MTL - Go Legend-Chapter 896 negation of negation

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   Chapter 896 Negation of Negation

   I stayed in my hometown for nearly two months, which is almost April 2010. The new Go season has begun, and the new round of the world chess world has started again. Li Xiangping finally decided to return to the capital.

   "Brother Ding'an, how do you feel when you read these chess records this time?"

"Hehe, Ding'an just felt the difficulty of the chess game again, this Mu Yehu is too broad and profound, but as Xiaoyou Xiangping said, as long as it is the right path, it is indeed not afraid of long distances, this time I have gained a lot, Xiang Ping said. What about you, little friend Ping?"

  Li Xiangping smiled when he heard it. Old Shi said "the gains are not small". In fact, in the past 2 months, the two of them only studied a game of chess.

  Yes, only studied one plate!

   It was a test game between the first generation of dogs and the third generation of dogs. It took the two of them so long to finally understand the reasons for the failure of the first generation of dogs.

The reason why    is "reluctantly" is that the two of them think they understand it, but is their research a correct solution? Is it the real reason why a generation of dogs lost chess?

   Neither of them is absolutely sure.

   The reason why it takes so much time to study a game of chess is that there is no way, because the research of the two can be regarded as a process of "negation of negation".

   In a previous life, the national team teacher Hua Yigang Hua said very well:

  Don't laugh at and despise the mistakes made by masters, because as long as they are masters, even if they make mistakes, they have their own reasons.

   Take a simple example to illustrate the research of Li Xiangping and Lao Shi:

   "Sports" Go reporter Lao Xie has a weak amateur level of 3 dan, while "Go World" Zhang Da reporter is a standard amateur 6 dan.

  If the two are fighting, then don't say anything, Lao Xie's many moves on the chessboard may not be chess at all in the eyes of reporter Zhang Da, and there are many errors and loopholes in them.

   On the other hand, reporter Zhang Da's many tricks may be very subtle and unpredictable in Lao Xie's eyes.

   If it is replaced by reporter Zhang Da and Li Xiangping, then a similar story will be staged again.

   The "subtle and brilliant trick" in the eyes of reporter Xie is not worth mentioning at all when it comes to Li Xiangping, which is also full of fallacies and loopholes.

   If you continue to push up and replace the human chess player to play against the dog, a similar story will of course be staged.

   The so-called "As soon as man thinks, God laughs", this is probably what he means.

  In the eyes of amateur chess fans, of course, professional chess players are all great tricks, but it’s a pity that these “great tricks” fall in the eyes of dogs—

  It’s a pity that machines can’t laugh, otherwise, your dog would definitely laugh.

   And what Li Xiangping and Lao Shi have done in the past two months, what does this amount to?

   is equivalent to Zhang Da’s ambitious attempt to find Li Xiangping’s mistakes and deny these moves in theory.

   This is undoubtedly difficult, an extremely difficult task.

   On the way back to the capital, Li Xiangping suddenly thought of Mr. Li Jiaqing from Shencheng in real history. He has studied "Danghu Ten Game" for 40 years, and he may be regarded as the most thorough researcher of "Danghu" in China.

  However, even Mr. Li Jiaqing's research is not perfect, it has been thoroughly researched.

  Li Xiangping's research on dog chess is actually similar to Mr. Li Jiaqing's research on "Danghu".

   Especially Li Xiangping is preparing to "find faults", he is researching with "find the dog's fallacy", and the difficulty factor is multiplying.

For example, in the past two months, there was a mere game of dogs and chess records of fighting. However, in order to confirm the cause of the defeat of a generation of dogs, at the very beginning, Li Xiangping and Lao Shi felt that they had no idea what to do- —

Even the chess played by a generation of dogs is a great move in front of Li Xiangping and Lao Shi. For example, Li Xiangping completed the "mysterious preface" and "changed middle game" before, in fact, many of them are for the first generation of dogs. read.

   Then use human chess theory to summarize and summarize these moves.

   What Li Xiangping and Lao Shi want to do now actually want to deny these tricks again.

   Such a process of "negation of negation" is not only extremely difficult, but actually very painful.

  No, it cannot be said that it is completely pain, it should be a feeling of "pain and happiness".

   To confirm the reason for the failure of the generation of dogs, Li Xiangping first has to make a lot of assumptions, assuming that "the generation of dogs may be the problem with this move".

   Then faced with these assumptions, Li Xiangping and Lao Shi need to conduct a lot of research, and each assumption should put at least 20 change maps.

   Then I found that my assumption was wrong. The generation of dogs may not be the problem with this move, so overturn it and start over. The two of them re-assumed and dismantled them in detail again and again...

