MTL - Go Legend-Chapter 862 Golden Horn and Silver Edge Grass Belly?

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   Chapter 862 Golden Horn and Silver Edge Grass Belly?

   Different from going to Korea more than four or five times a year in the past, since he announced his withdrawal from the regular season, Li Xiangping has not been to Korea for a year and a half.

   Therefore, he went to participate in the "Asian Cup" this time, and the Korean side still gave him corresponding treatment.

   Shortly after the arrival of the Chinese delegation, Li Xiangping had just put down his luggage at the hotel where he was staying, and Yu Bin, who led the team, came over to find him:

   "Xiangping, the Korean side just contacted me and asked if you would like to accept an exclusive interview."

   "Oh, is it Korean Go TV?"

   "No, it's the CBS TV station hosting the Asian Cup this time."


   Li Xiangping said "oh" again, but this time he seemed hesitant - if it was a pure Go TV, he would not hesitate for a second, and he would agree at that time.

But CBS is different. Well, although in countries like Japan and South Korea, there is no such thing as a "national TV station", but South Korea's CBS is similar to Japan's NHK, and its status is equivalent to that of domestic CCTV, otherwise CCTV will not be comparable to them. home to jointly host the Asian Cup.

   As for the exclusive interviews of such TV stations, you should be careful, because they will definitely not be limited to the topic of Go, but will also talk about other things.

   Li Xiangping is not afraid that they will dig a hole for him or deliberately make things difficult for him, but he really doesn't like South Korea very much.

   Well, I can't say what is particularly annoying, how can I describe it? It's as if two people with completely different views are sitting there chatting (Li Xiangping believes that South Korea's overall national character is completely inconsistent with his own views), of course, it is difficult to chat together.

It is precisely because of this that in the past, Li Xiangping usually did not accept interviews with Japanese and Korean media. Even if he couldn't avoid it, it was only limited to the topic of Go, so as to save others from asking about other things. Also make others feel uncomfortable.

   "Mr. Yu, you know me..."

   "Hehe, I know, not only I know, but the Japanese and Korean media actually know your temper, so CBS specially asked me to bring you an interview outline. If you feel that there are some questions in it that are inappropriate, you can propose to revise them."

   When talking about this, Yu Jiuduan actually handed Li Xiangping a piece of paper that listed the questions he was going to ask during the interview. And CBS is very careful this time, the paper is all in Chinese.

Li Xiangping took it over and took a look. Sure enough, although the questions listed are mainly about Go, it seems that Go accounts for more than 40% and less than 50%. The rest is to ask about his emotional state and wealth. thing.

   Especially Koreans seem to be very interested in their wealth status. In this interview outline, there are so many questions in this area, which are almost on the same level as Go.

  Li Xiangping smiled bitterly while watching:

   "Mr. Yu, this outline is a bit inappropriate. I'm still a chess player, and this time I'm here to participate in the official competition. They ask what these miscellaneous things are for."

"Haha, it's fine, if you think it's not suitable, just tick it off and let them focus on Go. By the way, Xiangping, how much money do you have in your family? I just heard the translator say that if you put your family in Korea If you do, you may be among the top ten chaebols in South Korea, isn't it true?"

   "Haha how is this possible..."

  Li Xiangping said that it was really possible while chatting with the head coach Yu. With his current net worth combined with his own old man, he certainly can't compare with Samsung LG.

   But South Korea was originally a country where chaebols established their country, with a high concentration of wealth, mainly in the top 5 chaebols.

   So with his current wealth, there is no hope of being ranked among the top 5 in Korea, but it is really possible to be ranked 6 to 10.

Yu Jiuduan is just a pure chess player, so he has different sensitivity to these things, but CBS TV is different. For example, about blocking Lehman Brothers, Yu Jiuduan doesn't know and doesn't care, but as a big TV station in a country, If they really wanted to know, they could easily see that it had something to do with them.

  Li Xiangping picked up a pencil, checked out some questions on the paper, and said to Yu Bin Jiuduan:

   "Mr. Yu, I'd like to trouble you to talk to CBS. Don't ask these questions. Even if you ask me, I won't answer. If they insist on keeping it, then it's okay not to do such an exclusive interview."

  Yu Bin took it and took a brief look, and saw that what Li Xiangping had kept was basically only a question related to Go:

"hehe, ok."

So on the second day after Li Xiangping arrived in South Korea, that is, after the opening of the 21st "Asian Cup", as the defending champion, he did not need to participate in the first round. When others entered the studio to compete, Li Xiangping began to pick up South Korea. Interview with CBS Television.

Since    is only limited to the field of Go, such an interview is much simpler, and it is also much easier for Li Xiangping.

   It's just that the beautiful host who interviewed Li Xiangping seemed obviously unwilling to give up, and always wanted to divert the problem to other aspects, such as asking Li Xiangping to talk about his emotional problems and his financial situation.

   And Li Xiangping is not a new rookie anymore. After so many years, he has accumulated considerable experience dealing with reporters, so he doesn't take it up at all, either laughing there or just pretending to be confused.

Of course, the host didn't dare to mess around. You must know that besides being a good chess player, he is also one of the top ten chaebol tycoons. In a society like South Korea, how could a mere CBS TV host dare to do something to such a character? Second, so although I feel that the program effect has not been achieved, it is generally based on the red line drawn by Li Xiangping.

