MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2030 Victory over water

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Under the flying speed of Feixiang, Feixiang rushed forward to the lake in the mining area. The number of crystal dragons below gathered hundreds and thousands. The whole ground was a crystal red and bright light, and the crystal dragon breathe from them. Like a lava rain condensing into a fiery waterfall in the air!

All areas of Fly opened, big fly, and Alicia went to all areas of the deck to open. Crow Ansu released a large group of black smoke around the Fly, and wrapped around the Fly like a black cloud!

But even so, looking at the dazzling data on the ship's dazzling screen, Da Fei's heart was pulled into his throat and pulled out!

Da Fei suddenly discovered that no matter how much he thought he was awesome, his game life never lacked heartbeat. When can he really be overwhelmed?

Finally, flying like a raging fireball crashed on the crystal lake. In the turbulent water waves, the sea worshippers started the dive for the first time!

laugh! In the steam-filled sky, the water waves around Feixiang are like huge blisters that engulf Feiyang and sink to the bottom of the water, and the burning flame is also extinguished!

"Have you succeeded?" Looking at the apparent weakening of the firepower above his head, Da Fei knowingly why!

The sea sacrifice immediately replied: "Your Majesty, successfully dived, even though this is an emerald dream, the water here is not much different from ordinary sea water."

Dafei frowned: "No difference?"

"Yes, there may still be a lot of dream energy, but it is much weaker than the water!"

Between words, Feixiang sank to the bottom of the lake, and the clusters of red crystals shining at the bottom of the lake had a panoramic view! Da Fei looked up and saw hundreds of thousands of crystal dragons watching the lake.

Dafei was overjoyed: "It really succeeded!"

The mermaid's impatient voice came: "It's my turn!"

Dafei exclaimed: "Fish!"

Hum, yes, although brother can't get these crystal dragons, but as long as he can get a mine to supply a handful of brothers, the purpose is also achieved, brothers have time later to slowly return to repair you.

However, just as the Mermaid Warlord's deep-sea fort was digging the first mine at the bottom of the lake, the roar of the sky came again. The crystal dragons watching on the shore moved and began to jump into the water and head towards the bottom of the lake.

Not a single mine? Dafei was shocked at the scene: "Can this crystal dragon enter the water?"

Zavala frowned: "Of course, being an elemental creature can be launched, but being launched does not necessarily mean that you can fight underwater!"

that's true! Dafei asked quickly, "Can they still breathe after they enter the water?"

Zavala frowned. "It's unlikely, or would you drink water without a mouth?"

Da Fei no longer cares: "Leave guardian Leviathan!"

If the water in the Emerald Dream is not much different from the waters of the ground world, Leviathan is definitely its decisive combat power.

The next moment, with a huge holy rattan space door open on one side of the hull, Leviathan's body like a whale came into shock!

And looking at the crystal dragons on the radar that came rushing around at the bottom of the lake, Dafei clenched his fists and leaped heartily: Although he had new confidence in Leviathan, the number of opponents was too much, and this Levy Tan's body size is only two to three times larger than the individual's counterpart, and it does not seem to have an absolute crushing advantage.

Once Leviathan fell into the encirclement of a dozen or so opponents, hundreds of crystal dragons in other directions would fight over. At that time, only the deep sea fortress and the batch of spiders brought back from Hung Ming Village by Hilda would be seen. Xing Lilim's performance, even the Siren Artillery Employed?

Just between the entanglement of Da Fei's mind, Leviathan greeted the first batch of crystal dragons like a torpedo, and then directly swept the tail of a dragon, and immediately set off a vortex wave in the water, under the impact of the vortex , Those crystal dragons immediately fell to the west and stood unstable, and they were directly knocked down by the turned Leviathan!

Dafei frowned, and the other side was really a scum in the water! Although it is very scum, but Schistosomiasis is here, after all, Leviathan did not cause fatal damage to it. It will take time to destroy one.

No time wasted, it's time to start!

Da Fei immediately instructed Tamilia: "I will attack myself, and when I set off a huge wave, you will send out Lilim Kraken troops to harvest!"

"Roger that!"

That's right, Da Fei's housekeeping art is the "Blood Sea Storm" taught by Fergalo! Although there is no blood or wind here, there is water!

The next moment, a sacred space teleport door opened outside the ship's hull, and Dafei dived on his own. Anyway, there is also a god-level sailing technique that comes with the "extreme deep diving" magic skill. During the diving time, a magic skill is put out. Still no problem.

As Dafei entered the water to start the magic, a vortex began to rapidly spread around the bottom of the lake with Dafei as the center, and instantly spread to the crystal dragons attacking from all around. All the crystal dragons began to stand steadily Unstable.

Then, the green dots appeared on the radar, and Lilim's troops and Siren Artillery were dispatched!

Under the flying of Da Fei, the Crystal Dragon is not stable enough, and it has become a living target for Da Fei troops. Even if their blood defense is high, Da Fei has a higher attack!

For a while, Leviathan was flooding with water, madly raging, and the artillery Siren Force was madly output behind Leviathan. A string of ice flame chains exploded into a dazzling fire net in the water, and a crystal dragon was used by Lilim. Set fire to reap!

Eliminate 10! 20! 50! 70!

At this point, Dafei ’s diving gas has reached its limit, and 300,000 health values ​​have started to madly lose his blood as a percentage. Dafei is so regrettable that he would rather die than go!

At this moment, a stream of light came in, and a bubble of air instantly wrapped Da Fei, and Da Fei's blood momentum stopped instantly.

Dafei suddenly felt a joy. Looking at Shuiguang, it was a deep sea fortress! The mermaid Warlord's teasing voice came from the fortress: "Remember to tell me something! This blister consumes 300,000 points!"

Let me go! At this critical moment, Dafei was crying and laughing without taking advantage of the robbery in the water!

Now there is really nothing left to say. As long as Dafei does not interrupt the magic, as long as Dafei's magic is continuously obtained from the avatars, the outcome of this underwater war is no suspense!

Ten minutes later, the remaining dozens of crystal dragons fled to the water, and the battle was over! The Dafei unit is unspoilt and wins! Warm cheers erupted from the entire army of Dafei!

System Tip: The heroic soldiers in front of you have won the admiration of all your subordinates, and your dynasty reputation is 10,000!

Oh oh oh oh the original Yujia Proposal can increase reputation! Haha, wow hahaha! However, this kind of thing will not stop.

So, are you scared now? No one can disturb Mining, right? Haha