MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-Chapter 19 The Jiangshan that Ben Gong has built for you (9)

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???? It took more than half a month of scheduling. The first batch of food and grass from the Dayong Dynasty was being transported to the border city. The Imperial Guard of the Capital Headed Northwest—

???? All the Northwest Khitans can fight no more than 30,000 soldiers and horses, of which Yelu Dibu's brave warriors are no more than 8,000.

???? This shows Liu Ye's determination to capture Yelu Dibu in one go.

???? To the shock of the previous dynasty, this time the emperor not only insisted on going his own way, but also led his troops to fight against Di Rong, and even ordered the empress to be taken away together. The aged censor made a decision to persuade him in the courtroom that he would be killed by a headbutt and splattered with blood three feet. Maybe Liu Ye's little wish was also fulfilled.

???? He regretted that, the night before he left, he went to the Hall of Changle and lit the candle inside for a night.


???? There was no movement at first, and then there was a small moan. Hua Baihe couldn't hear it clearly, so he could only faintly sigh along with the nice tone:

???? "Oh, that's what Jiang Yao's bed is not good at - the quality is too strong."


???? System: “[What else do you want?.jpg]


???? The voice gradually disappeared in the second half of the journey, Hua Baihe was drowsy under the confinement of the dragon in the hall, and when the emperor opened the door early in the morning and ordered 'Come in and serve', he was still sluggish. No response for several seconds.

???? When she filled up the washing water and brought it into the room, she saw Jiang Yao half-squatting, meticulously tying Liu Ye with various straps.

???? She intentionally stepped forward to take over the service, but Jiang Yao raised her hand to dodge, "You don't know the structure of the marching soft armor, it's better for this palace to come. "

???? After finishing speaking, Jiang Yao ordered her to go to the small kitchen of Changle Hall and let the cook serve some soft cakes.

???? At the same time, she said softly to the emperor: "How difficult the marching road is, if the emperor gets up early to eat dry pancakes, it will be difficult to swallow, and if it is porridge soup, it will be difficult to swallow. It is inevitably inconvenient, so I wronged the emperor to put some soft cakes that girls like first."

???? Liu Ye suddenly laughed: "You still remember the last time I told you about your scented tea - what the Queen carefully prepared for me, how can you say it's a grievance?"

???? Hua Baihe was impressed by the love of this pair of emperors, and quietly retreated to pass the meal.

???? After exiting the room, she saw that there was no one left or right, stretched, yawned and called the system: "Why does Jiang Yao like to tease me so much?"

???? The question in the palace late at night was still lingering in her mind, and it hadn't disappeared for a long time.

????—Which of these can make you remember?

????Hua Baihe laughed at that time, pretending to be very sincere: "Niangniang, although the servants don't have much knowledge, they also know that everything here is good. Jade materials and silver ornaments, since the slaves followed the empress, they should not have such shallow eyelids, but... the slaves are inevitably vulgar, and when they see gold, silver, glass, and jade materials, they can't take their eyes off."

???? "If the goddess wants to reward the slaves, the slaves will thank them in advance."

???? At that time, Jiang Yao stared at her for a long time, and when she saw her heart was pounding wildly, what she waited for was a meaningful sentence:

???? "So, do you like it all?"

???? Hua Baihe showed a shy look of money fans at the right time, and then...she was kicked out by Jiang Yao.

????Being forced by the system, she regrets not being able to take the initiative to hook up with the beauty queen, but every time she sees Jiang Yao's affectionate appearance with the emperor, she is also confused. I don't understand how such a piece of rough meat was missed.

????—According to this trend, it is inevitable that the queen and the emperor will be happy to the end.

????"It may be that life in the palace is too boring, and she makes fun of you," the system said: "Anyway, as long as it's not what you think, I'll be ojbk."

???? After speaking, it sent a moving picture, which was a rough man with muscles all over his body, wearing an open file... No, the slit cheongsam was twisting his waist proudly.

???? Hua Baihemu said with a face: "The other party has rejected your message."


??? Once, I now feel that it is not safe to only look at the first half."

???? System: "[You may want to be mad at your father.jpg][Data download.zar]"

???? Hua Baihe ignored his madness, compared the actual progress, and found that the harem is relatively stable now, Shen Qingyu is not competing for favor, and will enter the palace in the future to become the queen's rival sister Jia Fei , I don't know where it is yet.

???? It’s just that the battle of the Northwest started ahead of schedule, and this time the emperor did not sit in the stable rear to point troops, but personally led his troops to expedition—

???? Hua Baihe was stunned for a moment, and there was a bold guess in his heart:

???? "System? Is there another mission operator who changed the world progress?"

???? The system replied dully: "I'm a new task system, ranked at the bottom, and the authority is very low, so I can't know the situation of other departments."

???? Hua Baihe made an 'oh', and only took a guess at Shen Qingyu, the little butterfly who didn't lose her life and changed her fate a little bit, and then she calmed down and said Continue to browse the plots that you didn't watch last time.

???? Jiang Yao's end was even worse than she imagined.

???? Since she was framed as a jealous person and caused Concubine Jia to lose her child, she lost her premature child because of excessive depression, and was treated coldly by the emperor.

