MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 310 Huge profit of 3.83 million [7400 words please subscribe]

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Chapter 310: Making a huge profit of 3.83 million [7,400 words, please subscribe]

 On the train.

Deng Shirong was worried for a while, but soon felt relieved.

It is true that Deng Shirong can't help his second son in politics, but as long as the second son can remember his words, stick to his heart and not take bribes, then the risk of his joining politics will be greatly reduced, and the only remaining risk will be to take sides.

 It is very important for officials to take sides.

But as long as you stand upright, even if you are unlucky and stand on the wrong team, you will just sit on the bench at most, and there will be no such situation as going to jail.

Of course, this is Deng Shirong’s understanding of officialdom. In fact, he doesn’t know whether this is the case.

 After receiving the payment, Deng Shirong stopped staying and took the bus to Tianjin again.

The boss was surprised and said: "It seems that I have met an expert. What I sell is dried packaged pineapples, and the quality is definitely the best."

 Jiang Xuying cut one of the wooden pineapples under the watchers of her husband Gao Wenquan, eldest son Gao Youde, eldest daughter-in-law Jiang Xiaoqin, second son Gao Youfu, and second daughter-in-law Liu Yan.

Although Deng Shirong had known for a long time that serious pests and diseases would occur in the county for this year's early rice, except for Naye Deng and his relatives who listened to his suggestion of switching to sweet potatoes, he could not help others even if he wanted to.

1,209 tons of ground pineapples were all sold at a price of 0.65 yuan/catty, for a total of 1,571,700 yuan.

"OK, no problem."

Zhou Shengli replied without thinking: "I'm interested, of course I'm interested. Boss Deng, please come and let's talk in detail."

County Magistrate Song looked at him deeply after hearing this, and spoke more highly of the self-employed boss. He did not continue to talk about this topic, but instead talked about their children. Knowing that Deng Yunheng chose to enter politics, he also gave a serious explanation Made some suggestions.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "No problem, then you can pay half of it first, and you can pay the other half after you get your money back in a few days."

Jiang Xuying picked two very plump wood pineapples and said, "Boss, I want these two. Please help me weigh them. In addition, give me five pounds of longan and three ground pineapples."

Zhou Shengli came back to his senses, and while chewing, he said with praise: "It's more than okay. The flesh tastes refreshing and crisp, and the taste is extremely sweet. I really didn't expect that the wood pineapple would be so good." It’s delicious. What was that thing I ate called?”

Jiang Xuying thanked her and rode her bicycle towards the intersection the two women mentioned.

 Because of the fast sales, Zhou Shengli and the others paid off the other half of the payment in just five days.

 Soon, Jiang Xuying returned home.

 This 5.58 million cash is actually not durable.

  274 tons of longan were sold at a price of 2.3 yuan/jin, for a total of 1,260,400 yuan.

However, whether he can understand or not is not the key. The key is whether this wooden pineapple can bring him benefits.

“Boss Deng, what’s the price of this wooden pineapple?”

Deng Shirong said: "This is the first time that wooden pineapples have appeared in the Beijing market. I will give you the lowest price of one yuan per catty. If there is a market for wooden pineapples in Beijing, then we will renegotiate the price next year. If there is no market, forget it. ”

Of course, she had already eaten longan and ground pineapple last year, so it was not surprising to see them again this year. She just didn’t expect that this year there would be pineapple, a fruit she has loved since she was a child.

"smell good!"

Jiang Xuying cut the pineapple into eight large pieces, removed the heart, wiped the juice off with a plastic bag, and said, "Okay, you can eat it now. There is still a core in the pulp. Remember to tear it apart when eating." , take out the core inside.

After exchanging polite words, Deng Shirong recommended longan and wood pineapple to him. Boss Xiao directly took the samples and summoned his major vendors to discuss. In the end, he asked for 500 tons of wood pineapple, and more than 170 tons of longan naturally didn't need much. Said, naturally it is all round.

