MTL - Go Legend-Chapter 901 different truth

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   Chapter 901 Different truths

   Now that the basic idea has been finalized, the next step is to execute it.

   At one o'clock in the afternoon in Tokyo time, Li Xiangping came to the studio hall of Japan's NHK TV station to compete with Kong Erjie 9 dan for this year's "Asian Cup".

   After guessing first, Li Xiangping guessed black in the final game.

   Li Xiangping couldn't help but sigh with emotion at the moment he won the black chess————

   Now, his chances of playing black are really getting less and less, especially not to mention ten times, even if he is playing games on the Internet now, most of the time he is playing white.

   However, in this final game, considering that I plan to play with extreme cosmic flow, getting black is a good thing.

Today's "Lihe Ren" is Japan's Kobayashi Jue Jiudan. When he announced the start of the game, Li Xiangping put away his thoughts, calmed down a little, and then made his first move on the "star position" in the upper right corner of his side. .

   "...Oh, high Chinese style? Li Xiangping started with high Chinese style today, which seems to be rarely adopted in everyone's impression..."

   That's right, Li Xiangping used the classic "high Chinese style" start today, and when his move came out, it attracted a lot of discussion on the Internet.

  Dogs almost never play this kind of layout routine that starts quickly.

   It is precisely because the dogs are not good enough that in the past ten years, Li Xiangping has basically never used similar routines in his own competitions.

  Then the dog can't get down, this kind of fast unfolding routine must be bad?

  Li Xiangping didn't know.

  Because he is completely in chess theory, there is no reason why this kind of play is not good.

   is precisely because of this, so in the past ten years, even though he himself is not good, he has never questioned this method, let alone criticized it——

   In this way, everyone can't do this kind of routine to him. It boils down to his personal preference.

   As for his sudden adoption today, um, professional Go games, players sometimes want to "change their mood" or change their taste.

   But today, the focus is obviously not on changing moods or changing tastes, but on whether Li Xiangping's extreme big-picture tactics can actually work.

When the chess game slowly unfolded, due to Li Xiangping's intentional move, he used a lot of moves that gave up the ground and took the outside force. Kong Er might think it was just right, but the pre-game stage was very cooperative. Form a typical "terrain confrontation" pattern.

In a fast chess game like   , each player has a 10-minute retention time, which means that in the game, you are allowed 10 chances to think for more than one minute.

   When it came to the 40th move in the overall situation, Li Xiangping deliberately spent 3 reservations to sort out the situation, and incidentally established his follow-up move.

   Because this is a bifurcation point of the whole situation.

According to Li Xiangping's own judgment, the situation today is actually okay, it seems that there is no situation in the semi-finals, and Li Xiangping believes that if it is carried out as usual, he still has a good chance of winning the opponent, then such a situation Chess, do you still want to adopt extremist tactics?

Regarding this issue, Li Xiangping did not hesitate for a long time. He believed that he had already reached the stage of "beyond the outcome", so for such a split-first game, the value of training should far exceed the outcome. Since the extreme The doctrine of tactics may be useful for dogfighting, so there is no need to change the established policy.

   So now the key question: how to implement extremist tactics.

  Well, although Mr. Wu Gong's "cosmic flow" style of warfare, Li Xiangping used less in the past, but he definitely knew the basic principles.

The first key to   -like fighting is the so-called "thickness does not encircle the air".

   In other words, when you play Cosmic Flow on the chessboard and make a big shape, don’t think about using the big shape to surround the space in your thinking.

This is the so-called "golden corner and silver edge grass belly", because in terms of the efficiency of empty space alone, the pieces in the middle belly will never be as good as those in the corners, so if you use a big image to surround the empty space, most of the time you will only get better and better. Small.

   Therefore, the essence of the cosmic flow is actually attacking. You can only find the opponent's flaws, attack the opponent's weakness, and then naturally surround the air during the attack. This is the correct way to open up the strategy.

  Three minutes of retention time, Li Xiangping mainly thinks about this.

To be honest, at his current level, it is not difficult to find the opponent's weakness, because today is a typical terrain confrontation pattern. Li Xiangping abandoned a lot of empty space, if he still let the opponent's chess form. Complete, that's a repeat of the last game.

   So the key point he just considered, the key word is still the word "extreme".

   Ordinary attack routes, Li Xiangping has considered two in a minute, and these two routes seem to be feasible.

   It's a pity that this kind of play is too routine, so routine that it has no exercise value, so when using the second retention time, Li Xiangping had already given up both of these plans.

