MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 216

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There is also some unbearable in my heart, after all, the whole family has been destroyed, and he is the only one who survived.

Moreover, his Taoism is extremely shallow now, and he still has room to hurt some ordinary people.

607 But if he encounters some Daoists who subdue demons and eliminate demons, he is very likely to be completely beheaded.

Eight hundred years of Taoism cannot allow him to run rampant in the world.

So when he thought of this, Chu Feng planned to take him with him.

After all, there are many things that you will face next, and you also need a person who runs errands.

And this vixen is not bad by nature, and the people who are hurt by his actions are all sinful people.

It can be seen that since they lack an errand now.

Then why not let this vixen help them to do something that they can't do.

Coupled with Jiang Ziya, now holding the Conferred God List, this can be regarded as a great merit.

chapter 414

If this vixen, on top of this matter, can help them a lot, and do things more properly.

Then in the next step, he can help, this vixen has some merit.

Let him cultivate into a positive fruit, after having such an idea, Chu Feng did not hesitate too much.

Then he opened his mouth and said to the vixen, "I think you are kind and not bad."

"What you do is also a last resort, so next, I hope you can practice with me."

"If you want, you can follow us and follow our orders."

"We also have a great mission. The one in front of you is the master of Kunlun."

"Following the order of the Yuan Envoy Tianzun, I came to Chaoge City to carry out a very important task."

"If you can accomplish this together with us, you will be able to cultivate supreme merits in the future, and even achieve positive results."

When the fox spirit heard Chu Feng and said this, he immediately felt very excited.

He really knows too much about Kunlun Mountain.

It's just that the threshold of Kunlun Mountain is too high, and with his eight hundred years of Taoism, he can't enter it.

Coupled with the Kunlun Mountains, they have the idea of ​​rejecting these monsters from the body.

So even if he had such an idea, he didn't dare to go rashly.

Now that Chu Feng said such words in front of him, he naturally felt very happy.

If one day he can cultivate into a true fruit, he will not be in vain for his eight hundred years of practice.

Therefore, when thinking about this, the fox spirit immediately knelt in front of Chu Feng.

He began to worship Chu Feng, and Jiang Ziya, after hearing what Chu Feng said earlier.

I was also very surprised, because no matter what, this vixen was just a monster.

I'm afraid there's something wrong with taking it with me.

What's more, it is a Kunlun celebrity, and it is completely different from this monster, so he has a slight dislike for it.

Jiang Ziya felt very incomprehensible to do such a thing now.

But when he had doubts, he glanced at Chu Feng's eyes.

From Chu Feng's eyes, he also understood some information, so he did not continue to refute.

Now that things have come to this point.

They also need to make this matter more complete.

Chu Feng saw the vixen in front of him, and now he was unable to enter the city with them.

As a result, with a big wave of his hand, beams of glazed light continued to circle over the fox spirit's body.

In the end, a graceful body was formed, this fox spirit, seeing that he was able to transform into a human form.

He was also very excited, and he was immediately grateful and thanked Chu Feng.

Because of their cultivation, it takes more than a thousand years to have the opportunity to transform into a human form.

Moreover, whether the human form transformed by (Wang's Zhao) can be displayed perfectly depends on chance.

Now his eight hundred years of Taoism, in the hands of Chu Feng, has allowed him to transform into a human form.

Moreover, this human figure is very perfect, and it can be described as a whole country and a city.

"Lantian Novel Group" ⒋㈤63④⑧7⑦O

Seeing Chu Feng, this fox spirit immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to him for the kindness he had done.

Seeing the expression of the fox spirit, Chu Feng also smiled slightly, and said at the same time.

Chapter 415

"The reason why I helped you is that you have increased your Taoism for five hundred years."

"The main reason is that I hope you can do one thing for me."

"If you can handle this matter properly, I can guarantee that you will be able to achieve a positive result in the future."

"And I can take you into the Immortal Dao, let you go on the path of immortal cultivation, and no longer become a wild monster in the mountains."

When Chu Feng said this, the fox spirit was very excited.

He has been looking forward to training in human form for a long time.

Now I never imagined that, with the help of such an opportunity, I would meet such a great **** with great powers.

For him, this is simply a great creation.

