MTL - Go Legend-Chapter 13 dragon flying tiger

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   Chapter 13 Dragon Flying Tiger

   Because of Shi Xiangxia's move, Gu Dali was pulled back to his seat. Poor Yan Qing was just about to sit down, but the seat was occupied by Gu Dali again. And from that time until the end of the game, Gu Dali never left that position.

On Li Xiangping's side, since Lao Shi gave his advice, Li Xiangping didn't want to bother himself anymore. He gave Lao Shi all the tasks of playing chess. Except for making moves according to his instructions, he himself just Watch the battle quietly.

   And at this sight, Li Xiangping saw the taste. In a game like Go, playing chess by yourself and watching others play chess are two completely different feelings. Because Go has a feature, or in other words, all chess games have a common feature:

   That is some tricks, you can't play it at your own level, but if you see others play like this, then you can understand it.

  Li Xiangping obviously belongs to the kind of person who "understands but can't get down".

Therefore, in the next period of time, as the two sides of the game come and go, I will not give in, especially the chess that Shi Xiangxia instructed Li Xiangping to play on the chessboard. Reasonably, this made Li Xiangping watch it with relish and aftertaste.

The chess game continued step by step. By 9:30 p.m., there were dozens of more moves on the chessboard. At this time, the battle situation on the chessboard was extremely fierce. No, it can only be described as "tragic". The dragons were fighting together, and the situation was completely chaotic.

But at this time, although Li Xiangping still can't figure out all the specific changes, it's just that when Shi Xiangxia started to take over, why did he say that he was already "in a bad situation"? And his overall idea during this period, but It was still seen by Li Xiangping.

It was because Li Xiangping saw some meaning, so he sighed in his heart: It is said that Huang Fanshi, the top master of ancient chess, has super strong fighting ability in the middle game. This seems to be true. I don't know yet, but at least compared to someone of my own level, it's a few grades away.

   If you are a one-dimensional Go player, then Lao Shi is at least a three-dimensional Go player and has to go up.

At this time, Li Xiangping already knew that before Lao Shi took over, the opponent had already set a trap for him and prepared a very hidden strong hand waiting for him. Li Xiangping knew that if this game was played by himself, There is no doubt that it will be a hit. Not only will that big move worth more than 20 games be taken away, but also his external power will be fragmented.

To put it simply, if you are defeated by your opponent at that time, then you will lose at least 10 points or more. The timid school, the purpose of the school, and the purpose of Dong Lung to seek heat, obviously still can't afford to lose 10-game chess.

And Shi Xiangxia not only saw through the opponent's intentions, but his next response was an eye-opener for Li Xiangping. He came out from a place that Li Xiangping could never imagine, creating all kinds of clues on the chessboard, from After he took over until now, he has just let his opponent have no chance to make a big move worth more than 20 moves.

Li Xiangping can see that: the opponent does not want to play, he has a lot of chess intentions that are quite obvious, just want to free up his hand to grab that move as soon as possible, but under Shi Xiangxia's pressing step by step, the opponent can't find it at all this opportunity.

   After another 20 minutes, after dozens of more moves on the board, Li Xiangping was happy, because judging by his chess skills, he felt that black had begun to slowly gain the upper hand.

  The happy Li Xiangping started running the train with his mouth full:

"Brother Ding'an, I remember that your good friend once said that at the beginning of the country, the princes of Yi Paradise were solitary in their minds that they created a single micro. , each is divided into British cents, and each of them is a family of its own. I think your recent moves have at least reached this level, right?"

   Fan Xiping said this, so of course Shi Xiangxia knew, he just asked:

   "Good friends? What do you mean?"

   "This means that you and the senior Xiping are evenly matched and evenly matched. They often fall in love and kill each other on the chessboard. In modern terms, in this situation, you are called good friends."

   "Love each other and kill each other? Haha, your description is interesting. According to what you said, Xiping and I are indeed good friends."

  Li Xiangping couldn't help but laugh: "What do you think of the current situation, Brother Ding'an? It should be no problem to win the opponent, right?"