Although the price has increased by two cents per pound compared to last year, Zhou Shengli still said without hesitation: "No problem!"

 Moreover, the children have their own future and they do not need to take care of them.

 Jiang Xiaoqin took the longan and asked: "What other fruits have we not eaten?"

I have to say that the minds of people doing business in this era are no worse than those of later generations. Zhou Shengli and the others received feedback that customers thought the pineapple was too big, and many customers were hesitant to buy it, so they immediately adjusted their sales strategy. , cut and sold directly.

Hearing this, County Magistrate Song's eyes lit up. This information was still very important to him, and Deng Shirong's suggestion was also very good. He convened a meeting with the leaders of each township and asked them to persuade the villagers to switch from late rice to sweet potatoes. As long as some villagers are willing to listen, there will be only benefits and no harm to him.

Deng Shirong recalled his conversation with County Magistrate Song and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Such a huge purchase volume shocked Deng Shirong, but he could also guess that Boss Xiao should have expanded his sales channels after last year's operation. This was actually a good thing for him. After running around, there is not much left, so I can just find a city I visited last year and it will be done.

Jiang Xuying’s sons and daughters-in-law said while sniffing their noses and inhaling the fragrance.

County Magistrate Song said with a somewhat solemn look: "I have indeed known about this for a long time. Our county has suffered heavy food losses this time!"

 These three fruits cost her a total of more than 70 yuan, which can be said to be a lot of money.

A customer took the initiative to help with sales. The boss was so happy that he quickly said: "This juice can be solved with a plastic bag. When cutting the pineapple, wipe it with a plastic bag a few times and it will be clean. If you accidentally get it on your hands, If you can’t wash it off, you can also use a plastic bag.”

 Half an hour later.

Therefore, it is not easy to eat good-quality wood pineapples, and the quality of the batch of wood pineapples we shipped cannot be exactly the same. We can only guarantee the lower limit of our quality, which is also lower than that of many places. The upper limit is better. "

 “This color looks delicious!”

Speaking of this, Zhou Shengli said with some embarrassment: "Boss Deng, if you eat so much at once, you will need at least millions of funds. I'm afraid I can't pay it all in one go this time. It will take a few days to get the money back." That’s it.”

 As for the pineapples that were sold last year, 700 tons were directly purchased.

Jiang Xuying locked her bicycle, walked over and asked, "Boss, how much does this wooden pineapple cost per pound?"

But then again, because Bobai is one of the main producing areas of wood pineapple, Deng Shirong has never heard of anyone in Bobai who can't smell the smell of wood pineapple, or even doesn't like to eat wood pineapple. There are only a few people there, and most white people like it very much.


The two of them got along well because of their relationship as children. County Magistrate Song was still very enthusiastic when he saw Deng Shirong coming over.

After the serious talk was over, the two of them chatted while eating pineapple. It took about ten minutes before Deng Shirong said goodbye and left. Naturally, he left the warehouse address before leaving.

 When Jiang Xuying started eating, her family members also ate.

After school at noon, Jiang Xuying, who was already in her fifties, rode her bicycle slowly back home.

 Zhou Shengli became interested after hearing this, so he took out a knife and a plastic bag.

Sure enough, there was a temporary stall there, which not only had her favorite wooden pineapples, but also longans and ground pineapples, which were all specialties from her natal family.

Deng Shirong nodded and asked, "How much do you want for the longan and ground pineapple?"

The pineapple he picked out was naturally ripe. After being cut in half, the bright yellow flesh inside was exposed.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The boss knew that he had met a big customer, so he quickly started weighing the items.

 Excluding some miscellaneous expenses, I made a total of about 3.83 million during this trip.

 The total amount is 4,504,100 yuan, minus the purchase cost of 673,720 yuan, the total profit is 3,830,380 yuan.

