directly to the palace of the ancestor of Ming He.

It seems that because of the burst of breath of the ancestors of Ming He, the guards in this palace did not know where to flee to.

This kind of boss fighting method, I still keep it, and I really accidentally died of an unknown AOE.

This made Chu Feng come so smoothly.

Soon, Chu Feng saw many human races being held in a raised cage.

In the cage of less than ten square meters, there are more than a dozen human races. These human races are like goods, and they were randomly piled here by the ancestor Ming He.

After these captured human races saw Chu Feng, they were all very excited.

"Great, the King of Humans is here to save us!"

"I knew that the King of Humans would not give up on me or you!"

"Great, the king is here!"

Compared with these excited human races, Chu Feng's face is not good-looking.

Because Chu Feng saw that many human races died tragically on the stone platform, it was obviously dissected and studied by the ancestors of Ming He.

Chu Feng's eyes flashed with fog, and his heart was extremely angry.

Ancestor Ming He, in the future, I must make you pay the price!

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Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

However, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time, and he doesn't know how long his array map can trap Old Ancestor Ming He.

After all, it was originally just a formation map to deal with Daluo Jinxian, and it was not easy to block Old Ancestor Ming He for a while.

Seeing that Chu Feng sacrificed the Qiankun Pearl, he took away all the tribes present.

At this time, the ancestor Ming He was relying on the power of Ananda Yuantu's double swords to split the sword array.

After he split the sword formation, he found out that Chu Feng, the good guy, took this opportunity and ran quietly to save all the human races.

Damn, if this is spread out, where can I put the face of my ancestor Ming He?

"Death to this seat!"

I saw Old Ancestor Ming He roared, and Abi Yuantu's double swords were cut out, accompanied by a scarlet sword energy, tearing the world apart!

This terrifying sword qi slashed, and inscriptions appeared on the magic armor, which turned into a huge power of protection, trying to resist the sword qi.

But who is the leader of Styx? This angry sword, before the sword qi approached, just smashed Chu Feng's spell-casting divine armor.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Chu Feng did not hesitate to activate the avatar jade talisman, and the real body hid in the Qiankun Pearl and escaped into the void!

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[ps: Ask for flowers! ! Ask for a monthly pass! ! Ask for more! ! Ask for a reward! ! The author keeps updating more than seven chapters every day, and has prepared twenty chapters today. As long as the data is still rising, it will continue to explode! ! 】