"It's hard to say, although we have a slight upper hand at the moment, but there are too many unknown factors on the board, especially I see that the opponent's chess is very strong this time, and his moves are powerful and talented, and many chess can be beyond my expectations. , so the situation is still unpredictable now. Alas, I didn’t think that in the past few hundred years, the skill of Go has developed to this level. If you meet anyone with such strength, Ding’an is really a frog at the bottom of the well.”

   "Huh? Brother Ding'an thinks this person is very talented"

  Because he thought that the person sitting opposite was still Yan Qing, after hearing this, Li Xiangping felt a little uncomfortable:

   "Brother Ding'an thinks, if this person were to go back to your era, what level would this person be?"

   "Now I can be ranked among the famous, and I heard Xiaoyou Xiangping told me before that this person is about the same age as you, so in time, this person can become a generation of everyone."

   "Famous Master" is the second grade in medieval chess, while "Everyone" in Lao Shi's mouth is the highest grade in medieval chess. In medieval chess, in addition to Huang Longshi, Zhou Donghou, Xu Xingyou, Liang Weijin, Cheng Lanru, Fan Xiping, Shi Xiangxia, Chen Zixian, Zhou Xiaosong, these nine people can be called "Everyone", even Bailing, Zhou Lanyu, Shandayou , a master like Wang Hannian can only be ranked as a "famous master".

   "This guy Yan Qing can also be listed as a "famous master"? He may also become a "everyone""

   Li Xiangping's discomfort disappeared in a flash, and he was complacent there.

Of course, his complacent complacency is not without background. You must know that although Yan Qing is his "hard hand", Li Xiangping never thinks that this guy's level can be much higher than his own, and when he was learning chess a few years ago, There are quite a few teachers who praised their "excellent chess talent", but they have never seen anyone praise that guy Yan Qing.

   "By the way, Brother Ding'an just said that we already have the upper hand, right? Then please do your best, Brother Ding'an, and be sure to kill this man."

   "Please don't talk too much, little friend Xiangping, to disturb my mood."

   "Okay, okay, I won't talk, haha, you can play chess with peace of mind."

  Li Xiangping shut up obediently, and then waited for Lao Shi to help him win the game. As for the old Shi can do it? Li Xiangping is still very confident.

You must know that Lao Shi is a chess master of the ancient chess. Although in modern society, there is still a lot of controversy about the chess skills of these ancient chess players, but there is not much doubt about the mid-game fighting strength of these guys Huang, Fan and Shi. .

   "Huang, Fan, and Shi's mid-game fighting power is better than that of modern super-class players."

   If this statement was said before 2015, many people may not believe it, and it is easy to cause a lot of controversy. However, after 2016, no one questioned this statement, because it was not humans who came to this conclusion, but from Go AI.

  Many Go AIs in later generations have their own chess test function. There were good people who recorded the chess records of Huang, Fan and Shi to the Go AI and asked them to evaluate them.

Due to the rules of Go, the Go AI has a very low evaluation of the opening of the ancient chess, and thinks that many moves are unintelligible. However, after entering the mid-game, the Go AI has a very high evaluation of the ancient chess, especially the top among the ancient chess. The average score given by Go AI is even higher than that of modern super-class players.埽  Huan  Ruined word sheath rate bears ∥ 昅 kill Qi file neon rate bears.

   Li Xiangping in his previous life had seen this kind of test, so he trusted Lao Shi so much. You must know that when Lao Shi just took over this game, it was already in the middle game category, which happened to be his strongest point. Not only that, Li Xiangping still thinks that his opponent is Yan Qing. This is a guy who is not convinced by Li Xiangping himself. If Lao Shi can't even win against such a person, then Li Xiangping will really doubt it. .

   He has to wonder if this old man who lives in the depths of his soul is really Shi Xiangxia.

   It is for this reason that Li Xiangping is so confident in this game of chess, and he confidently waits for Lao Shi to bring him a victory. When the time came to 9:40 p.m., Li Xiangping even had time to pay attention to the competition of other stages.

