MTL - Godly Empress Doctor-~ How are you going 2

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Yanling County Lord really smiled: "He counted something coldly. The Lord of the County killed him and killed him. Do you want the Lord of the County to make up for his life?"

Emperor Dongsang still did not speak, but Feng Wu could see anger and annoyance in his face.

Feng Wu thought secretly in his heart. At this moment, will Emperor Dongsang have a little regret in his heart? Regret the loss of national dignity and the so-called Dayan Dynasty?

Seeing that Emperor Dongsang exploded almost arrogantly and receiving the warning from Ma Quanquan, she sneered: "Of course, my Dayan dynasty has always been kind to allies, and East Sang-guo is an ally of our Dayan dynasty. "Don't you dare not be reasonable?"

However, the Yanling County Master decided not to hand over the God Fossil to Emperor Dongsang.

"Leng Yeheng has offended me." Yan Ling County arrogant said.

Emperor Dongsang strongly restrained his anger: "How did he offend you?"

Yan Ling County Lord: "He peeped into the princess bath, you say it!"

Emperor Dongsang: "Speaking without evidence, evidence."

The Master Yanling stared at Emperor Dongsang impatiently. She had already worked so hard to make evidence. Why did Emperor Dongsang still not believe it?

Yan Ling County Master flicked his face: "This County Master has said so clearly, what evidence is needed? Leng Yeheng is dead, is the best evidence! If he is good, this County Master will not kill others, why should Go kill him?"

"This is my explanation!" The Yanling County Master dropped this sentence and turned away.

"That's right." The Yanling County Master suddenly turned and stared at Emperor Dongsang: "The second batch of our great dynasty dynasty will soon arrive, their's much stronger than the first batch, as strong as To what extent should your majesty guess it?"

"Your Majesty should not hope that the strong of our Dayan dynasty came over. The first one was not the Junwu Empire, but the East Sang Kingdom? Hahaha—"

After finishing this sentence, Yanling County Lord arrogantly went away.

Emperor Dongsang clenched his fingers into fists, and his face was stiff, but if he knew his people, it would have been seen at this time that their sire's heart was out of anger.

"Your Majesty, did she leave like this?"

King Jing frowned at Dong Sanguo: "She can kill the second prince at will, the others..."

Isn't it possible to kill at will?

Emperor Dongsang intended to take Yanling County Lord, but Yanling County Lord's last words did threaten him.

In the second batch, there were two top strong men in the Spiritual Holy Realm, one was Ma Quanquan, and the other visited the rest of the mainland. They had not returned yet, and the second strong were even stronger than the first...

Emperor Dongsang took a deep breath, stared at King Jing, and said coldly, "Go down."

"Your Majesty!" King Jing said angrily: "Are we going to let the Yanling County Lord do the prestige and blessing on our heads? Is there really no way to restrain her? She killed the second prince, but the whole city is on the east side. Everyone saw it, she—"

Emperor Dongsang waved his hand to stop King Jing: "I said, retreat!"

In the threatening eyes of Emperor Dongsang, King Jing finally sighed helplessly and turned to leave.

Now after the people left, Emperor Dongsang sat down on the dragon chair.

This is his dragon chair, a symbol of the Ninth Five-Year Statue, but the emperor is insulted by a little girl pointing at her nose...this breath, this breath!

Tell him how to swallow it? !

"Your Majesty is for the sake of the big picture." Master Min stood beside him and said lightly.