MTL - Global University Entrance Examination-Chapter 16 Black woman

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The radio died after speaking the test information, and the car was silent.

What big baby what calm down, in front of "Gypsy" all dreamed.

Everyone was in a daze for a moment and collapsed in their seats.

CMB instantly became a hearse, dragging a few cool people.

It is annoying enough to be woken up to sleep, or to be woken up by such a bad thing. Confused to sit up straight, he saw someone coming through his eyes.

He closed his eyes immediately, pretending that he had fallen asleep.

The CMB was driving in the clouds without any bumps.

The sound of footsteps stopped aside, and the back of the chair that puzzled his head collapsed. Then, he yanked the headphone cord a few times.


Confused cold face pretending to sleep.

The headphone cable was pulled a few times again, and even the earlobe and earrings were moving.


Confusion continues to pretend to be dead.

"No signal, what kind of headphones are plugged? Don't install them." A familiar, dragging voice sounded.


Confusion can't be disguised.

He half-opened his eyes, and glanced out from the end of his eyes, looking at the hand on the headset line: "Is something wrong?"

After asking this, he looked up at the standing man.

From expression to tone, it fully expressed the arrogance of "has fart but no fart".

Qin Chen retracted his hand on the earphone cable and lay it on the back of the front seat.

He pointed with his chin to confuse the seat around him and said with a smile: "Your backpack? Trouble it to get a seat."

"It doesn't want to."

Yuzu finished his expression blankly, plugged his headphones, and closed his eyes again.

Within two seconds, the annoying hand came again, and he took off his headphones directly.

My fingers were a little itchy as I brushed my ears.

Confused raised his hand to pinch the earrings, and opened his eyes with his eyebrows: "What else?"

"If it's really unwilling, I'll have to do it myself." Qin Chen smiled, picked up the black bag, lightly weighed, and then rested on the luggage rack above the head of confused.

Confused staring at him: "You can't change an empty seat?"

Qin Chen: "I'm afraid not. There are a total of nine seats in the car, and you occupy seven. I don't have to sit here to bundle the driver. It's hard to say, but others should not want me to do that."

Bewildered: "..."

When he got in the car, he didn't count the seats at all. Who would have thought that a broken car was so nervous.

Qin Chen sat down beside him.

This man looks tall and thin in a coat, but when he gets closer, he can feel that his figure should be tall and sharp, and he can feel the hard arms and body temperature across the fabric.

Fortunately, there are not many seats in the car, and there is a large space in the front and rear rows, otherwise the legs of the two people will have nowhere to rest.

But even so, knees are inevitable.

Wanderers want to straighten their legs, but that will kick people in the front seat.

And at this time, it seems that whoever lets go first will be the one to fall behind. Confused for a moment, he just broke the jar and fell and hit Qin Chen's knee.

He pulled up his collar and prepared to close his eyes to sleep, and then heard Qin Chen muttering in a low voice, "Gypsy, really."

Bewildered: "This is not your chosen subject?"

Qin Chen glanced at him, his fingers lazily compared: "I have a bit of wrong to say so."

You're wrong.

Confused looking at him coldly.

"Look at the people you picked." Qin Chen pointed to where Mike was sitting. "As far as I know, this candidate has a very colorful life. He mixed four kinds of blood from the United States, France, Russia, and Spain, and grew into this . "

Bewildered: "..."

"Sorry, accidentally brought a little aggressiveness." Qin Chen didn't seem sorry at all.

Bewildered: "You have all the candidate information?"

"Guess?" Qin Yan's voice was low, even if he dragged his tone.

Confused coldly.

Since he can bring people to this ghost place, he believes that the examination system should have complete information. How much do proctors know?

Confused to think about their previous performance, it should not be too much.

Invigilators are also bound by regulations, maybe ... they want to know the specific information of the candidates, but also need to go through an acquisition process? And that process should not be simple.

Otherwise, 001, 154, 922 is the first one to check.

Qin Chen supported his head, and Wu Shen's eyes looked at him for a while and said, "Relax, in general, I have no interest in candidates' information."

Confused "Oh", extremely perfunctory.

"In short, there is such a treasure in the team, it is not unusual for you to take turns to such a ghost place." Qin Chen said.

Confused does not know what is behind the so-called examination system, but it feels a weird temper. In order to avoid the "mother tongue" of this group of people, it seems reasonable to create a "gypsy".

Since he found the reason, he didn't buckle the pot to Qin Chen.

And I do n’t know if it is an illusion. From the moment he got on the car, Qin Chen showed a little bit unhappy.

Confused looking at the invigilating examiner ...

Perhaps the snow outside the car was too bright, and his eyes hurt again, a little uncomfortable.

He rubbed it twice, plugged in his headphones, and went to sleep muffled.


After ten minutes of driving, the roadside bumped suddenly.

The distressed candidates were turned back, only to discover that the scene outside the car had changed.

The sky is full of snow and fog, and in front of it is a winding mountain road.

The road conditions were not good. After the car drove up, it kept going all the way. There was solid mud and crumbling gravel everywhere.

The road is still very narrow. If the two parties meet, they have to shift to the first gear and move a little.

The plants and trees under the mountains are growing together, and the depth cannot be seen at a glance. It is likely that the bones are missing.