   "...Well, since it's extreme, then how complicated should it be? To make the impossible possible, to turn the target of the attack that is not the target into the target, this is worthy of the word extreme..."

   It was under this leading idea that Li Xiangping began to conceive his own battle plan.

   Again, this is fast chess, so in just three minutes, even Li Xiangping, he can't perfect the entire battle plan.

   But Li Xiangping doesn't care about this. He has no time, and neither does his opponent, and this is his own initiative, and he can completely use his opponent's time to improve his plan later.

   In the second reservation time, Li Xiangping chose a target, and after reading 55 seconds in the third countdown, Li Xiangping fell, and he chose an unexpected selection point.

   Seeing Li Xiangping's move clearly, Kong Erjie was quite surprised, because this choice was completely unexpected, and he even looked up at Li Xiangping unconsciously.

  Li Xiangping returned a smile.

   As a matter of fact, he has not figured out his own choice, let alone any calculation.

   But this selection point is the most incomprehensible on the entire chessboard, and it is also the most complicated to orient the situation. He personally believes that only this selection point is worthy of the term "extremist tactics".

  Li Xiangping is famous for his fame. Since he made an unexpected move, Kong Er didn't have much time to be surprised at that time.

And Kong Er is indeed one of the top chess players in the current state. With the further development of the chess game, when the two sides reached about 70 moves, some people on the Internet began to question Li Xiangping's game in this game. status

   "...Hey, what's going on with this chess game today? Is black 41 a little changed? Why do I feel like Li Xiangping has been attacking in a circle, as if nothing has been attacked..."

   "9494... Hehe, this is also Li Xiangping. If this is someone else, I can use my professional ability to assure everyone that this move is obviously White's advantage..."

  However, the situation today is different from the semi-finals.

   In the semi-finals, it was indeed Li Xiangping who stinks himself, which led to the situation falling behind significantly.

   But today, when he just landed black 41, Li Xiangping really didn't fully count, and it was not easy to judge the quality of his hand.

   However, when the game is close to 80 moves, Li Xiangping has basically figured it out. He knows that his black 41 is not bad, his extremist tactics have basically been successful, and this game has basically been won.

   And there was no accident in the final result. At around 3:40 pm Tokyo time, when Li Xiangping dropped the 221st move in the overall situation, Kong Erjie had no intention of fighting in the ninth stage. He signed the alliance under the city at this time.

  Li Xiangping once again won the "Asian Cup" and defeated Kong Erjie in the final for three consecutive years.

Of course, the championship of such a regular competition is not the point. The point is that after the competition, when Li Xiangping saw the comments on the Internet and said that he was a "reversal" in this final, it made him feel emotional again. .

   Because at this time, he once again remembered a game of chess he had seen in his previous life.

   That game of chess was not played by a dog, but a game between two human players.

   That game wasn't even a particularly important game, it was just the quarter-finals of a world tournament, and it was also a civil war between two Chinese chess players.

   The reason why Li Xiangping was so impressed with that game was entirely because of the big differences in the judgments of dogs and humans.

   And it is not a disagreement at the pre-game stage, but a disagreement in judgment after 120 moves to the middle game.

   That game of chess is also a typical "topographical confrontation" pattern. When the two sides of the game hit 120 or so, the mid-game battle seems to have ended, and it seems that it has entered the competition for high officials.

  All the analyses on the Internet agree that the party who takes the land has an obvious advantage, and it is only a matter of time before he wins.

   Not even the analysis on the Internet, but the two players themselves seem to think so too.

  Because the game of chess was not long, there were only more than 170 moves in total, and the party who took the position had no intention of fighting, so he disarmed and surrendered at that time.

   However, when the game of chess was played, the dog had already been born, and the national Go team was already using Go AI such as "Jingyi" for auxiliary training.

   So someone gave a completely different judgment on that game of chess to "walk the dog".

   The "Excellent Art" in the real history said: When the game of chess reached 120, it was obviously the advantage of the one who took the lead, and the advantage was not small. The winning rate was more than 60% to more than 30%.

   And that game of chess was somewhat similar to today's situation.

   "Hey, Brother Ding'an, there is a long way to go. I want humans to understand the true meaning of dogs. It seems that there is still a long way to go. Do you think so?"

   "Hey, then for this two games, you can do a self-combat commentary yourself, at least let people understand your own thoughts, Li Xiangping."

   "Huh, that's right."

   The day after the game, Li Xiangping and his party set off to return to China.

   (end of this chapter)

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