Zhou Shengli seemed to understand, but he didn’t seem to understand. It is difficult for people who are not from the place where wood pineapples are produced to understand the difference in quality of this stuff. They are also dry-wrapped pineapples. Some taste bland and some taste extremely sweet. It Unlike lychee and longan, as long as they are of that variety, the taste difference is very small.

 “It’s not just good, I think it’s one of the most delicious fruits in the world.”

But after thinking about it later, he felt that it was unrealistic, because if he really traveled to every village under the jurisdiction of all the towns and villages in the county, it would take too much time, and it might not be effective, so he decided He changed his strategy and went to the county government to talk to Magistrate Song (Song Yu's father) about this issue.

While talking, the boss had already quickly weighed all the things Jiang Xuying needed, and then said again: "If you really need it, you can discuss it with each other. Two or three or four people can buy one together. I will I’ll cut it up and weigh it for you on site.”

Seeing Deng Shirong appear, Boss Xiao felt like he was meeting his parents.

Just when Zhou Shengli was distracted, a familiar voice came over: "Boss Zhou, you're fine!"

 Let alone those grown in different regions, even those grown in the same village are different.

With the successful entry of local pineapples into the Beijing market last year, Zhou Shengli and the three of them are definitely not as conservative as last year. As long as Boss Deng’s people transport the local pineapples, the three of them plan to eat them in one bite under 500 tons.

Deng Shirong asked again: "For pineapples, I'll give you sixty-five cents per catty. How much do you want?"


When everyone heard this, they each took a piece of pineapple, dug out a packet of pulp with their fingers, and tore it open. Sure enough, there was a core as big as a finger.

Zhou Shengli looked up and found that the person he was talking to was Boss Deng, whom he had been thinking about all the time. He was surprised and said: "Boss Deng, you are finally here. What are you carrying?"

 Fortunately, her family is not short of money. Her husband is a native of Beijing and has some ancestral property left behind. In addition, they are both school professors and their income is not low.

Zhou Shengli nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I definitely want it!"

 And once late rice suffers from severe pests and diseases like early rice, then he will be even more meritorious.

 “Mom, you’re back, you can eat right away!”


 It would be better if relevant experts can provide some valuable opinions. "

This one is four pounds, and a wood pineapple can easily weigh more than ten pounds. It costs more than ten yuan to buy one. Although there are many rich people in the capital, ten yuan to buy a fruit that has never been eaten is a lot. People will still hesitate.

Another woman smiled and said: "There must be some for sale. When we bought them before, we saw a lot of them piled up there. They were not sold out so quickly."

I saw two women in their thirties eating fruit at the door of the clothing store.

Jiang Xuying smiled and waved her hand and said: "Thank you, no need, you can eat. I will go over and see if they are still sold there. If so, I will buy one and eat it back. I haven't eaten this in more than 20 years. I still miss it.”

As a native of the capital, Gao Wenquan had never left the capital. He had only heard about this wood pineapple from his wife and had never eaten it. When he smelled the fragrance and saw the bright yellow flesh, he couldn't help but smile: "No wonder This wood pineapple will always make you miss it, it does look good.”

Hearing this, a customer hesitated and said: "If it is so delicious, I would like to buy some to try, but this pineapple is too big!"

I have to say that the fragrance of this wood pineapple is indeed strong enough. It is unmatched by many fruits. It is no exaggeration to say that some wood pineapples mature on the trees, and people can smell it when they pass under the tree. Special scent.

Needless to say, the results were praised by everyone.

Jiang Xuying had already torn a piece of pulp into her mouth. When she chewed it, she was pleasantly surprised by the crisp and sweet texture. It was even more delicious than the pineapple she remembered. It seemed like The stall owner was really not bragging. The quality of their wood pineapples was really good.

However, although there is a lot of money, there are also many places where he needs to use it. Nanning Chaoyang Plaza will spend more than 3.3 million this year. Buying a car and repaying a bank loan next year will cost 1 million, but here he will spend more than 4.3 million. Then It costs money to buy goods from the supermarket. After the Naye Deng Community is built, it will cost money to decorate the house, and money will have to be set aside to buy goods next year.


