MTL - Godly Student-Chapter 5395 Can't go!

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"Actually, I have always had a guess!" Fifth Elder suddenly said.

"What guess?" Several people looked at him curiously.

"Think about it carefully, is the movement made by Tian Qiong Peak really made by the Lord?" The fifth elder did not answer them directly, but continued to ask a question.

"What does the fifth elder mean? Could it be that you think the matter in the back mountain has nothing to do with the Lord at all?" Everyone wondered.

"I'm not saying that this matter has nothing to do with the Lord at all, the relationship must have something to do with it. After all, only he is qualified to go to the back mountain of Tian Qiong Peak.

Moreover, he also summoned all the monks in the tribulation period in the inner court to go, which means that the Lord is also on the battlefield.

So the Lord must have something to do with this! "The fifth elder explained.

"Then what do you mean, although the Lord is also on the battlefield, he may not have participated in the war?" the first elder asked.

"I'm not sure about this, but what I mean is that even if the Lord really participated in the battle, the Lord is not alone in this battle!" said the fifth elder.

"It goes without saying, isn't there 10,000 people in the Holy Dynasty? And the monks above the integration period of our Inner Dynasty are all there now. Naturally, it is impossible for only the Lord to participate in the war!" The three elders obviously still have some Unable to understand the words of the five elders.

"Then do you think that if there are only these people, Tian Qiong Peak can make such a big noise?" The fifth elder asked again.

"What the five elders mean is that the reason why the battle at Tian Qiong Peak is so intense is because there are still powerhouses that we don't know about? And these powerhouses may be as powerful as the Lord?" Some understand.

"That's pretty much what it means, but to make such a big move, I think it's possible that some of them are stronger than the Lord!" The fifth elder nodded.

"Stronger than the Lord? How is this possible? There are people in this world who are more powerful than the Lord?" The third elder suddenly felt that the fifth elder's idea was a little unreasonable.

After all, everyone in the inner court knew that the Lord's strength had already reached a very high level, and such a level could not be reached by other people at all.

Therefore, in this Inner Dynasty, there is only a powerhouse like the Lord who has truly reached the peak.

As for the remaining chief elders, although their strength is strong, they cannot compare with the Lord at all.

"Don't underestimate the people of the world. Before, we also felt that there was no one in the world who could compare with the Lord. However, there was still a Holy Lord in the Holy Dynasty. Although the strength was not as good as the Lord, it was not much worse. Otherwise he could not have escaped from the Lord's hand.

Today, there are 10,000 masters who are more powerful than the monks in the tribulation period of our inner dynasty.

What does this mean? It means that there are still many masters in this world that we do not know.

Even if their strength is not as good as the Lord, it is definitely not something we can compare with. "The fifth elder explained.

"I agree with this. I also know that there are people outside people, and there are mountains outside the mountains. But you now have some powerhouses stronger than the Lord in Tianqiongfeng. Isn't this a bit unreasonable?" said.

"It doesn't mean that we haven't seen it before, otherwise why would Tian Qiong Peak make such a big noise?

I don't think this kind of movement can be made even by the Lord. "

"If the Lord can't get it out, where did these people come from? And if their strength is stronger than the Lord, wouldn't the Lord have already been killed by them!" The third elder was puzzled. asked.

"What if these people are from our inner court?" the fifth elder asked rhetorically.

"We people from the inner court? This is unlikely, right? If we really have such masters in the inner court, then we should annihilate all these enemies!" Now even the other elders are a little suspicious of the fifth elder's words. .

They have never heard that the Inner Dynasty is more powerful than the Lord.

The strength of the Lord is already beyond their reach, but there are still some who are stronger than the Lord, so the strength of their inner court is even stronger.

But they don't seem to feel the power of the Inner Dynasty now, but they are a little bit bad for being bullied by the Holy Dynasty.

So if the Lord is really unable to hold on, it can only be said that the masters of the Holy Dynasty are too strong.

Only the masters of the Holy Dynasty are too strong and their inner court will be bullied. If they have such masters in the inner court, how can the holy court be arrogant in this inner court!

"But these masters of the Holy Dynasty are not simple, which is why this battle has reached such an intense level.

Of course, these are just my personal guesses, and the real reason may be more complicated than I guess.

But no matter what, this must involve the secrets on Sky Qiong Peak.

If we can't go to Tian Qiong Peak to understand this time with our own eyes, we may never really understand the truth! "The fifth elder also shook his head helplessly.

Because what he has learned is really too little, there are naturally very few things he can guess.

The reason why he was able to speculate on this was only from the movements made on Tian Qiong Peak.

His strength cannot reach the level of the Lord, so I don't know how powerful the Lord's strength is.

However, although he knew that the strength gap between himself and the Lord was very far, but now this movement, he always felt that even the Lord couldn't make it out.

That's why he made this speculation, thinking that there may be more powerful powerhouses in the mountain behind Tian Qiong Peak.

It's just that there is no such thing, he naturally has no way to be sure.

"Or if we take advantage of the fact that the battle on Tianqiong Peak is at an intense moment, the Lord may not have the energy to take care of us.

Do you want us to go up the mountain at this time to see what happened, at least let us know what the battle situation and actual situation on Tian Qiong Peak are like! "Second Elder Zhu Yuheng suddenly suggested. UU Reading

"Forget it! Although I really want to take a look and find out the truth, but I know it's too dangerous to do so.

Whether it is being discovered by the Lord, or the fierce battle now, it will put us in danger.

If this war is really beyond our imagination, what good is it that we are close to the war?

Maybe we will also be forced to be involved in the war. Do you think that with our strength, if we are really involved in the battle, do you still have a chance to come back alive? "The Great Elder was the first to object.

As a great elder, how could he cause trouble for the Lord at this time!

So even if he really wanted to take a look, he couldn't!

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