In this way, this broken CMB was driving extraordinarily.

Halfway through, the driver loosened one hand to turn the radio knob. The radio inside the car made a few noises, jumped to a certain frequency band, sang old songs, and occasionally interspersed a traffic reminder, saying that some sections of a mountain road had landslides and could not pass.

In the broadcast room, a warning sign appeared in front of the car.

In front of the warning sign was a large mountain of rock and a fallen tree, and a normal car clearly couldn't get through.

However, the driver ignored the warning sign completely, and drove the broken car twice.

The crowd exclaimed, waiting for them to fall back to their seats, the car had passed the landslide section, and continued to drive into the mountains.

Since deep into the sky, the sky suddenly gloomy.

There was obviously heating in the car, and everyone still shivered unconsciously.

When coming out of the other side of Panshan Road, there is an old street sign on the side of the road marked with the road number.

Old Yu wrapped her clothes tightly and shrank into the seat, watching the number muttering: "This road seems to be close to the border ..."

"Really going out?" Yu Wen's eyes widened.

Old Yu: "I don't know."

Yu Wen narrowed his neck and stared anxiously outside the car: "Can the border line run wild!"

Kung Fu spoke, and the bus made a big turn and got into the woods by the road.

Everyone was bewildered by this spooky route, and wanted to ask, the driver was dumb again.

Another 10 minutes passed.

The car got out of the woods and braked sharply on the dirt road.

"Brother, wake up and get out of the car." Yu Wen knelt down on the seat with one leg and crossed the back of the chair to confuse you.

He really admired his brother's big heart and slept so hard.

Wanderer pulled his hair, half-opened his eyes, and the seat was empty.

He hid his lower face in his collar and said muffled, "What about people?"

"Ah?" Yu Wen didn't understand.

Wandering shook his head and woke up completely.

He stood up, stomped his sleepy feet, and looked down the window: "Where is it?"

This time Yu Wen heard clearly, "I don't know, the driver stopped the car and ran away."

"What is running away?"

Yu Wenchao pointed out the window: "Well, just such a dirt road, he ran in."

They seemed to stop at a village intersection, walk through the cluttered branches, and dimly see the crisscross roofs. There is no other place to walk except a small road to the village.

They were surrounded by the woods with no visible margins.

Yu Wen followed Yuyou and got out of the car.

Candidates looked at each other outside the door.

Invigilator Qin Yan stood in the woods, holding a tree, wondering what he was looking at.

"Old Yu said that the previous road was on the border, will we be somewhere in reality?" Yu Wen asked in confusion.

The newly joined Chen Bin interjected: "In my experience, it shouldn't. But you will see some realistic shadows here, and some things have even been seen."

Yu Wen: "If it is not where it actually exists, is it really death?"

Chen Bin smiled bitterly: "I don't know, I know it only after trying it. But who dares to try this kind of thing?"

Yu Wen said with a downcast head, "Also ..."

Confusion did not tangle this topic, after he got out of the car, he made a circle around the dirt road.

After a while, he kicked somewhere and said, "This is a monument."

"I'm looking for it. It turned out to be you." Chen Bin was experienced and got out of the car to find information everywhere.

He came over and crouched in front of the monument, and took out the covered weeds: "It should be written with the place name. Although it is not very useful, it is a comfort to know where he is ..."

Everyone heard around.

I saw a few weird figures engraved on that dilapidated stele.

"What does this paint?"

"Letters ..."

Chen Bin took out a paper towel from the bag and wiped off the mud-stained part, everyone was hard to identify.

Yu Wen: "k ... is this a?"

Chen Bin: "lo ... what the **** is this?"

"P." Yu Yao held his stomach and tilted his head to recognize the words: "That looks like h ... u ... v."

Leaving aside the miscellaneous useful and useless parts, the place name carved on this monument looks like this:


Everyone: "..."

What the **** is this.

Tell a joke and look at the stele to know where you are.

When everyone was crashing, the silent driver ran back. He brought two feet of black mud and a middle-aged man wrapped in a military coat and a leather cap.

Look at the face, it should be domestic.

The driver said, "Well, these are the people."

Yu Yuyi: "You speak ?!"

The driver glanced at him and said hoarsely, "He will take you to that house, remember, don't come in.

After he said, the man in the fur hat waved his hand, turned his head into the bus, and drove away.

The car crooked into the woods, and in a blink of an eye, it was covered by cascading branches, and disappeared.

Even the throttle and friction sounds disappeared.

The woods were unusually quiet, and everyone was erect.

"What are we doing here?" Yuu asked the fur-hat man.

The man in the leather hat said "Ah" and said, "Don't you say you're looking for a black wife? Why? You're all stunned?"

"Black woman? Who is this black woman?" Chen Bin followed.

The man in the fur hat shrank a bit. He closed the hat under his mouth and said with a sullen expression, "An old woman, who came here with the old man during the war, seems to be a Gypsy, anyway ..."

He wrapped himself tighter again, and whispered, "I'll take you there, be careful. After she gets here, our entire village is abnormal. What do you think ... would you like to live here for ten days?"

Everyone wanted to cry without tears, and said to themselves, Do we want to live here? 2k novel reading network