MTL - Godly Student-Chapter 5496 what happened?

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In this desert, a deep sand ditch appeared strangely, but miraculously, the yellow sand on both sides of the sand ditch did not flow into the ditch, and continued to separate to the two sides independently.

"Why is there nothing?" But seeing that the sand ditch was at least tens of meters deep, but there was nothing inside, this made the black and white demons a little confused.

"Could it be the wrong place?" White Demon said.

"It's possible. The young master just said that this is just an approximate location. Maybe the fairy vein is right next to it. It's just that the sand ditch is a bit small. It would be great if it could be wider." Hei Mo said.

Cheng Yu, who was beside him, apparently also heard the conversation between the two, concentrated all his attention, and controlled a larger amount of yellow sand to rush towards the two sides, and suddenly a bigger and longer sand ditch appeared.

But to everyone's disappointment, there is still nothing in the big sand ditch.

However, Cheng Yu's forehead was already sweating at this time. Although he used the ability of Tukong Jing, he did not bring Tukong Jing directly after all.

So his ability needs to consume more mental power.

The sand ditch that appeared now is at least several thousand meters long and nearly a hundred meters wide. Such a large sand ditch consumes a lot of mental energy for Cheng Yu.


Suddenly, this huge sand ditch closed inward instantly, and the yellow sand poured into the ditch like sea water.

Soon, the sand ditch disappeared, and here was another piece of yellow sand, with no traces to be seen anymore.

"Master, how am I?" Seeing Cheng Yu panting, the black and white demons were a little worried.

"It's okay, the mental energy is a bit exhausted, just take a rest." Cheng Yu shook his head and drank a bottle of divine water.

Shenshui can not only restore injuries, but also has a good effect on the recovery of mental power, even more effective than many elixirs.

However, in order to restore his mental power faster, he still swallowed a few pills of spiritual power.

"Master, will there be no fairy veins here?" Hei Mo said.

"It should be impossible. Since there is such a strong spirit here, there must be a source." Although Cheng Yu thought it was impossible, he was not very confident.

"Could it be that this fairy vein is buried too deep, and the sand ditch just now wasn't deep enough?" Bai Mo said.

"I can only say that there is such a possibility, but it's hard to say. And I need to consume a lot of mental power to control these yellow sands. I'll try again after I recover!" Cheng Yu explained.

"Master, the fairy veins should be in this area, but because of the yellow sand, the places we can check are very limited.

Maybe the young master doesn't need to make such a big sand ditch, just find a few more places around here to try, and each place should be deeper, it doesn't need to be too wide or too long! "The white devil reminded.

"Well, this can indeed save more mental power!" Cheng Yu nodded, as long as the exact location of the fairy vein can be found, then collecting the fairy vein will not be a problem.

So now he really doesn't need to create a big scene, just like digging a well, if there is water in the ground, he can drill a few holes first to try.

Where there is water, decide where to drill the well!

After Cheng Yu rested for a while, his mental strength was almost recovered, so he continued to "drill holes" in the desert to investigate according to White Demon's suggestion.

"Huh?" Just when Cheng Yu drilled dozens of holes and found an area of ​​almost hundreds of acres, even Cheng Yu himself was a little disappointed, suddenly it seemed that he had discovered something new, and his heart was excited.

"Did the young master find the fairy vein?" The black and white demons felt very disappointed following Cheng Yu, but seeing the young master's expression, they immediately regained their spirits.

"I feel that there is a very strong breath of spirit veins under here, and I guess the fairy spirit veins are nearby!" Cheng Yu explained.

"Really? It seems that we have not been wasting time, and now we are finally going to gain something!" Hei Mo said excitedly.

Seeing Cheng Yu working so hard and resting twice during the period, they also felt very guilty in their hearts, feeling that they could not help at any time, and Cheng Yu was busy every time.

They'd even consider digging with their hands if they could.

Now that Cheng Yu seems to have finally gained something, I am very happy in my heart. Fortunately, Cheng Yu has worked so hard for so long, and it is finally not in vain, otherwise I am really sorry for Cheng Yu.

At this time, Cheng Yu also held back his excitement, and kept drilling a few more holes nearby to try to see where the fairy spirit was more intense.

After many attempts, he finally reached a certain range.

"It should be here, and it's time for you to witness the miracle!" Cheng Yu found the right position, and began to discharge a large amount of yellow sand, making a larger sand ditch.

But this time the sand ditch is still not as big as the first time, because now he only needs to confirm whether there is really a fairy vein below it.

As long as there is a fairy vein, he can get it directly from UU reading, and there is no need to waste so much mental power to make such an exaggerated sand ditch.

"Yes, there is! Master, there is really something in it!" But when Cheng Yu controlled the yellow sand to keep rushing to both sides, and the sand ditch became deeper and deeper, the black devil suddenly found that there seemed to be white sand in the depths of the sand ditch. The light flickered a few times!

"There is indeed something, it seems to be a fairy vein!" The white devil also saw this kind of flickering light, and he could already feel that there was really a lot of fairy energy gushing out of it.

This means that there may indeed be a fairy vein below, how can this not be exciting.

But in fact, Cheng Yu has already felt a large amount of fairy spirit gushing out of the sand ditch, but at this time he needs to gather his mental strength and continue to dig the sand ditch deep.

"It's appeared! It's appeared! Young master, it's the fairy spirit vein!" Soon, the things in the sand ditch already emitted a pure white light. The light was even more dazzling, and the black demon was so excited that he reached out to take out the fairy vein.

"Don't move!" But seeing this situation, Cheng Yu's face suddenly changed, and he immediately reminded loudly.

It's just that it was too late, the Dark Demon had already made his move.


Fortunately, Hei Mo hesitated for a moment when he heard Cheng Yu's voice, and suddenly felt a strong explosive force rushing him out.


The black devil spurted blood on the spot, but was caught by the white devil behind him.

At this time, the yellow sand on both sides of the sand ditch buried the sand ditch again, but Cheng Yu's mouth also overflowed with blood.

"Master, what's going on here?" Bai Mo didn't know why, why it exploded, and even the young master seemed to be injured!