"It's like this. For this year's early rice, due to some special reasons, all the paddy fields in our village were planted with sweet potatoes. Therefore, our village was lucky enough to avoid the pests and diseases that spread throughout the county. I came to tell you about this. The main reason is I am worried that such problems will still occur with late rice.”

In fact, the market in Tianjin is not as huge as the market in Beijing, but Boss Xiao in Tianjin is worthy of being a descendant of a large wholesaler in the Republic of China. Zhou Shengli is indeed not comparable to Zhou Shengli in terms of wholesale. Last year, he entered the pineapple market by himself. 600 tons, a real batch of cattle.

Deng Shirong hummed and said, "There are 100 tons of longan this year. If you want it, I will leave it all to you."

Jiang Xuying lifted the heavy bag in her hand and said, "This is it, the king of fruits in the south - pineapple."

 Hearing this, Jiang Xuying knew why so few people bought wooden pineapples.

 The reason why I didn’t ask about wet pineapple is because wet pineapple is very different from the other two types. For someone like her who is familiar with wood pineapple, it is easy to tell them apart.

Deng Shirong was the first to speak: "County Magistrate Song, the main reason I came here this time is because I have something very important that I think I should tell you."

As he spoke, he tore off a piece of pulp and put it into his mouth. When he was chewing it, his eyes widened.

Zhou Shengli took the pineapple, dug out a pack with his fingers, removed the core, and observed, "The flesh is big and thick, and it is really different from what I have eaten."

This approach has impressed many customers.

 After worrying about his second son's work, Deng Shirong's mind drifted back to his previous conversation with County Magistrate Song.

 And the kernel can be cooked and eaten, so don’t throw it away. "

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "Yes, the early rice production in most towns and villages has been seriously reduced, and some towns have even experienced no harvest. Farmers have been busy for half a year and have not harvested anything at all. I am afraid that life will be difficult this year."

But people who don’t like it will feel uncomfortable when they smell the smell, so Deng Shirong is not sure how wide the audience for this thing is in the capital.

Originally for late rice, he planned to go from town to town and show his own experience to persuade Abiao from other towns to give up late rice and plant sweet potatoes instead.

This kind of fruit smells very fragrant and is the first time it has appeared. Who wouldn’t want to buy some and try it if possible?

In the past, if you sold it whole, it cost at least ten yuan a piece, and even more than twenty yuan for a large one, so many people would still hesitate. But when you cut it up and sell it, each portion only costs a few yuan, so the pressure is not great. , basically affordable.

Deng Shirong nodded and followed the other party into the warehouse at the back.

Looking at the fruit in front of her that she had not seen for more than 20 years, Jiang Xuying couldn't help pushing her bicycle forward and asked: "Hello, I would like to ask, where did you get this pineapple?"

Jiang Xuying nodded and said, "Well, let's eat first, and I'll open one for you to try later."

 People of this era, because sugar is relatively scarce, have no resistance to sweet things, and few people can resist the sweet taste of this pineapple.

Deng Shirong smiled and asked: "How is it? Does it taste good?"

Of course, this is the first time this wooden pineapple has appeared in the Beijing market. It was sold for two yuan per catty at once. I am afraid that not many customers are willing to buy it. At least they have to wait until the customers have tasted it and know how delicious it is. , to be sold at such a high price.

 At that time, you can make a lot of money again.

“It smells so fragrant and tastes so delicious. No wonder it is called the King of Fruits in the South!”

Jiang Xuying said with a smile: "This wood pineapple is the king of fruits in the south. It is a relatively high-quality dry-wrapped pineapple. The flesh tastes refreshing and crisp, and it is extremely sweet. It is a very delicious fruit. Just eat it." It’s a bit troublesome because the juice inside is very sticky.”

 “I want 300 tons!”

