MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3843 Man in black

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, Update the Eternal God Emperor as soon as possible! The Shura Star Pillar Realm is hundreds of millions of miles high, shrouded in nebulae, colorful, and the stars and the constellation planets are like gems, inlaid in the four directions.

At the top of the star pillar, Shura's fighting spirit is the most intense and brightest.

This is where the Asura Battle Soul Sea is located!

The Shura Temple was led by Luo Qiluo to the south bank of the Battle Soul Sea, and countless monks from the Shura tribe lined up in a long line to come to worship, like a long dragon with no end in sight.

The ancestor is always the banner of a family, even if it is only the return of the remnant soul.

Only the real powerhouse has no reverence for the remnants of the ancestors, dares to question, dare to challenge, and dare to be hostile.

The liquid Asura battle energy in the battle spirit sea turned into dozens of rivers, which flowed upstream, poured into the gate of the temple, and gathered towards Luo Xunluo.

Inside the temple, there is a chaotic space, filled with all kinds of mysterious power, like a prototype universe.

Luo Luo was suspended in the center of the temple, his upper body was condensed, his muscles were like jade, his skin was like frost, his whole body exuded a crystal clear divine light, and his blue hair was several feet long.

And the lower body, foggy, is connected with dozens of rivers.

The real body is condensed little by little.

In her body, there are five groups of divine flames burning, located between the eyebrows, hands, and foggy feet.

In the rest of the body, there are forty rounds of Shenyang suspended, all of which were cast from the planet of the throne of the deceased Shura clan gods.


A light and shadow of a green deer manifested in the temple, and said, "They have returned to the Shura God City, entered the clan's mansion, and are repairing the damaged formation. How can the master of the temple be so calm?"

"It's you who can hold your breath."

Luo Xunluo's voice was overtone, and he said coldly, "You haven't already settled in the Shura God City, how could you let them into the city so easily?" Qinglu Guangying said: "The Shura people are all murderous. I don’t know the word fear. In the city of God, all the monks are criticizing this seat, saying that this seat killed the previous temple master. And the Qinglu Temple has a shallow foundation in the city of God, and it is repaired under its banner.

The soldiers were constantly being targeted, causing a lot of killings. Therefore, this seat ordered the Qinglu Temple to temporarily evacuate the city of God. Luo Qiluo said, "No matter how many holy monks die, why not? Did you do this on purpose? You want to avoid the edge for a while, let the master of the hall fight with them, and then reap the benefits. You better not forget what you did, you

Can you really stay out of it? "

"No such intention, I just don't want to go to war and destroy the city of God. The Shura people can't follow in the footsteps of the Rakshasa people. In the city of God, all the elites of the family represent the future of the family." Qinglu Guangying said.

Luo Qiluo said: "Do you really care about the Shura people so much? What are you thinking about, can this hall master not understand? What is the attitude of the gods of the major temples of the Shura people now?"

Qinglu Guangying said: "On the bright side, no one has gone to the clan's mansion and contacted them. Obviously they also know their weight, and this fighting method is not something they can mix."

"On the bright side?"

"After all, the sky is full of empty winds. It must have come to the Asura Star Pillar Realm. We can't sense whether it is secretly linked with some gods."

This is the opposite!

The Qinglu Divine King was telling Luo Xunluo that Xu Fengjing must have been arranged in secret, and the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be. Luo Qiluo said: "The commanders of the five shadow legions are sitting in the five most powerful temples. As long as these five temples are not lost, plus the Shura Temple and the Qinglu Temple, once they start, the formation will be opened, and the Asura Battle Spirit Sea and Shura day

The profound meaning of Taoism covers the entire Star Pillar Realm. The master of this hall can mobilize at least half of the power of the Shura tribe to kill a virtual wind. Is it difficult? Qinglu Guangying said: "Xufengjin dares to even participate in the battle of the Heavenly Venerate. His confidence lies in his nihilistic way of cultivation and his tyrannical spiritual power. With all due respect, the hall master has not yet found his ability." Maybe, the emptiness is exhausted at this moment

If he was assassinated outside the Shura Temple, he would be hard to guard against. Luo Ruo said in a deep voice, "The Shura Temple has 50% of the profound meanings of the Asura Heavenly Dao, all of which are in the hands of the main hall master. Under the blessing of the profound meaning, no matter how cleverly he hides, within a certain distance, there must be nothing to hide. If you are with me

Heart, Xu Feng is sure to throw the rat taboo, and dare not act rashly. But when I look at you, it seems to have other ideas. "

Qinglu Guangying pondered for a long time, and said: "Has the palace master forgot our initial cooperation conditions? The two conditions, the palace master has not fulfilled either."

"The profound meaning of the Asura Heavenly Dao belongs to you. Where is the Sword Origin Divine Tree? You know, the swordsmanship is more important to me than the Asura Heavenly Dao."

Luo Qiluo said, "Is this really the case? How does this hall master feel that you are using the Sword Origin Divine Tree to cover up your true purpose, you want both, right?" Qinglu Guangying let out a long laugh: "Your Behind it is the 72nd Grade Lotus and Sword Temple. Even if this old man wants the profound meaning of the Asura Heavenly Dao, he has no strength to compete with you. Why should the temple master guard against me like this? Before the enemy, we

There should be sincere cooperation. Luo Qiluo naturally wouldn't believe what Qinglu God King said, and said, "I know the purpose of your coming here, don't worry, no matter how strong the empty wind is, it will only be the peak of immortality, and the 72nd rank lotus is already coming. on the way. If she makes a move,

The wind will die. At that time, the seven-star sword and the profound meaning of kendo will all belong to you. "

"If the Heavenly Venerate is here, then I can rest assured!" Qinglu Guangying said. Luo Qiluo said: "However, since Xu Fengjin is threatening, he must have made all preparations. Xue Jue's real body entering the Shura Star Pillar Realm undoubtedly means that the undead God of War has left the customs. Before the seventy-two pinnacle lotus arrived. , you have to think

The way is to hold them back and not give them a chance to integrate the gods of the twenty-four temples. "

Qinglu Guangying nodded and said, "We are already on the same boat, and we will both win and lose. However, there are still two people who have to be guarded against, or it may become a variable."