???? Changle Palace gradually slumped, and the most loyal servants around her were sent out of the palace early by her. In the huge palace, she was the only one left, the dignified queen of Dayong, reduced to the level of being honored The palace servants sent by the concubine were so harsh that she endured cold food and ridicule every day, and soon she fell ill.

???? After the emperor heard about it, he finally went to see her once, and then he remembered the old feelings, and took those slack slaves to heavy responsibilities, and also meant to restore the honor of the queen.

???? However, soon after, on the empress dowager's 60th birthday, Jiang Yao was given a strange medicine from the Western Regions in the meal. Royal face.

???? Liu Ye couldn't hold back, and if he didn't have any words to turn around for her, he ordered the next day to deprive her of the queen position and let her go to the cold palace to think about it.

???? At that time, Jiang Yao's second child was four months old.

???? She was frozen to death in the cold palace with her child who had not had time to come out.

???? Hua Baihe after reading the whole story: "…"

???? She can hardly imagine that such a downhearted appearance will happen to Jiang Yao, who is so bright with cash, so that when she stepped into the small kitchen, she tripped over the threshold and almost gave her front teeth cooktop.


????Three quarters of an hour later.

???? Liu Ye had breakfast and left early, only one or two pieces of cold jujube soft cake and millet cake were left on the plate.

????Jiang Yao sat in front of the dressing table, holding a wooden comb slowly along her hair, when Hua Baihe came in to clean up the remnants on the table, she asked coldly: " Was it your vigil yesterday?"

???? Hua Baihe responded, and moved his gaze to her subconsciously, but as a rule, he only fixed his gaze on the snow-white skin of her chin.

???? Who would have thought that after waiting for a long time, Jiang Yao did not write any more, and only gave her a light support: "Go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and call Jiang Desheng to Changle Hall, and this palace will order him some things."

???? Hua Baihe nodded and went out.

???? As soon as she went out, she saw Shen Qingyu's personal maid Chuntao twisting her handkerchief and pacing back and forth not far from Changle Hall, looking a little anxious.

???? Seeing Hua Baihe's figure, she hurriedly greeted her and said with a sigh of relief: "Aunt Qingjia, if you are free today, please come to Chuxiu Palace to see the master once. ."

???? Hua Baihe avoided the direction of Chu Xiugong on the road because of the punishment incident before. Seeing Chuntao's reaction now, she couldn't help but be a little stunned: "What's wrong?"

???? "Miss Chen's siblings in the Shen family, Miss Chen Xianglan, followed the Shen family's mother to the mountain to worship the Buddha some time ago. Unfortunately, they were kidnapped by the thieves. Now they have no whereabouts. Worryingly, I don't want to eat and drink, I really have nothing to do." Chuntao's face was full of anxiety, not like a fake.

???? Hua Baihe was a little puzzled:

???? Just after thinking about Jiang Yao's future enemy, Concubine Jia, something happened to her... Is this a coincidence?

???? She calmed Chuntao's mind in a few words: "Today, if I am free, I will report to the Empress and go to Chuxiu Palace to greet the concubine Jing."


???? She knew that Qing Jia could do it! My mother-in-law must be very happy to see her!

???? She happily left, but did not find Hua Baihe staring at her back, with regret in her eyes.

???? "If Shen Qingyu can even attack his own sister, I can only say—" The system spoke slowly.

???? Hua Baihe nodded in agreement: "She must be a werewolf."



???? Hua Baihe served by the side, and found that Jiang Yao actually played several riddles with Jiang Desheng in front of her, and Jiang Desheng’s words were often flattering to the queen:

???? "How are things going?"

???? "Don't worry, madam, the servants dare to neglect the things you ordered. You can wait for the news."

????...In this case, it seems that Jiang Yao had taken Jiang Desheng under his control.

???? She listened to it in a cloudy and foggy way, and she was still pondering, but Jiang Yao seriously asked about the winter skins purchased by the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year, so that she must be sure To ensure the supply of front-line soldiers, the first cost of the harem should be reduced from the Changle Palace.

????Jiang Desheng took the order and bowed respectfully before leaving.

???? Hua Baihe was about to send it off, followed him all the way out of the gate of the main hall, and asked inadvertently: "Eunuch Desheng, what did the mother instruct a few days ago, If you have any inconvenience, you can tell me."

????Jiang Desheng was able to go to the position of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at a young age, which was naturally not easy, he immediately smiled at her and said:

???? "Where are these tasks troublesome to Aunt Qingjia, you are serving the lady, and the good news will naturally fly to you with wings."

???? Huabaihepi looked at him with a gesture of making a little bird fly, and watched him turn away, the smile on his face gradually solidified.

???? "Tonger, I have a bold guess—" She called out to the system in her heart.

???? The system spoke at the same time as she thought.

???? System: "The queen will not be reborn?!"

???? Hua Baihe: "Jiang Yao won't be another tasker, right?!"

???? Just then, behind Hua Baihe came a question that was so tender that the bones were tingling:

???? "Qingjia, since you are so curious about this palace, why don't you ask me directly?"