Since entering the seventh month of the lunar calendar, Zhou Shengli's mood has been rising day by day, because if nothing unexpected happens, he is about to receive a large sum of money.

In fact, there is more than this quantity of longan, but he only plans to sell so many in the capital, so he only quoted this quantity.

836 tons of wood pineapples were sold at a price of 1 yuan per catty, for a total of 1,672,000 yuan.

So they discussed buying a pineapple to share among themselves.

Other customers saw that Jiang Xuying was so generous and bought two pineapples at a time, so they all asked: "Sister, are these pineapples delicious?"

All his knowledge about officialdom came from his third son and officialdom novels in his previous life. As a farmer, he didn't have much interest in officialdom, so his third son in his previous life didn't tell him much about officialdom. He just learned about it through hearing and seeing. .

Deng Shirong told the truth about his thoughts: "So, my suggestion is to ask County Magistrate Song to hold a meeting with the leaders of each township, and ask the leaders of each township to persuade the villagers to switch to sweet potatoes for late rice, and then plant rice again next year. This way It is possible to prevent late rice from suffering heavy losses.

 But no matter what, if you buy it at a price of one yuan per catty and sell it a little cheaper, you don’t have to worry about not being able to sell it.

“The flesh of this fruit is bright yellow, and I’m appetizing just by looking at it!”

 In the end, it only took half a month for Deng Shirong to sell all the goods in his hands.

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "There are three main varieties of wood pineapples: one is wet package, one is oil package, and the other is the dry package. However, this is only divided according to the appearance of the pulp, even if it is also dry. The taste of the buns is also completely different.

As for official novels, I can only say that novels are just novels after all. You have to believe them, but you can’t believe them all.

 The boss smiled and replied: "One piece and four pounds per pound, do you want one?"

Zhou Shengli suddenly realized: "It turns out to be the king of fruits in the south. Not only have I seen this, I have also eaten it!"

Hearing the price, Zhou Shengli nodded. With the quality of the fruit he was eating now, it would not be sold as high as longan, but at two yuan a pound, he thought it was completely fine.

 The two chatted for nearly half an hour before Deng Shirong said goodbye and left.

Deng Shirong said: "Okay, the price is two yuan and three pounds per catty, is that okay?"

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "I just said that the quality of the wooden pineapples I brought is not comparable to those on the market."

 So, she bought the fruit that cost more than 70 yuan without any hesitation.


Zhou Shengli felt relieved and said: "Then let's test the market with 100 tons first!"

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "In addition to longan and ground pineapple, I also brought new varieties this year. It depends on whether you, Boss Zhou, are interested."

Deng Shirong untied the sack, revealed the wooden pineapple inside, and said: "Boss Zhou, I'm sure that the quality of the wooden pineapple you ate was not as good as the one I brought. Go get a fruit knife and a plastic bag, and I'll Open this and let you try it, and you will know why I say this.”

  Anyway, he has tried his best. He doesn’t know whether Late Rice can help Ah Biao from other towns.

While passing a certain street, she suddenly smelled a fragrance that was only in her memory. This made her energetic. She quickly stopped the car and looked around, and then quickly locked onto the clothing store next to it.

Magistrate Song asked: "Boss Deng, what is this important matter?"

This wood pineapple is as attractive as durian. People who like it like it very much. When they smell the fragrance, their mouths water. Even if the smell is stained on their hands, they are reluctant to wash it off.

 Ruyi Fresh Fruit Shop.


Deng Shirong said: "It's about the early rice diseases and insect pests in the county. You should know about County Magistrate Song, right?"

Zhou Shengli asked: "Boss Deng, is this wood pineapple the same as longan, with different varieties?"

 So, in the following sales of wood pineapples, the sales volume is rising all the way, which makes Zhou Shengli and the other two people feel happy.

Deng Shirong waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, we will only cooperate with you in the capital."