"The first one is Yan Renhuan. He is now the Heavenly Venerate of the Hell Realm, and he sits in the starry sky defense line. If a war really starts, he will definitely take action." Luo Yuluo sneered: "Heavenly Venerable? If it is not for the profound heritage of the Yan Luo family, he is qualified. To be Tianzun? You don't need to worry about the Yanluo clan. Yan Renhuan can't take care of himself. He can really make a move.

After the shot. "

"The situation of the Yan Luo clan is coming to an end. If Yan Renhuan knows the current affairs, he can still live. If he does not know the current affairs, he will die."

Qinglu Guangying said again: "There is a second person, Zhang Ruochen. This son already has the strength to defeat Shang Tian, ​​and he may have stepped into immortality. His combat power should not be underestimated." There was no change in the above, and he said: "This hall master has fought with him, and he does have an immeasurable level of combat power. He is the most promising person in this era to step into the realm of the ancestors. However,

He has already been on the list of the 72-pin lotus must-killers. If he comes to the Shura Star Pillar Realm, this time, don't try to escape. "

Luo Qiluo knew very well that the Qinglu God King was here to test her emptiness, so according to the strength of the two sides, he would decide the size of the contribution, and he might even fall to the side of the emptiness. So, she gave Qinglu Divine King a reassurance pill and said: "In this battle, as long as we kill Xu Fengjin and Zhang Ruochen, capture Xuejue, Yi Xuanbei, and capture the sundial, we will be able to completely control the Shura Star Pillar Realm. thereby grasping the

The initiative in the battle of hell. At that time, even Tianma, did not dare to act rashly. Before the return of the Great Emperor Fengdu, who in the **** world would still be able to fight? "

"When the situation stabilizes, the master of this hall will take you to the Sword God Temple, and the Sword Origin Divine Tree is yours. If you want to meet the existence in Sword Soul Taipa, I can also recommend it for you."

Qinglu Guangying kept his posture very low and said, "The one in Sword Soul Taipa is so powerful, why didn't he take action personally..."

"Is this a question you are qualified to ask?"

Luo Luo snorted and said again: "Do what you need to do, and what belongs to you will be given to you."

Venerable Listening Truth is a stone beast standing at the gate of Yama, reaching a height of thousands of feet and towering like a mountain.

Legend has it that it was originally the mount of the ancestor Yama, and after Yama died, it stood motionless in front of the tomb for a long time, and finally turned into a stone beast.

Chi Kongle walked to the stone beast step by step, naturally worried.

Being able to guard the Yanluo clan for hundreds of millions of years is definitely not as simple as a stone sculpture. Can my father avoid its perception?

A sneer appeared in the bound map of the Emperor of Hell, thinking that Zhang Ruochen would definitely be exposed. If you listen to him and hide in his divine world, these two gods will dare to stop them and try.

After a long time, Venerable Truth Listening still did not respond. Yan Huangtu couldn't help but feel a lot of doubts. Although Venerable Truth Listening is only a stone beast, he has the profound meaning of destiny and a large number of the profound meanings of the Yama Heavenly Dao. It has been arranged by the emperors of all dynasties. Any uncertain factors that endanger the Yama tribe will be sensed.


Zhang Ruochen is so powerful that he can avoid the induction of Venerable Listening Truth?

Zhang Ruochen's voice entered his ears: "Someone has sealed Next page! Current page 1/2 pages in total

Listening to the perception of the Venerable, the means are extremely clever, UU reading should be perfect. "

"Impossible, the great-grandfather sits in Yan Luotianwaitian all the year round, and if Venerable Truth Listening is sealed, he will not know?" Yan Huangtu sent back his spiritual sense.

"Yeah, I'm also curious about what's going on. Can't you give me the answer? Someone is here, and the cultivation base is very high. Don't pass on your spiritual thoughts to me."

In Chi Kongle's spiritual world, Zhang Ruochen restrained his spiritual thoughts and breath.

"Shh! Shh!"

The two gods, whose whole bodies were wrapped in profound robes, came silently from the dark space in the depths of the universe, wearing white jade masks on their faces.

Yan Huangtu was on them and could not sense any breath.

The two gods said nothing, knelt down on one knee and saluted, with fear in their eyes.

The two gods in Xuanpao ignored them, and did not walk under the Divine Listening Beast, but walked directly to the Yama Gate.

"Who are you?" Yan Huangtu said coldly.

Er Shen, who had already reached the gate of heaven, stopped, turned around, and glanced at him.

The mysterious goddess standing on the right has a strange body, like six arms, and the position of the head is also very large. From a distance, it looks like an irregular black ball.

He said something to another mysterious goddess next to him.

But Yan Huangtu and Chi Kongle were too low-level to know what they were talking about.

Another mysterious goddess, with a very slender body, although wrapped in black robes, it can still be seen that it is a woman.

She looked at Chi Kongle and seemed very interested. Chi Kongle was not afraid at all, and looked at her coldly.

"Yes, as expected of Zhang Ruochen's daughter."

"Now is not the time to move her, let's go, there are still things to do."

Under the urging of the mysterious mysterious goddess, she left and disappeared into the Yan Luotianmen. From the beginning to the end, they didn't pay attention to Yan Huangtu.