MTL - Golden Age Legitimate Fei-~ 15. The slap in the golden temple

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15. Shu wrecked the golden temple

On the early morning of this day, Xu Yushi was handed over to the emperor in the early morning, and the text of the book was written by Ye Wenhua. Xu Yu’s history is not the first book of Dachu’s family. It’s just a slap in the mouth of a magazine. It’s also a slogan that tells the story of how the four women of Ye Family have not been released before the marriage of Miss Ye San and Li Wang. With Li Wang openly double-in pairs, how to have a nameless show. Of course, these are all due to the fact that Ye Wenhua, who is a book of the Ministry of Housing, teaches women. what? You said that Miss Ye San is also the daughter of Ye Shangshu? Ms. Ye San is the granddaughter of Mr. Qing Yun. Does Xu’s lineage and education need to be doubted?

As a foreigner of Ye Wenhua, Xu Jia did not hesitate to aim the artillery fire at the Ye family. It was unexpectedly unexpected, and Ye Shangshu, who was proud of the spring days, was dizzy. Although it is now the second book of the second family, Ye Wenhua is still very awesome to his predecessor, Yue Zhang. A fairly handsome face rose red, but at the same time, he couldn’t say a word to defend himself. Although several people in the Wang family have the heart to come out to save the field, unfortunately their grades have no weight. What's more, the group of Yushitai is not a clear-flow literati, which one is not proud, and most of the time, most of them are also Lushan. The body of the academy was born, but the mouth was not placed. Although this impeachment incident was not a party, it was obvious that Li Wang, the imperial concubine of Li Wang, was sullen at this time, and he did not want to put money out. It is a pity that the official robes of Xu Yushi are thinner, but in this day of nearly four months... it is not cold.

On the Golden Temple, the emperor of the sorghum dragon chair, Mo Jing, looked thoughtfully at the different courtiers under the look. As an emperor, he does not mind that his officials have occasionally fought, and if they all embraced, he would have to worry. However, Xu Jiaran would not hesitate to attack Ye Wenhua for a small Ye Liu, but he did not think of it. Although Xu’s influence in the court is very small now, in the eyes of the people of the world, the Xu family is still the object of their respect and worship. It seems that Ye Shangshu’s days will not be too good. So good, too much scenery will make people think about something that should not be thought of. Some people should also beat it.

“Ye Shangshu, Xu Yushi’s play is true?” Mo Jingyi asked with a smile to Ye Wenhua. The smile of the king and the sly smile made Ye Wenhua give a little bit of coldness.

"The emperor... Wei Chen, Wei Chen Yu..."

"Ye Daren means that Xu Daren has fallen into the same class? But according to the knowledge of the lower officials, as early as last year in Chongyang, someone saw the love of the king and Li Wang, and the two were in pairs. At that time...His Royal Highness and Miss Ye San had not yet dissolved the marriage. "Another censor came forward and slanted Ye Wenhua." Although these officials of Yushitai have no real power, they are all people who have real talents. And most of them disdain and confuse people, of course, not afraid of offending people. The sergeant does not sin, as long as it is not nonsense, even the emperor can not blame, how can others do?

"Yes, Wei Chen seems to have heard the lady mention this matter. I heard that this year's Lantern Festival Lantern Festival Miss Ye also joined hands with ...." Ye Shangshu's old rival, Liu Guifei's father, the Ministry of the Book, is not natural. Falling down the stone. The daughters of Liu Ye’s two families are dying in the palace, and the two families in the hall are also fighting. It is a pity that the roots of Yejia are shallow, and it is now climbing the big tree of Li Wang. At one time, it is impossible to shake the family of Liu family. What's more, Ye Wenhua is still being bombarded by his own foreigner in his own backyard. It is a pity that he will not step on his foot and Liu Shangshu himself. Although Li Wang is the emperor's younger brother and the Queen Mother, his Liu family is not vegetarian. His two grandchildren, a granddaughter, are the emperor's princess.

"Jing Li, what do you say?" Mo Jingyi swept across the temple and asked his eyes on the sullen face of Mo Jingli.

After a quiet silence in the temple, I heard Mo Jingli’s cold voice: “The younger brother has nothing to say.”

Some conservative old ministers snorted in the heart, and the evaluation of the prince was lower. It is true that there is nothing to say, this kind of thing is not to sue the people, but once they are turned over, how can they be punished? Who told Mo Jingli and Ye Ying that they were too arrogant at first, thinking that no one dared to say anything, and openly entered the pair. Not only the DPRK officials, but even ordinary people know. It is now more embarrassing that the more eloquent it is to be turned out by Xu.

The courtiers of Li Wang’s family couldn’t naturally watch their masters swallow this dumb loss, and they quickly made a debut. “The emperor’s emperor, the Miss Ye San’s ignorance and no appearance is not worthy of His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness Li Wang is now personally married to Miss Ye Si.

Xu Yushi sneered a sigh of relief: "Since Li Wang questioned Miss Ye San’s talent and virtue, the bright and retiring marriage is no longer a good thing. Why must such a sneaky thing? According to Shimonoseki, the next day Miss Ye San was retired. I haven’t had a fierce performance and I’m not stalking and refusing to quit my marriage. Miss Ye San’s virtue can be imagined. What’s more... The royal marriage of His Royal Highness and Miss Ye San is the first emperor’s gift!” Who is heavier than giving marriage to the emperor? To say that the seriousness of the Queen Mother gave a full marriage agreement with the emperor, and can already question the virtues of the Queen Mother.

"..." The loyal guardian's courtiers retired with a blank face. The rest of the people, while watching the excitement, expressed sympathy to those who did not know how to live and die with Xu Yushi. A little insightful person who did not know that the year of the Xu family, the second son of the sixteen-year-old squadron, and the six great talents of Nanzhao State became famous. A lot of low-key in these years does not mean that people suddenly become vocal.

"Well, Ye Shangshu can have a self-defense word?" Mo Jingzhen stopped the high-ranking man who was still trying to talk.

Ye Wenhua’s officialdom from such a common year to a second-class official is not white-mixed. He knows that Xu Yushi is well prepared and he can’t justify it. He simply pleads guilty. In the government affairs, the little girl is not strict with discipline, and the emperor is convicted. "The man should not be involved in the government, and neglecting the affairs of the government is completely understandable." The emperor apparently did not intend to smash the courtiers and the most beloved brothers he was using because of this trivial matter. Because he is very satisfied with Ye Wenhua's knowledge of the time, if he continues to argue, he will be forced to punish more seriously. "If this is the case, Ye Shangshu will be fined for one year, and Li Wang will be fined for half a year. In addition, Ms. Ye San, Xiu Minxian, gave the gold and two jade a wishfulness, which is considered to be the makeup of Mr. Qingyun’s granddaughter."

"Thank you for the emperor's grace." Ye Shangshu, a face of iron.

"Thank you for the emperor." Xu Yushi, a light-looking look.

"Thank you, Grand Brother." More gloomy Li Wang.