MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1870 Comprehensive rescue drill

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Not long after, the data on the big screen changed again. The third-ranked backfire team jumped to the top, and over the eight seconds of the Dragon Tooth team, temporarily won the group first.

The scene of the whole scene is suddenly lost! Because Zhang Yu’s vehicle driving this time, not only recovered eight seconds behind the dragon tooth, but also overtook the opponent for eight seconds. In other words, he is more than sixteen seconds faster than these opponents in the same group. This is too exaggerated!


Ding Yu of the Dragon Tooth Team saw that he did not know what to say. Although he felt it before, Zhang Yu’s speed is not low, but he is so fast that he is very speechless. Now even if he doesn't want to believe, he has to believe that the kid on the field is one of the biggest variables in this game.

When Jiang Peng saw it, he was also excited. It can be said that the team can continuously equip the three firsts of the competition. This has never happened before.


With the end of the next team of the next group of South Minami swords, the entire vehicle driving project is over.

Guodong counter-fire team, with the outstanding performance of Zhang Yu, the success of the counterattack, won the group first, once again scored five points for the team, the first combination of 15 points, ranked first in the project.

In the middle of the dragon tooth team, behind eight seconds, the team ranked second, scored four points, three combinations of twelve points, ranked second in the project.

Guonan Lijian team, behind 19 seconds, the third group, scored three points, three combined six points, ranked fourth in the project.

The North China Tigers team, behind the 26 seconds, the group fourth, scored two points, the three groups also totaled six points, tied for the fourth.

The National West Phantom team, behind more than 30 seconds, ranked at the end of the group, only took the next point, the three groups also totaled six points, also tied for the fourth project.


The three teams of Mirage, Tiger, and Sword actually scored in the first three rounds of competition, so that the three captains were also speechless.

Yu Junping and Huang Hongzhi are very dissatisfied with the performance of their own players in this round. Because the integrated project now has only the last project left. Looking at the current situation, whoever is the bottom of the project, the ending is conceivable.

Yan Licheng is still satisfied with the play of this team. But now, after all, the three teams are tied. If the next round of mistakes is made, the same tail may still be used, so the temporary ease is useless. The key is to look at the next round.


With the final end of the vehicle driving, the final round of the comprehensive project, the comprehensive rescue drill, officially began.

In the rescue drill, the five teams will compete on the same stage, and they will all be on the court. It must be said that as one of the highlights of the comprehensive project, this project will finalize the final ranking of the five teams in this round.

Zhang Yu returned to the team and accepted the simple congratulations of the people. He followed the load and was fully armed. As the team came to the starting point, they stood up.


For the five captains of the rostrum, this round of competition is a crucial game. Although the battle for the first place is now a battle between the Dragon Tooth team and the backfire team, it is also very tense for the other three teams. After all, if you can get one more point, it is better than taking one point.

The chiefs of the major military regions can now watch the battle on the rostrum! The better the score, the more the face of the chief executive, but the more the score, the more ugly the chief's face will be. Therefore, if conditions permit, several people of course want to let the chiefs have a good face.


The game has not yet begun, and the players of the five teams have turned around and looked at the competitors in the same group.

Xue Wu of the Dragon Tomb team and Zuo Yicheng of the Tigers team, because the distance is relatively close, it is inevitable to look at each other, and then think of something, and look at Zhang Yu on one side. Because both of them now regard Zhang Yu as the biggest competitor at the moment, they will naturally not despise his existence.

In fact, not only Xue Wu and Zuo Yicheng, many people in the five major teams are observing Zhang Yu. It seems that they all want to see this person. In the end, there are three heads and six arms. How could it be so comprehensive?

But no matter how they look, these people have not seen anything from Zhang Yu. In addition to being tall and thin, the skin is a bit white, and it seems that nothing special. If you haven't seen the strength of each other with your own eyes, it's hard for everyone to believe that such an ordinary young man would be so powerful.


"Everyone please prepare!" The referee on the side of the field suddenly became loud.


The people of the five major teams heard the words, and they packed up their sights and cluttered thoughts and looked at the front.

"Hey!" A shot made a gunshot!

Five teams, immediately rushed forward!

The audience also rang again...


Zhang Yu and his party quickly rushed to the side of a rubber boat that was rolling dry, opened the lock, unfolded the hull, followed one person and grabbed a corner.

When everyone was carrying a rubber boat, they came to the huge pool.

When they reached the pool, everyone rushed to unload the backpack, took out the foot-type simple pump, and began to pump the rubber boat.

The rubber boat consists of several independent gas tanks, so everyone can cheer together and be busy.

Zhang Yu is also responsible for a gas storage. Due to the rhythm of the simple pump, he wants to hurry, but he still can't get up.


The five major teams are busy cheering for the rubber boat at the moment, but the seemingly simple work is busy with sweat.

In a short time, a rubber boat, gradually bulging, and getting bigger and bigger...

The Dragon Tooth team, with its collective physical ability, took the lead in completing the inflating work, dragging the rubber boat and rushing to the pool.

The Tigers team finished the second also took the boat and rushed to the pool.

The Mirage team is the third!

The backfire team is also anxious to see everyone, but the boat must be full of gas, if the inflation is insufficient, it will affect the speed of travel in the water, and there is danger of overturning.

Zhang Yu felt that the pump under his feet didn't seem to work very well. Although he stepped fast, but at best it was average. He had to say that he was dying.

In the end, the backfire team and the sword team almost completed the inflating at the same time, and the opponents of the same group, already sitting on the boat, rushed far away.

Zhang Yu and his entourage, after playing the gas, grabbed the rubber boat in one hand and grabbed the paddle that had been placed by Cao Bo in one hand and rushed toward the pool.

After the rubber boat entered the water, eight people got on the boat, and under the slogan of Yan Hao, they marched hard together.

Rowing this thing, because it is rhythm, it needs to be unhurried or not, the power is the same, Zhang Yu will feel power even though he is not good, but can not use it, only a little depressed, follow the team's rhythm, forward Rowing...