As for Jiang Xuying, after paying the money, she returned home with the longan, ground pineapple and wood pineapple she bought.

So, following the longan and ground pineapple storms, a wooden pineapple storm quietly broke out throughout the capital.

Thinking of this, County Magistrate Song nodded repeatedly and said: "Boss Deng, your suggestion is very good. I will call the leaders of each township to come up for a meeting. I will also ask relevant experts to give some valuable opinions. If we can reduce the number of people, Or avoid losses, then you will have done a great service to the people of the county. "

 Including the remaining money, his cash soared to more than 5.58 million.

Deng Shirong took the fruit knife and cut the pineapple in a familiar manner.

One of the women replied: "Auntie, it turns out you also know this wooden pineapple. We bought it at the intersection in front of you. Come and try it too. It's very sweet."

Jiang Xuying smiled and handed over the bag of longan in her hand and said: "Yes, longan is on the market again this year, and not only longan, but also fruits you have never eaten before!"

Deng Shirong removed the heart in the middle and wiped off the white juice with a plastic bag. Then he handed half of it to Zhou Shengli and said, "That's it. Boss Zhou, please try and see if my pineapple is the same as the one you ate before." Wood pineapple, what a difference.”

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "That's all thanks to you, County Magistrate Song. I just came here to catch up with you."

 After the two parties greeted each other politely, they got down to business.

 This wave has really made a lot of money!


 At this time, there were already many customers buying at the stall, but most of what they bought were longans and ground pineapples, but no one bought the wooden pineapples.

Especially longan, the market has been completely opened up in the past few years. The sales speed is getting faster year by year. Even if the quantity this year is dozens of tons more than last year, it is all sold out in less than a week. The speed of making money is simply faster than grabbing. be quick.

 “This fragrance is really nice.”

Zhou Shengli heard this and asked with some worry: "Boss Deng, are you still cooperating with others in the capital?"

Now when you cut the pineapple open, the aroma comes directly to your nose.

The speaker was Jiang Xuying’s eldest daughter-in-law, Jiang Xiaoqin. After saying hello, she saw the fruit in her mother-in-law’s hand and said in surprise: “Mom, are longan on the market again?”

Jiang Xuying stretched out her hand and pressed on the pineapple, and then asked: "Boss, is this pineapple packaged dry or oil-packed?"

Jiang Xiaoqin said in surprise: "Mom, is it the wood pineapple with a strong fragrance that you told us about before?"

Zhou Shengli was surprised: "Boss Deng, the number of longans has increased this year?"

Zhou Shengli said gratefully: "Thank you, Boss Deng, for your trust."

In short, Deng Shirong thought about it. The Deng family had many officials in their previous life. Of course, there were none at the provincial level, but there were still a few at the department level. They all started well and ended well, so the officialdom had no imagination. So terrible.

 As for the sales of longan and ground pineapple, it is naturally very smooth.

 Therefore, Zhou Shengli did not bargain, but asked directly: "Boss Deng, I wonder how much wood pineapples you shipped?"

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "The total quantity is a lot. Anyway, Boss Zhou, I will provide you with as much as you want."

If late rice will no longer suffer from pests and diseases, then his suggestion is for the sake of farmers, and no one can say anything.

 After sitting down, Deng Shirong did not show off and said directly: "Boss Zhou, what I brought this time is a wooden pineapple. You must have seen this before, right?"

County Magistrate Song said: "Our county government is already studying how to reduce the burden on farmers and try to provide some help to the affected people. Boss Deng, when you mention this matter now, what do you want to tell me?"

 For Boss Deng, a noble man, Zhou Shengli looked forward to his arrival every day.

That's it, not counting the decoration of the building in Chaoyang Square!

Thinking of this, Deng Shirong couldn't help but scratch his head. Originally, he planned to work for two more years and then stop and enjoy it, but now he has to spend money everywhere. It seems that he still can't rest in a short time, and he has to work more. It will take a few years.

 (End of this chapter)