MTL - Godly Student-Chapter 5557 Must try 1 try!

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"Then you have to be careful, this world is very mysterious and weird. More importantly, the power of this world is really strong.

If there is really any secret in it, or if there is an exit, it is probably not something you can get out if you want to! "Soul Soul reminded again.

"I understand!" Cheng Yu jumped into the air, hesitating like a rocket, and rushed towards the sky quickly.

It wasn't that he didn't fly through the sky when he fought those fairy beasts before, but the height of the battle was limited.

And because the visibility gets lower the higher you get to the top, so when they are fighting, they actually intentionally or unintentionally avoid flying too high.

But this time it was different, Cheng Yu wanted to find out the secrets above, so the height of flying into the sky must be very high.

But not long after flying up, Cheng Yu's speed suddenly dropped.

Because the fog above here was so strong, his visibility rapidly diminished.

When he was on the ground, sometimes the dense fog was not too strong, and he could even see tens of feet away.

But even when there is a lot of dense fog, his visibility is almost a few feet away.

But now, Cheng Yu's visibility was only about ten feet away, which made him very insecure.

In particular, his spiritual consciousness can't probe too far, only about two feet, which is very dangerous.

Once there was a danger, he might not even be able to avoid it, so he ran into it directly, so Cheng Yu had to slow down in a hurry.

Only in this way can he feel more secure, because he can sense in advance whether there is danger two feet away.

If it is too fast, it will only take a moment, and it will be more than ten feet away, which is too dangerous.

"Shenhun, can you check the situation above now?" Cheng Yu asked.

"It seems that there are a lot of restrictions on this, and I can only check the situation five feet away at most!" Zhenhun said.

"Better than me, I can only detect the situation two feet away, so you must help me keep an eye on it, and warn me as soon as there is danger!" Cheng Yu said.

"Of course it's no problem, but the higher you go, the shorter the distance I can detect. If you go any higher, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you!" Zhen Hun was a little worried. Said.

This situation really made him feel uneasy.

"Although the current situation is not very good, I think there are secrets that we don't know! So even if it is dangerous, we have to go up and take a look!" Cheng Yu also knew that the higher the level, the more dangerous it was, but there was no way. If he wants to leave this world, he must understand the world better.

And now he may be sure that there are indeed some secrets hidden above the thick fog. If he doesn't unravel these secrets, maybe he will never be able to leave this world.

But soon, Cheng Yu stopped by himself and stopped flying up.

"What's wrong?" Zhenhun asked, he didn't detect any danger above.

And what did Cheng Yu discover when he was closer to the scope of his investigation?

"There seems to be a sound from above!"

"what sound?"

"Crackling sound!"

"What's that sound?" Zhenhun wondered.

"I don't know, the sound may be a little far away. The distance I saw was too close. I'll go up and have a look!" Cheng Yu said.

"There is indeed a sound, it seems to be the sound of thunder and lightning!" After Cheng Yu slowly flew up a little distance, Zhen Hun said suddenly.

"Thunder and lightning? There is also thunder and lightning in this world? But it seems that we have never seen rain in the past two years!" Cheng Yu wondered.

"Perhaps, as you said, it was blocked by this thick fog!"

"I saw it! It seems to be full of lightning!" But soon, there was no need to check anymore, Cheng Yu had already seen it, just above Zhang Yuan's head, he saw that there were flashes here and there. The bright light appeared, and it was accompanied by the crackling sound he heard just now.

"This is a bit strange. When you came down from that building, you didn't have this thing. How can there be such a thing now?" he said in a puzzled manner.

"Maybe we flew too high, the original building was not so high!" Cheng Yu thought for a while and explained.

Looking at the crackling light, he was not in a hurry to break in.

"But didn't you think that the building might float in the sky at any time? If the building doesn't exceed this height, then it seems that you don't need to go up it anymore?" Zhenhun said.

"I said so, but I can't be so lucky, the first time I came up, I happened to meet the building hanging above our heads.

And when we were on the ground, we could vaguely see the shadow of the building.

So it is normal that the building will not be very tall.

But I think there may be more secrets in this? You said that since there are buildings under the lightning, will there be buildings above the lightning? "Cheng Yu said.

"So you plan to pass through this thunder and lightning, and want to take a look above the lightning?" Soul Soul said in surprise.

"I should be able to pass through this lightning!" Cheng Yu slowly approached the thick layer of lightning fog, and gently reached out his hand to try to touch the dense fog above it.


It turned out that it looked like little thunder and lightning crackling and shining in the thick fog, here and there, like little stars.

But when Cheng Yu's hand touched the thick layer of thunder and lightning fog, the little star turned into a big moon in an instant, and a very strong thunder and lightning flashed in an instant, making Cheng Yu's whole body numb with electricity.

"Is this thing so scary?" Cheng Yu quickly withdrew his hand, trembling in his heart, the power of the lightning was greater than he imagined.

And now he has such great power just by touching it lightly. If his whole body is immersed in the dense fog of thunder and lightning, how powerful will it be?

"Do you still think you can easily pass through this lightning?" Zhenhun asked. UU Reading

"Even if the thunder and lightning are a bit powerful, I have to go up and take a look. What if there is really some secret here?

Maybe I can go back to the original world by going through this layer of lightning?

And don't you think this layer of thick fog is like a protective layer for the world?

Maybe the outside of the dense fog is really the Human World! "Cheng Yu said looking at the thunder and lightning.

Although he didn't know if there was any secret he wanted in it, he had to at least try.

Because he really doesn't want to spend so much time in this world. It's been two years, and he doesn't know how the situation in the inner court is going. If he doesn't go out again, his army will be no less than him.

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