   This concern does not matter, but it surprised Li Xiangping:

   "Damn it, how can I squeeze in the 4th station and how many people are watching the game, are the other stations already over?"

  Li Xiangping discovered at this time that there were more than 200 chess players watching the game in his room. It may not be surprising to say that this number of people will be placed in later generations, but this is only 2000, and it is still a small server like Lianzhong that can only accommodate 400 people, so the number of spectators is a bit large. Especially since he is still the 4th station, it is reasonable to say that it should not show the mountains but not the water, so the number of spectators will appear to be more.

   In the crowd watching the battle, Li Xiangping also saw several familiar accounts, one of which was the Beggar Gang * Hongqiao Wolong, and the other was the Beggar Gang * Gourmet, the chess player on the first stage on his side.

   It’s not surprising to see Hongqiao. After all, he is the organizer of the competition. It’s normal to go to that room, but it’s a bit strange for the beggar gang* gourmet to come here now. So Li Xiangping greeted the "beggar gang * gourmet".

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "Old beautiful, are you finished with your own chess?"

  Beggar Gang* The gourmet first sent Li Xiangping a "handshake" emoticon, and then answered briefly:

   "Just finished downloading."

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "What was the result?"

   Beggar Gang* Gourmet: "I got it by luck."

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "Haha, congratulations, congratulations."

  Beggar Gang*Gourmet: "Thank you."

   After he finished saying this, he added another sentence: "Don't chat with Xiuqin, and play chess seriously. Now we are waiting for your game. If you can win, then we will win this confrontation."

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "Haha, follow the order, I promise to win it."

  What Li Xiangping didn't know was that while the beggar gang*gourmet told him not to chat, he was chatting with Hongqiao Wolong himself, but only in private chat.

   Beggar Gang* Gourmet: "Hongqiao, do you know who this Xiuqin is?"

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Didn't I tell you, he is the boy in white from our gang, you should know, Lao Mei, I seem to have told you before that the real identity of Baiyi is actually a boy in Chong Duan."

   Beggar Gang* Gourmet: "I know white clothes, but this Ben Yinfang embroidered qin is definitely not white clothes."

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Ah?! Why did Lao Mei say that."

  Gourmet *Gourmet: "It's very simple, because the real white clothes should not have such a high level. By the way, I forgot to tell you, do you know who is sitting opposite him now?"

   Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Who is it?"

   Beggar Gang* Gourmet: "Gu Dali?"

  Beggar Gang* Red Bridge Wolong: "Ah?!!!!"

Beggar Gang* Gourmet: "The news from the Chinese Chess Academy, the news is unequivocal, you should now know why I said that he is not in white, look at this game of chess, Gu Dali was basically suppressed by this embroidered qin. Friction on the ground, hanging and beating, is this chess that Bai Yi can play?"

  The Beggar Gang* Gourmet is a Weijia player, and Hongqiao certainly trusts his sources.

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Then this embroidered qin may be the gunman hired by Baiyi."

Beggar Gang* Gourmet: "I'm just interested in this gunman right now. You may not know about Hongqiao, but now at the Chinese Chess Academy, Gu Dali is not the only one playing chess. Several people are here now, and the combined efforts of several people can’t cure this person, Hongqiao, think about it, who in China is qualified to be this shooter?”

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Ah?! Hahaha, I don't know, I really can't guess who this person is."

   Hongqiao was very happy, no matter what, this person named "Ben Yinfang Embroidered Qin" also represented the Beggar Gang in the competition. But at this moment, Hongqiao remembered another name.

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "I said Lao Mei, do you think this embroidered qin is that person?"

   Beggar Gang* Gourmet: "Which one?"

Beggar Gang * Hongqiao Wolong: "Who else can be a master who can rub Gu Dali on the ground, and also likes to play chess online, then of course there is only Long Feihu, Long Feihu who haunted in the breeze some time ago. "

  Beggar Gang* Gourmet: "Dragon Feihu? It's really possible"

   (end of this chapter)