MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 279 black devil

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  Chapter 279 Black Demon

  The angle of view is locked on the top of Uluru.

  This is a cave deep underground in the mountains between Yaocheng and Yancheng. After entering the specific underground scene, the original third-person oblique perspective becomes a horizontal perspective.

  The picture is dark, only the three of Uluru emit a faint light.

  In front of them was a T-shaped black quagmire, with a small puddle on the top and a bottom that extended to an invisible depth underground.

   "Mr. Uluru, the Black Demon still cannot be collected."

  A pixel villain holding a torch next to it said: "The dark devil is heavy and slippery, and it seems to be able to sense us. As long as you try to get close, it will seep underground."

Another troglodyte with a backpack also added: "It's dangerous. Troglodytes have legends about this kind of underground black water. They come and go without a trace, can go through walls, steal food reserves, and leave a place oil."

  Uluru's head appeared in a mess.

  He raised the tablet in his hand, and a dialog box popped up.

   "The black mud is born from the black demon. Many people of the Wuji tribe have seen the black demon, but if someone tries to touch and collect them, the black demon will disappear without a trace."

   "I consulted Lord Zelkuku of Uda City, and it also said that the black devil itself has a special structure and likes hot areas. Usually, the areas where the dark devil appears are accompanied by fire wells, which is very dangerous."

  「Be careful, keep the torches away from the fissure area, to avoid fire wells from erupting.」

  He told the two assistants who were traveling with him.

  Lu Yao clicked on the black devil in the depression.


  【Dark Magic LV46】

  HP: 17566/17566

   Mana: 0/0

   Damage: 0

   Defense: 25

   Speed: 50


   There will be fusion between the same kind, and then a stronger expansion and living space will be obtained.

  【Deep Extraction】

  The wrapped substance will be extracted and purified, and the extraction effect depends on the level of the ability and the level of the dark devil.

  【Scavenging Mystery LV2】

  Grows further by devouring corpses or rotting matter.

  【Crazy excretor】

   Unnecessary impurities will continue to be precipitated from the body.


  The black devil looks like a pool of black mud, but its essence is a living thing.

  Because the black demon moves too fast underground, the current man-made tools and even the apostles of the Yao civilization cannot capture it. At best, observations like Uluru can't obtain actual living samples.

  If Lu Yao hadn't been able to check the encyclopedia in the background, he would have been disappointed.

  The group of black devils likes warm and hot places, and has a strong desire to eat. They are relatively primitive underground life and act by instinct, so they only need to find a way to target their instinctive desires.

  Lu Yao thought of the place where the black devil would be placed.

  【Egil's Fire】.

  He handed over the capture task to Slimmode, and also tested the master's practical ability.

   After receiving the order, the avatar of Slymode soon arrived on the scene.

  Seeing the man in green suddenly appearing underground, the three of Uluru all had exclamation marks on their heads and took a step back.

   "Please don't be nervous, I'm here to help you deal with the Dark Demon."

   "First of all, thank you for your investigation and investment. Although the black devil is not aggressive, it is due to its characteristics, and corresponding methods must be used to make it obedient."

   "Now let me try."

  A large group of identical men in green arrived.

  They have a clear division of labor, some led the sandworms to bring a large pile of supplies, some began to install the steam furnace, some made marks on the ground, some surveyed the direction, and some specially observed the condition of the black devil...

  The people in green clothes perform their own duties, like their arms and fingers.

  Uluru asked: "Excuse me?"

   "Forgot to introduce myself."

  One of Slimode's limbs said to them: "It's the first time we met, my name is Slimode, and I am the apostle of Lord Yao."

  The three of Uluru were taken aback, and hurriedly called the apostle.

  The Slimodes are ready to start capturing.

  They put a lot of rotten things all the way to lure, and with the help of the steam furnace to increase the temperature, they gradually attracted the black demon from its original position little by little.

  The sandworm moved and dug in front, while the Slymodes pulled the black demon, moving slowly from the ground all the way, and finally arrived at the ground of the fire of Egil.

  As soon as he got close to here, the Dark Demon became excited. A large amount of black grease seeped from the ground and poured into the ground, like a black fountain, and many bubbles emerged from the fountain.

   Uluru, who was watching the whole process, lit up a light bulb above his head, as if he understood the key.

   "Everyone, my work is done."

  Slimerd told them: "You have already seen the method. Use the rotten things that the black devil likes as bait, and continue to increase the surrounding temperature, so that the black devil can move closer in this direction."

   "It is a strange life, apart from scavenging, it also likes high temperature environment very much."

   "At present, the most suitable thing for the Black Demon is naturally the volcanic wonder."

   "The next thing is left to you, please pay attention to safety, hard work."

   After speaking, many people in green clothes quickly left the field and disappeared without a trace.

  The three people left behind looked at each other.

  Lu Yao is very satisfied with Slimode's action.

  He not only imparted the key experience and methods of Uluru and others, but also did not let this group of discoverers lose their sense of participation. He did a good job of guiding and inspiring an apostle, and the whole process was efficient and concise.

