MTL - Godly Student-Chapter 5637 no value!

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【God-level transfer student】【】

"Forget it, maybe as you said, those words are just an introduction to this building, or to this town.

Anyway, I didn't find any other useful clues here. Even if I really go back and print a copy of the text on it, I can't decipher it for the time being.

If there is a town or city ahead, there should still be such words.

At that time, I will know whether the words are the same or different. "Cheng Yu thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head.

He had an urge to go back and rub the text.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no need for that.

If it is really the same text, then it will take him six days to go back and forth like this.

Although he spent a lot of time in the past three days because he needed to find the way constantly, now that he knows the route, the time will be faster, but no matter what, it will take three or four days to go back and forth.

Maybe these texts really didn't record any important information, or else they wouldn't have been so openly recorded on such a very eye-catching building.

Perhaps, as Zhenhun said, this is just a simple introduction or something like that.

If this is the case, it doesn't matter if he doesn't go back to rubbing.

Especially in the future, he will definitely meet other towns, and then he will know whether the words are the same.

Even if it is different, it may not be worth going back.

Cheng Yu walked around the town and found that there was nothing else of value, so he continued to rush to other places.

"Since there were people in these towns before, why are they all deserted? Where did these people go?" After Cheng Yu found a road, Zhen Hun suddenly asked.

"The vicissitudes of life, the world has changed, and many things are uncertain. Maybe they feel that this place is no longer suitable for them to live in, so they naturally moved away."

"Is it possible that they were killed?"

"It doesn't look like it. I didn't find any fighting scenes, let alone bones everywhere in these towns." Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

"How many years have passed, of course there are no traces of battle. As for the bones, it's hard to say, maybe they have already turned into mud." Zhenhun said.

"It's reasonable to say that after so many years, there are no traces of the battle here.

But it is impossible to say that all these bones have been turned into mud, unless these people are all just ordinary humans.

But I think it is unlikely that the people who appear in this world are ordinary humans! "Cheng Yu said.

"It's not certain, as you said, if the people who created this world brought people from a city or even a country here, there must have been ordinary humans.

Moreover, the scale of these towns is not large, maybe they are really just ordinary humans! " Zhenhun retorted.

"But even if what you said is true, it's useless. Anyway, everyone is dead, and we can't find any useful clues!" Cheng Yu said with a shrug.

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【God-level transfer student】【】

"That's true, let's find another town to see, maybe there are living people?"

"If it's just ordinary humans, it doesn't seem to be useful even if they find it. Will they know where the exit is?"

"Even if they don't know where the exit is, they should know something about this place. Even if it's just to introduce you to this place, or even the situation in this world, so that you know where humans are most likely to exist, that's good too. !

Moreover, maybe it can tell us where to find the mainland, etc., are good clues. "Suppressing Soul said indifferently.

"It makes sense. When you put it this way, I really look forward to meeting a living person. But judging from the situation in these two towns, the chance of this is not very high.

What I hope most now is somewhere in the front, which is the center of this place, where there is a bustling city.

It doesn't matter even if there is no one there, as long as there is an exit there. "Cheng Yu said with great anticipation.

Although his will is firm now, it doesn't mean he won't be disappointed.

He will also be disappointed when he fails again and again. And he has to spend more time looking for the exit.

But he believes that even if he fails and is disappointed again, he will not be defeated.

He will definitely hold on until he finds the exit.

In this way, five days later, Cheng Yu once again discovered a town of comparable size.

But this time he found that the tall and pointed building in the center of the town had collapsed in half.

There was nothing else in the town that could attract Cheng Yu, so he went straight to the center of the town.

Although half of the building has collapsed, the foundation is still there. Sure enough, there are similar words there.

"Maybe, as you guessed, these texts may be this building or an introduction to this town.

There are some differences in these texts, but there are also many similarities. "Cheng Yu took out the text he had rubbed before and made a comparison with the text on it. UU Reading

Found that most of the text is still the same, but there are some differences.

This can basically prove that the content here is roughly similar, so it also fits this similar introduction.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is really no need for him to go back and print the text on the first building.

"I've said it a long time ago, even if you went back at that time, it was useless. And in such a small town, how could it be possible to record some secrets for you?

Even if it's really a secret, no one would put it on the outside so openly, right? Are you afraid that others will not know that there is a secret here? " Zhenhun said with a smile.

"That's right, although the content of these words may not be important, at least it lets us know the words used by the humans who lived here.

But this is really the first time I have seen such a text, even in the fairy world, there seems to be no such text! Cheng Yu looked at the two rubbings in his hand and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

"How do you know if there are such characters in the fairy world? What if there are?" Zhenhun said intentionally or unintentionally.

"I'm not guessing! Even if this kind of text really came from the fairy world, then the people who came to this world should not all be ordinary people, right?

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【God-level transfer student】【】

There will always be fairies, right? How else would they have come here? "Cheng Yu didn't explain much about the fairy world.

He has been in the fairy world for so many years, and he has seen many mysterious characters, but he has never seen this kind of characters.

So he wondered if the people here came from the fairy world.