Seeing that 607 arrived here, Chu Feng said to the fox spirit.

"I don't care what name you have, what name you have, or what you have done."

"But from now on, I have created a new name for you. From now on, you must not do anything else that will harm the world."

"From now on, your name will be called Fuyao."

"Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day, and soars up to 90,000 miles. Since he is next to me, he must have a straight upward momentum."

"So I don't allow it either. You have any slack. For what I have arranged for you to do, you have to do your best."

When the fox spirit heard Chu Feng and gave him a name, he was even more excited.

It wasn't that he didn't have a name before, but that name was also very ugly.

But now the name Chu Feng gave him made him feel very fond of it.

After getting the name given to him by Chu Feng, the fox spirit knelt down again and kowtowed to Chu Feng again and again.

So he said to Chu Feng, "Thank you for the re-creation of the Great God. I will definitely abandon my previous suspicions and no longer do anything that hurts the world."

"Also please rest assured, as long as it is what the Great God has ordered, I will do my best to complete it."

Seeing this fox spirit, he kowtowed again, and Chu Feng flicked his sleeves, and then a breeze lifted him up.

Then use the glazed light again to bless the fox spirit's body.

(ajdc) Although he has already added five hundred years of Taoism to him, and let him transform into a human form.

But his foundation is very shallow, and his own conditions are very substandard.

If you only rely on foreign objects to forcibly improve, this is the end, so you want this vixen to serve him in Chaoge City.

And to solve many problems for him, it is necessary to make this vixen's Taoism more profound

In this way, he can protect himself. After all, it is impossible for Chu Feng to protect him every day in the next time.

When all these things were done, the face of this vixen was unexpectedly surprised.

Because he can now feel that the power surging out of his body is dozens of times stronger than before.

For him, this is something he once hoped for, and he has been practicing hard for hundreds of years in this Xuanyuan Tomb.

Not as good as Shang Xian, for his guidance, now he has a real life of his own.

On top of all the next tasks, he also intends not to disappoint Chu Feng.

And on top of what he does next, he also intends to do his best.

After all the things here are dealt with.

Chu Feng took Fu Yao and Jiang Ziya back to Chaoge City.

Chapter 416 Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng

Chu Feng, Jiang Ziya, and Fu Yao quickly returned to Chaoge City.

Following this vixen, Chu Feng was completely subdued.

It also means that the event that will make a lot of noise in Chaoge City has been completely lifted.

This time, after Chu Feng subdued this fox spirit, he did not come to the city~ continue to set up a stall.

Instead, they returned to Jiang Ziya's mansion with Jiang Ziya and the others.

Because Chu Feng also has some other plans.

Using the vixen he just conquered, Fu Yao did something.

After all, now, there is a lack of his eyeliner beside King Zhou.

Especially the nine-tailed fox spirit, the jade pipa spirit, and the nine-headed pheasant spirit. The three demons have arrived in Chaoge City.

And in the palace, there may have been some achievements.

For these things, it is impossible for him to go there in person.

Therefore, it is extremely important to arrange an eyeliner that belongs to you.

When thinking of this, Chu Feng opened his mouth and said to Jiang Ziya.

"This Yin Shang is now exhausted, and will soon provoke swordsmen."

"So next, we must also help the loyal ministers of Yin Shang so that they will not be affected by this catastrophe."

"If it is doomed, then we can't reach out and rescue it."

"After all, the famous people in your Conferred God List will suffer from this misfortune."

When Jiang Ziya heard Chu Feng say this, although it wasn't, he could understand it completely.

But he also understands the power of this.

In particular, before Jiang Ziya left, Primordial Heavenly Venerate had already explained many things about this list of gods to him.

All those who participated in this Conferred God List were all famous people on the Conferred God List.

And the famous person on this list of gods will surely perish in this world.

For this, they can't help, and they can't change the name on this list of gods.

So all they can do now is to keep the nameless people on the list of gods who have been persecuted.

For loyal ministers and innocent people, they need to stand up and support them.

After thinking of this, Chu Feng glanced at Fu Yao beside him.

He said, "This time I want to give you a task, and I need you to complete it for me."


"In this kingdom of Yin and Shang, there is a monarch named Yin Shou."