  Uluru conducted follow-up research on the Dark Demon.

   As the safety clothing of the Wuji people, the more the black mud, the better. As more and more Wuji people appear on the ground, their demand for black mud is increasing day by day.

  However, the excavation of reserves in Wuda City has been unable to keep up with the daily needs of the growing Wuji people. As a result, many Wuji people want to come to the ground, but they have no opportunities and conditions.

   Now there is finally a solution.

  The black devil settled under the volcano and began to spit out a large amount of black mud.

  As long as it devours rot, the black devil will secrete black mud until it is partially saturated and then enters a short resting state. After recovering, the process continues again.

  The bottleneck that restricted the Wuji people from going to various places was finally broken this time.

   While Uluru was excited, another thought appeared in his head.

   "It turns out that the black mud is the product of black demons removing impurities after eating food."

   "Since the black mud discharged by the black devil is available, what about the oil?"

  After the black devil eats, it secretes black mud and produces a lot of light yellow clear oil.

  Uluru collected them and found that these oils are superior fuels that are better than coal. Just a little oil can keep the flames going for a long time.

  The game interface will also be displayed.

  【Uluru found magic oil. 】

  Lu Yao thought it was right.

  I’ll show you a direction. How far you can go and what route to take is up to you to choose.

  In fact, there is no record of magic oil in the backstage encyclopedia of Golden Fields. After the discovery of Uluru, the magic oil entry officially appeared, and the introduction and description completely reproduced the conclusions from the Uluru experiment.

  This proves that the little pixel people are not only the experiencers of Yao civilization, but also the writers of world records.

  But what Lu Yao himself is most looking forward to is the [Deep Extraction] effect of the Black Demon.

   Judging from the description, this is definitely an advanced refining ability.

  Yao civilization is currently developing in various fields. The breadth is sufficient, but the precision is still relatively poor.

  High-precision technology and deep cognition require long-term cultivation and experimentation, and it is useless to rush. I don't know if [Deep Extraction] can shorten this process in some ways.

  Lu Yao observed the pixel world.

   Not long after, just as he predicted, the Yao tribe's development of the Black Demon was further developed.

   Metal refining and impurity removal can all be done by the black magic—provided that it is given food and the surrounding temperature is kept high enough.

  Dark Devil will swallow iron ingots and copper blocks, and then spit them out quickly, metal is not in its recipe. The copper and iron extracted by the black devil is a little smaller, and a lot of impurities are stripped out, turning into a very pure metal.

   This immediately led to Dwarven Hammer Endless.

  As a craftsman, you must try a material purifier like the Black Devil.

  Hammer endlessly made a bold attempt, throwing a set of twin-city armor into the quagmire formed by the black demon. It didn't take long for the armor to be spat out and scattered into copper pieces.

  The dwarf did not give up. He changed the method, dismantled the two-city armor, put it into it in the form of the most basic parts, extracted it repeatedly, and then re-forged and shaped it and assembled it...

  After trial and error and busy work, a laughing expression appeared on the dwarf's forehead: "It really works!"

   "What an amazing, incredible guy!"

   "From now on, we have one of the best refining masters!"

  Hammer Endless hugged the refined Twin City Armor, and happily danced with the armor.

  Lu Yao clicked on this set of armor.


  [Twin City Armor LV2]: The excellent armor that covers the whole body, after extraction and refining, it will be equipped with [Heavy Strike LV1].

   Health: 480/480

   Defense +5


   Refining gave Shuangcheng Jia HP +80 and Defense +2, which was a big enhancement.

  Lu Yao never expected that deep extraction can really strengthen equipment.

  He couldn't help but think in his mind, is it okay to have dozens of tinder props in his pocket?

  Lu Yao found one and tried it, but the black demon swallowed it in one gulp, almost digesting it directly. He quickly put it back in the props.

  One of the causes of the black devil includes the fire item, for it, this is a rare nutritional supplement.

  The refinement plan for tinder props failed.

Not long after, the pixel people of the Yao tribe dismantled the [Brass Furnace Dragon], extracted and reshaped the metal skeleton and torso with black magic, and the name became [Brass Furnace Dragon LV2]. The data has been slightly improved.

  Since then, black magic refining has gradually become a routine processing method, which is widely used in the manufacture of various props and devices.

   And geologists and archaeologists are also paying attention to the traces of other black demons everywhere, using the method taught by Slymode to gather them one by one under the fire of Egil.

  The black demons are blending with each other, their levels are getting higher and higher, and their abilities are gradually increasing.


   At this time, Lu Yao has already turned his perspective to the outside world.

  The world of the Yao nationality has entered a period of rapid development that has never been seen before. With the apostles in charge, there is no need to worry about it. The current focus is on creating an external environment for the outer circulation of civilization.

  After much thought, Lu Yao decided to build a new type of pilot city in Yunzhong Temple as a bridge and link to the outside world.

   Thanks: Wu Yunliangduo supports 10,000 starting coins, where Miquna supports 500 starting coins, Tao Shutong supports 400 starting coins, and a grumpy mute supports 100 starting coins.



  (end of this chapter)