   This process of constant self-denial is undoubtedly very painful.

   However, every time I deny it, I can feel that I have gained something, and I feel that my understanding of the game of chess seems to be better.

   This is of course another joy!

   For the past two months, Li Xiangping has been alternating pain and pleasure like this, and then he couldn't take it anymore, feeling that his strings were too tight, it was time to find a place to relax.

As for studying a mere game of chess in 2 months, and only a little more than five years before the birth of the dog, it seems that in five years, I will not be able to study 400 games of chess, but this Li Xiangping is quite open. .

   Because of studies like this, it doesn’t matter what conclusions can be drawn.

   The important thing is this process, as well as the harvest and experience of the two in this process.

   Besides, if Li Xiangping and Lao Shi really have that ability, they can study the 400 chess manuals thoroughly, and the final conclusion is the correct solution—

   After a few years, there is no need for dog fighting. Li Xiangping is sure that even three generations of dogs will be killed in seconds.

   "Brother Ding'an, after returning to Beijing this time, how about we go for a walk in the Western Regions and relax? What do you think?"

   "The Western Regions? Is it the hometown of your girl Yaya?"

   "Oh, yes, I promised her before that I would accompany her to her hometown. Besides, one piece at a time, the way of civil and martial arts, perhaps in the vast Western Regions, we may not have new harvests."

"Ha ha…"

   So after returning to the capital, Li Xiangping first went to the chess courtyard to order a Mao, saying that he was still alive, and then found Yaya excitedly and told her what he meant.

  Yaya looked at Li Xiangping like a fool.

   "Are you sure you're going to accompany me home at this time?"

   "Huh? What's wrong?"

  Yaya look at the weather outside. In these days, the environment in the capital is not very good. When spring comes, the sky is full of yellow sand.

   "Xiangping, are you stupid? You see that nowadays, even the capital has sandstorms, so my hometown..."

   "Oh yes yes, it's not suitable, this month is really not suitable, then you say, when is the most suitable time for us to go?"

  Although I just despised Li Xiangping for being stupid, but when I heard Li Xiangping say this, Yaya was still very happy:

   "It's too cold in winter and too hot in summer. Of course, the most suitable time is autumn, but in September you have to play the game again, either before the game or we'll go after the game. You can decide the exact time."

  Li Xiangping thought for a while, at this time he still wanted to experience the beauty of the Western Regions earlier.

   "Then go before the game, but I still have an Asian Cup in July. After I finish this game, let's go and have a good summer vacation in your hometown. What do you think?"

  Yaya said with a smile: "Okay, okay, this is what you said, you are not allowed to go back on it."

   After the matter was finalized, Li Xiangping continued the training of "negation of negation", while paying attention to the trend of the whole world chess world


   It’s just that in the first half of the year, there were not many important games, except for the official start of the “Fujitsu Cup”, the most important thing was the qualifiers for several world competitions.

   Of course, Li Xiangping was not in the mood to pay attention to the preliminaries, so he lived a leisurely life. Except for the occasional visit to the Chinese Chess Academy, he almost completely disappeared from the public eye.

Go is a niche after all. Although Li Xiangping has been called a "living legend" and "the six-dimensional space of the Go world" by the outside world, his character disappears from the public eye, but he does not show any respect for others at all. impact on life.

To put it bluntly, in terms of public influence alone, he may not be able to compare to a second-rate female star. Once someone has a headache, they will soon be able to give it a hot shot. However, as a national Go player, there is definitely no such treatment. .

   However, the public is chasing after the stars, but the stars are chasing after Li Xiangping.

   You must know that Li Xiangping now, in addition to his achievements in Go, has also grown into a dignified capital. He not only has a real estate tycoon father, but also a cousin like a financial predator.

   And there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Li Xiangping's cousin is just a white glove-like figure, and the real boss behind the scenes is Li Xiangping himself, which makes more people who know the inside story rush to Li Xiangping.

  Li Xiangping didn't go out to be a demon anymore.

   There is no other reason, because the research method of "negation of negation" may be really effective.

   At least Li Xiangping thinks it should be very effective!

   In just a few months, he felt that his understanding of Go should have really improved, and his "realm" seemed to suggest a new height.

   Although this is just his own feeling.

   However, it must be admitted that this feeling is really fascinating.

  Li Xiangping even thinks that this feeling is even more fascinating than picking up girls.

   It is precisely because of this that Li Xiangping is willing to become a little transparent. Now he is so engrossed in chess, he has no time to go outside to make trouble.

  The time soon came to July, and Li Xiangping was about to leave for Japan.

   Whether this special training method is effective or not, the next "Asian Cup" should be regarded as a small review.

   (end of this chapter)