   "Oh! Li Sang is more optimistic about Xiaopu player? Do you think his talent is even more than the unanimously optimistic Prince Kim? Maybe the future of Korean Go depends on him?"


  Li Xiangping glanced at the beautiful host who didn't know whether it was the original or the plastic surgery, and said that since it is only limited to the field of Go, of course I don't have too many topics to chat with you.

  It is not good to brag about your own achievements.

   As for other famous masters all over the world, most of them are older than themselves, so of course it is not convenient for them to discuss publicly in this place.

  If you think about it, it seems that I can only talk to you about the younger generation.

   Well, this is in Korea, so I'll be a godfather and talk to you about the younger generation in Korea.

   It’s a pity that after Li Shishi and the “Bull Three Gang”, the current Korean juniors are also boring. Before the birth of “Shengong Intelligence”, it seemed that only Prince Kim and Prince Park were worth mentioning.

Among them, Prince Jin is older and more famous. He was once known as Lao Cao's successor, but I, a traveler, know that he is really not Park Tianzi's opponent. It is no exaggeration to say that in you In the Korean chess world, Park Tianzi is stepping on the golden prince to ascend to the throne, so I don't take this opportunity to pretend to be a magic stick, and when will I wait?

   It's a pity that Li Xiangping was bragging there and pretending to be forceful, but the beautiful host became more and more boring.

   Do you want to know how the title of Prince Jin came from? -- Lao Cao is the "Go Emperor" of South Korea, and Xiao Jin is the "Prince" unanimously appointed by the Korean Go community.

   As for Tianzi Park, who is favored by Li Xiangping, in addition to his relatively solid basic skills at this stage, his chess style is quite unpretentious, and people can't see anything special.

   Not only that, but at this stage, Park Tianzi doesn't seem to have enough strength. In the recent China-Korea rookie match, he had to be beaten by Chen Xiaoqiang.

  Because of this, the beautiful host felt that Li Xiangping was completely insincere, and he was clearly perfunctory.

  Since all the interviewers felt this way, it was obvious that such an exclusive interview could not go on. The host pinpointed the time and chatted with Li Xiang a few times, and this exclusive interview ended hastily.

Of course, Li Xiangping doesn't care. For someone like him who relies on strength to eat, he doesn't need to be eye-catching. Therefore, accepting this interview is just a courtesy, so he is not effective at all. It doesn't matter.

   After finishing this somewhat boring interview, Li Xiangping began to focus on the first round.

   The first-round matchup is like this: South Korea’s Lee Sedol vs. China’s Zhou Heyang, China’s Kong Erjie vs. Japan’s Takeshi Masaki, and then Japan’s Yuki Satoshi vs. South Korea’s Kang Dongrun.

   Obviously, in these 3 games of chess, Li Xiangping, of course, first of all set his eyes on Kong Erjie VS Wu Gong Masaki.

  Because Mr. Takemiya is nearly 60 years old, it is no exaggeration to say that he performs less than once in the international arena.

  This game of chess was played by Mr. Wu Gong. When he saw his unstoppable "Three Stars", Li Xiangping suddenly had a feeling. He smiled at his plug-in:

   "Hehe Ding'an brother, since you came to our age, you should often hear the phrase "Golden Horn and Silver Edge Grass Belly?" -

Li Xiangping's words are of course not nonsense. Although everyone is familiar with "golden corners and silver-edge grass belly", many people who don't know chess at all may often quote them, but Li Xiangping can tell everyone responsibly that this sentence is not since ancient times.

The reason is very simple, because in the medieval chess era, the concept of Go at that time was that the corner was the largest, the middle belly was the second, and the side was the smallest, so the so-called "golden corner and silver edge grass belly" was actually completely born out of the Japanese Go game more than 100 years ago. idea.

   "I heard it, what's wrong?"

Li Xiangping let out a long sigh: "Golden horn and silver edge grass belly, no one has ever questioned it for more than 100 years, not even me. For your era, the middle belly is more important, and I also think this is just a seat. It's just for the sake of it, but it was only after the dogs were born that they found out that their philosophy seems to be similar to yours." -

Of course, Li Xiangping's words are not nonsense either. Take Mr. Wu Gong's favorite "Three Lian Xing" as an example, the dog actually likes "Er Lian Xing" very much, but for the third hand falling on the "side" "The star on the top, but the dog never loses it.

   Not only that, including "Chinese flow", "High Chinese flow", "Disguised Chinese flow" and "Vietnamese flow" these opening routines—

   These opening routines have a common feature: that is, they pay more attention to the "sides", and pay attention to the "sides" immediately after occupying the corner.

But looking at the dog's chess, in addition to the era of the first generation of dogs, there are still traces of these human moves, but everyone can find that since the second generation of dogs, such moves from the side have become less and less. By the time of the three generations of dogs and software such as "Jingyi", this kind of trick has disappeared.

   What does this mean?

   Does this mean that the dog seems to be denying the "Golden Horn and Silver Edge Grass Belly"?

   Of course, Li Xiangping only felt a little bit about this kind of pure Go concept.

  Because the victory or defeat of Go is not in this place.

   You don’t need to compete in this area to beat the dog.

   So after Li Xiangping finished feeling it, he immediately began to pay attention to the outcome of the 3 games of chess.

   (end of this chapter)

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